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2019 | Artículo

Guillem, Bagaria; Ferran, Rodà; Joan, Pino;

Extinction and colonisation of habitat specialists drive plant species replacement along a Mediterranean grassland-forest succession,(en) - Extinction and colonisation of habitat specialists drive plant species replacement along a Mediterranean grassland-forest succession. 331-340

2019 | Artículo

Cabon, Antoine;Fernández-de-Uña, Laura;Gea-Izquierdo, Guillermo;Meinzer, Frederick C.;Woodruff, David R.;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;De Cáceres, Miquel

(ca) - Water potential control of turgor-driven tracheid enlargement in Scots pine at its xeric distribution edge,Water potential control of turgor-driven tracheid enlargement in Scots pine at its xeric distribution edge. 209-221

2019 | Artículo

Closa, Guillem;Masó, Joan;Zabala Torres, Alaitz;Pesquer Mayos, Lluis;Pons Fernandez, Xavier

(ca) - A provenance metadata model integrating ISO geospatial lineage and the OGC WPS: Conceptual model and implementation,(en) - A provenance metadata model integrating ISO geospatial lineage and the OGC WPS: Conceptual model and implementation,A provenance metadata model integrating ISO geospatial lineage and the OGC WPS: Conceptual model and implementation. 1102-1124

2019 | Artículo

Roger, Eritja; Ignacio, Ruiz-Arrondo; Sarah, Delacour-Estrella; Francis, Schaffner; Jorge, Álvarez-Chachero; Mikel, Bengoa; María-Ángeles, Puig; Rosario, Melero-Alcíbar; Aitana, Oltra; Frederic, Bartumeus;

(en) - First detection of Aedes japonicus in Spain: An unexpected finding triggered by citizen science,First detection of Aedes japonicus in Spain: An unexpected finding triggered by citizen science. 53-

2019 | Artículo

Teresa, Alfaro Reyna; Jordi, Martinez Vilalta; Javier, Retana Alumbreros;

Regeneration patterns in Mexican pine-oak forests,(en) - Regeneration patterns in Mexican pine-oak forests,(ca) - Regeneration patterns in Mexican pine-oak forests. 50-

2019 | Artículo

Frederic, Bartumeus; Guilherme B., Costa; Roger, Eritja; Ann H., Kelly; Marceline, Finda; Javier, Lezaun; Fredros, Okumu; M. Megan, Quinlan; Delphine C., Thizy; Léa Paré, Toé; Megan, Vaughan;

(en) - Sustainable innovation in vector control requires strong partnerships with communities,Sustainable innovation in vector control requires strong partnerships with communities. e0007204-

2019 | Artículo

Adrián, Cardil; Kaori, Otsu; Magda, Pla; Carlos Alberto, Silva; Lluís, Brotons;

Quantifying pine processionary moth defoliation in a pine-oak mixed forest using unmanned aerial systems and multispectral imagery,Mapping pine processionary moth defoliation in a pine-oak mixed forest using unmanned aerial systems and multispectral imagery.,(en) - Quantifying pine processionary moth defoliation in a pine-oak mixed forest using unmanned aerial systems and multispectral imagery. e0213027-19

2019 | Artículo

Maria A., Angulo; Josep M., Ninot; Josep, Peñuelas; Johannes H.C., Cornelissen; Oriol, Grau;

Tree sapling responses to 10 years of experimental manipulation of temperature, nutrient availability, and Shrub cover at the Pyrenean treeline,Tree sapling responses to 10 years of experimental manipulation of temperature, nutrient availability, and shrub cover at the Pyrenean treeline,(en) - Tree sapling responses to 10 years of experimental manipulation of temperature, nutrient availability, and Shrub cover at the Pyrenean treeline. 1871-

2019 | Artículo

Marcos, Fernández-Martínez; Rong, Yu; John, Gamon; Gabriel, Hmimina; Iolanda, Filella; Manuela, Balzarolo; Benjamin, Stocker; Josep, Peñuelas;

(en) - Monitoring spatial and temporal variabilities of gross primary production using MAIAC MODIS data,Monitoring spatial and temporal variabilities of gross primary production using MAIAC MODIS data. 874-

