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Effects of drought-induced forest die-off on litter decomposition,(ca) - Effects of drought-induced forest die-off on litter decomposition,(en) - Effects of drought-induced forest die-off on litter decomposition. PLANT AND SOIL. 1-2: 91-
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Contrasting growth forecasts across the geographical range of Scots pine due to altitudinal and latitudinal differences in climatic sensitivity. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY. 10: 4106-
Environmental control of plant species abundance in a microtidal Mediterranean saltmarsh,(ca) - Environmental control of plant species abundance in a microtidal Mediterranean saltmarsh,(en) - Environmental control of plant species abundance in a microtidal Mediterranean saltmarsh. APPLIED VEGETATION SCIENCE. 3: 358-
(en) - The combined effects of land-use legacies and novel fire regimes on bird distributions in the Mediterranean,The combined effects of land-use legacies and novel fire regimes on bird distributions in the Mediterranean,The combined effects of land use legacies and novel fire regimes on bird distributions in the Mediterranean. Journal of Biogeography. 8: 1535-
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Ground- and satellite-based evidence of the biophysical mechanisms behind the greening Sahel. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY. 4: 1610-
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Does soil moisture overrule temperature dependence of soil respiration in Mediterranean riparian forests?,(en) - Does soil moisture overrule temperature dependence of soil respiration in Mediterranean riparian forests?. Biogeosciences. 21: 6173-
(ca) - Patterns of genetic variability and habitat occupancy in Crepis triasii Asteraceae at different spatial scales: Insights on evolutionary processes leading to diversification in continental islands,Patterns of genetic variability and habitat occupancy in Crepis triasii (Asteraceae) at different spatial scales: insights on evolutionary processes leading to diversification in continental islands. Annals of Botany. 2: 429-