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Applying a GLM-based approach to model the influence of soil properties on the toxicity of phenmedipham to Folsomia candida,(ca) - Applying a GLM-based approach to model the influence of soil properties on the toxicity of phenmedipham to Folsomia candida,(en) - Applying a GLM-based approach to model the influence of soil properties on the toxicity of phenmedipham to Folsomia candida. JOURNAL OF SOILS AND SEDIMENTS. 6: 888-
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Floral advertisement scent in a changing plant-pollinators market,(ca) - Floral advertisement scent in a changing plant-pollinators market,(en) - Floral advertisement scent in a changing plant-pollinators market. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS. : -
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Time variable hydraulic parameters improve the performance of a mechanistic stand transpiration model. A case study of Mediterranean Scots pine sap flow data assimilation,(ca) - Time variable hydraulic parameters improve the performance of a mechanistic stand transpiration model. A case study of Mediterranean Scots pine sap flow data assimilation,(en) - Time variable hydraulic parameters improve the performance of a mechanistic stand transpiration model. A case study of Mediterranean Scots pine sap flow data assimilation. AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY. : 168-
Phylogeny of the ant genus Aphaenogaster (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in the Iberian Peninsula, with the description of a new species. SOCIOBIOLOGY. 2: 208-
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Long-term monitoring of Menorcan butterfly populations reveals widespread insular biogeographical patterns and negative trends. Biodiversity and Conservation. : 1837-
(ca) - Post-fire forestry management improves fruit weight and seed set in forest coppices dominated by Arbutus unedo L.,Post-fire forestry management improves fruit weight and seed set in forest coppices dominated by Arbutus unedo L.. Forest Ecology and Management. : 65-
The age of monumental olive trees (Olea europaea) in northeastern Spain,(en) - The age of monumental olive trees (Olea europaea) in northeastern Spain,(ca) - The age of monumental olive trees Olea europaea in northeastern Spain. DENDROCHRONOLOGIA. 1: 11-