2019 | Artículo

Manuela, Balzarolo; Josep, Peñuelas; Frank, Veroustraete;

(en) - Influence of landscape heterogeneity and spatial resolution in multi-temporal in situ and MODIS NDVI data proxies for seasonal GPP dynamics,Influence of landscape heterogeneity and spatial resolution in multi-temporal in situ and MODIS NDVI data proxies for seasonal GPP dynamics. 1656-

2019 | Artículo

Adrià, Descals; Zoltan, Szantoi; Erik, Meijaard; Harsono, Sutikno; Guruh, Rindanata; Serge, Wich;

Oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) mapping with details: Smallholder versus industrial plantations and their extent in riau, Sumatra. 2590-

2019 | Artículo

Javier, Blanco-Sacristán; Cinzia, Panigada; Giulia, Tagliabue; Rodolfo, Gentili; Roberto, Colombo; Mónica, Ladrón De Guevara; Fernando T., Maestre; Micol, Rossini;

Spectral diversity successfully estimates the α-diversity of biocrust-forming lichens. 2942-

2019 | Artículo

Raul, Bonal; Alberto, Muñoz; José M., Aparicio; María, Santoro; Josep Maria, Espelta;

(es) - Filogeografía, factores históricos y especificidad parásitohospedador: Estudio comparativo de las comunidades de insectos depredadores de bellotas (Curculio spp.) en la península ibérica y California,Phylogeography, historical factors and hostparasite specificity: Comparative study of the communities of acorn feeding insects (Curculio spp.) in the Iberian Peninsula and California. 15-25

2018 | Artículo

Vicenç, Carabassa; Xavier, Domene; Oriol, Ortiz; Evan A. N., Marks; Josep M., Alcañiz;

Determination of EC50 Values for Cu, Zn, and Cr on Microorganisms Activity in a Mediterranean Sandy Soil,(ca) - Determination of EC50Values for Cu, Zn, and Cr on Microorganisms Activity in a Mediterranean Sandy Soil,(en) - Determination of EC50 Values for Cu, Zn, and Cr on Microorganisms Activity in a Mediterranean Sandy Soil. 1700617-

2018 | Artículo

Palacin-Lizarbe, Carlos; Camarero Galindo, Luís; Catalán Aguilà, Jordi;

Denitrification Temperature Dependence in Remote, Cold, and N-Poor Lake Sediments,(en) - Denitrification Temperature Dependence in Remote, Cold, and N-Poor Lake Sediments. 1161-1173

2018 | Artículo

Lecina-Diaz, Judit; Alvarez, Albert; Regos, Adrian; Drapeau, Pierre; Paquette, Alain; Messier, Christian; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(ca) - The positive carbon stocks–biodiversity relationship in forests: co-occurrence and drivers across five subclimates,(en) - The positive carbon stocks–biodiversity relationship in forests: co-occurrence and drivers across five subclimates,The positive carbon stocks-biodiversity relationship in forests: co-occurrence and drivers across five subclimates. 1481-1493

2018 | Artículo

Regos, Adrian; Imbeau, Louis; Desrochers, Melanie; Leduc, Alain; Robert, Michel; Jobin, Benoit; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Drapeau, Pierre;

(en) - Hindcasting the impacts of land-use changes on bird communities with species distribution models of Bird Atlas data,Hindcasting the impacts of land-use changes on bird communities with species distribution models of Bird Atlas data. 1867-1883

2018 | Artículo

Busch, Verena; Klaus, Valentin H.; Penone, Caterina; Schafer, Deborah; Boch, Steffen; Prati, Daniel; Mueller, Joerg; Socher, Stephanie A.; Niinemets, UElo; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Hoelzel, Norbert; Fischer, Markus; Kleinebecker, Till;

Nutrient stoichiometry and land use rather than species richness determine plant functional diversity,(en) - Nutrient stoichiometry and land use rather than species richness determine plant functional diversity. 601-616

2018 | Artículo

Tng, David Y. P.; Apgaua, Deborah Mattos Guimaraes; Ishida, Yoko F.; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Lloyd, Jonathan; Laurance, William F.; Laurance, Susan;

