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2022 | Artículo

Peñuelas, J.

The challenges of sequestering terrestrial carbon. nwac085-

2022 | Artículo

Zhao, W.; Li, X.; Wang, W.; Wen, F.; Yin, G.

DSRC: An Improved Topographic Correction Method for Optical Remote-Sensing Observations Based on Surface Downwelling Shortwave Radiation. -

2022 | Artículo

Chen, R.; Yin, G.; Zhao, W.; Xu, B.; Zeng, Y.; Liu, G.; Verger, A.

TCNIRv: Topographically Corrected Near-Infrared Reflectance of Vegetation for Tracking Gross Primary Production Over Mountainous Areas. 4409310-

2022 | Artículo

Ferraretto, D.; Nair, R.; Shah, N.W.; Reay, D.; Mencuccini, M.; Spencer, M.; Heal, K.V.

Forest canopy nitrogen uptake can supply entire foliar demand. 933-949

2022 | Artículo

Walker, T.W.N.; Alexander, J.M.; Allard, P.-M.; Baines, O.; Baldy, V.; Bardgett, R.D.; Capdevila, P.; Coley, P.D.; David, B.; Defossez, E.; Endara, M.-J.; Ernst, M.; Fernandez, C.; Forrister, D.; Gargallo-Garriga, A.; Jassey, V.E.J.; Marr, S.; Neumann, S.; Pellissier, L.; Peñuelas, J.; Peters, K.; Rasmann, S.; Roessner, U.; Sardans, J.; Schrodt, F.; Schuman, M.C.; Soule, A.; Uthe, H.; Weckwerth, W.; Wolfender, J.-L.; van Dam, N.M.; Salguero-Gómez, R.

Functional Traits 2.0: The power of the metabolome for ecology. d’abr.-20-

2022 | Artículo

Nascimento, G.; Câmara, T.; Arnan, X.

Critical thermal limits in ants and their implications under climate change. 1287-1305

2022 | Artículo

Cardador, L.; Tella, J.L.; Louvrier, J.; Anadón, J.D.; Abellán, P.; Carrete, M.

Climate matching and anthropogenic factors contribute to the colonization and extinction of local populations during avian invasions. 1908-1921

2022 | Artículo

de la Mata, R.; Zas, R.; Bustingorri, G.; Sampedro, L.; Rust, M.; Hernandez-Serrano, A.; Sala, A.

Drivers of population differentiation in phenotypic plasticity in a temperate conifer: A 27-year study. 1945-1962

2022 | Artículo

Hacket-Pain, A.; Foest, J.J.; Pearse, I.S.; LaMontagne, J.M.; Koenig, W.D.; Vacchiano, G.; Bogdziewicz, M.; Caignard, T.; Celebias, P.; van Dormolen, J.; Fernández-Martínez, M.; Moris, J.V.; Palaghianu, C.; Pesendorfer, M.; Satake, A.; Schermer, E.; Tanentzap, A.J.; Thomas, P.A.; Vecchio, D.; Wion, A.P.; Wohlgemuth, T.; Xue, T.; Abernethy, K.; Aravena Acuña, M.-C.; Daniel Barrera, M.; Barton, J.H.; Boutin, S.; Bush, E.R.; Donoso Calderón, S.; Carevic, F.S.; de Castilho, C.V.; Manuel Cellini, J.; Chapman, C.A.; Chapman, H.; Chianucci, F.; da Costa, P.; Croisé, L.; Cutini, A.; Dantzer, B.; Justin DeRose, R.; Dikangadissi, J.-T.; Dimoto, E.; da Fonseca, F.L.; Gallo, L.; Gratzer, G.; Greene, D.F.; Hadad, M.A.; Herrera, A.H.; Jeffery, K.J.; Johnstone, J.F.; Kalbitzer, U.; Kantorowicz, W.; Klimas, C.A.; Lageard, J.G.A.; Lane, J.; Lapin, K.; Ledwoń, M.; Leeper, A.C.; Vanessa Lencinas, M.; Lira-Guedes, A.C.; Lordon, M.C.; Marchelli, P.; Marino, S.; Schmidt Van Marle, H.; McAdam, A.G.; Momont, L.R.W.; Nicolas, M.; de Oliveira Wadt, L.H.; Panahi, P.; Martínez Pastur, G.; Patterson, T.; Luis Peri, P.; Piechnik, Ł.; Pourhashemi, M.; Espinoza Quezada, C.; Roig, F.A.; Peña Rojas, K.; Micaela Rosas, Y.; Schueler, S.; Seget, B.; Soler, R.; Steele, M.A.; Toro-Manríquez, M.; Tutin, C.E.G.; Ukizintambara, T.; White, L.; Yadok, B.; Willis, J.L.; Zolles, A.; Żywiec, M.; Ascoli, D.

