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2023 | Artículo

Masó, Joan; Pons, Xavier

New names for evolutions of the original concept: the distributed geospatial data for the Digital Earth / Nuevos nombres para la evolución del concepto original: los datos geospaciales distribuidos para la tierra digital. 45383-

2023 | Artículo

Pons, Xavier; Maso, Joan

On the recent passing away of Jeff de La Beaujardière: A necessary tribute / Sobre el reciente fallecimiento de Jeff de La Beaujardière: un homenaje necesario. 1-3

2023 | Artículo

Maso, Joan;Zabala Torres, Alaitz;Serral, Ivette

(ca) - Earth Observations for Sustainable Development Goals,Earth Observations for Sustainable Development Goals. 2570-

2023 | Artículo

Maso, Joan;Brobia, Alba;Voidrot, Marie Francoise;Zabala Torres, Alaitz;Serral, Ivette

G-reqs, a New Model Proposal for Capturing and Managing In Situ Data Requirements: First Results in the Context of the Group on Earth Observations,(ca) - G-reqs, a New Model Proposal for Capturing and Managing In Situ Data Requirements,(en) - G-reqs, a New Model Proposal for Capturing and Managing In Situ Data Requirements: First Results in the Context of the Group on Earth Observations. -

2022 | Artículo

Pirrone, Nicola; Mazzetti, Paolo; Cinnirella, Sergio; Athanasopoulou, Eleni; Gerasopoulos, Evangelos; Klánová, Jana; Lehmann, Anthony; Pau, Joan Masó; Petäjä, Tuukka; Pokorný, Lukáš; Šebková, Kateřina

The science-policy interfaces of the European network for observing our changing planet: From Earth Observation data to policy-oriented decisions,(en) - The science-policy interfaces of the European network for observing our changing planet: From Earth Observation data to policy-oriented decisions. 359-372

2022 | Artículo

Domingo Marimon, Cristina;Maso, Joan;Prat, Ester;Zabala Torres, Alaitz;Serral, Ivette;Batalla, Meritxell;Ninyerola Casals, Miquel;Cristobal Rosselló, Jordi

(en) - Aligning citizen science and remote sensing phenology observations to characterize climate change impact on vegetation,(ca) - Aligning citizen science and remote sensing phenology observations to characterize climate change impact on vegetation,Aligning citizen science and remote sensing phenology observations to characterize climate change impact on vegetation. 85007-

2022 | Artículo

Lehmann, Anthony; Mazzetti, Paolo; Santoro, Mattia; Nativi, Stefano; Masò, Joan; Serral, Ivette; Spengler, Daniel; Niamir, Aidin; Lacroix, Pierre; Ambrosone, Mariapaola; McCallum, Ian; Kussul, Nataliia; Patias, Petros; Rodila, Denisa; Ray, Nicolas; Giuliani, Grégory

Essential earth observation variables for high-level multi-scale indicators and policies,(en) - Essential earth observation variables for high-level multi-scale indicators and policies. 105-117

2021 | Artículo

Xavier Pons; Joan Masó Pau

Data type, compression and interoperability in geographic information formats / Tipos de datos, compresión e interoperabilidad en los formatos de información geográfica. 1-4

2021 | Artículo

Ariza-López, Francisco Javier; Rodríguez-Pascual, Antonio; Lopez-Pellicer, Francisco J.; Vilches-Blázquez, Luis M.; Villar-Iglesias, Agustín; Masó, Joan; Díaz-Díaz, Efrén; Ureña-Cámara, Manuel Antonio; González-Yanes, Alberto

An Analysis of Existing Production Frameworks for Statistical and Geographic Information: Synergies, Gaps and Integration,(en) - An analysis of existing production frameworks for statistical and geographic information: Synergies, gaps and integration. 374-374

2021 | Artículo

Zabala Torres, Alaitz;Maso, Joan;Bastin, Lucy;Giuliani, Gregory;Pons Fernandez, Xavier

(en) - Geospatial user feedback: How to raise users’ voices and collectively build knowledge at the same time,(ca) - Geospatial user feedback,Geospatial User Feedback: How to Raise Users’ Voices and Collectively Build Knowledge at the Same Time. 141-141

