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Watering Talents
Watering Talents
'Watering Talents' es el programa de formación de CREAF que se actualiza trimestralmente con el objetivo de ayudar al personal del centro a alcanzar su máximo potencial profesional. Proporciona oportunidades de aprendizaje para desarrollar no sólo habilidades de investigación, sino también habilidades transferibles en un entorno complejo y cambiante, tanto dentro del ámbito académico como fuera.

El programa 'Watering Talents' incluye una variedad de cursos. A continuación, algunos ejemplos:
Mixed models are frequently used in ecology because they allow answering study questions from complex experimental designs where the existence of correlated observations or with heterogeneous variability linked to the presence of random factors is contemplated. The aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the statistical methodology of this type of analysis and to understand its applications from a fully applied perspective and based on practical examples.
The goal of this workshop is to help publishing scientists develop a more impartial, analytical view of scientific writing, to better understand their readers as the focus for their scientific communication, and to make them more efficient writers and editors. Participants will gain a global framework for conceptualising the entire publishing process, how to create an expectation in the reader and then deliver on that expectation, and how to make the qualitative jump from a passive scientific account to an active scientific argument.
Creative moments are critical hallmarks of the scientific process, from the “Aha!” moment that jumpstarts a new research field, to the small technical innovation that improves an existing protocol. Despite their importance to the scientific process, it is still hard to foster processes that increase creativity and collaboration in research teams. This interactive workshop aims to fill this gap. The workshop draws from a palette of sources, including recent scientific findings on creative processes, knowledge and practices concerning organizational behaviour, and concepts from the creative arts. The course will be conducted by trainers with experience in interdisciplinary research on human creativity and many years of experience in facilitating workshops for scientists.
The main objective of the course is to provide participants with the basic knowledge on the structure of Horizon Europe and other EU programs of potential interest, where to find my opportunities, the rules for participation to HE and general tips for starting playing a role in the European R&I arena.
This workshop will introduce best practice supervisory skills to effectively manage an existing supervisor, Ph.D. student relationship. The course will explore how to provide the appropriate level of supervisor contributions in relation to student competence and confidence and how to balance your and their workload with objectives and constraints in mind. Finally, you will learn how to deliver effective feedback and manage difficult conversations.
Career Week is a dynamic series of sessions facilitating connections between CREAF staff with professionals who have navigated diverse career paths after the PhD, both within and outside academia. Attendees gain invaluable insights into various career trajectories, enriching their understanding of available opportunities. Career Week serves as a platform to broaden horizons and inspire CREAF staff, empowering them to explore a wider spectrum of career options beyond the traditional ones.
In this workshop we walk through the elements of a research proposal and the process of developing it looking at how to incorporate diversity and internationalisation in different ways regarding the team, collaborations, content, ethics etc. We use a broad definition of diversity addressing gender, race, ethnicity, age, ability, sexual orientation etc. We put it into context showing how the particular settings of international research can make this work a challenge, but also how research policy is changing this topic will be increasingly important in the future. Finally, we look at how to incorporate diversity in a research strategy in order to improve the work on the topic in the long run or to lean into the topic for researchers less experienced with the topic. The tools used here will be both on an individual and research group level
In this workshop we will introduce and explore key concepts and tools for designing and delivering scientific presentations. We will explore some fundamental aspects of scientific communication, with a focus on how they apply to oral presentations, including the profile and interests of potential audiences, and practical tools for clarifying the scientific message and pitching it at the right level for the audience. We will then work on strategies for developing structure and content, followed by input and exercises on practical aspects of giving a talk. Finally we will discuss, practice, and troubleshoot best practices for delivering presentations. An important deliverable for this workshop is that the participants will develop and practice an oral presentation to be delivered in their current work setting.
L’objectiu del curs és proporcionar eines per a mantenir l’estabilitat emocional davant les complicacions diàries. Els continguts inclouen la identificació de les fonts d’estrès, descobrir diferents mirades possibles de les fonts d’estrès, identificar els compromisos i els valors personals, la comunicació emocional i la relació amb els altres, la transformació de les preocupacions en accions i la gestió del temps. Tots aquests aspectes s’acompanyen amb pràctica de relaxació basada en l’atenció plena.
Funding agencies, your colleagues… Everybody’s asking you to increase the transparency and accessibility of your research. But what does Open Science entail? And how do you actually do it? This 2-day workshop will give you the basics to manage your data throughout the whole research cycle.
This course is open to anyone who is interested in finding out more about these new tools and how they can help in the research writing process in English. In this hands-on, experiential workshop series, participants will explore several sophisticated tools that can aide in the research writing process. They will experiment with these tools individually and in small groups and, through a series of instructor provided prompts that take them from tool to tool to gradually build a coherent piece of writing, they will produce a short AI-assisted text suitable for inclusion in an introduction.
Version control are systems that track changes in files over time, in a way that allow us to recall those changes/versions later in time. This makes it possible to trace changes in the files and give us the ability to restore files and go back “in time”. This course is intended as an introduction to git and control version systems in general. We will see how to use git efficiently in several scenarios (individual work, collaborations…) and explain the basics of the git workflow as well as also more advanced techniques (branches, merges, pull-requests...). Finally, we will introduce how to use available online services (GitHub, GitLab…) that allows us to store and share our git repositories.
En este curso aprenderás a utilizar las principales técnicas de Machine Learning o aprendizaje automático, basadas en árboles, comprendiendo en profundidad su funcionamiento. El curso tiene una fuerte componente práctica (~80%), con muchos ejercicios prácticos, la mayoría con datos y problemas reales, que se irán viendo simultáneamente con la teoría. Se necesitan conocimientos básicos de R.
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The Commission’s proposal for Horizon Europe includes a ground breaking approach for capturing and communicating impact - the Key Impact Pathways. In this hands-on workshop you will learn how this new approach aligns with a new level of ambition to boost the diversity of impact of EU research and innovation funding.