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2012 | Artículo

Burgarella, C.; Navascues, Miguel; Zabal-Aguirre, Mario; Berganzo, E.; Riba, Miquel; Mayol Martinez, Maria; Vendramin, G. G.; González Martínez, Santiago César;

Recent population decline and selection shape diversity of taxol-related genes,(ca) - Recent population decline and selection shape diversity of taxol-related genes. 3006-3021

2012 | Artículo

Blanch, J-S.; Sampedro, Luis; Llusià Benet, Joan; Moreira, X.; Zas, R.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Effects of phosphorus availability and genetic variation of leaf terpene content and emission rate in Pinus pinaster seedlings susceptible and resistant to the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis. 66-72

2012 | Artículo

Del Cacho, M.; Lloret Maya, Francisco;

(ca) - Resilience of Mediterranean shrubland to a severe drought episode: The role of seed bank and seedling emergence,Resilience of Mediterranean shrubland to a severe drought episode: the role of seed bank and seedling emergence,(en) - Resilience of Mediterranean shrubland to a severe drought episode: The role of seed bank and seedling emergence. 458-466

2012 | Artículo

Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Rico, L.; Ogaya Inurrigarro, Romà; Jump, Alistair S.; Terradas, J.;

Summer season and long-term drought increase the richness of bacteria and fungi in the foliar phyllosphere of Quercus ilex in a mixed Mediterranean forest,(ca) - Summer season and long-term drought increase the richness of bacteria and fungi in the foliar phyllosphere of Quercus ilex in a mixed Mediterranean forest. 565-575

2012 | Artículo

Romeu-Dalmau, C.; Espadaler, Xavier; Piñol Pascual, Josep;

Abundance, interannual variation and potential pest predator role of two co-occurring earwig species in citrus canopies. 501-509

2012 | Artículo

Vicca, Sara; Luyssaert, Sebastiaan; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Campioli, M.; Chapin, F. S., Iii; Ciais, Philippe; Heinemeyer, Andreas; Hogberg, P.; Kutsch, W. L.; Law, B. E.; Malhi, Yadvinder Singh; Papale, Dario; Piao, Shilong; Reichstein, M.; Schulze, E. D.; Janssens, Ivan A.;

Fertile forests produce biomass more efficiently. 520-526

2012 | Artículo

Beier, Claus; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; Wohlgemuth, Thomas; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Emmett, Bridget; Koerner, Christian; De Boeck, Hans J.; Christensen, Jens H.; Leuzinger, Sebastian; Janssens, Ivan A.; Hansen, Karin;

Precipitation manipulation experiments - challenges and recommendations for the future. 899-911

2012 | Artículo

Piñol Pascual, Josep; Espadaler, Xavier; Canellas, Nuria;

Eight years of ant-exclusion from citrus canopies: effects on the arthropod assemblage and on fruit yield. 49-57

2012 | Artículo

Chytry, Milan; Wild, Jan; Pysek, Petr; Jarosik, Vojtech; Dendoncker, Nicolas; Reginster, Isabelle; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Maskell, Lindsay C.; Vila Planella, Montserrat; Pergl, Jan; Kuehn, Ingolf; Spangenberg, Joachim H.; Settele, Josef;

(ca) - Projecting trends in plant invasions in Europe under different scenarios of future land-use change,Projecting trends in plant invasions in Europe under different scenarios of future land-use change,(en) - Projecting trends in plant invasions in Europe under different scenarios of future land-use change. 75-87

2012 | Artículo

Bartomeus Roig, Ignasi; Sol Rueda, Daniel; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Vicente, Paloma; Font Segura, Xavier;

(en) - Deconstructing the native-exotic richness relationship in plants,Deconstructing the native-exotic richness relationship in plants,(ca) - Deconstructing the native-exotic richness relationship in plants. 524-533

2012 | Artículo

Carnicer Cols, Jofre; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Stefanescu, Constanti; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Biogeography of species richness gradients: linking adaptive traits, demography and diversification. 457-479

2012 | Artículo

Vicca, Sara; Gilgen, A. K.; Serrano, M. Camino; Dreesen, F. E.; Dukes, Jeffrey S.; Estiarte Garrofé, Marc; Gray, S. B.; Guidolotti, G.; Hoeppner, Susanne; Leakey, A. D. B.; Ogaya Inurrigarro, Romà; Ort, D. R.; Ostrogovic, M. Z.; rambal, serge; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Schmitt, M.; Siebers, M.; Van Der Linden, L.; Van Straaten, O.; Granier, A.;

Urgent need for a common metric to make precipitation manipulation experiments comparable. 518-522

2012 | Artículo

De Cáceres Ainsa, Miquel; Brotons Alabau, Lluís;

