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2022 | Artículo

Vives-Ingla, Maria; Sala-Garcia, Javier; Stefanescu, Constantí; Casadó-Tortosa, Armand; Garcia, Meritxell; Peñuelas, Josep; Carnicer, Jofre

(en) - Interspecific differences in microhabitat use expose insects to contrasting thermal mortality,Interspecific differences in microhabitat use expose insects to contrasting thermal mortality. e1561-

2022 | Artículo

Field, R.D.; Andreu-Hayles, L.; D’arrigo, R.D.; Oelkers, R.; Luckman, B.H.; Morimoto, D.; Boucher, E.; Gennaretti, F.; Hermoso, I.; Lavergne, A.; Levesque, M.

Correction to: Tree-ring cellulose δ18O records similar large-scale climate influences as precipitation δ18O in the Northwest Territories of Canada (Climate Dynamics, (2022), 58, 3-4, (759-776), 10.1007/s00382-021-05932-4). 2907-

2022 | Artículo

Ubach, A.; Páramo, F.; Prohom, M.; Stefanescu, C.

Weather and butterfly responses: a framework for understanding population dynamics in terms of species’ life-cycles and extreme climatic events. 427-439

2022 | Artículo

Franchini, M.; Rullman, S.; Claramunt‑López, B.

Correction to: A questionnaire‑based investigation to explore the social and legal implications derived from the use of camera traps for wildlife monitoring and conservation (European Journal of Wildlife Research, (2022), 68, 4, (44), 10.1007/s10344-022-01593-8). 67-

2022 | Artículo

Hernández-Morcillo, M.; Torralba, M.; Baiges, T.; Bernasconi, A.; Bottaro, G.; Brogaard, S.; Bussola, F.; Díaz-Varela, E.; Geneletti, D.; Grossmann, C.M.; Kister, J.; Klingler, M.; Loft, L.; Lovric, M.; Mann, C.; Pipart, N.; Roces-Díaz, J.V.; Sorge, S.; Tiebel, M.; Tyrväinen, L.; Varela, E.; Winkel, G.; Plieninger, T.

Scanning the solutions for the sustainable supply of forest ecosystem services in Europe. 2013-2029

2022 | Artículo

González, M.A.; Delacour-Estrella, S.; Bengoa, M.; Barceló, C.; Bueno-Marí, R.; Eritja, R.; Ruiz-Arrondo, I.

A Survey on Native and Invasive Mosquitoes and Other Biting Dipterans in Northern Spain. 867-877

2022 | Artículo

Yu, Y.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, Q.; Xu, N.; Lu, T.; Peñuelas, J.; Sun, L.; Zhu, Y.-G.; Qian, H.

Protists, Unexpected Players in Waterborne Antibiotic Resistance?. 19-

2022 | Artículo

Priyadarshini, Priya; Bundela, Amit Kumar; Gasparatos, Alexandros; Stringer, Lindsay C.; Dhyani, Shalini; Dasgupta, Rajarshi; Reddy, Chintala Sudhakar; Baral, Himlal; Muradian, Roldan; Karki, Madhav; Abhilash, Purushothaman Chirakkuzhyil; Peñuelas, Josep

Advancing Global Biodiversity Governance: Recommendations for Strengthening the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. 195-203

2022 | Artículo

Wei, L.; Ge, T.; Zhu, Z.; Ye, R.; Peñuelas, J.; Li, Y.; Lynn, T.M.; Jones, D.L.; Wu, J.; Kuzyakov, Y.

Paddy soils have a much higher microbial biomass content than upland soils: A review of the origin, mechanisms, and drivers. 107798-

2022 | Artículo

Morera, Albert; Martínez de Aragón, Juan; De Cáceres, Miquel; Bonet, José Antonio; de-Miguel, Sergio

Corrigendum to Historical and future spatially-explicit climate change impacts on mycorrhizal and saprotrophic macrofungal productivity in Mediterranean pine forests,Corrigendum: “Historical and future spatially-explicit climate change impacts on mycorrhizal and saprotrophic macrofungal productivity in Mediterranean pine forests” (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (2022) 319, (S0168192322001113), (10.1016/j.agrformet.2022.108918)). 109011-

2022 | Artículo

Balaguer-Romano, R.; Díaz-Sierra, R.; De Cáceres, M.; Cunill-Camprubí, À.; Nolan, R.H.; Boer, M.M.; Voltas, J.; Resco de Dios, V.

A semi-mechanistic model for predicting daily variations in species-level live fuel moisture content. 109022-

2022 | Artículo

Cheng, M.; Peñuelas, J.; McCabe, M.F.; Atzberger, C.; Jiao, X.; Wu, W.; Jin, X.

