Wilcox, Kevin R.; Shi, Zheng; Gherardi, Laureano A.; Lemoine, Nathan P.; Koerner, Sally E.; Hoover, David L.; Bork, Edward; Byrne, Kerry M.; Cahill, James F., Jr.; Collins, Scott L.; Evans, Sarah; Gilgen, Anna K.; Holub, Petr; Jiang, Lifen; Knapp, Alan K.; Lecain, Daniel; Liang, Junyi; García Palacios, Pablo; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Pockman, William T.; Smith, Melinda D.; Sun, Shanghua; White, Shannon R.; Yahdjian, Laura; Zhu, Kai; Luo, Yiqi;
(en) - Asymmetric responses of primary productivity to precipitation extremes: A synthesis of grassland precipitation manipulation experiments,Asymmetric responses of primary productivity to precipitation extremes: A synthesis of grassland precipitation manipulation experiments. 4376-4385
Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Grau, Oriol; Chen, Han Y. H.; Janssens, Ivan A.; Ciais, Philippe; Piao, Shilong; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;
(en) - Changes in nutrient concentrations of leaves and roots in response to global change factors,Changes in nutrient concentrations of leaves and roots in response to global change factors. 3849-3856
Climate- and successional-related changes in functional composition of European forests are strongly driven by tree mortality,(ca) - Climate- and successional-related changes in functional composition of European forests are strongly driven by tree mortality,(en) - Climate- and successional-related changes in functional composition of European forests are strongly driven by tree mortality. 4162-4176
(en) - Phenological responses of Icelandic subarctic grasslands to short-term and long-term natural soil warming,Phenological responses of Icelandic subarctic grasslands to short-term and long-term natural soil warming. 4932-4945
Shift in community structure in an early-successional Mediterranean shrubland driven by long-term experimental warming and drought and natural extreme droughts,(en) - Shift in community structure in an early-successional Mediterranean shrubland driven by long-term experimental warming and drought and natural extreme droughts. 4267-4279
Global forest carbon uptake due to nitrogen and phosphorus deposition from 1850 to 2100,(en) - Global forest carbon uptake due to nitrogen and phosphorus deposition from 1850 to 2100. 4854-4872
(en) - Increasing carbon discrimination rates and depth of water uptake favor the growth of Mediterranean evergreen trees in the ecotone with temperate deciduous forests,Increasing carbon discrimination rates and depth of water uptake favor the growth of Mediterranean evergreen trees inthe ecotone with temperate deciduous forests. 5054-5068
(en) - Impacts of global change on species distributions: obstacles and solutions to integrate climate and land use,Impacts of global change on species distributions: obstacles and solutions to integrate climate and land use. 385-394
(en) - A new approach to optimal discretization of plant functional types in a process-based ecosystem model with forest management: a case study for temperate conifers,A new approach to optimal discretization of plant functional types in a process-based ecosystem model with forest management: a case study for temperate conifers. 486-499
(en) - Community assembly in time and space: the case of Lepidoptera in a Quercus ilex L. savannah-like landscape,Community assembly in time and space: the case of Lepidoptera in a Quercus ilex L. savannah-like landscape. 21-31
Parr, Catherine L.; Dunn, Robert R.; Sanders, Nathan J.; Weiser, Michael D.; Photakis, Manoli; Bishop, Tom R.; Fitzpatrick, Matthew C.; Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Baccaro, Fabricio B.; Brandao, Carlos R. F.; Chick, Lacy; Donoso, David A.; Fayle, Tom M.; Gomez, Crisanto; Grossman, Blair; Munyai, Thinandavha C.; Pacheco, Renata; Retana Alumbreros, Javier; Robinson, Andrew; Sagata, Katayo; Silva, Rogerio R.; Tista, Melanie; Vasconcelos, Heraldo; Yates, Michelle; Gibb, Heloise;
(en) - GlobalAnts: a new database on the geography of ant traits (Hymenoptera: Formicidae),GlobalAnts: a new database on the geography of ant traits (Hymenoptera: Formicidae),GlobalAnts: a new database on the geography of ant traits (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).. 5-20
Geographical variation in reproductive investment across avian assemblages in Europe: effects of environmental drivers differ between altricial and precocial species,(en) - Geographical variation in reproductive investment across avian assemblages in Europe: effects of environmental drivers differ between altricial and precocial species. 976-987
(en) - Evaluating the reliability of species distribution models with an indirect measure of bird reproductive performance,Evaluating the reliability of species distribution models with an indirect measure of bird reproductive performance. 1575-1582
(en) - Unmanned aircraft systems to unravel spatial and temporal factors affecting dynamics of colony formation and nesting success in birds,Unmanned aircraft systems to unravel spatial and temporal factors affecting dynamics of colony formation and nesting success in birds. 1273-1280
Sjolund, M. Jennifer; Gonzalez-Diaz, Patricia; Moreno-Villena, Jose J.; Jump, Alistair S.;
Understanding the legacy of widespread population translocations on the post-glacial genetic structure of the European beech, Fagus sylvatica L.. 2475-2487
(en) - Predicting habitat affinities of plant species using commonly measured functional traits,Predicting habitat affinities of plant species using commonly measured functional traits. 1082-1095
Relationship type affects the reliability of dispersal distance estimated using pedigree inferences in partially sampled populations: A case study involving invasive American mink in Scotland,(en) - Relationship type affects the reliability of dispersal distance estimated using pedigree inferences in partially sampled populations: A case study involving invasive American mink in Scotland. 4059-4071