Calibration of hybrid species distribution models: the value of general-purpose vs. targeted monitoring data,(en) - Calibration of hybrid species distribution models: The value of general-purpose vs. targeted monitoring data. 977-989

2012 | Artículo

Marcer, Arnald; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Brotons Alabau, Lluís;

(ca) - Modelling invasive alien species distributions from digital biodiversity atlases. Model upscaling as a means of reconciling data at different scales,Modelling invasive alien species distributions from digital biodiversity atlases. Model upscaling as a means of reconciling data at different scales,(en) - Modelling invasive alien species distributions from digital biodiversity atlases. Model upscaling as a means of reconciling data at different scales. 1177-1189

2012 | Artículo

Sardá Palomera, Francesc; Puigcerver Oliván, Manel; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Domingo Rodriguez-Teijeiro, Jose;

(en) - Modelling seasonal changes in the distribution of Common Quail Coturnix coturnix in farmland landscapes using remote sensing,Modelling seasonal changes in the distribution of Common Quail Coturnix coturnix in farmland landscapes using remote sensing. 703-713

2012 | Artículo

Rodriguez-Girones, Miguel A.; Bosch Gras, Jordi;

Effects of body size and sociality on the anti-predator behaviour of foraging bees. 1473-1482

2012 | Artículo

Gonzalez, Ana M. Martin; Allesina, Stefano; Rodrigo, Anselm; Bosch Gras, Jordi;

Drivers of compartmentalization in a Mediterranean pollination network,(ca) - Drivers of compartmentalization in a Mediterranean pollination network. 2001-2013

2012 | Artículo

Gasso, Nuria; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Font Segura, Xavier; Vila Planella, Montserrat;

Regional context affects native and alien plant species richness across habitat types,(en) - Regional context affects native and alien plant species richness across habitat types,(ca) - Regional context affects native and alien plant species richness across habitat types. 4-13

2012 | Artículo

Del Cacho, Montse; Saura-Mas, Sandra; Estiarte Garrofé, Marc; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Lloret Maya, Francisco;

(ca) - Effect of experimentally induced climate change on the seed bank of a Mediterranean shrubland,Effect of experimentally induced climate change on the seed bank of a Mediterranean shrubland,(en) - Effect of experimentally induced climate change on the seed bank of a Mediterranean shrubland. 280-291

2012 | Artículo

Bagaria Morato, Guillem;Pino Vilalta, Joan;Rodà de Llanza, Ferran;Guardiola Bufí, Moisès

(en) - Species traits weakly involved in plant responses to landscape properties in Mediterranean grasslands,Species traits weakly involved in plant responses to landscape properties in Mediterranean grasslands,(ca) - Species traits weakly involved in plant responses to landscape properties in Mediterranean grasslands. 432-442

2012 | Artículo

Rodriguez Eraso, Nelly; Armenteras, Dolors; Molowny Horas, Roberto; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(ca) - Patterns and trends of forest loss in the Colombian Guyana,(en) - Patterns and trends of forest loss in the Colombian Guyana,Patterns and Trends of Forest Loss in the Colombian Guyana. 123-132

2012 | Artículo

Bonal Andrés, Raul; Hernandez, Marisa; Ortego, Joaquin; Muñoz Muñoz, Alberto_2; Espelta, Josep Maria;

Positive cascade effects of forest fragmentation on acorn weevils mediated by seed size enlargement,(en) - Positive cascade effects of forest fragmentation on acorn weevils mediated by seed size enlargement. 381-388

2012 | Artículo

De Cáceres Ainsa, Miquel; Legendre, Pierre; Wiser, Susan K.; Brotons Alabau, Lluís;

Using species combinations in indicator value analyses,(en) - Using species combinations in indicator value analyses. 973-982

2012 | Artículo

Sol Rueda, Daniel; Maspons, Joan; Vall-Llosera, Miquel; Bartomeus Roig, Ignasi; Garcia Pena, Gabriel Ernesto; Piñol Pascual, Josep; Freckleton, Robert P.;

(ca) - Unraveling the life history of successful invaders,Unraveling the Life History of Successful Invaders,(en) - Unraveling the life history of successful invaders. 580-583

2012 | Artículo

Espadaler Gelabert, Francesc Xavier;Santamaria del Campo, Sergio

(ca) - Ecto- and endoparasitic fungi on ants from the Holarctic Region,Ecto- and endoparasitic fungi on ants from the Holarctic Region. -

2012 | Artículo

Zozaya, Elena L.; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Saura, Santiago; Pons, Pere; Herrando, Sergi;


2012 | Artículo

Armenteras, Dolors; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(ca) - Dynamics, patterns and causes of fires in northwestern amazonia,(en) - Dynamics, patterns and causes of fires in northwestern amazonia,Dynamics, Patterns and Causes of Fires in Northwestern Amazonia. e35288-