Rainforest trees respond to drought by modifying their hydraulic architecture. 12479-12491

2018 | Artículo

Cabon, Antoine; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi; Martinez De Aragon, Juan; Poyatos López, Rafael; De Cáceres Ainsa, Miquel;

Applying the eco-hydrological equilibrium hypothesis to model root distribution in water-limited forests,(ca) - Applying the eco-hydrological equilibrium hypothesis to model root distribution in water-limited forests,(en) - Applying the eco-hydrological equilibrium hypothesis to model root distribution in water-limited forests. -

2018 | Artículo

Bartrons Vilamala, Mireia; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Hoekman, David; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Trophic transfer from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems: a test of the biogeochemical niche hypothesis,(ca) - Trophic transfer from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems: A test of the biogeochemical niche hypothesis,(en) - Trophic transfer from aquatic to terrestrial ecosystems: a test of the biogeochemical niche hypothesis. 0-0

2018 | Artículo

Fernandez-Martinez, Marcos; Vicca, Sara; Janssens, Ivan A.; Carnicer Cols, Jofre; Martin-Vide, Javier; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

(en) - The consecutive disparity index, D: a measure of temporal variability in ecological studies,The consecutive Disparity index, D: a measure of temporal variability in ecological studies,The consecutive disparity index, D: a measure of temporal variability in ecological studies. 1-13

2018 | Artículo

Shik, Jonathan Zvi; Rytter, Winnie; Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Michelsen, Anders;

Disentangling nutritional pathways linking leafcutter ants and their co-evolved fungal symbionts using stable isotopes. 1999-2009

2018 | Artículo

Garcia-Callejas, David; Molowny Horas, Roberto; Bastos Araujo, Miguel Ángel;

The effect of multiple biotic interaction types on species persistence,(en) - The effect of multiple biotic interaction types on species persistence. 2327-2337

2018 | Artículo

Batalla, Meritxell; Ninyerola, Miquel; Catalán Aguilà, Jordi;

(en) - Digital long-term topoclimate surfaces of the Pyrenees mountain range for the period 1950–2012,Digital long-term topoclimate surfaces of the Pyrenees mountain range for the period 1950-2012. 50-62

2018 | Artículo

Carabassa, Vicenç; Ortiz Perpina, Josep Oriol; Maria Alcaniz, Josep;

(en) - Sewage sludge as an organic amendment for quarry restoration: Effects on soil and vegetation,Sewage sludge as an organic amendment for quarry restoration: Effects on soil and vegetation. 2568-2574

2018 | Artículo

Leal, Inara R.; Ribeiro-Neto, José Domingos; Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Oliveira, Fernanda M.P.; Arcoverde, Gabriela B.; Feitosa, Rodrigo M.; Andersen, Alan;

Ants of the Caatinga: Diversity, biogeography, and functional responses to anthropogenic disturbance and climate change. 65-95

2018 | Artículo

Barbeta, Adrià; Ogée, Jérôme; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Stable-isotope techniques to investigate sources of plant water. 439-456

2018 | Artículo

Molowny Horas, Roberto; Borrego, Armonía; Riera, Pere; Espelta, Josep Maria;

Severe wildfire in a mediterranean forest. 203-234

2018 | Artículo

Sol Rueda, Daniel; Maspons, Joan; Gonzalez-Voyer, Alejandro; Morales-Castilla, Ignacio; Garamszegi , Laszlo zsolt; Moller, Anders Pape;

(en) - Risk-taking behavior, urbanization and the pace of life in birds,Risk-taking behavior, urbanization and the pace of life in birds. -

2018 | Artículo

Bogdziewicz, Michal; Espelta, Josep Maria; Muñoz Muñoz, Alberto_2; Aparicio, Jose Miguel; Bonal Andrés, Raul;

(en) - Effectiveness of predator satiation in masting oaks is negatively affected by conspecific density,Effectiveness of predator satiation in masting oaks is negatively affected by conspecific density. 983-993

2018 | Artículo

Serra-Maluquer, X.; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;

