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2023 | Article

Cano-Barbacil, Carlos; Carrete, Martina; Castro-Diez, Pilar; Delibes-Mateos, Miguel; Jaques, Josep A.; Lopez-Darias, Marta; Nogales, Manuel; Pino, Joan; Ros, Macarena; Traveset, Anna; Turon, Xavier; Vila, Montserrat; Altamirano, Maria; Alvarez, Ines; Arias, Andres; Boix, Dani; Cabido, Carlos; Cacabelos, Eva; Cobo, Fernando; Cruz, Joaquin; Cuesta, Jose A.; Dader, Beatriz; del Estal, Pedro; Gallardo, Belinda; Laporta, Miguel Gomez; Gonzalez-Moreno, Pablo; Hernandez, Jose Carlos; Jimenez-Alfaro, Borja; Lobo, Adrian Lazaro; Leza, Mar; Montserrat, Marta; Oliva-Paterna, Francisco J.; Pineiro, Laura; Ponce, Carlos; Pons, Pere; Rotches-Ribalta, Roser; Roura-Pascual, Nuria; Sanchez, Marta; Trillo, Alejandro; Vinuela, Elisa; Garcia-Berthou, Emili

Identification of potential invasive alien species in Spain through horizon scanning,(en) - Identification of potential invasive alien species in Spain through horizon scanning. 118696-

2023 | Article

Rotchés-Ribalta, Roser; Marull, Joan; Pino, Joan

Organic farming increases functional diversity and ecosystem service provision of spontaneous vegetation in Mediterranean vineyards,(en) - Organic farming increases functional diversity and ecosystem service provision of spontaneous vegetation in Mediterranean vineyards. -

2023 | Article

Marull, Joan; Padró, Roc; La Rota-Aguilera, María José; Pino, Joan; Giocoli, Annalisa; Cirera, Jacob; Ruiz-Forés, Núria; Coll, Francesc; Serrano-Tovar, Tarik; Velasco-Fernández, Raúl

(en) - Modelling land use planning: Socioecological integrated analysis of metropolitan green infrastructures,(ca) - Modelling land use planning,Modelling land use planning: Socioecological integrated analysis of metropolitan green infrastructures. -

2023 | Article

Marull, Joan; Pino, Joan; Melero, Yolanda; Tello, Enric

Using thermodynamics to understand the links between energy, information, structure and biodiversity in a human-transformed landscape,(en) - Using thermodynamics to understand the links between energy, information, structure and biodiversity in a human-transformed landscape. -

2023 | Article

Selwyn, Miriam;Pino Vilalta, Joan;Espelta Morral, Josep Maria

(ca) - Disentangling the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic seed dispersal factors in forest restoration success :,Disentangling the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic seed dispersal factors in forest restoration success: a global review. e13868-

2022 | Article

Ruiz-Carbayo, Helena; Espelta, Josep Maria; Pino, Joan; Hampe, Arndt; Bonal, Raul

(en) - Contrasting genetic population structures in acorn weevils (Curculio spp.) in expanding forests: The effects of differences in resource-tracking strategies,Contrasting genetic population structures in acorn weevils (Curculio spp.) in expanding forests: The effects of differences in resource-tracking strategies. 77-87

2022 | Article

Padial Iglesias, Mario;Ninyerola Casals, Miquel;Serra Ruiz, Pere;Espelta Morral, Josep Maria;Pino Vilalta, Joan;Pons Fernandez, Xavier

Driving Forces of Forest Expansion Dynamics across the Iberian Peninsula (1987–2017): A Spatio-Temporal Transect,(en) - Driving Forces of Forest Expansion Dynamics across the Iberian Peninsula (1987–2017): A Spatio-Temporal Transect,(ca) - Driving Forces of Forest Expansion Dynamics across the Iberian Peninsula 1987–2017. 475-

2022 | Article

Rojas, Carolina; Sepúlveda, Einer; Jorquera, Felipe; Munizaga, Juan; Pino, Joan

(en) - Accessibility disturbances to the biodiversity of urban wetlands due to built environment,Accessibility disturbances to the biodiversity of urban wetlands due to built environment. 100076-

2021 | Article

Rafael Muñoz‐Mas; Martina Carrete; Pilar Castro‐Díez; Miguel Delibes‐Mateos; Josep Anton Jaques Miret; Marta López‐Darias; Manuel Nogales; Joan Pino; Anna Traveset; Xavier Turon; Montserrat Vilà; Emili García‐Berthou

Management of invasive alien species in Spain: A bibliometric review. 123-150

2021 | Article

Doblas-Miranda, Enrique; Pino, Joan; Espelta, Josep Maria

Connectivity affects species turnover in soil microarthropod communities during Mediterranean forest establishment,(en) - Connectivity affects species turnover in soil microarthropod communities during Mediterranean forest establishment. -