MASTREE+: Time-series of plant reproductive effort from six continents. 3066-3082

2022 | Artículo

Keuschnig, C.; Larose, C.; Rudner, M.; Pesqueda, A.; Doleac, S.; Elberling, B.; Björk, R.G.; Klemedtsson, L.; Björkman, M.P.

Reduced methane emissions in former permafrost soils driven by vegetation and microbial changes following drainage. 3411-3425

2022 | Artículo

McDowell, N.G.; Ball, M.; Bond-Lamberty, B.; Kirwan, M.L.; Krauss, K.W.; Megonigal, J.P.; Mencuccini, M.; Ward, N.D.; Weintraub, M.N.; Bailey, V.

Processes and mechanisms of coastal woody-plant mortality. 5881-5900

2022 | Artículo

Fernández-Martínez, M.

From atoms to ecosystems: elementome diversity meets ecosystem functioning. 35-42

2022 | Artículo

Solé-Medina, A.; Robledo-Arnuncio, J.J.; Ramírez-Valiente, J.A.

Multi-trait genetic variation in resource-use strategies and phenotypic plasticity correlates with local climate across the range of a Mediterranean oak (Quercus faginea). 462-478

2022 | Artículo

Sabot, M.E.B.; De Kauwe, M.G.; Pitman, A.J.; Ellsworth, D.S.; Medlyn, B.E.; Caldararu, S.; Zaehle, S.; Crous, K.Y.; Gimeno, T.E.; Wujeska-Klause, A.; Mu, M.; Yang, J.

Predicting resilience through the lens of competing adjustments to vegetation function. 2744-2761

2022 | Artículo

Peñuelas, J.; Sardans, J.

The global nitrogen-phosphorus imbalance. 266-267

2022 | Artículo

González, T.M.; González-Trujillo, J.D.; Muñoz, A.; Armenteras, D.

Effects of fire history on animal communities: a systematic review. 11-

2022 | Artículo

Gaveau, D.L.A.; Locatelli, B.; Salim, M.A.; Manurung, T.; Descals, A.; Angelsen, A.; Meijaard, E.; Sheil, D.

Slowing deforestation in Indonesia follows declining oil palm expansion and lower oil prices. e0266178-

2022 | Artículo

Garrido-Sanz, L.; Senar, M.À.; Piñol, J.

Drastic reduction of false positive species in samples of insects by intersecting the default output of two popular metagenomic classifiers. e0275790-

2022 | Artículo

Yin, G.; Qu, Y.; Verger, A.; Li, J.; Jia, K.; Xie, Q.; Liu, G.

Smartphone Digital Photography for Fractional Vegetation Cover Estimation. 303-310

2022 | Artículo

Bordera, J.; Turiel, A.; Valladares, F.; Pallarés, M.G.; de la Casa, J.; Prieto, F.; Vilar, F.P.

Los ‘lobbies’ diluyen el informe climático más importante del mundo. 269-274

2022 | Artículo

Oussalah, N.; Guerrouche, N.; Agagna, Y.; Espadaler, X.; Salem, A.S.; Biche, M.

