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2023 | Artículo

Thurman, T.J.; Palmer, T.M.; Kolbe, J.J.; Askary, A.M.; Gotanda, K.M.; Lapiedra, O.; Kartzinel, T.R.; Veld, N.M.I.; Revell, L.J.; Wegener, J.E.; Schoener, T.W.; Spiller, D.A.; Losos, J.B.; Pringle, R.M.; Barrett, R.D.H.

The Difficulty of Predicting Evolutionary Change in Response to Novel Ecological Interactions: A Field Experiment with Anolis Lizards. 537-556

2023 | Artículo

Sole-Medina, Aida; Ramirez-Valiente, Jose Alberto

Common garden experiments reveal acquisitive strategies for responding to drought in seedlings of forest tree species: a commentary on Clinal variations in seedling traits and responses to water availability correspond to seed-source environmental gradients in a foundational dryland tree species'. I-II

2023 | Artículo

Petit, G.; Mencuccini, M.; Carrer, M.; Prendin, A.L.; Hölttä, T.

Axial conduit widening, tree height, and height growth rate set the hydraulic transition of sapwood into heartwood. 5072-5087

2023 | Artículo

Leland, C.; Andreu-Hayles, L.; Cook, E.R.; Anchukaitis, K.J.; Byambasuren, O.; Davi, N.; Hessl, A.; Martin-Benito, D.; Nachin, B.; Pederson, N.

Impacts of climate and tree morphology on tree-ring stable isotopes in central Mongolia. 539-555

2023 | Artículo

Xu, B.; Wei, H.; Cai, Z.; Yang, J.; Zhang, Z.; Wang, C.; Li, J.; Zhao, J.; Qu, Y.; Yin, G.; Verger, A.

Exploring the Potential of Gaofen-1/6 for Crop Monitoring: Generating Daily Decametric-Resolution Leaf Area Index Time Series. -

2023 | Artículo

Bolander, M.; Andersen, J.E.; Conlon, B.H.; Arnan, X.; Michelsen, A.; Shik, J.Z.

Reciprocal nutritional provisioning between leafcutter ants and their fungal cultivar mediates performance of symbiotic farming systems. 3079-3090

2023 | Artículo

Verspagen, N.; Ikonen, S.; Maes, D.; Stefanescu, C.; DiLeo, M.F.; Saastamoinen, M.

Thermal plasticity in development and diapause strategy in a temperate butterfly across a latitudinal gradient. 3111-3123

2023 | Artículo

Yan, P.; Zhang, J.; He, N.; Zhang, W.; Liu, C.; Fernández-Martínez, M.

Functional diversity and soil nutrients regulate the interannual variability in gross primary productivity. 1094-1106

2023 | Artículo

Toumi, C.; De Cáceres, M.; Grall, J.; Boyé, A.; Thiébaut, É.; Maguer, M.; Le Garrec, V.; Broudin, C.; Houbin, C.; Gauthier, O.

Long-term coastal macrobenthic Community Trajectory Analysis reveals habitat-dependent stability patterns. -

2023 | Artículo

Freires, A.S.A.; Ferreira, C.A.S.; Nascimento, G.; Arnan, X.

Carbohydrate-rich diet increases critical thermal maximum in ants. 240-247

2023 | Artículo

Zhou, S.-Y.-D.; Lie, Z.; Liu, X.; Zhu, Y.-G.; Peñuelas, J.; Neilson, R.; Su, X.; Liu, Z.; Chu, G.; Meng, Z.; Yan, J.; Liu, J.

Distinct patterns of soil bacterial and fungal community assemblages in subtropical forest ecosystems under warming. 1501-1513

2023 | Artículo

Zuccarini, Paolo; Sardans, Jordi; Asensio, Loles; Peñuelas, Josep

Altered activities of extracellular soil enzymes by the interacting global environmental changes. 2067-2091

2023 | Artículo

Yan, P.; Fernández-Martínez, M.; Van Meerbeek, K.; Yu, G.; Migliavacca, M.; He, N.

The essential role of biodiversity in the key axes of ecosystem function. 4569-4585

2023 | Artículo

Ramírez-Valiente, J.A.; Solé-Medina, A.; Robledo-Arnuncio, J.J.; Ortego, J.

Genomic data and common garden experiments reveal climate-driven selection on ecophysiological traits in two Mediterranean oaks. 983-999

2023 | Artículo

Ruffault, J.; Limousin, J.-M.; Pimont, F.; Dupuy, J.-L.; De Càceres, M.; Cochard, H.; Mouillot, F.; Blackman, C.J.; Torres-Ruiz, J.M.; Parsons, R.A.; Moreno, M.; Delzon, S.; Jansen, S.; Olioso, A.; Choat, B.; Martin-StPaul, N.