Changes in tree resistance, recovery and resilience across three successive extreme droughts in the northeast Iberian Peninsula,(ca) - Changes in tree resistance, recovery and resilience across three successive extreme droughts in the northeast Iberian Peninsula. 343-354

2018 | Artículo

Luo, Wentao; Xu, Chong; Ma, Wang; Yue, Xiyuan; Liang, Xiaosa; Zuo, Xiaoan; Knapp, Alan K.; Smith, Melinda D.; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Dijkstra, Feike A.; Peuelas, Josep; Bai, Yongfei; Wang, Zhengwen; Yu, Qiang; Han, Xing-Guo;

(en) - Effects of extreme drought on plant nutrient uptake and resorption in rhizomatous vs bunchgrass-dominated grasslands,Effects of extreme drought on plant nutrient uptake and resorption in rhizomatous vs bunchgrass-dominated grasslands. 633-643

2018 | Artículo

Paquette, Alain; Vayreda, Jordi; Coll Mir, Lluis; Messier, Christian; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(en) - Climate Change Could Negate Positive Tree Diversity Effects on Forest Productivity: A Study Across Five Climate Types in Spain and Canada,Climate Change Could Negate Positive Tree Diversity Effects on Forest Productivity: A Study Across Five Climate Types in Spain and Canada,Climate change could negate positive tree diversity effects on forest productivity: A study across five climate types in Spain and Canada,(ca) - Climate Change Could Negate Positive Tree Diversity Effects on Forest Productivity: A Study Across Five Climate Types in Spain and Canada. 960-970

2018 | Artículo

Courtois, Elodie A.; Stahl, Clement; Van Den Berge, Joke; Brechet, Laetitia; Van Langenhove, Leandro; Richter, Andreas; Urbina, Ifigenia; Soong, Jennifer L.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Janssens, Ivan A.;

(en) - Spatial Variation of Soil CO2, CH4 and N2O Fluxes Across Topographical Positions in Tropical Forests of the Guiana Shield,Spatial Variation of Soil CO2, CH4 and N2O Fluxes Across Topographical Positions in Tropical Forests of the Guiana Shield. 1445-1458

2018 | Artículo

Maranon-Jimenez, Sara; Soong, J. L.; Leblans, N. I. W.; Sigurdsson, B. D.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Richter, Andreas; Asensio Abella, Dolores; Fransen, Erik; Janssens, I. A.;

(ca) - Geothermally warmed soils reveal persistent increases in the respiratory costs of soil microbes contributing to substantial C losses,Geothermally warmed soils reveal persistent increases in the respiratory costs of soil microbes contributing to substantial C losses,(en) - Geothermally warmed soils reveal persistent increases in the respiratory costs of soil microbes contributing to substantial C losses. 245-260

2018 | Artículo

Wang, Chun; Wang, Weiqi; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Singla, Ankit; Zeng, Congsheng; Lai, Derrick Y. F.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Effects of steel slag and biochar amendments on CO <inf>2</inf> , CH <inf>4</inf> , and N <inf>2</inf> O flux, and rice productivity in a subtropical Chinese paddy field,(en) - Effects of steel slag and biochar amendments on CO<sub>2</sub>, CH<sub>4</sub>, and N<sub>2</sub>O flux, and rice productivity in a subtropical Chinese paddy field. 1419-1431

2018 | Artículo

Pla-Rabes, Sergi; Catalán Aguilà, Jordi;

Diatom species variation between lake habitats: implications for interpretation of paleolimnological records,(en) - Diatom species variation between lake habitats: implications for interpretation of paleolimnological records. 169-187

2018 | Artículo

Hermoso, Virgilio; Moran-Ordonez, Alejandra; Brotons Alabau, Lluís;

(en) - Assessing the role of Natura 2000 at maintaining dynamic landscapes in Europe over the last two decades: implications for conservation,Assessing the role of Natura 2000 at maintaining dynamic landscapes in Europe over the last two decades: implications for conservation. 1447-1460

2018 | Artículo

Olsson, Sanna; Pinosio, Sara; González Martínez, Santiago César; Abascal, Federico; Mayol Martinez, Maria; Grivet, Delphine; Vendramin, Giovanni G.;