First record of Pheidole indica Mayr, 1879 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Algeria (North Africa) and its relationships with local Hemipterans. 01-de nov.-

2022 | Artículo

Romero, E.; Garnier, J.; Billen, G.; Ramarson, A.; Riou, P.; Le Gendre, R.

Assessing the water quality of the Seine land-to-sea continuum for three agro-food system scenarios. 1010887-

2022 | Artículo

Christianson, A.B.; Cabré, A.; Bernal, B.; Baez, S.K.; Leung, S.; Pérez-Porro, A.; Poloczanska, E.

The Promise of Blue Carbon Climate Solutions: Where the Science Supports Ocean-Climate Policy. 851448-

2022 | Artículo

Anadon-Rosell, A.; Scharnweber, T.; von Arx, G.; Peters, R.L.; Smiljanić, M.; Weddell, S.; Wilmking, M.

Growth and Wood Trait Relationships of Alnus glutinosa in Peatland Forest Stands With Contrasting Water Regimes. 788106-

2022 | Artículo

Mu, Z.; Llusià, J.; Zeng, J.; Zhang, Y.; Asensio, D.; Yang, K.; Yi, Z.; Wang, X.; Peñuelas, J.

An Overview of the Isoprenoid Emissions From Tropical Plant Species. 833030-

2022 | Artículo

Heymann, E.W.; Fuzessy, L.; Culot, L.

Small but Nice–Seed Dispersal by Tamarins Compared to Large Neotropical Primates. 1033-

2022 | Artículo

Tan, Y.; Yang, K.; Xu, Z.; Zhang, L.; Li, H.; You, C.; Tan, B.

The Contributions of Soil Fauna to the Accumulation of Humic Substances during Litter Humification in Cold Forests. 1235-

2022 | Artículo

Guevara, M.Á.; Sánchez-Gómez, D.; Vélez, M.D.; de María, N.; Díaz, L.M.; Ramírez-Valiente, J.A.; Mancha, J.A.; Aranda, I.; Cervera, M.T.

Epigenetic and Genetic Variability in Contrasting Latitudinal Fagus sylvatica L. Provenances. 1971-

2022 | Artículo

Duan, B.; Xiao, R.; Cai, T.; Man, X.; Ge, Z.; Gao, M.; Mencuccini, M.

Strong Responses of Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes to Litter Manipulation in a Boreal Larch Forest, Northeastern China. 1985-

2022 | Artículo

Magana, Antonio Jesus; Dader, Beatriz; Sancho, Gonzalo; Adan, Angeles; Morales, Ignacio; Vinuela, Elisa

Comparison of the Parasitization of Chelonus inanitus L. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in Two Spodoptera Pests and Evaluation of the Procedure for Its Production. 99-

2022 | Artículo

Vicens, N.; Carbonell, R.; Antropov, A.V.; Bosch, J.

Nesting biology of Trypoxylon petiolatum Smith, 1858 (Crabronidae), a cavity-nesting solitary wasp new to Europe. 153-171

2022 | Artículo

Hermoso De Mendoza, I.; Boucher, Etienne; Gennaretti, Fabio; Lavergne, Alienor; Field, Robert; Andreu-Hayles, Laia

A new snow module improves predictions of the isotope-enabled MAIDENiso forest growth model. 1931-1952

2022 | Artículo

Martínez-Torres, Helena; López-Olvera, Jorge Ramón; Mentaberre, Gregorio; Cardells-Peris, Jesús; Lizana, Víctor; Tampach, Stefania; Torres-Blas, Irene; Serrano, Emmanuel; San Miguel, Alfonso; Jolles, Anna; Alonso, Carlos; Fonseca, Carlos; Hernández-Castellano, Carlos; Gambra, Daniel; Risco, David; Baraza, Elena; Sebastián-González, Esther; Filella, Iolanda; Krumins, Jennifer; Carvalho, Joao; Peñuelas, Josep; Calleja, Juan Antonio; Clauss, Marcus; Martínez-Jauregui, María; Peláez, M.; Brolly, Matthew; Ramanzin, Maurizio; Ibañez-Álvarez, Miguel; Lurgi, Miguel; Candela, Mónica; Burnside, Niall G.; Cuenca, R.; Villafuerte-Jordán, Rafael; Tinoco, Rita; Lavín, Santiago; Fernández-Llario, Pedro