Plant hydraulic modelling of leaf and canopy fuel moisture content reveals increasing vulnerability of a Mediterranean forest to wildfires under extreme drought. 1256-1269

2023 | Artículo

Gardner, A.; Jiang, M.; Ellsworth, D.S.; MacKenzie, A.R.; Pritchard, J.; Bader, M.K.-F.; Barton, C.V.M.; Bernacchi, C.; Calfapietra, C.; Crous, K.Y.; Dusenge, M.E.; Gimeno, T.E.; Hall, M.; Lamba, S.; Leuzinger, S.; Uddling, J.; Warren, J.; Wallin, G.; Medlyn, B.E.

Optimal stomatal theory predicts CO2 responses of stomatal conductance in both gymnosperm and angiosperm trees. 1229-1241

2023 | Artículo

Bogdziewicz, M.; Calama, R.; Courbaud, B.; Espelta, J.M.; Hacket-Pain, A.; Journé, V.; Kunstler, G.; Steele, M.; Qiu, T.; Zywiec, M.; Clark, J.S.

How to measure mast seeding?. 830-838

2023 | Artículo

Rowland, Lucy; Ramírez-Valiente, Jose-Alberto; Hartley, Iain P.; Mencuccini, Maurizio

How woody plants adjust above- and below-ground traits in response to sustained drought. 1173-1189

2023 | Artículo

Binks, O.; Cernusak, L.A.; Liddell, M.; Bradford, M.; Coughlin, I.; Bryant, C.; Palma, A.C.; Hoffmann, L.; Alam, I.; Carle, H.J.; Rowland, L.; Oliveira, R.S.; Laurance, S.G.W.; Mencuccini, M.; Meir, P.

Vapour pressure deficit modulates hydraulic function and structure of tropical rainforests under nonlimiting soil water supply. 1405-1420

2023 | Artículo

Zheng, T.; Mencuccini, M.; Abdul-Hamid, H.

No evidence of age-related decline in propagated Acer pseudoplatanus and Fraxinus excelsior plants. e13915-

2023 | Artículo

Wagner, Y.; Volkov, M.; Nadal-Sala, D.; Ruehr, N.K.; Hochberg, U.; Klein, T.

Relationships between xylem embolism and tree functioning during drought, recovery, and recurring drought in Aleppo pine. -

2023 | Artículo

Sardans, Jordi; Lambers, Hans; Preece, Catherine; Alrefaei, Abdulwahed Fahad; Peñuelas, Josep

Role of mycorrhizas and root exudates in plant uptake of soil nutrients (calcium, iron, magnesium, and potassium): has the puzzle been completely solved?. 1227-1242

2023 | Artículo

Mayoral, J.; Miralles-Núñez, A.; Sánchez, J.; Espadaler, X.

Parasitic mites of the genus Forania (Acari, Erythraeidae) on ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in NE Spain: When taxonomy meets citizen science. 123-130

2023 | Artículo

Penuelas, Josep; Coello, Fernando; Sardans, Jordi

A better use of fertilizers is needed for global food security and environmental sustainability. 5-

2023 | Artículo

Balaguer-Romano, R.; Díaz-Sierra, R.; De Cáceres, M.; Voltas, J.; Boer, M.M.; Resco de Dios, V.

Modeling fuel moisture dynamics under climate change in Spain’s forests. -

2023 | Artículo

Sebastián-González, E.; Graciá, E.; Morán-Ordóñez, A.; Pérez-Ibarra, I.; Sanz-Aguilar, A.; Sobral, M.

Ten simple rules for a mom-friendly Academia. -

2023 | Artículo

Masó, Joan; Pons, Xavier

New names for evolutions of the original concept: the distributed geospatial data for the Digital Earth / Nuevos nombres para la evolución del concepto original: los datos geospaciales distribuidos para la tierra digital. 45383-

2023 | Artículo

Pons, Xavier; Maso, Joan

On the recent passing away of Jeff de La Beaujardière: A necessary tribute / Sobre el reciente fallecimiento de Jeff de La Beaujardière: un homenaje necesario. 1-3

2023 | Artículo

Oliveres Solé, Jordi; Castellnou Ribau, Marc; Rosas-Casals, Marti; Brotons, Lluís; Duane, Andrea

Fire Ecological Flows as Strategic Innovation for Fire Resilience at the Edge of Global Change; Research, Policy, and Planning in the Aran (Pyrenees). -

2023 | Artículo

Kruczkiewicz, Andrew; Rodriguez Morata, Clara; Raju, Emmanuel

Climate services for risk informed anticipatory action. 1243391-

2023 | Artículo

Duan, B.; Xiao, R.; Cai, T.; Man, X.; Ge, Z.; Gao, M.; Mencuccini, M.