2021 | Artículo

Closa, Guillem; Masó, Joan; Julià, Núria; Pons, Xavier

Geospatial Queries on Data Collection Using a Common Provenance Model,(en) - Geospatial queries on data collection using a common provenance model,(ca) - Geospatial queries on data collection using a common provenance model. 139-139

2020 | Artículo

Fraisl, Dilek; Campbell, Jillian; See, Linda; Wehn, Uta; Wardlaw, Jessica; Gold, Margaret; Moorthy, Inian; Arias, Rosa; Piera, Jaume; Oliver, Jessica L.; Masó, Joan; Penker, Marianne; Fritz, Steffen

(en) - Mapping citizen science contributions to the UN sustainable development goals,Mapping citizen science contributions to the UN sustainable development goals. 1735-1751

2020 | Artículo

Masó, Joan;Zabala Torres, Alaitz;Pons Fernandez, Xavier

(ca) - Protected areas from space map browser with fast visualization and analytical operations on the fly. Characterizing statistical uncertainties and balancing them with visual perception,Protected areas from space map browser with fast visualization and analytical operations on the fly. Characterizing statistical uncertainties and balancing them with visual perception,(en) - Protected areas from space map browser with fast visualization and analytical operations on the fly. Characterizing statistical uncertainties and balancing them with visual perception. 300-

2020 | Artículo

Lehmann, Anthony; Nativi, Stefano; Mazzetti, Paolo; Maso, Joan; Serral, Ivette; Spengler, Daniel; Niamir, Aidin; McCallum, Ian; Lacroix, Pierre; Patias, Petros; Rodila, Denisa; Ray, Nicolas; Giuliani, Grégory

GEOEssential – mainstreaming workflows from data sources to environment policy indicators with essential variables,GEOEssential–mainstreaming workflows from data sources to environment policy indicators with essential variables International,(en) - GEOEssential–mainstreaming workflows from data sources to environment policy indicators with essential variables. 322-338

2020 | Artículo

McCallum, Ian; Montzka, Carsten; Bayat, Bagher; Kollet, Stefan; Kolotii, Andrii; Kussul, Nataliia; Lavreniuk, Mykola; Lehmann, Anthony; Maso, Joan; Mazzetti, Paolo; Mosnier, Aline; Perracchione, Emma; Putti, Mario; Santoro, Mattia; Serral, Ivette; Shumilo, Leonid; Spengler, Daniel; Fritz, Steffen

Developing food, water and energy nexus workflows,(en) - Developing food, water and energy nexus workflows. 299-308

2020 | Artículo

Lehmann, Anthony; Masò, Joan; Nativi, Stefano; Giuliani, Gregory

Towards integrated essential variables for sustainability,(en) - Towards integrated essential variables for sustainability. 158-165

2019 | Artículo

Maso, Joan;Serral, Ivette;Domingo Marimon, Cristina;Zabala Torres, Alaitz

(ca) - Earth observations for sustainable development goals monitoring based on essential variables and driver-pressure-state-impact-response indicators,Earth observations for sustainable development goals monitoring based on essential variables and driver-pressure-state-impact-response indicators,(en) - Earth observations for sustainable development goals monitoring based on essential variables and driver-pressure-state-impact-response indicators. 217-235

2019 | Artículo

Closa, Guillem;Masó, Joan;Zabala Torres, Alaitz;Pesquer Mayos, Lluis;Pons Fernandez, Xavier

(ca) - A provenance metadata model integrating ISO geospatial lineage and the OGC WPS: Conceptual model and implementation,(en) - A provenance metadata model integrating ISO geospatial lineage and the OGC WPS: Conceptual model and implementation,A provenance metadata model integrating ISO geospatial lineage and the OGC WPS: Conceptual model and implementation. 1102-1124

2018 | Artículo

Maso, Joan; Zabala Torres, Alaitz; Serral, I.; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

Remote sensing analytical geospatial operations directly in the web browser. 475-482

2017 | Artículo

Closa, Guillem; Maso, Joan; Pross, Benjamin; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(ca) - W3C PROV to describe provenance at the dataset, feature and attribute levels in a distributed environment,W3C PROV to describe provenance at the dataset, feature and attribute levels in a distributed environment,(en) - W3C PROV to describe provenance at the dataset, feature and attribute levels in a distributed environment. 103-117

