MEDFATE 2.9.3: a trait-enabled model to simulate Mediterranean forest function and dynamics at regional scales,(ca) - MEDFATE 2.9.3,(en) - MEDFATE 2.9.3: a trait-enabled model to simulate Mediterranean forest function and dynamics at regional scales. 3165-3201
Jaime, Luciana; Batllori, Enric; Ferretti, Marco; Lloret, Francisco
Climatic and stand drivers of forest resistance to recent bark beetle disturbance in European coniferous forests,(en) - Climatic and stand drivers of forest resistance to recent bark beetle disturbance in European coniferous forests. 2830-2841
Lloret, F.; Jaime, L.A.; Margalef-Marrase, J.; Pérez-Navarro, M.A.; Batllori, E.
(en) - Short-term forest resilience after drought-induced die-off in Southwestern European forests,Short-term forest resilience after drought-induced die-off in Southwestern European forests. 150940-
Jaime, Luciana; Hart, Sarah J.; Lloret, Francisco; Veblen, Thomas T.; Andrus, Robert; Rodman, Kyle; Batllori, Enric
(en) - Species Climatic Suitability Explains Insect–Host Dynamics in the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA,Species Climatic Suitability Explains Insect–Host Dynamics in the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA,Species climatic suitability explains insect-host dynamics in the Southern Rocky Mountains, USA. 91-104
Species climatic niche explains post-fire regeneration of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) under compounded effects of fire and drought in east Spain,(en) - Species climatic niche explains post-fire regeneration of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) under compounded effects of fire and drought in east Spain,Species climatic niche explains post-fire regeneration of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) under compunded effects of fire and drought in east Spain. 149308-149308
Batllori, Enric; Lloret, Francisco; Aakala, Tuomas; Anderegg, William R. L.; Aynekulu, Ermias; Bendixsen, Devin P.; Bentouati, Abdallah; Bigler, Christof; Burk, C. John; Camarero, J. Julio; Colangelo, Michele; Coop, Jonathan D.; Fensham, Roderick; Floyd, M. Lisa; Galiano, Lucia; Ganey, Joseph L.; Gonzalez, Patrick; Jacobsen, Anna L.; Kane, Jeffrey Michael; Kitzberger, Thomas; Linares, Juan C.; Marchetti, Suzanne B.; Matusick, George; Michaelian, Michael; Navarro-Cerrillo, Rafael M.; Pratt, Robert Brandon; Redmond, Miranda D.; Rigling, Andreas; Ripullone, Francesco; Sanguesa-Barreda, Gabriel; Sasal, Yamila; Saura-Mas, Sandra; Suarez, Maria Laura; Veblen, Thomas T.; Vila-Cabrera, Albert; Vincke, Caroline; Zeeman, Ben
Forest and woodland replacement patterns following drought-related mortality,(ca) - Forest and woodland replacement patterns following drought-related mortality,(en) - Forest and woodland replacement patterns following drought-related mortality. 29720-29729
Disentangling the Influence of Past Fires on Subsequent Fires in Mediterranean Landscapes,Disentangling the influence of past fires on subsequent fire regimes in Mediterranean landscapes,(en) - Disentangling the Influence of Past Fires on Subsequent Fires in Mediterranean Landscapes. 1338-1351
Batllori, Enric; De Cáceres Ainsa, Miquel; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Ackerly, David D.; Moritz, Max A.; Lloret Maya, Francisco;
Cumulative effects of fire and drought in Mediterranean ecosystems,(ca) - Cumulative effects of fire and drought in Mediterranean ecosystems,(en) - Cumulative effects of fire and drought in Mediterranean ecosystems. e01906-
Julio Camarero, J.; Carlos Linares, Juan; Garcia-Cervigon, Ana I.; Batllori, Enric; Martinez, Isabel; Gutiérrez Merino, Emilia;
Back to the Future: The responses of alpine treelines to climate warming are constrained by the current ecotone structure.,Back to the Future: The Responses of Alpine Treelines to Climate Warming are Constrained by the Current Ecotone Structure. 683-700
Mann, Michael L.; Batllori, Enric; Moritz, Max A.; Waller, Eric K.; Berck, Peter; Flint, Alan L.; Flint, Lorraine E.; Dolfi, Emmalee;
Incorporating anthropogenic influences into fire probability models: Effects of human activity and climate change on fire activity in California,Incorporating Anthropogenic Influences into Fire Probability Models: Effects of Human Activity and Climate Change on Fire Activity in California. -
Batllori, Enric; Ackerly, David D.; Moritz, Max A.;
A minimal model of fire-vegetation feedbacks and disturbance stochasticity generates alternative stable states in grassland-shrubland-woodland systems,A minimal model of fire-vegetation feedbacks and disturbance stochasticity generates alternative stbale states in grassland-shrubland-woodland systems. 034018-
Moritz, Max A.; Batllori, Enric; Bradstock, Ross A.; Gill, A. Malcolm; Handmer, John; Hessburg, Paul F.; Leonard, Justin; Mccaffrey, Sarah; Odion, Dennis C.; Schoennagel, Tania; Syphard, Alexandra D.;