A homemade stretcher for ungulate transport. 40-43

2022 | Artículo

Canessa, Stefano; Salgado-Rojas, José; Villero, Dani; Brotons, Lluís; Amat, Fèlix; Guinart, Daniel; Solórzano, Sonia; López, Lluís; Comas, Xavier; Hermoso, Virgilio

Designing an optimal large-scale reintroduction plan for a critically endangered species,(en) - Designing an optimal large-scale reintroduction plan for a critically endangered species. 453-462

2022 | Artículo

Triviño, María; Morán-Ordoñez, Alejandra; Eyvindson, Kyle; Blattert, Clemens; Burgas, Daniel; Repo, Anna; Pohjanmies, Tähti; Brotons, Lluís; Snäll, Tord; Mönkkönen, Mikko

Future supply of boreal forest ecosystem services is driven by management rather than by climate change,(en) - Future supply of boreal forest ecosystem services is driven by management rather than by climate change. 1484-1500

2022 | Artículo

Dox, Inge; Mariën, Bertold; Zuccarini, Paolo; Marchand, Lorène J.; Prislan, Peter; Gričar, Jožica; Flores, Omar; Gehrmann, Friederike; Fonti, Patrick; Lange, Holger; Peñuelas, Josep; Campioli, Matteo

(en) - Wood growth phenology and its relationship with leaf phenology in deciduous forest trees of the temperate zone of Western Europe,Wood growth phenology and its relationship with leaf phenology in deciduous forest trees of the temperate zone of Western Europe. 109229-

2022 | Artículo

Song, Xin; Fang, Chao; Yuan, Zi-Qiang; Li, Feng-Min; Sardans, Jordi; Penuelas, Josep

(en) - Long-term alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) establishment could alleviate phosphorus limitation induced by nitrogen deposition in the carbonate soil,Long-term alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) establishment could alleviate phosphorus limitation induced by nitrogen deposition in the carbonate soil. 116346-

2022 | Artículo

Zhang, Hai Li;Nizamani, Mir Muhammad;Padulles Cubino, Josep;Guo, Lin Yuan;Zhou, Jing Jiang;Wang, Hua Feng

(ca) - Spatiotemporal Variation of Urban Plant Diversity and above Ground Biomass in Haikou, China,Spatiotemporal Variation of Urban Plant Diversity and above Ground Biomass in Haikou, China. 1824-

2022 | Artículo

Liu, Xuyang; Wang, Weiqi; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Chen, Xiaoxuan; Fang, Yunying; Alrefaei, Abdulwahed Fahad; Zeng, Fanjiang; Tariq, Akash

Effects of nitrogen-enriched biochar on subtropical paddy soil organic carbon pool dynamics,(en) - Effects of nitrogen-enriched biochar on subtropical paddy soil organic carbon pool dynamics. 158322-