Understory species composition mediates soil greenhouse gas fluxes by affecting bacterial community diversity in boreal forests. -

2023 | Artículo

Marcer, Arnald; Escobar, Agustí; Chapman, Arthur; Wieczorek, John

GeoPick: Georeferencing Made Easy. e111036-

2023 | Artículo

Caldararu, S.; Rolo, V.; Stocker, B.D.; Gimeno, T.E.; Nair, R.

Ideas and perspectives: Beyond model evaluation-combining experiments and models to advance terrestrial ecosystem science. 3637-3649

2023 | Artículo

Morales, M.S.; Crispín-Delacruz, D.B.; Álvarez, C.; Christie, D.A.; Eugenia Ferrero, M.; Andreu-Hayles, L.; Villalba, R.; Guerra, A.; Ticse-Otarola, G.; Rodríguez-Ramírez, E.C.; Llocclla-Martínez, R.; Sanchez-Ferrer, J.; Requena-Rojas, E.J.

Drought increase since the mid-20th century in the northern South American Altiplano revealed by a 389-year precipitation record. 457-476

2023 | Artículo

Descals, Adrià; Wich, Serge; Szantoi, Zoltan; Struebig, Matthew J.; Dennis, Rona; Hatton, Zoe; Ariffin, Thina; Unus, Nabillah; Gaveau, David L. A.; Meijaard, Erik

High-resolution global map of closed-canopy coconut palm. 3991-4010

2023 | Artículo

Yin, Gaofei; Xie, Jiangliu; Ma, Dujuan; Xie, Qiaoyun; Verger, Aleixandre; Descals, Adria; Filella, Iolanda; Penuelas, Josep

Aspect Matters: Unraveling Microclimate Impacts on Mountain Greenness and Greening,(en) - Aspect Matters: Unraveling Microclimate Impacts on Mountain Greenness and Greening. -

2023 | Artículo

Mu, Zhaobin; Asensio, Dolores; Sardans, Jordi; Ogaya, Romà; Llusià, Joan; Filella, Iolanda; Liu, Lei; Wang, Xinming; Peñuelas, Josep

Chronic drought alters extractable concentrations of mineral elements in Mediterranean forest soils,(en) - Chronic drought alters extractable concentrations of mineral elements in Mediterranean forest soils. -

2023 | Artículo

Wang, Ziyi; Liu, Xiaohong; Peñuelas, Josep; Camarero, J. Julio; Zeng, Xiaomin; Liu, Xueyan; Zhao, Liangju; Xu, Guobao; Wang, Lixin

(en) - Recent shift from dominant nitrogen to CO<sub>2</sub> fertilization control on the growth of mature Qinghai spruce in China's Qilian Mountains,Recent shift from dominant nitrogen to CO2 fertilization control on the growth of mature Qinghai spruce in China's Qilian Mountains. -

2023 | Artículo

Castilla-Beltrán, Alvaro;Lima, Ricardo F. de;Benitez, L.;Armas, J.R.;Strandberg, Nichola;Stévart, Tariq;de Nascimento, Lea;María Fernández-Palacios, José;Nogue Bosch, Sandra

(ca) - 14,000 years of climatic and anthropogenic change in the Afromontane forest of São Tomé Island, Gulf of Guinea,14,000 years of climatic and anthropogenic change in the Afromontane forest of São Tomé Island, Gulf of Guinea. 108381-

2023 | Artículo

Nunes, Matheus Henrique; Vaz, Marcel Caritá; Camargo, José Luís Campana; Laurance, William F.; de Andrade, Ana; Vicentini, Alberto; Laurance, Susan; Raumonen, Pasi; Jackson, Toby; Zuquim, Gabriela; Wu, Jin; Peñuelas, Josep; Chave, Jérôme; Maeda, Eduardo Eiji

Edge effects on tree architecture exacerbate biomass loss of fragmented Amazonian forests,(en) - Edge effects on tree architecture exacerbate biomass loss of fragmented Amazonian forests. -

2023 | Artículo

Zhang, Xue; Li, Baoyin; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Cheng, Dongliang; Yu, Hua; Zhong, Quanlin

Resource-acquisitive species have greater plasticity in leaf functional traits than resource-conservative species in response to nitrogen addition in subtropical China,(en) - Resource-acquisitive species have greater plasticity in leaf functional traits than resource-conservative species in response to nitrogen addition in subtropical China. -