De novo assembly of English yew (Taxus baccata) transcriptome and its applications for intra- and inter-specific analyses. 337-345

2018 | Artículo

Luo, Wentao; Wang, Xiaoguang; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Wang, Zhengwen; Dijkstra, Feike A.; Lu (u), Xiao-Tao; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Han, Xing-Guo;

Higher capability of C3 than C4 plants to use nitrogen inferred from nitrogen stable isotopes along an aridity gradient,(en) - Higher capability of C3 than C4 plants to use nitrogen inferred from nitrogen stable isotopes along an aridity gradient. 93-103

2018 | Artículo

Hu, Minjie; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Sun, Zhigao; Wilson, Benjamin J.; Huang, Jiafang; Zhu, Qiuli; Tong, Chuan;

Stoichiometry patterns of plant organ N and P in coastal herbaceous wetlands along the East China Sea: implications for biogeochemical niche,(en) - Stoichiometry patterns of plant organ N and P in coastal herbaceous wetlands along the East China Sea: implications for biogeochemical niche. 273-288

2018 | Artículo

Castellanos, Alejandro; Llano-Sotelo, Jose M.; Machado-Encinas, Luis I.; Lopez-Pina, Jose E.; Romo-Leon, Jose Raul; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Foliar C, N, and P stoichiometry characterize successful plant ecological strategies in the Sonoran Desert,(en) - Foliar C, N, and P stoichiometry characterize successful plant ecological strategies in the Sonoran Desert. 775-788

2018 | Artículo

Zheng, Bang-Xiao; Zhu, Yongguan; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Su, Jian Qiang;

QMEC: a tool for high-throughput quantitative assessment of microbial functional potential in C, N, P, and S biogeochemical cycling,(en) - QMEC: a tool for high-throughput quantitative assessment of microbial functional potential in C, N, P, and S biogeochemical cycling. 1451-1462

2018 | Artículo

Rivas Ubach, Albert; Poret-Peterson, Amisha T.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Perez Trujillo, Miriam; Legido-Quigley, Cristina; Oravec, Michal; Urban, Otmar; Elser, James J.;

(ca) - Coping with iron limitation: a metabolomic study of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803,(en) - Coping with iron limitation: a metabolomic study of Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803,Coping with iron limitation: a metabolomic study of Synechocystis sp PCC 6803. -

2018 | Artículo

Wang, Weiqi; Zeng, C.; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Wang, C.; Tong, C.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Soil Methane Production, Anaerobic and Aerobic Oxidation in Porewater of Wetland Soils of the Minjiang River Estuarine, China,(en) - Soil Methane Production, Anaerobic and Aerobic Oxidation in Porewater of Wetland Soils of the Minjiang River Estuarine, China. 627-640

2018 | Artículo

Poyatos López, Rafael; Aguade, David; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;

Below-ground hydraulic constraints during drought-induced decline in Scots pine,(ca) - Below-ground hydraulic constraints during drought-induced decline in Scots pine,(en) - Below-ground hydraulic constraints during drought-induced decline in Scots pine. -

2018 | Artículo

Happe, Anne-Kathrin; Roquer-Beni, Laura; Bosch Gras, Jordi; Alins, Georgina; Mody, Karsten;

(en) - Earwigs and woolly apple aphids in integrated and organic apple orchards: responses of a generalist predator and a pest prey to local and landscape factors,Earwigs and woolly apple aphids in integrated and organic apple orchards: responses of a generalist predator and a pest prey to local and landscape factors. 44-51

2018 | Artículo

Karavani, Asaf; De Cáceres Ainsa, Miquel; Martinez De Aragon, Juan; Bonet Lledós, José Antonio; de Miguel Magaña, Sergio;

Effect of climatic and soil moisture conditions on mushroom productivity and related ecosystem services in Mediterranean pine stands facing climate change. 432-440

2018 | Artículo

Duane, Andrea; Brotons Alabau, Lluís;

` Synoptic weather conditions and changing fire regimes in a Mediterranean environment,(en) - Synoptic weather conditions and changing fire regimes in a Mediterranean environment. 190-202