2021 | Article

Xavier Bouteiller; Florian Moret; Raphaël Ségura; Marcin Klisz; Antonín Martiník; Arnaud Monty; Joan Pino; Marcela van Loo; Tomasz Wojda; Annabel J. Porté; Stéphanie Mariette

(en) - The seeds of invasion: enhanced germination in invasive European populations of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) compared to native American populations,The seeds of invasion: enhanced germination in invasive European populations of black locust (<i>Robinia pseudoacacia</i> L.) compared to native American populations. 1006-1017

2021 | Article

Pla Narbona i Leon, Claudia;Stefanescu, Constantí;Pino Vilalta, Joan;Cabrero-Sañudo, Francisco J.;García-Barros, Enrique;Munguira, Miguel L.;Melero Cavero, Yolanda

(en) - Butterfly biodiversity in the city is driven by the interaction of the urban landscape and species traits: a call for contextualised management,Butterfly biodiversity in the city is driven by the interaction of the urban landscape and species traits: a call for contextualised management,(ca) - Butterfly biodiversity in the city is driven by the interaction of the urban landscape and species traits: a call for contextualised management. 81-92

2021 | Article

Palmero-Iniesta, Marina; Pino, Joan; Pesquer, Lluís; Espelta, Josep Maria

(en) - Recent forest area increase in Europe: expanding and regenerating forests differ in their regional patterns, drivers and productivity trends,Recent forest area increase in Europe: expanding and regenerating forests differ in their regional patterns, drivers and productivity trends. 793-805

2021 | Article

Correia, Marta; Espelta, Josep Maria; Morillo, José A.; Pino, Joan; Rodríguez-Echeverría, Susana

Land‐use history alters the diversity, community composition and interaction networks of ectomycorrhizal fungi in beech forests,(en) - Land-use history alters the diversity, community composition and interaction networks of ectomycorrhizal fungi in beech forests. 2856-2870

2021 | Article

Palmero Iniesta, Marina;Espelta, Josep Maria;Padial‐iglesias, Mario;Gonzàlez‐guerrero, Òscar;Pesquer Mayos, Lluis;Domingo Marimon, Cristina;Ninyerola Casals, Miquel; Pons i Fernández;Pons Fernandez, Xavier;Pino, Joan

The Role of Recent (1985–2014) Patterns of Land Abandonment and Environmental Factors in the Establishment and Growth of Secondary Forests in the Iberian Peninsula,(ca) - The role of recent 1985–2014 patterns of land abandonment and environmental factors in the establishment and growth of secondary forests in the iberian peninsula,(en) - The role of recent (1985–2014) patterns of land abandonment and environmental factors in the establishment and growth of secondary forests in the iberian peninsula. 817-817

2021 | Article

Cruz-Alonso, Verónica; Espelta, Josep Maria; Pino, Joan

(en) - Woody species richness and turnover in expanding Mediterranean forests: a story of landscape legacies influenced by climatic aridity,Woody species richness and turnover in expanding Mediterranean forests: a story of landscape legacies influenced by climatic aridity. 1787-1800

2021 | Article

Guerrieri, Rossella; Correia, Marta; Martín-Forés, Irene; Alfaro-Sánchez, Raquel; Pino, Joan; Hampe, Arndt; Valladares, Fernando; Espelta, Josep Maria

(en) - Land-use legacies influence tree water-use efficiency and nitrogen availability in recently established European forests,Land‐use legacies influence tree water‐use efficiency and nitrogen availability in recently established European forests. 1325-1340

2021 | Article

Riera, Marc; Pino, Joan; Melero, Yolanda

Impact of introduction pathways on the spread and geographical distribution of alien species: Implications for preventive management in mediterranean ecosystems,(en) - Impact of introduction pathways on the spread and geographical distribution of alien species: Implications for preventive management in mediterranean ecosystems. 1019-1034

2021 | Article

Andrés Pastor, Pilar;Doblas Miranda, Enrique;Mattana, Stefania;Molowny-Horas, Roberto;Vayreda, Jordi;Guardiola Bufí, Moisès;Pino, Joan;Mayorga Gordillo, Javier Andrés

(en) - A battery of soil and plant indicators of nbs environmental performance in the context of global change,A Battery of Soil and Plant Indicators of NBS Environmental Performance in the Context of Global Change,(ca) - A battery of soil and plant indicators of nbs environmental performance in the context of global change. 1-18

2021 | Article

Tello-García, Elena; Gamboa-Badilla, Nancy; Álvarez, Enrique; Fuentes, Laura; Basnou, Corina; Espelta, Josep Maria; Pino, Joan