2017 | Capítulo de libro

Baumann, Peter; Hirschorn, Eric; Maso, Joan; Merticariu, Vlad; Misev, Dimitar;

All in One: Encoding Spatio-Temporal Big Data in XML, JSON, and RDF without Information Loss. 3406-3415

2016 | Artículo

Pons Fernández, Xavier; Maso, Joan;

(en) - A comprehensive open package format for preservation and distribution of geospatial data and metadata,(ca) - A comprehensive open package format for preservation and distribution of geospatial data and metadata,A comprehensive open package format for preservation and distribution of geospatial data and metadata. 89-97

2016 | Artículo

Baumann, Peter; Hirschorn, Eric; Maso, Joan; Dumitru, Alex; Merticariu, Vlad;

Taming Twisted Cubes. 1-6

2015 | Capítulo de libro

Maso, Joan; Closa, Guillem; Gil, Yolanda;

Applying W3C PROV to Express Geospatial Provenance at Feature and Attribute Level. 271-274

2015 | Capítulo de libro

Menard, Lionel; Nuest, Daniel; Ngo, Khai-Minh; BLANC, Philippe; Jirka, Simon; Maso, Joan; Ranchin, Thierry; Wald, Lucien;

Interoperable Exchange Of Surface Solar Irradiance Observations: A Challenge. 113-120

2015 | Artículo

Blower, Jon D.; Maso, Joan; Diaz, Daniel; Roberts, Charles J.; Griffiths, Guy H.; Lewis, Jane P.; Yang, Xiaoyu; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(ca) - Communicating thematic data quality with web map services,Communicating Thematic Data Quality with Web Map Services,(en) - Communicating thematic data quality with web map services. 1965-1981

2014 | Artículo

Maso, Joan; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Zabala Torres, Alaitz;

Building the World Wide Hypermap (WWH) with a RESTful architecture,(ca) - Building the World Wide Hypermap WWH with a RESTful architecture,(en) - Building the World Wide Hypermap (WWH) with a RESTful architecture. 175-193

2014 | Artículo

Díaz, Paula; Maso, Joan;

Social networks and internet communities in the field of geographic information and their role in open data government initiatives. 1586-1618

2013 | Capítulo de libro

Diaz, Paula; Maso, Joan;

Evolution of production and the efficient location of renewable energies. The case of China. 15-24

2013 | Artículo

Yang, X.; Blower, J. D.; Bastin, Lucy; Lush, V.; Zabala Torres, Alaitz; Maso, Joan; Cornford, D.; Diaz, P.; Lumsden, J.;

(ca) - An integrated view of data quality in Earth observation,An integrated view of data quality in Earth observation,(en) - An integrated view of data quality in Earth observation. 20120072-

2013 | Artículo

Zabala Torres, Alaitz; Riverola, Anna; Serral, Ivette; Diaz, Paula; Lush, Victoria; Maso, Joan; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Habermann, Ted;

(ca) - Rubric-Q: adding quality-related elements to the GEOSS Clearinghouse Datasets,Rubric-Q: Adding Quality-Related Elements to the GEOSS Clearinghouse Datasets,(en) - Rubric-Q: Adding quality-related elements to the GEOSS clearinghouse datasets. 1676-1687

2013 | Artículo

Díaz, Paula; Maso, Joan;

Social networks and internet communities in the field of geographic information and their role in open data government initiatives. 284-314

2012 | Artículo

Maso, Joan; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Zabala Torres, Alaitz;

(en) - Tuning the second-generation sdi: Theoretical aspects and real use cases,Tuning the second-generation SDI: theoretical aspects and real use cases,(ca) - Tuning the second-generation sdi: Theoretical aspects and real use cases. 983-1014

2012 | Capítulo de libro

Lino Monteagudo-Pereira, J.; Aulí Llinàs, Francesc; Serra Sagrista, Joan; Zabala Torres, Alaitz; Maso, Joan; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

Enhanced transmission of JPEG2000 imagery through JPIP proxy and user-navigation model. 22-31

2012 | Capítulo de libro

Serral, Ivette; Diaz, Paula; Maso, Joan; Pons Fernández, Xavier;