Combining multi-indicators with machine-learning algorithms for maize yield early prediction at the county-level in China. 109057-

2022 | Artículo

Teixido, A.L.; Fuzessy, L.F.; Souza, C.S.; Gomes, I.N.; Kaminski, L.A.; Oliveira, P.C.; Maruyama, P.K.

Anthropogenic impacts on plant-animal mutualisms: A global synthesis for pollination and seed dispersal. 109461-

2022 | Artículo

Dibnah, A.J.; Herbert-Read, J.E.; Boogert, N.J.; McIvor, G.E.; Jolles, J.W.; Thornton, A.

Vocally mediated consensus decisions govern mass departures from jackdaw roosts. R455-R456

2022 | Artículo

Crispín-DelaCruz, D.B.; Morales, M.S.; Andreu-Hayles, L.; Christie, D.A.; Guerra, A.; Requena-Rojas, E.J.

High ENSO sensitivity in tree rings from a northern population of Polylepis tarapacana in the Peruvian Andes. 125902-

2022 | Artículo

Penchenat, T.; Daux, V.; Mundo, I.; Pierre, M.; Stievenard, M.; Srur, A.; Andreu-Hayles, L.; Villalba, R.

Tree-ring isotopes from Araucaria araucana as useful proxies for climate reconstructions. 125979-

2022 | Artículo

Rodríguez-Morata, C.; Pacheco-Solana, A.; Ticse-Otarola, G.; Boza Espinoza, T.E.; Crispín-DelaCruz, D.B.; Santos, G.M.; Morales, M.S.; Requena-Rojas, E.J.; Andreu-Hayles, L.

Revealing Polylepis microphylla as a suitable tree species for dendrochronology and quantitative wood anatomy in the Andean montane forests. 125995-

2022 | Artículo

O'Reilly, E.; Gregory, R.D.; Aunins, A.; Brotons, L.; Chodkiewicz, T.; Escandell, V.; Foppen, R.P.B.; Gamero, A.; Herrando, S.; Jiguet, F.; Kålås, J.A.; Kamp, J.; Klvaňová, A.; Lehikoinen, A.; Lindström, Å.; Massimino, D.; Øien, I.J.; Reif, J.; Šilarová, E.; Teufelbauer, N.; Trautmann, S.; van Turnhout, C.; Vikstrøm, T.; Voříšek, P.; Butler, S.J.

Corrigendum: “An assessment of relative habitat use as a metric for species’ habitat association and degree of specialization” (Ecological Indicators (2022) 135, (108521), (S1470160X21011869), (10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.108521)). 108627-

2022 | Artículo

Weekers, Timothy; Marshall, Leon; Leclercq, Nicolas; Wood, Thomas J.; Cejas, Diego; Drepper, Bianca; Garratt, Michael; Hutchinson, Louise; Roberts, Stuart; Bosch, Jordi; Roquer-Beni, Laura; Lhomme, Patrick; Michez, Denis; Molenberg, Jean-Marc; Smagghe, Guy; Vandamme, Peter; Vereecken, Nicolas J.

Ecological, environmental, and management data indicate apple production is driven by wild bee diversity and management practices. 108880-

2022 | Artículo

Ruas, S.; Rotchés-Ribalta, R.; Ó hUallacháin, D.; Volpato, A.; Gormally, M.; White, B.; Moran, J.

Assessing stone walls habitat quality – Which factors affect bryophytes and macrolichens on farmland stone walls in Ireland?. 108948-

2022 | Artículo

Santos, G.M.; Albuquerque, R.P.; Barros, C.F.; Ancapichún, S.; Oelkers, R.; Andreu-Hayles, L.; de Faria, S.M.; De Pol-Holz, R.; das Neves Brandes, A.F.

High-precision 14C measurements of parenchyma-rich Hymenolobium petraeum tree species confirm bomb-peak atmospheric levels and reveal local fossil-fuel CO2 emissions in the Central Amazon. 113994-

2022 | Artículo

López, R.; Ramírez-Valiente, J.A.; Pita, P.

How plants cope with heatwaves in a drier environment. 152148-

2022 | Artículo

Ovenden, T.S.; Perks, M.P.; Forrester, D.I.; Mencuccini, M.; Rhoades, J.; Thompson, D.L.; Stokes, V.J.; Jump, A.S.

Intimate mixtures of Scots pine and Sitka spruce do not increase resilience to spring drought. 120448-

2022 | Artículo

Januchowski-Hartley, S.R.; Pawar, S.K.; Yang, X.; Jorissen, M.; Bristol, R.; Mantel, S.; White, J.C.; Januchowski-Hartley, F.A.; Roces-Díaz, J.V.; Gomez, C.C.; Pregnolato, M.