(en) - Plant species surplus in recent peri-urban forests: the role of forest connectivity, species’ habitat requirements and dispersal types,Plant species surplus in recent peri-urban forests: the role of forest connectivity, species’ habitat requirements and dispersal types. 365-384

2021 | Article

Casademunt Monfort, Alexandre;Jordana Vidal, Jordi;Lloret Maya, Francisco;Melero Cavero, Yolanda;Nel·lo Colom, Oriol;Pons Fernandez, Xavier;Terradas Serra, Jaume;Germain, Josep;Álvarez, Enrique;Aparicio, Enric;Arús i Gorina, Pere;Basnou, Corina;Blanché, Cèsar;Bonada, Núria;Canals, Puri;Capodiferro, Marco;Carceller, Xavier;Casals Missio, Joan;Casals, Pere;Casañas, Francesc;Catalán, Jordi;Checa Rius, Joan;Cordero, Pedro J.;Corominas, Joaquim,;de Sostoa, Adolf;Espelta Morral, Josep Maria;Estrada Miyares, Marta;Folch, Ramon;Franquesa, Teresa;Garcia-Lozano, Carla;Garí, Mercè;Geli de Ciurana, Anna Maria;González Guerrero, Óscar;Gordillo, Javier;Gosálbez i Noguera, Joaquim;Grimalt, Joan;Guàrdia, Anna;Isern, Rosó;Junqué, Eva;Lascurain, Josep;Lleonart, Jordi;Llorente, Gustavo A.;Lloret, Josep;Mallarach, Josep Maria;Martín Vide, Javier;Medir, Rosa Maria;Montasell, Josep;Montori, Albert;Munné, Antoni;Palazón, Santiago;Palmero-Iniesta, Marina;Parés, Margarita;Pino Vilalta, Joan;Pintó, Josep;Planagumà, Llorenç;Prat, Narcís;Puig i Civera, Carme;Puig Ventosa, Ignasi;Puigdomènech, Pere;Pujol-Buxó, Eudald;Roca Trench, Núria;Jofre, Rodrigo;Rodríguez-Teijeiro, José Domingo;Roig-Munar, Francesc Xavier;Romanyà, Joan;Rovira Castellà, Pere;Sàez, Llorenç;Sauras-Yera, Teresa;Serrat, David;Simó, Joan;Soler, Jordi;Vallejo, Ramon;Vicente, Paloma;Vilaplana, Joan Manuel;Vinyoles, Dolors

(en) - Impacts of Use and abuse of nature in catalonia with proposals for sustainable management,Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management,(ca) - Impacts of use and abuse of nature in Catalonia with proposals for sustainable management,(ca) - Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management,Impacts of Use and abuse of nature in catalonia with proposals for sustainable management. 1-53

2020 | Article

Basnou C, Pino J, Davies C, Winkel G, De Vreese R

Co-design Processes to Address Nature-Based Solutions and Ecosystem Services Demands: The Long and Winding Road Towards Inclusive Urban Planning. -

2020 | Article

Gamboa-Badilla, Nancy; Segura, Alfonso; Bagaria, Guillem; Basnou, Corina; Pino, Joan

(en) - Contrasting time-scale effects of land-use legacy on species richness, diversity and composition in Mediterranean scrubland communities,Contrasting time-scale effects of land-use legacy on species richness, diversity and composition in Mediterranean scrubland communities. 2745-2757

2020 | Article

Espelta, Josep Maria; Cruz-Alonso, Verónica; Alfaro-Sánchez, Raquel; Hampe, Arndt; Messier, Christian; Pino, Joan

(en) - Functional diversity enhances tree growth and reduces herbivory damage in secondary broadleaf forests, but does not influence resilience to drought,Functional diversity enhances tree growth and reduces herbivory damage in secondary broadleaf forests, but does not influence resilience to drought. 2362-2372

2020 | Article

Palmero-Iniesta, Marina; Espelta, Josep Maria; Gordillo, Javier; Pino, Joan

Changes in forest landscape patterns resulting from recent afforestation in Europe (1990–2012): defragmentation of pre-existing forest versus new patch proliferation,(en) - Changes in forest landscape patterns resulting from recent afforestation in Europe (1990–2012): defragmentation of pre-existing forest versus new patch proliferation. 43-

2020 | Article

Ruiz-Carbayo, Helena; Pino, Joan; Bonal, Raúl; James, Patrick M. A.; Hampe, Arndt; Molowny-Horas, Roberto; Espelta, Josep Maria

(en) - Insect herbivory in novel Quercus ilex L. forests: the role of landscape attributes, forest composition and host traits,Insect herbivory in novel Quercus ilex L. forests: the role of landscape attributes, forest composition and host traïts. 32-

