Head of the Ecosystem Modelling Facility

Miquel de Cáceres Ainsa

Ph.D. in Biology at University of Barcelona (UB, 2005). I am now researcher (Ramón y Cajal programme) at Forest Science Center of Catalonia (CTFC).My most relevant contributions have been in the…

Ph.D. in Biology at University of Barcelona (UB, 2005). I am now researcher (Ramón y Cajal programme) at Forest Science Center of Catalonia (CTFC).

My most relevant contributions have been in the field of statistics applied to community ecology. My current research is focused in modeling the dynamics of Mediterranean plant communities at several scales (from stand to region).

I am member of the editorial board of Journal of Vegetation Science and Phytocoenologia.

Has participated in:

Project / Initiative
National projects

Mejorando el modelado de procesos clave de dinámica forestal para la proyección de cambios a largo plazo del bosque Mediterráneo en un contexto de cambio climático

Gavina sobre sorra
Project / Initiative

Eco-Evolutionary Responses of Animals to Global Change

Ratolí sobre branca
Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Climate-smart rewilding: ecological restoration for climate change mitigation, adaptation and biodiversity support in Europe

Últimes publicacions:

2023 | Journal Article

Sánchez-Pinillos, M.; Kéfi, S.; De Cáceres, M.; Dakos, V.

Ecological dynamic regimes: Identification, characterization, and comparison. -

2023 | Journal Article

Ruffault, J.; Limousin, J.-M.; Pimont, F.; Dupuy, J.-L.; De Càceres, M.; Cochard, H.; Mouillot, F.; Blackman, C.J.; Torres-Ruiz, J.M.; Parsons, R.A.; Moreno, M.; Delzon, S.; Jansen, S.; Olioso, A.; Choat, B.; Martin-StPaul, N.

Plant hydraulic modelling of leaf and canopy fuel moisture content reveals increasing vulnerability of a Mediterranean forest to wildfires under extreme drought. 1256-1269

2023 | Journal Article

Toumi, C.; De Cáceres, M.; Grall, J.; Boyé, A.; Thiébaut, É.; Maguer, M.; Le Garrec, V.; Broudin, C.; Houbin, C.; Gauthier, O.

Long-term coastal macrobenthic Community Trajectory Analysis reveals habitat-dependent stability patterns. -

2023 | Journal Article

Balaguer-Romano, R.; Díaz-Sierra, R.; De Cáceres, M.; Voltas, J.; Boer, M.M.; Resco de Dios, V.

Modeling fuel moisture dynamics under climate change in Spain’s forests. -