2012 | Artículo

Bartrons Vilamala, Mireia; Grimalt Obrador, Joan O.; de Mendoza, Guillermo; Catalán Aguilà, Jordi;

Pollutant Dehalogenation Capability May Depend on the Trophic Evolutionary History of the Organism: PBDEs in Freshwater Food Webs,(ca) - Pollutant dehalogenation capability may depend on the trophic evolutionary history of the organism: PBDEs in freshwater food webs,(en) - Pollutant dehalogenation capability may depend on the trophic evolutionary history of the organism: PBDEs in freshwater food webs. e41829-

2012 | Artículo

Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Molowny Horas, Roberto; Rodrigo, Anselm; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(en) - Uncoupling the effects of seed predation and seed dispersal by granivorous ants on plant population dynamics,Uncoupling the Effects of Seed Predation and Seed Dispersal by Granivorous Ants on Plant Population Dynamics,(ca) - Uncoupling the effects of seed predation and seed dispersal by granivorous ants on plant population dynamics. e42869-

2012 | Artículo

Garcia, Maria B.; Espadaler, Xavier; Olesen, Jens M.;

Extreme Reproduction and Survival of a True Cliffhanger: The Endangered Plant Borderea chouardii (Dioscoreaceae). e44657-

2012 | Artículo

Entling, Martin; Schweiger, Oliver; Bacher, Sven; Espadaler, Xavier; Hickler, Thomas; Kumschick, Sabrina; Woodcock, Benjamin; Nentwig, Wolfgang;

Species Richness-Environment Relationships of European Arthropods at Two Spatial Grains: Habitats and Countries. e45875-

2012 | Capítulo de libro

de Herralde, Felicidad; Savé Monserrat, Robert; Nadal, M.; Pla, Eduard; Lopez-Bustins, J. A.;

Global Change Influence on Wine Quality in Priorat and Montsant (NE Spain). 39-46

2012 | Artículo

Coll Mir, Lluis; Camarero Martínez, Jesús Julio; Martinez De Aragon, Juan;

Fine root seasonal dynamics, plasticity, and mycorrhization in 2 coexisting Mediterranean oaks with contrasting aboveground phenology,Fine roots seasonal dynamics, plasticity and mycorrhization in two coexisting Mediterranean oaks with contrasting aboveground phenology. 238-245

2012 | Artículo

Donnelly, A.; Caffarra, A.; Kelleher, Colin; O'Neill, B. F.; Diskin, E.; Pletsers, A.; Proctor, H.; Stirnemann, R.; O'Halloran, J.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Hodkinson, Trevor R.; Sparks, Tim;

Surviving in a warmer world: environmental and genetic responses. 245-262

2012 | Artículo

Martinez Vilalta, Jordi; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Alvarez Calafell, Francesc Xavier; Camacho, Juan; Loepfe, Lasse; Piñol Pascual, Josep;

SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION AND PACKING OF XYLEM CONDUITS,(ca) - Spatial distribution and packing of xylem conduits. 1189-1196

2012 | Artículo

Mohr, Claudia; DeCarlo, Peter F.; Heringa, Maarten; Chirico, R.; Slowik, Jay; Richter, R.; Reche, Cristina; Alastuey Urós, José Andrés; Querol Carceller, Xavier; Seco, Roger; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Jimenez, Jose L.; Crippa, M.; Zimmermann, R.; Baltensperger, U.; Prevot, Andre;

(en) - Identification and quantification of organic aerosol from cooking and other sources in Barcelona using aerosol mass spectrometer data,Identification and quantification of organic aerosol from cooking and other sources in Barcelona using aerosol mass spectrometer data. 1649-1665

2012 | Artículo

Bueker, P.; Morrissey, T.; Briolat, A.; Falk, R.; Simpson, D.; Tuovinen, J. -P.; Alonso, R.; Barth, S.; Baumgarten, M.; Grulke, N.; Karlsson, P. E.; King, J.; Lagergren, F.; Matyssek, R.; Nunn, A.; Ogaya Inurrigarro, Romà; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Rhea, L.; Schaub, M.; Uddling, J.; Werner, W.; Emberson, L. D.;

DO3SE modelling of soil moisture to determine ozone flux to forest trees. 5537-5562

2012 | Artículo

Carter, M. S.; Larsen, K. S.; Emmett, Bridget; Estiarte Garrofé, Marc; Field, C.; Leith, I. D.; Lund, Magnus; Meijide, Ana; Mills, R. T. E.; Niinemets, Ue.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Portillo-Estrada, Miguel; Schmidt, I. K.; Selsted, M. B.; Sheppard, L. J.; Sowerby, A.; Tietema, A.; Beier, C.;

Synthesizing greenhouse gas fluxes across nine European peatlands and shrublands - responses to climatic and environmental changes,(en) - Synthesizing greenhouse gas fluxes across nine European peatlands and shrublands-responses to climatic and environmental changes. 3739-3755

