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2021 | Article

Mas-Ponce, Antoni; Molowny-Horas, Roberto; Pla, Eduard; Sànchez-Mateo, Sònia

(en) - Assessing the Effects of Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents on the Ecological Quality Status in a Mediterranean River Basin,Assessing the Effects of Wastewater Treatment Plant Effluents on the Ecological Quality Status in a Mediterranean River Basin. 533-551

2021 | Article

Inmaculada Funes; Robert Savé; Felicidad De Herralde; C. Biel; Eduard Plà; Diana Pascual; J. Zabalza; Gemma Cantos; Gabriel Borràs; Jordi Vayreda; Xavier Aranda

Modeling impacts of climate change on the water needs and growing cycle of crops in three Mediterranean basins,(en) - Modeling impacts of climate change on the water needs and growing cycle of crops in three Mediterranean basins. 106797-106797

2018 | Article

Zabalza-Martinez, J.; Vicente-Serrano, Sergio M.; Ignacio Lopez-Morenob, Juan; Borras Calvo, G.; Savé Monserrat, Robert; Pascual, Diana; Pla, Eduard; Moran-Tejeda, Enrique; Dominguez-Castro, Fernando; Tague, C. L.;

The Influence of Climate and Land-Cover Scenarios on Dam Management Strategies in a High Water Pressure Catchment in Northeast Spain,(en) - The influence of climate and land-cover scenarios on dam management strategies in a highwater pressure catchment in Northeast Spain. -

2017 | Article

Pascual, Diana; Pla, Eduard; Fons-Esteve, Jaume; Abdul-Malak, Dania;

Climate change impacts on water availability and human security in the intercontinental biosphere reserve of the mediterranean (Morocco-Spain). 75-93

2017 | Article

Vicente-Serrano, Sergio M.; Zabalza-Martinez, J.; Borras, G.; Ignacio Lopez-Morenob, Juan; Pla, Eduard; Pascual, Diana; Savé Monserrat, Robert; Biel, Carmen; Funes, I.; Martin-Hernandez, N.; Pena-Gallardo, M.; Begueria, Santiago; Tomas-Burguera, Miquel;

(en) - Effect of reservoirs on streamflow and river regimes in a heavily regulated river basin of Northeast Spain,Effect of reservoirs on streamflow and river regimes in a heavily regulated river basin of Northeast Spain. 727-741

2017 | Article

Vicente-Serrano, Sergio M.; Zabalza-Martinez, J.; Borras, G.; Ignacio Lopez-Morenob, Juan; Pla, Eduard; Pascual, Diana; Savé Monserrat, Robert; Biel, Carmen; Funes, I.; Azorin-Molina, Cesar; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo; Martin-Hernandez, N.; Pena-Gallardo, M.; Alonso-Gonzalez, Esteban; Tomas-Burguera, Miquel; El Kenawy, A.;

Extreme hydrological events and the influence of reservoirsin a highly regulated river basin of northeastern Spain,(en) - Extreme hydrological events and the influence of reservoirs in a highly regulated river basin of northeastern Spain,(en) - Extreme hydrological events and the influence of reservoirsin a highly regulated river basin of northeastern Spain. 13-32

2015 | Article

Pascual, Diana; Pla, Eduard; Lopez-Bustins, Joan A.; Retana Alumbreros, Javier; Terradas, Jaume;

Impacts of climate change on water resources in the Mediterranean Basin: a case study in Catalonia, Spain,(fr) - Impacts du changement climatique sur les ressources en eau dans le bassin méditerranéen : une étude de cas en Catalogne, Espagne,(ca) - Impacts of climate change on water resources in the Mediterranean Basin: a case study in Catalonia, Spain. 2132-2147

2014 | Article

Lopez-Bustins, Joan-Albert; Pla, Eduard; Nadal, Montserrat; de Herralde, Felicidad; Savé Monserrat, Robert;

Global change and viticulture in the Mediterranean region: a case of study in north-eastern Spain,(en) - Global change and viticulture in the Mediterranean region: a case of study in north-eastern Spain,(en) - Global change and viticulture in the Mediterranean region: A case of study in north-eastern Spain. 78-88

2013 | Article

Lopez-Bustins, Joan A.; Pascual, Diana; Pla, Eduard; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(ca) - Future variability of droughts in three Mediterranean catchments,Future variability of droughts in three Mediterranean catchments,(en) - Future variability of droughts in three Mediterranean catchments. 1405-1421

2012 | Article

Savé Monserrat, Robert; de Herralde, Felicidad; Aranda, Xavier; Pla, Eduard; Pascual, Diana; Funes, I.; Biel, Carmen;

(en) - Potential changes in irrigation requirements and phenology of maize, apple trees and alfalfa under global change conditions in Fluvià watershed during XXIst century: Results from a modeling approximation to watershed-level water balance,(en) - Potential changes in irrigation requirements and phenology of maize, apple trees and alfalfa under global change conditions in Fluvia watershed during XXIst century: Results from a modeling approximation to watershed-level water balance,Potential changes in irrigation requirements and phenology of maize, apple trees and alfalfa under global change conditions in Fluvia watershed during XXIst century: Results from a modeling approximation to watershed-level water balance. 78-87

2012 | Capítol de llibre

de Herralde, Felicidad; Savé Monserrat, Robert; Nadal, M.; Pla, Eduard; Lopez-Bustins, J. A.;

Global Change Influence on Wine Quality in Priorat and Montsant (NE Spain). 39-46

2010 | Article

Otero, Iago; Boada, Marti; Badia, Anna; Pla, Eduard; Vayreda, Jordi; Sabate, Santiago; Gracia, Carles A.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

(en) - Loss of water availability and stream biodiversity under land abandonment and climate change in a Mediterranean catchment (Olzinelles, NE Spain),(ca) - Loss of water availability and stream biodiversity under land abandonment and climate change in a Mediterranean catchment Olzinelles, NE Spain,Loss of water availability and stream biodiversity under land abandonment and climate change in a Mediterranean catchment (Olzinelles, NE Spain). 207-218