(en) - Abrupt changes in the composition and function of fungal communities along an environmental gradient in the high Arctic,Abrupt changes in the composition and function of fungal communities along an environmental gradient in the high Arctic,Abrupt changes in the composition and function of fungal communities along an environmental gradient in the High Arctic. 4798-4810
Lee, Marissa; Bernhardt, Emily S.; van Bodegom, Peter M.; Cornelissen, J. Hans C.; Kattge, Jens; Laughlin, Daniel C.; Niinemets, UElo; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Reich, Peter B.; Yguel, Benjamin; Wright, Justin P.;
(en) - Invasive species’ leaf traits and dissimilarity from natives shape their impact on nitrogen cycling: a meta-analysis,Invasive species' leaf traits and dissimilarity from natives shape their impact on nitrogen cycling: a meta-analysis. 128-139
The role of nutrients, productivity and climate in determining tree fruit production in European forests,(en) - The role of nutrients, productivity and climate in determining tree fruit production in European forests. 669-679
Nguyen, Hoa T.; Meir, Patrick; Wolfe, Joe; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Ball, Marilyn C.;
Plumbing the depths: extracellular water storage in specialized leaf structures and its functional expression in a three-domain pressure-volume relationship. 1021-1038
Water potential regulation, stomatal behaviour and hydraulic transport under drought: deconstructing the iso/anisohydric concept,(ca) - Water potential regulation, stomatal behaviour and hydraulic transport under drought: deconstructing the iso/anisohydric concept. 962-976
The fate of recently fixed carbon after drought release: towards unravelling C storage regulation in Tilia platyphyllos and Pinus sylvestris,(ca) - The fate of recently fixed carbon after drought release: towards unravelling C storage regulation in Tilia platyphyllos and Pinus sylvestris. 1711-1724
Ballen Segura, Miguel Angel; Felip, Marisol; Catalán Aguilà, Jordi;
(en) - Some mixotrophic flagellate species selectively graze on archaea,Some Mixotrophic Flagellate Species Selectively Graze on Archaea,Some mixotrophic flagellate species selectively graze on Archaea. -
Gómez, K.;Espadaler Gelabert, Francesc Xavier;Santamaria del Campo, Sergio
(ca) - First record of an epizoic Laboulbenia Fungi: Laboulbeniales on ants Hymenoptera: Formicidae in Africa,First Record of an Epizoic Laboulbenia (Fungi: Laboulbeniales) on Ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in Africa. 155-158
(en) - Factors related with CH and NO emissions from a paddy field: Clues for management implications,Factors Related with CH4 and N2O Emissions from a Paddy Field: Clues for Management implications. -
Aridity influences the recovery of vegetation and shrubland birds after wildfire,(en) - Aridity influences the recovery of vegetation and shrubland birds after wildfire. e0173599-
(ca) - Long-term fertilization determines different metabolomic profiles and responses in saplings of three rainforest tree species with different adult canopy position,(en) - Long-term fertilization determines different metabolomic profiles and responses in saplings of three rainforest tree species with different adult canopy position,Long-term fertilization determines different metabolomic profiles and responses in saplings of three rainforest tree species with different adult canopy position. -
(en) - Diatom diversity in the lakes of the Pyrenees: An iconographic reference,Diatom diversity in the lakes of the Pyrenees: an iconographic reference. 127-395
(en) - The influence of Mediterranean riparian forests on stream nitrogen dynamics: A review from a catchment perspective,The influence of Mediterranean riparian forests on stream nitrogen dynamics: a review from a catchment perspective. 507-523
(ca) - Straw Application Strategy to Optimize Nutrient Release in a Southeastern China Rice Cropland,(en) - Straw application strategy to optimize nutrient release in a southeastern China rice cropland,Straw Application Strategy to Optimize Nutrient Release in a Southeastern China Rice Cropland. 84-0
Quantifying Dry and Wet Deposition Fluxes in Two Regions of Contrasting African Influence: The NE Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands,(en) - Quantifying dry and wet deposition fluxes in two regions of contrasting African influence: The NE Iberian Peninsula and the Canary Islands. -
Contrasting Effects of Fire Severity on the Regeneration of Pinus halepensis Mill. and Resprouter Species in Recently Thinned Thickets,(en) - Contrasting effects of fire severity on the regeneration of pinus halepensis mill. And resprouter species in recently thinned thickets. -
(en) - Assessment of the Response of Photosynthetic Activity of Mediterranean Evergreen Oaks to Enhanced Drought Stress and Recovery by Using PRI and R690/R630,(en) - Assessment of the response of photosynthetic activity of Mediterranean evergreen oaks to enhanced drought stress and recovery by using PRI and R690/R630,Assessment of the Response of Photosynthetic Activity of Mediterranean Evergreen Oaks to Enhanced Drought Stress and Recovery by Using PRI and R690/R630. 386-
Assessing Pine Processionary Moth Defoliation Using Unmanned Aerial Systems,(en) - Assessing pine processionary moth defoliation using unmanned aerial systems. 402-
(ca) - Impacts of global change on Mediterranean forests and their services,Impacts of Global Change on Mediterranean Forests and Their Services. 463-0
Gargallo-Garriga, Albert; Ayala-Roque, Marta; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Bartrons Vilamala, Mireia; Granda Garcia, Victor; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Leblans, Niki I. W.; Oravec, Michal; Urban, Otmar; Janssens, Ivan A.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;
(ca) - Impact of soil warming on the plant metabolome of Icelandic grasslands,(en) - Impact of soil warming on the plant metabolome of Icelandic grasslands,Impact of SoilWarming on the Plant Metabolome of Icelandic Grasslands. 44-0