2023 | Artículo

Barbero-Palacios, Laura; Ferraro, Kristy M.;Barrio, Isabel C.;Krumins, Jennifer Adams;Bartolome Filella, Jordi;Albanell Trullas, Elena;Jarque Bascuñana, Laia;Lavin Gonzalez, Santiago;Calleja, Juan Antonio;Carreira, José Antonio ;Serrano Ferron, Emmanuel Antonio

(ca) - Faecal nutrient deposition of domestic and wild herbivores in an alpine grassland,Faecal nutrient deposition of domestic and wild herbivores in an alpine grassland. 166616-

2023 | Artículo

Liu, Ji; Fang, Linchuan; Qiu, Tianyi; Chen, Ji; Wang, Hai; Liu, Muxing; Yi, Jun; Zhang, Hailin; Wang, Cong; Sardans, Jordi; Chen, Li; Huang, Min; Penuelas, Josep

Crop residue return achieves environmental mitigation and enhances grain yield: a global meta-analysis,(en) - Crop residue return achieves environmental mitigation and enhances grain yield: a global meta-analysis. -

2023 | Artículo

Lu, Tao; Xu, Nuohan; Lei, Chaotang; Zhang, Qi; Zhang, Zhenyan; Sun, Liwei; He, Feng; Zhou, Ning-Yi; Peñuelas, Josep; Zhu, Yong-Guan; Qian, Haifeng

(en) - Bacterial biogeography in China and its association to land use and soil organic carbon,Bacterial biogeography in China and its association to land use and soil organic carbon. -

2023 | Artículo

Penuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi

(en) - Human-driven global nutrient imbalances increase risks to health,Human-driven global nutrient imbalances increase risks to health. 246-251

2023 | Artículo

Li, Jian; Liu, Zhan-Feng; Jin, Ming-Kang; Zhang, Wei; Lambers, Hans; Hui, Dafeng; Liang, Chao; Zhang, Jing; Wu, Donghai; Sardans, Jordi; Peñuelas, Josep; Petticord, Daniel F.; Frey, David W.; Zhu, Yong-Guan

Microbial controls over soil priming effects under chronic nitrogen and phosphorus additions in subtropical forests,(en) - Microbial controls over soil priming effects under chronic nitrogen and phosphorus additions in subtropical forests. 2160-2168

2023 | Artículo

Cooke, Rob; Sayol, Ferran; Andermann, Tobias; Blackburn, Tim M.; Steinbauer, Manuel J.; Antonelli, Alexandre; Faurby, Søren

Undiscovered bird extinctions obscure the true magnitude of human-driven extinction waves,(en) - Undiscovered bird extinctions obscure the true magnitude of human-driven extinction waves. -

2023 | Artículo

Li, Jiwei; Deng, Lei; Peñuelas, Josep; Wu, Jianzhao; Shangguan, Zhouping; Sardans, Jordi; Peng, Changhui; Kuzyakov, Yakov

(en) - C:N:P stoichiometry of plants, soils, and microorganisms: Response to altered precipitation,C:N:P stoichiometry of plants, soils, and microorganisms: Response to altered precipitation. 7051-7071

2023 | Artículo

Laughlin, Daniel C.; Siefert, Andrew; Fleri, Jesse R.; Tumber-Dávila, Shersingh Joseph; Hammond, William M.; Sabatini, Francesco Maria; Damasceno, Gabriella; Aubin, Isabelle; Field, Richard; Hatim, Mohamed Z.; Jansen, Steven; Lenoir, Jonathan; Lens, Frederic; McCarthy, James K.; Niinemets, Ülo; Phillips, Oliver L.; Attorre, Fabio; Bergeron, Yves; Bruun, Hans Henrik; Byun, Chaeho; Ćušterevska, Renata; Dengler, Jürgen; De Sanctis, Michele; Dolezal, Jiri; Jiménez-Alfaro, Borja; Hérault, Bruno; Homeier, Jürgen; Kattge, Jens; Meir, Patrick; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Noroozi, Jalil; Nowak, Arkadiusz; Peñuelas, Josep; Schmidt, Marco; Škvorc, Željko; Sultana, Fahmida; Ugarte, Rosina Magaña; Bruelheide, Helge

Rooting depth and xylem vulnerability are independent woody plant traits jointly selected by aridity, seasonality, and water table depth,(en) - Rooting depth and xylem vulnerability are independent woody plant traits jointly selected by aridity, seasonality, and water table depth. 1774-1787

2023 | Artículo

Lanuza, Jose B.; Collado, Miguel Á.; Sayol, Ferran; Sol, Daniel; Bartomeus, Ignasi

Brain size predicts bees' tolerance to urban environments,(en) - Brain size predicts bees' tolerance to urban environments. -