
Tree biodiversity protects forests from premature leafing

Just like a sunrise, the emergence of leaves in spring is one of nature’s poetic, awe-inspiring moments. It reminds us of the phases of nature, inexorable and punctual. However, that punctuality is being influenced by climate change, which is causing plants to come into leaf earlier and earlier each year. That, in turn, has consequences for trees, as well as global effects on the carbon cycle and climate change itself. 

Biodiversity Climate change Forest Global change Josep peñuelas

Expedition begins to chart the invisible biodiversity of Pyrenean lakes

The Pyrenees region is experiencing a warming rate higher than the global average, making it a critical observatory for the impacts of climate change. Researchers from Spain, Andorra and France have begun efforts to chart the biodiversity of microorganisms living under the surface of 300 different lakes across the Pyrenees. The initiative will shed light on how invisible communities maintain the health of these unique and fragile ecosystems, helping the region prepare and adapt for the long-term impacts of climate change.

Aigua Biodiversitat Biodiversity Climate change Expedició Expedition Global change Lakes Pirineus Pyrenees Water