2022 | Artículo

Díaz, Sandra; Kattge, Jens; Cornelissen, Johannes H. C.; Wright, Ian J.; Lavorel, Sandra; Dray, Stéphane; Reu, Björn; Kleyer, Michael; Wirth, Christian; Prentice, I. Colin; Garnier, Eric; Bönisch, Gerhard; Westoby, Mark; Poorter, Hendrik; Reich, Peter B.; Moles, Angela T.; Dickie, John; Zanne, Amy E.; Chave, Jérôme; Wright, S. Joseph; Sheremetiev, Serge N.; Jactel, Hervé; Baraloto, Christopher; Cerabolini, Bruno E. L.; Pierce, Simon; Shipley, Bill; Casanoves, Fernando; Joswig, Julia S.; Günther, Angela; Falczuk, Valeria; Rüger, Nadja; Mahecha, Miguel D.; Gorné, Lucas D.; Amiaud, Bernard; Atkin, Owen K.; Bahn, Michael; Baldocchi, Dennis; Beckmann, Michael; Blonder, Benjamin; Bond, William; Bond-Lamberty, Ben; Brown, Kerry; Burrascano, Sabina; Byun, Chaeho; Campetella, Giandiego; Cavender-Bares, Jeannine; Chapin, F. Stuart; Choat, Brendan; Coomes, David Anthony; Cornwell, William K.; Craine, Joseph; Craven, Dylan; Dainese, Matteo; de Araujo, Alessandro Carioca; de Vries, Franciska T.; Domingues, Tomas Ferreira; Enquist, Brian J.; Fagúndez, Jaime; Fang, Jingyun; Fernández-Méndez, Fernando; Fernandez-Piedade, Maria T.; Ford, Henry; Forey, Estelle; Freschet, Gregoire T.; Gachet, Sophie; Gallagher, Rachael; Green, Walton; Guerin, Greg R.; Gutiérrez, Alvaro G.; Harrison, Sandy P.; Hattingh, Wesley Neil; He, Tianhua; Hickler, Thomas; Higgins, Steven I.; Higuchi, Pedro; Ilic, Jugo; Jackson, Robert B.; Jalili, Adel; Jansen, Steven; Koike, Fumito; König, Christian; Kraft, Nathan; Kramer, Koen; Kreft, Holger; Kühn, Ingolf; Kurokawa, Hiroko; Lamb, Eric G.; Laughlin, Daniel C.; Leishman, Michelle; Lewis, Simon; Louault, Frédérique; Malhado, Ana C. M.; Manning, Peter; Meir, Patrick; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Messier, Julie; Miller, Regis; Minden, Vanessa; Molofsky, Jane; Montgomery, Rebecca; Montserrat-Martí, Gabriel; Moretti, Marco; Müller, Sandra; Niinemets, Ülo; Ogaya, Romà; Öllerer, Kinga; Onipchenko, Vladimir; Onoda, Yusuke; Ozinga, Wim A.; Pausas, Juli G.; Peco, Begoña; Penuelas, Josep; Pillar, Valério D.; Pladevall, Clara; Römermann, Christine; Sack, Lawren; Salinas, Norma; Sandel, Brody; Sardans, Jordi; Schamp, Brandon; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Schweingruber, Fritz; Shiodera, Satomi; Sosinski, Ênio; Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda; Spasojevic, Marko J.; Swaine, Emily; Swenson, Nathan; Tautenhahn, Susanne; Thompson, Ken; Totte, Alexia; Urrutia-Jalabert, Rocío; Valladares, Fernando; van Bodegom, Peter; Vasseur, François; Verheyen, Kris; Vile, Denis; Violle, Cyrille; von Holle, Betsy; Weigelt, Patrick; Weiher, Evan; Wiemann, Michael C.; Williams, Mathew; Wright, Justin; Zotz, Gerhard

The global spectrum of plant form and function: enhanced species-level trait dataset,(en) - The global spectrum of plant form and function: enhanced species-level trait dataset. 755-

2022 | Artículo

Zhang, Ying; Wang, Ruzhen; Sardans, Jordi; Wang, Bin; Gu, Baitao; Li, Yanyan; Liu, Heyong; Peñuelas, Josep; Jiang, Yong

Resprouting ability differs among plant functional groups along a soil acidification gradient in a meadow: A rhizosphere perspective,(en) - Resprouting ability differs among plant functional groups along a soil acidification gradient in a meadow: A rhizosphere perspective. 631-644

2022 | Artículo

Jin, Qiang; Wang, Weiqi; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Lan, Xingfu; Xu, Xuping; Wang, Chun

(en) - Individual and mixed effects of slag and biochar on soil aggregates and their carbon concentration and on fungal community structure in subtropical early- and late-cropping paddy fields,Individual and mixed effects of slag and biochar on soil aggregates and their carbon concentration and on fungal community structure in subtropical early- and late-cropping paddy fields. 3979-3990