Supporting proactive planning for climate change adaptation and conservation using an attributed road-river structure dataset. 115959-

2022 | Artículo

Yang, F; Jiang, XL; Tariq, A; Sadia, S; Ahmed, Z; Sardans, J; Aleem, M; Ullah, R; Bussmann, RW

Potential medicinal plants involved in inhibiting 3CLpro activity: A practical alternate approach to combating COVID-19. 488-496

2022 | Artículo

Lanner, J.; Dubos, N.; Geslin, B.; Leroy, B.; Hernández-Castellano, C.; Dubaić, J.B.; Bortolotti, L.; Calafat, J.D.; Ćetković, A.; Flaminio, S.; Le Féon, V.; Margalef-Marrase, J.; Orr, M.; Pachinger, B.; Ruzzier, E.; Smagghe, G.; Tuerlings, T.; Vereecken, N.; Meimberg, H.

On the road: Anthropogenic factors drive the invasion risk of a wild solitary bee species. 154246-

2022 | Artículo

Mas, M.; Flaquer, C.; Puig-Montserrat, X.; Porres, X.; Rebelo, H.; López-Baucells, A.

Winter bat activity: The role of wetlands as food and drinking reservoirs under climate change. 154403-

2022 | Artículo

Duan, B.; Cai, T.; Man, X.; Xiao, R.; Gao, M.; Ge, Z.; Mencuccini, M.

Different variations in soil CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes and their responses to edaphic factors along a boreal secondary forest successional trajectory. 155983-

2022 | Artículo

Tariq, A.; Ullah, A.; Sardans, J.; Zeng, F.; Graciano, C.; Li, X.; Wang, W.; Ahmed, Z.; Ali, S.; Zhang, Z.; Gao, Y.; Peñuelas, J.

Alhagi sparsifolia: An ideal phreatophyte for combating desertification and land degradation. 157228-

2022 | Artículo

Azpiazu, C.; Bosch, J.; Martins, C.; Sgolastra, F.

Effects of chronic exposure to the new insecticide sulfoxaflor in combination with a SDHI fungicide in a solitary bee. 157822-

2022 | Artículo

Schmeller, D.S.; Urbach, D.; Bates, K.; Catalan, J.; Cogălniceanu, D.; Fisher, M.C.; Friesen, J.; Füreder, L.; Gaube, V.; Haver, M.; Jacobsen, D.; Le Roux, G.; Lin, Y.-P.; Loyau, A.; Machate, O.; Mayer, A.; Palomo, I.; Plutzar, C.; Sentenac, H.; Sommaruga, R.; Tiberti, R.; Ripple, W.J.

Scientists' warning of threats to mountains. 158611-

2022 | Artículo

Panchal, P.; Preece, C.; Peñuelas, J.; Giri, J.

Soil carbon sequestration by root exudates. 749-757

2022 | Artículo

Agathokleous, E.; Feng, Z.; Peñuelas, Josep

Ozone pollution disrupts plant–pollinator systems. 939-941

2022 | Artículo

Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, J.; Terradas, J.

Increasing divergence between human and biological elementomes. 935-938

2022 | Artículo

Wang, S.; Sun, P.; Zhang, G.; Gray, N.; Dolfing, J.; Esquivel-Elizondo, S.; Peñuelas, J.; Wu, Y.

Contribution of periphytic biofilm of paddy soils to carbon dioxide fixation and methane emissions. 100192-

2022 | Artículo

Agathokleous, E.; Peñuelas, J.

Monitoring, Regulation, and Mitigation of Cyanotoxins in the Environment to Protect Human Health and Wildlife. 14225-14227

2022 | Artículo

Rodriguez-Caton, M.; Andreu-Hayles, L.; Daux, V.; Vuille, M.; Varuolo-Clarke, A.M.; Oelkers, R.; Christie, D.A.; D’Arrigo, R.; Morales, M.S.; Palat Rao, M.; Srur, A.M.; Vimeux, F.; Villalba, R.

Hydroclimate and ENSO Variability Recorded by Oxygen Isotopes From Tree Rings in the South American Altiplano. e2021GL095883-

2022 | Artículo

Beamesderfer, E.R.; Buechner, C.; Faiola, C.; Helbig, M.; Sanchez-Mejia, Z.M.; Yáñez-Serrano, A.M.; Zhang, Y.; Richardson, A.D.

Advancing Cross-Disciplinary Understanding of Land-Atmosphere Interactions. e2021JG006707-

2022 | Artículo

Kröel-Dulay, G.; Mojzes, A.; Szitár, K.; Bahn, M.; Batáry, P.; Beier, C.; Bilton, M.; De Boeck, H.J.; Dukes, J.S.; Estiarte, M.; Holub, P.; Jentsch, A.; Schmidt, I.K.; Kreyling, J.; Reinsch, S.; Larsen, K.S.; Sternberg, M.; Tielbörger, K.; Tietema, A.; Vicca, S.; Peñuelas, J.