2020 | Article

Melero, Yolanda; Stefanescu, Constantí; Palmer, Stephen C.F.; Travis, Justin M.J.; Pino, Joan

(en) - The role of the urban landscape on species with contrasting dispersal ability: Insights from greening plans for Barcelona,The role of the urban landscape on species with contrasting dispersal ability: Insights from greening plans for Barcelona,The role of the urban landscape on species with 74 Annual Report 2020 | Scientific output contrasting dispersal ability: Insights from greening plans for Barcelona. 103707-

2020 | Article

Jeliazkov, Alienor; Mijatovic, Darko; Chantepie, Stéphane; Andrew, Nigel; Arlettaz, Raphaël; Barbaro, Luc; Barsoum, Nadia; Bartonova, Alena; Belskaya, Elena; Bonada, Núria; Brind’Amour, Anik; Carvalho, Rodrigo; Castro, Helena; Chmura, Damian; Choler, Philippe; Chong-Seng, Karen; Cleary, Daniel; Cormont, Anouk; Cornwell, William; de Campos, Ramiro; de Voogd, Nicole; Doledec, Sylvain; Drew, Joshua; Dziock, Frank; Eallonardo, Anthony; Edgar, Melanie J.; Farneda, Fábio; Hernandez, Domingo Flores; Frenette-Dussault, Cédric; Fried, Guillaume; Gallardo, Belinda; Gibb, Heloise; Gonçalves-Souza, Thiago; Higuti, Janet; Humbert, Jean-Yves; Krasnov, Boris R.; Saux, Eric Le; Lindo, Zoe; Lopez-Baucells, Adria; Lowe, Elizabeth; Marteinsdottir, Bryndis; Martens, Koen; Meffert, Peter; Mellado-Díaz, Andres; Menz, Myles H. M.; Meyer, Christoph F. J.; Miranda, Julia Ramos; Mouillot, David; Ossola, Alessandro; Pakeman, Robin; Pavoine, Sandrine; Pekin, Burak; Pino, Joan; Pocheville, Arnaud; Pomati, Francesco; Poschlod, Peter; Prentice, Honor C.; Purschke, Oliver; Raevel, Valerie; Reitalu, Triin; Renema, Willem; Ribera, Ignacio; Robinson, Natalie; Robroek, Bjorn; Rocha, Ricardo; Shieh, Sen-Her; Spake, Rebecca; Staniaszek-Kik, Monika; Stanko, Michal; Tejerina-Garro, Francisco Leonardo; Braak, Cajo ter; Urban, Mark C.; Klink, Roel van; Villéger, Sébastien; Wegman, Ruut; Westgate, Martin J.; Wolff, Jonas; Żarnowiec, Jan; Zolotarev, Maxim; Chase, Jonathan M.

A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space,(ca) - A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space,A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space.,(en) - A global database for metacommunity ecology, integrating species, traits, environment and space. 6-

2019 | Article

Raquel, Alfaro-Sanchez; Alistair S., Jump; Joan, Pino Vilalta; Oihane, Díez-Nogales; Josep Maria, Espelta;

(en) - Land use legacies drive higher growth, lower wood density and enhanced climatic sensitivity in recently established forests,Land use legacies drive higher growth, lower wood density and enhanced climatic sensitivity in recently established forests,(ca) - Land use legacies drive higher growth, lower wood density and enhanced climatic sensitivity in recently established forests. 107630-

2019 | Article

Guillem, Bagaria; Ferran, Rodà; Joan, Pino;

Extinction and colonisation of habitat specialists drive plant species replacement along a Mediterranean grassland-forest succession,(en) - Extinction and colonisation of habitat specialists drive plant species replacement along a Mediterranean grassland-forest succession. 331-340

2018 | Article

Marull, Joan; Tello, Enric; Bagaria, Guillem; Font, Xavier; Cattaneo, Claudio; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

Exploring the links between social metabolism and biodiversity distribution across landscape gradients: A regional-scale contribution to the land-sharing versus land-sparing debate,(en) - Exploring the links between social metabolism and biodiversity distribution across landscape gradients: A regional-scale contribution to the land-sharing versus land-sparing debate,(ca) - Exploring the links between social metabolism and biodiversity distribution across landscape gradients: A regional-scale contribution to the land-sharing versus land-sparing debate. 1272-1285

2018 | Article

Bagaria, Guillem; Roda, Ferran; Clotet, Maria; Miguez, Silvia; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