2022 | Artículo

Li, Na; Chang, Ruiying; Jiang, Hui; Tariq, Akash; Sardans, Jordi; Peñuelas, Josep; Sun, Feng; Zhou, Xingmei

(en) - Combined livestock grazing-exclusion and global warming decreases nitrogen mineralization by changing soil microbial community in a Tibetan alpine meadow,Combined livestock grazing-exclusion and global warming decreases nitrogen mineralization by changing soil microbial community in a Tibetan alpine meadow. 106589-

2022 | Artículo

Tariq, Akash; Graciano, Corina; Sardans, Jordi; Ullah, Abd; Zeng, Fanjiang; Ullah, Ihteram; Ahmed, Zeeshan; Ali, Sikandar; Al-Bakre, Dhafer A.; Zhang, Zhihao; Bai, Yanfu; Wang, Weiqi; Peñuelas, Josep

Decade-long unsustainable vegetation management practices increase macronutrient losses from the plant-soil system in the Taklamakan Desert,(en) - Decade-long unsustainable vegetation management practices increase macronutrient losses from the plant-soil system in the Taklamakan Desert. 109653-

2022 | Artículo

Chen, Guan-Jhou; Palmer, John R.B.; Bartumeus, Frederic; Alba-Casals, Ana

(ca) - Modeling the impact of surveillance activities combined with physical distancing interventions on COVID-19 epidemics at a local level,(en) - Modeling the impact of surveillance activities combined with physical distancing interventions on COVID-19 epidemics at a local level,Modeling the impact of surveillance activities combined with physical distancing interventions on COVID-19 epidemics at a local level. 811-822

2022 | Artículo

Wang, Songhan; Zhang, Yongguang; Ju, Weimin; Wu, Mousong; Liu, Lei; He, Wei; Peñuelas, Josep

Temporally corrected long-term satellite solar-induced fluorescence leads to improved estimation of global trends in vegetation photosynthesis during 1995–2018,(en) - Temporally corrected long-term satellite solar-induced fluorescence leads to improved estimation of global trends in vegetation photosynthesis during 1995–2018. 222-234

2022 | Artículo

Qu, Wendi; Xie, Baohua; Hua, Hao; Bohrer, Gil; Penuelas, Josep; Wu, Chaoyang; Han, Guangxuan

Long-term nitrogen enrichment accelerates soil respiration by boosting microbial biomass in coastal wetlands,(en) - Long-term nitrogen enrichment accelerates soil respiration by boosting microbial biomass in coastal wetlands. 108864-

2022 | Artículo

Zhao, Qian; Zhu, Zaichun; Zeng, Hui; Myneni, Ranga B.; Zhang, Yao; Peñuelas, Josep; Piao, Shilong

(en) - Seasonal peak photosynthesis is hindered by late canopy development in northern ecosystems,Seasonal peak photosynthesis is hindered by late canopy development in northern ecosystems. 1484-+

2022 | Artículo

Yue, Kai; De Frenne, Pieter; Van Meerbeek, Koenraad; Ferreira, Verónica; Fornara, Dario A.; Wu, Qiqian; Ni, Xiangyin; Peng, Yan; Wang, Dingyi; Heděnec, Petr; Yang, Yusheng; Wu, Fuzhong; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Litter quality and stream physicochemical properties drive global invertebrate effects on instream litter decomposition,Litter quality and stream physicochemical properties drive global invertebrate effects on instream litter decomposition. 2023-2038

2022 | Artículo

Zhang, Guangqi;Maillard, Pascale;Mao, Zhun;Brancheriau, Loïc;Engel, Julien;Gérard, Bastien;Fortunel, Claire;Maeght, Jean Luc;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Ramel, Merlin;Nourissier-Mountou, Sophie;Fourtier, Stéphane;Stokes, Alexia

Non-structural carbohydrates and morphological traits of leaves, stems and roots from tree species in different climates,(ca) - Non-structural carbohydrates and morphological traits of leaves, stems and roots from tree species in different climates. 251-