2012 | Artículo

Doblas-Miranda, Enrique; Sanchez-Pinero, Francisco; Gonzalez-Megias, Adela;

. 101-114

2011 | Artículo

Peguero, Guille; Lanuza, Oscar R.; Savé Monserrat, Robert; Espelta, Josep Maria;

(en) - Allelopathic potential of the neotropical dry-forest tree Acacia pennatula Benth.: Inhibition of seedling establishment exceeds facilitation under tree canopies,Allelopathic potential of the neotropical dry-forest tree Acacia pennatula Benth.: inhibition of seedling establishment exceeds facilitation under tree canopies,Allelopathic potential of the dry tropical tree Acacia pennatula Benth.: inhibition of seedling establishment exceeds facilitation under tree canopies. 1945-1953

2011 | Artículo

Chelinho, Sonia; Domene, Xavier; Campana, Paolo; Natal da Luz, Tiago; Scheffczyk, Adam; Roembke, Joerg; Andres, Pilar; Sousa, Jost Paulo;

(ca) - Improving ecological risk assessment in the Mediterranean area: Selection of reference soils and evaluating the influence of soil properties on avoidance and reproduction of two oligochaete species,(en) - Improving ecological risk assessment in the Mediterranean area: Selection of reference soils and evaluating the influence of soil properties on avoidance and reproduction of two oligochaete species,IMPROVING ECOLOGICAL RISK ASSESSMENT IN THE MEDITERRANEAN AREA: SELECTION OF REFERENCE SOILS AND EVALUATING THE INFLUENCE OF SOIL PROPERTIES ON AVOIDANCE AND REPRODUCTION OF TWO OLIGOCHAETE SPECIES. 1050-1058

2011 | Artículo

Domene, Xavier; Chelinho, Sonia; Campana, Paolo; Natal da Luz, Tiago; Alcaniz, Josep M.; Andres, Pilar; Roembke, Joerg; Sousa, Paulo;

(en) - Influence of soil properties on the performance of Folsomia candida: Implications for its use in soil ecotoxicology testing,INFLUENCE OF SOIL PROPERTIES ON THE PERFORMANCE OF FOLSOMIA CANDIDA: IMPLICATIONS FOR ITS USE IN SOIL ECOTOXICOLOGY TESTING,(ca) - Influence of soil properties on the performance of Folsomia candida: Implications for its use in soil ecotoxicology testing. 1497-1505

2011 | Artículo

Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Rivas Ubach, Albert;

Ecological metabolomics: overview of current developments and future challenges. 191-225

2011 | Artículo

Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Ferrandiz-Rovira, Mariona; Pladevall, Clara; Rodrigo, Anselm;

(ca) - Worker size-related task partitioning in the foraging strategy of a seed-harvesting ant species,Worker size-related task partitioning in the foraging strategy of a seed-harvesting ant species. 1881-1890

2011 | Artículo

Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Gaucherel, Cedric; Andersen, Alan;

Dominance and species co-occurrence in highly diverse ant communities: a test of the interstitial hypothesis and discovery of a three-tiered competition cascade. 783-794

2011 | Artículo

Luis Quero, Jose; Sterck, Frank J.; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi; Villar, Rafael;

(ca) - Water-use strategies of six co-existing Mediterranean woody species during a summer drought,Water-use strategies of six co-existing Mediterranean woody species during a summer drought. 45-57

2011 | Artículo

Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Rodrigo, Anselm; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

What are the consequences of ant-seed interactions on the abundance of two dry-fruited shrubs in a Mediterranean scrub?,(ca) - What are the consequences of ant-seed interactions on the abundance of two dry-fruited shrubs in a Mediterranean scrub?,(en) - What are the consequences of ant-seed interactions on the abundance of two dry-fruited shrubs in a Mediterranean scrub?. 1027-1039

2011 | Artículo

Estiarte Garrofé, Marc; Puig, Gloria; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Large delay in flowering in continental versus coastal populations of a Mediterranean shrub, Globularia alypum. 855-865

2011 | Artículo

Gracia, Marc; Meghelli, Nacima; Comas, Lluis; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(ca) - Land-cover changes in and around a National Park in a mountain landscape in the Pyrenees,Land-cover changes in and around a National Park in a mountain landscape in the Pyrenees,(en) - Land-cover changes in and around a National Park in a mountain landscape in the Pyrenees. 349-358

2011 | Artículo

Armenteras, D; Rodriguez, N; Retana Alumbreros, Javier; Morales, M;

(en) - Understanding deforestation in montane and lowland forests of the Colombian Andes,Understanding deforestation in montane and lowland forests of the Colombian Andes,(ca) - Understanding deforestation in montane and lowland forests of the Colombian Andes. 693-705