(ca) - Contrasting habitat and landscape effects on the fitness of a long-lived grassland plant under forest encroachment: Do they provide evidence for extinction debt?,Contrasting habitat and landscape effects on the fitness of a long-lived grassland plant under forest encroachment: Do they provide evidence for extinction debt?,(en) - Contrasting habitat and landscape effects on the fitness of a long-lived grassland plant under forest encroachment: Do they provide evidence for extinction debt?. 278-288

2018 | Article

Molina, Eduardo; Espelta, Josep Maria; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Bagaria, Guillem; Armenteras, Dolors;

(en) - Influence of clay licks on the diversity and structure of an Amazonian forest,Influence of clay licks on the diversity and structure of an Amazonian forest. 740-749

2018 | Article

Ruiz-Carbayo, Helena; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Espelta, Josep Maria;

Zero-sum landscape effects on acorn predation associated with shifts in granivore insect community in new holm oak (Quercus ilex) forests,(en) - Zero-sum landscape effects on acorn predation associated with shifts in granivore insect community in new holm oak (Quercus ilex) forests. 521-534

2018 | Article

Guardiola, Moises; Stefanescu, Constanti; Roda, Ferran; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

(en) - Do asynchronies in extinction debt affect the structure of trophic networks? A case study of antagonistic butterfly larvae–plant networks,(ca) - Do asynchronies in extinction debt affect the structure of trophic networks? A case study of antagonistic butterfly larvae–plant networks,Do asynchronies in extinction debt affect the structure of trophic networks? A case study of antagonistic butterfly larvae-plant networks. 803-813