Erratum: Publisher Correction: Field experiments underestimate aboveground biomass response to drought (Nature ecology & evolution (2022) 6 5 (540-545)). 823-

2022 | Artículo

Carnicer, J.; Alegria, A.; Giannakopoulos, C.; Di Giuseppe, F.; Karali, A.; Koutsias, N.; Lionello, P.; Parrington, M.; Vitolo, C.

Global warming is shifting the relationships between fire weather and realized fire-induced CO2 emissions in Europe. 10365-

2022 | Artículo

Fernández-López, P.; Garriga, J.; Casas, I.; Yeste, M.; Bartumeus, F.

Erratum: Author Correction: Predicting fertility from sperm motility landscapes (Communications biology (2022) 5 1 (1027)). 1089-

2022 | Artículo

Wassen, M.J.; Schrader, J.; Eppinga, M.B.; Sardans, J.; Berendse, F.; Beunen, R.; Peñuelas, J.; van Dijk, J.

The EU needs a nutrient directive. 287-288

2022 | Artículo

Cook, B.I.; Smerdon, J.E.; Cook, E.R.; Williams, A.P.; Anchukaitis, K.J.; Mankin, J.S.; Allen, K.; Andreu-Hayles, L.; Ault, T.R.; Belmecheri, S.; Coats, S.; Coulthard, B.; Fosu, B.; Grierson, P.; Griffin, D.; Herrera, D.A.; Ionita, M.; Lehner, F.; Leland, C.; Marvel, K.; Morales, M.S.; Mishra, V.; Ngoma, J.; Nguyen, H.T.T.; O’Donnell, A.; Palmer, J.; Rao, M.P.; Rodriguez-Caton, M.; Seager, R.; Stahle, D.W.; Stevenson, S.; Thapa, U.K.; Varuolo-Clarke, A.M.; Wise, E.K.

Megadroughts in the Common Era and the Anthropocene. 741-757

2022 | Artículo

López-Mañas, R.; Pascual-Díaz, J.P.; García-Berro, A.; Bahleman, F.; Reich, M.S.; Pokorny, L.; Bataille, C.P.; Vila, R.; Domingo-Marimon, C.; Talavera, G.

Erratic spatiotemporal vegetation growth anomalies drive population outbreaks in a trans-Saharan insect migrant. e2121249119-

2022 | Artículo

Casiraghi, A.; García-Tejero, S.; Pérez Hidalgo, N.; Espadaler, X.

Interactions of the invasive Lasius neglectus (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with aphids (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Aphididae). 461-467

2022 | Artículo

Llovet, Alba;Vidal Dura, Andrea;Alcañiz Baldellou, Josep Maria;Ribas Artola, Angela;Domene Casadesús, Xavier

Biochar addition to organo-mineral fertilisers delays nutrient leaching and enhances barley nutrient content,(en) - Biochar addition to organo-mineral fertilisers delays nutrient leaching and enhances barley nutrient content,(ca) - Biochar addition to organo-mineral fertilisers delays nutrient leaching and enhances barley nutrient content. 2537-2551

2022 | Artículo

Schmid, M.; Paniw, M.; Postuma, M.; Ozgul, A.; Guillaume, F.

A Trade-Off between Robustness to Environmental Fluctuations and Speed of Evolution. E16-E35

2022 | Artículo

Mollo, E; Boero, F; Peñuelas, J; Fontana, A; Garson, MJ; Roussis, V; Cerrano, C; Polese, G; Cattaneo, AM; Mudianta, IW; Genta-Jouve, G; Taglialatela-Scafati, O; Appendino, G; Amodeo, P; Ghiselin, MT

Taste and smell: A unifying chemosensory theory. 69-94

2022 | Artículo

Wang, W.; Zhang, P.; Zhang, H.; Grossiord, C.; Pennington, S.C.; Norwood, M.J.; Li, W.; Pivovaroff, A.L.; Fernández-De-Uña, L.; Leff, R.; Yabusaki, S.B.; Waichler, S.; Bailey, V.L.; Ward, N.D.; McDowell, N.G.

Severe declines in hydraulic capacity and associated carbon starvation drive mortality in seawater exposed Sitka-spruce ( Picea sitchensis) trees. 35005-

2022 | Artículo

Silvestro, R.; Sylvain, J.-D.; Drolet, G.; Buttò, V.; Auger, I.; Mencuccini, M.; Rossi, S.

Upscaling xylem phenology: sample size matters. 811-824