CREAF attends the Biodiversity Conference in Montreal, COP15
Alicia perez-porro
Alicia perez-porro @en
Biodiversity and economy
Biodiversity loss
Daniel villero
Ipbes @en
Ipcc @en
Lluis brotons
Lluis brotons @en
Natural heritage and biodiversity observatory
Nature-based solutions
Observatori patrimoni natural i biodiversitat
Sergi herrando @ca
Sergi herrando @en
In memory of Edward O. Wilson
CREAF researchers Olga Boet, Angham Daiyoub, Oriol Lapiedra and Daniel Sol recall the great legacy of the biologist and entomologist Edward Osborne Wilson, a source of inspiration for our field of study.
What is IPBES?
Biodiversity loss is undeniable, but at what rate? Why? How does it affect us? And what can we do? The Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has been answering these questions since its creation in 2012.