2017 | Article

Hudson, Lawrence; Newbold, Tim; Contu, Sara; Hill, Samantha L. L.; Lysenko, Igor; De Palma, Adriana; Phillips, Helen; Alhusseini, Tamera I.; Bedford, Felicity E.; Bennett, Dominic J.; Booth, Hollie; Burton, Victoria J.; Chng, Charlotte W. T.; Choimes, Argyrios; Correia, David L. P.; Day, Julie; Echeverria-Londono, Susy; Emerson, Susan R.; Gao, Di; Garon, Morgan; Harrison, Michelle L. K.; Ingram, Daniel; Jung, Martin; Kemp, Victoria; Kirkpatrick, Lucinda; Martin, Callum D.; Pan, Yuan; Pask-Hale, Gwilym D.; Pynegar, Edwin L.; Robinson, Alexandra N.; Sanchez-Ortiz, Katia; Senior, Rebecca; Simmons, Benno; White, Hannah J.; Zhang, Hanbin; Aben, Job; Abrahamczyk, Stefan; Adum, Gilbert B.; Aguilar-Barquero, Virginia; Aizen, Marcelo; Albertos, Belen; Alcala, E. L.; Del Mar Alguacil, Maria; Alignier, Audrey; Ancrenaz, Marc; Andersen, Alan; Arbelaez-Cortes, Enrique; Armbrecht, Inge; Arroyo-Rodriguez, Victor; Aumann, Tom; Axmacher, Jan C.; Azhar, Badrul; Azpiroz, Adrian B.; Baeten, Lander; Bakayoko, Adama; Baldi, Andras; Banks, John E.; Baral, Sharad K.; Barlow, Jos; Barratt, Barbara I.P.; Barrico, Lurdes; Bartolommei, Paola; Barton, Diane M.; Basset, Yves; Batary, Peter; Bates, Adam; Baur, Bruno; Bayne, Erin; Beja, Pedro; Benedick, Suzan; Berg, Ake; Bernard, Henry; Berry, Nicholas J.; Bhatt, Dinesh; Bicknell, Jake; Bihn, Jochen; Blake, Robin J.; Bobo, Kadiri S.; Bocon, Roberto; Boekhout, Teun; Bohning-Gaese, Katrin; Bonham, Kevin J.; Borges, Paulo A. V.; Borges, Sergio H.; Boutin, Celine; Bouyer, Jeremy (parasitol); Bragagnolo, Cibele; Brandt, Jodi S.; Brearley, Francis Q.; Brito, Isabel; Bros, Vicenç; Brunet, Jorg; Buczkowski, Grzegorz; Buddle, Christopher; Bugter, Rob; Buscardo, Erika; Buse, Joern; Cabra-Garcia, Jimmy; Caceres, Nilton C.; Cagle, Nicolette L.; Calvino-Cancela, Maria; Cameron, Sydney A.; Cancello, Eliana; Caparros, Rut; Cardoso, Pedro; Carpenter, Dan; Carrijo, Tiago F.; Carvalho, Anelena L.; Cassano, Camila Righetto; Castro, Helena; Castro-Luna, Alejandro Antonio; Cerda, Rolando B.; Cerezo, Alexis; Chapman, Kim Alan; Chauvat, Matthieu; Christensen, Morten; Clarke, Francis M.; Cleary, Daniel F. R.; Colombo, Giorgio; Connop, Stuart P.; Craig, Michael; Cruz-Lopez, Leopoldo; Cunningham, Saul A.; D'ANIELLO, BIAGIO; D'Cruze, Neil; da Silva, Pedro G.; Dallimer, Martin; Danquah, Emmanuel; Darvill, Ben; Dauber, Jens; Davis, Adrian L. V.; Dawson, Jeff; De Sassi, Claudio; De Thoisy, Benoit; DEHEUVELS, Olivier; Dejean, Alain; Devineau, Jean-Louis; Diekoetter, Tim; Dolia, Jignasu V.; Dominguez, Erwin; Dominguez-Haydar, Yamileth; Dorn, Silvia; Draper, Isabel; Dreber, Niels; Dumont, Bertrand; Dures, Simon G.; Dynesius, Mats; Edenius, Lars; Eggleton, Paul; Eigenbrod, Felix; Elek, Zoltan; Entling, Martin; Esler, Karen; de Lima, Ricardo F.; Faruk, Aisyah; Farwig, Nina; Fayle, Tom M.; Felicioli, Antonio; Felton, Annika M.; Fensham, Roderick J.; Fernandez, Ignacio C.; Campos Ferreira, Catarina; Ficetola, Gentile Francesco; Cristina, Fiera; Filgueiras, Bruno K. C.; Firincioglu, Huseyin K.; Flaspohler, David; Floren, Andreas; Fonte, Steven; Fournier, Anne; Fowler, Robert E.; Franzen, Markus; Fraser, Lauchlan H.; Fredriksson, Gabriella M.; Freire-, Geraldo B., Jr.; Frizzo, Tiago L. M.; Fukuda, Daisuke; Furlani, Dario; Gaigher, Rene; Ganzhorn, Joerg U.; Garcia, Karla P.; Garcia-R, Juan C.; Garden, Jenni G.; Garilleti, Ricardo; Ge, Bao-Ming; Gendreau-Berthiaume, Benoit; Gerard, Philippa J.; Gheler-Costa, Carla; Gilbert, Benjamin; Giordani, Paolo; Giordano, Simonetta; Golodets, Carly; Gomes, Laurens G. L.; Gould, Rachelle K.; Goulson, Dave; Gove, Aaron D.; Granjon, Laurent; Grass, Ingo; Gray, Claudia L.; Grogan, James; Gu, Weibin; Guardiola, Moises; Gunawardene, Nihara R.; Gutierrez, Alvaro G.; Gutierrez-Lamus, Doris L.; Haarmeyer, Daniela H.; Hanley, Mick E.; Hanson, Thor; Hashim, Nor; Hassan, Shombe N.; Hatfield, Richard G.; Hawes, Joseph E.; Hayward, Matt W.; Hebert, Christian; Helden, Alvin J.; Henden, John-Andre; Henschel, Philipp; Hernandez, Lionel; Herrera, James P.; Herrmann, Farina; Herzog, Felix; Higuera-Diaz, Diego; Hilje, Branko; Hofer, Hubert; Hoffmann, Anke; Horgan, Finbarr G.; Hornung, Elisabeth; Horvath, Roland; Hylander, Kristoffer; Isaacs-Cubides, Paola; Ishida, Hiroaki; Ishitani, Masahiro; Jacobs, Carmen T.; Jaramillo, Victor J.; Jauker, Birgit; Jimenez Hernandez, F.; Johnson, Mckenzie F.; Jolli, Virat; Jonsell, Mats; Juliani, S. Nur; Jung, Thomas S.; Kapoor, Vena; Kappes, Heike; Kati, Vassiliki; Katovai, Eric; Kellner, Klaus; Kessler, Michael; Kirby, Kathryn R.; Kittle, Andrew M.; Knight, Mairi E.; Knop, Eva; Kohler, Florian; Koivula, Matti; Kolb, Annette; Kone, Mouhamadou; Koroesi, Adam; Krauss, Jochen; Kumar, Ajith; Kumar, Raman; Kurz, David J.; Kutt, Alex S.; Lachat, Thibault; Lantschner, Maria Victoria; Lara, Francisco; Lasky, Jesse R.; Latta, Steven C.; Laurance, William F.; Lavelle, Patrick; Le Feon, Violette; Lebuhn, Gretchen; Legare, Jean-Philippe; Lehouck, Valerie; Lencinas, Maria Vanessa; Lentini, Pia; Letche, Susan G.; Li, Qi; Litchwark, Simon A.; Littlewood, Nick; Liu, Yunhui; Lo-Man-Hung, Nancy; Lopez-Quintero, Carlos A.; Louhaichi, Mounir; Lovei, Gabor; Lucas Borja, Manuel Esteban; Luja, Victor H.; Luskin, Matthew S.; Macswiney G, M. Cristina; Maeto, Kaoru; Magura, Tibor; Mallari, Neil Aldrin; Malone, Louise A.; Malonza, Patrick K.; Malumbres-Olarte, Jagoba; Mandujano, Salvador; Maren, Inger E.; Marin-Spiotta, Erika; Marsh, Charles J.; Marshall, Edward; Martínez Chamorro, Esteban; Pastur, Guillermo Martinez; Mateos, David Moreno; Mayfield, Margaret M.; Mazimpaka, Vicente; Mccarthy, Jennifer L.; Mccarthy, Kyle P.; Mcfrederick, Quinn S.; Mcnamara, Sean; Garcia Medina, Nagore; Medina, Rafael; Mena, Jose Luis; Mico, Estefania; Mikusinski, Grzegorz; Milder, Jeffrey C.; Miller, James R.; Miranda-Esquivel, Daniel R.; Moir, Melinda L.; Morales, Carolina L.; Muchane, Mary N.; Muchane, Muchai; Mudri-Stojnic, Sonja; Munira, A. Nur; Muonz-Alonso, Antonio; Munyekenye, B. F.; Naidoo, Robin; Naithani, A.; Nakagawa, Michiko; Nakamura, Akihiro; Nakashima, Yoshihiro; Naoe, Shoji; Nates-Parra, Guiomar; Gutierrez, Dario A. Navarrete; Navarro-Iriarte, Luis; Ndang'ang'a, Paul; Neuschulz, Eike L.; Ngai, Jacqueline T.; Nicolas, Violaine; Nilsson, Sven G.; Noreika, Norbertas; Norfolk, Olivia; Noriega, Jorge Ari; Norton, David A.; Noeske, Nicole M.; Nowakowski, A. Justin; Numa, Catherine; O'Dea, Niall; O'Farrell, Patrick; Oduro, William; Oertli, Sabine; Ofori-Boateng, Caleb; Oke, Christopher Omamoke; Oostra, Vicencio; Osgathorpe, Lynne M.; Eduardo Otavo, Samuel; Page, Navendu V.; Paritsis, Juan; Parra-H, Alejandro; Parry, Luke; Pe'Er, Guy; Pearman, Peter B.; Pelegrin, Nicolas; Pelissier, Raphael; Peres, Carlos A.; Peri, Pablo L.; Persson, Anna; Petanidou, Theodora; Peters, Marcell K.; Pethiyagoda, Rohan S.; Phalan, Ben; Philips, T. Keith; Pillsbury, Finn C.; Pincheira-Ulbrich, Jimmy; Pineda, Eduardo; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Pizarro-Araya, Jaime; Plumptre, A. J.; Poggio, Santiago L.; Politi, Natalia; Pons, Pere; Poveda, Katja; Power, Eileen F.; Presley, Steven J.; Proenca, Vania; Quaranta, Marino; Quintero, Carolina; Rader, Romina; Ramesh, B. R.; Ramirez-Pinilla, Martha P.; Ranganathan, Jai; Rasmussen, Claus; Redpath-Downing, Nicola A.; Reid, J. Leighton; Reis, Yana T.; Rey Benayas, Jose M.; Carlos Rey-Velasco, Juan; Reynolds, Chevonne; Ribeiro, Danilo B.; Richards, Miriam H.; Richardson, Barbara A.; Richardson, Michael; Macip Rios, Rodrigo; Robinson, Richard; Robles, Carolina A.; Roembke, Joerg; Romero-Duque, Luz Piedad; Ros, Matthias; Rosselli, Loreta; Rossiter, Stephen J.; Roth, Dana S.; Roulston, T'Ai H.; Rousseau, Laurent; Rubio, Andre V.; Ruel, Jean-Claude; Sadler, Jonathan; Safian, Szabolcs; Saldana-Vazquez, Romeo A.; Sam, Katerina; Samnegard, Ulrika; Santana, Joana; Santos, Xavier; Savage, Jade; Schellhorn, Nancy A.; Schilthuizen, Menno; Schmiedel, Ute; Schmitt, Christine B.; Schon, Nicole; Schuepp, Christof; Schumann, Katharina; Schweiger, Oliver; Scott, Dawn; Scott, Kenneth A.; Sedlock, Jodi L.; Seefeldt, Steven S.; Shahabuddin, Ghazala; Shannon, Graeme; Sheil, Douglas; Sheldon, Frederick H.; Shochat, Eyal; Siebert, Stefan; Silva, Fernando A. B.; Simonetti, Javier A.; Slade, Eleanor; Smith, Jo; Smith-Pardo, Allan H.; Sodhi, Navjot S.; Somarriba, Eduardo J.; Sosa, Ramon A.; Soto Quiroga, Grimaldo; St-Laurent, Martin-Hugues; Starzomski, Brian M.; Stefanescu, Constanti; Steffan-Dewenter, Ingolf; Stouffer, Philip C.; Stout, Jane; Strauch, Ayron M.; struebig, matthew; Su, Zhimin; Suarez-Rubio, Marcela; Sugiura, Shinji; Summerville, Keith S.; Sung, Yik-Hei; Sutrisno, Hari; Svenning, Jenschristian; Teder, Tiit; Threlfall, Caragh G.; Tiitsaar, Anu; Todd, Jacqui H.; Tonietto, Rebecca K.; Torre, Ignasi; Tothmeresz, Bela; Tscharntke, Teia; Turner, Edgar C.; Tylianakis, Jason M.; Uehara-Prado, Marcio; Urbina-Cardona, J. Nicolas; Vallan, Denis; Vanbergen, Adam J.; Vasconcelos, Heraldo L.; Vassilev, Kiril; Verboven, Hans A. F.; Verdasca, Maria Joao; Verdu, Jose R.; Vergara, Carlos H.; Vergara, Pablo M.; Verhulst, Jort; Virgilio, Massimiliano; Van Vu, Lien; Waite, Edward M.; Walker, Tony R.; Wang, Hua-Feng; Wang, Yanping; Watling, James I.; Weller, Britta; Wells, Konstans; Westphal, Catrin; Wiafe, Edward D.; Williams, Christopher; Willig, Michael R.; Woinarski, John C. Z.; Wolf, Jan H. D.; Wolters, Volkmar; Woodcock, Benjamin; Wu, Jihua; Wunderle, Joseph M., Jr.; Yamaura, Yuichi; Yoshikura, Satoko; Yu, Douglas W.; Zaitsev, Andrey S.; Zeidler, Juliane; Zou, Fasheng; Collen, Ben; Ewers, Rob M.; Mace, Georgina M.; Purves, Drew W.; Scharlemann, Joern P. W.; Purvis, Andy; Lucas Borja, Manuel Esteban; Barratt, Barbara I.P.; De Sassi, Claudio; D'ANIELLO, BIAGIO;

(en) - The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project,The database of the PREDICTS (Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems) project,(ca) - The database of the PREDICTS Projecting Responses of Ecological Diversity In Changing Terrestrial Systems project. 145-188

2017 | Article

Vila-Cabrera, Albert; Espelta, Josep Maria; Vayreda, Jordi; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

(en) - “New Forests” from the Twentieth Century are a Relevant Contribution for C Storage in the Iberian Peninsula,(ca) - “New Forests” from the Twentieth Century are a Relevant Contribution for C Storage in the Iberian Peninsula,New Forests\ from the Twentieth Century are a Relevant Contribution for C Storage in the Iberian Peninsula". 130-143

2017 | Article

Gonzalez-Moreno, Pablo; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Cozar Cabanas, Andres; Garcia-de-Lomas, Juan; Vila Planella, Montserrat;

The effects of landscape history and time-lags on plant invasion in Mediterranean coastal habitats,(en) - The effects of landscape history and time-lags on plant invasion in Mediterranean coastal habitats,(ca) - The effects of landscape history and time-lags on plant invasion in Mediterranean coastal habitats. 549-561

2017 | Article

Catarina Luz, Ana; Paneque-Galvez, Jaime; Gueze, Maximilien; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Macia, Manuel J.; Orta-Martinez, Marti; Reyes Garcia, Victoria;

Continuity and change in hunting behaviour among contemporary indigenous peoples,(ca) - Continuity and change in hunting behaviour among contemporary indigenous peoples,(en) - Continuity and change in hunting behaviour among contemporary indigenous peoples. 17-26

2017 | Article

Marisol Gonzalez, Tania; David Gonzalez-Trujillo, Juan; Palmer, John R. B.; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Armenteras, Dolors;

(ca) - Movement behavior of a tropical mammal: The case of Tapirus terrestris,(en) - Movement behavior of a tropical mammal: The case of Tapirus terrestris,Movement behavior of a tropical mammal: The case of Tapirus terrestris. 223-229

2017 | Article

Fan, Peilei; Ouyang, Zutao; Basnou, Corina; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Park, Hogeun; Chen, Jiquan;

Nature-based solutions for urban landscapes under post-industrialization and globalization: Barcelona versus Shanghai,(ca) - Nature-based solutions for urban landscapes under post-industrialization and globalization: Barcelona versus Shanghai,(en) - Nature-based solutions for urban landscapes under post-industrialization and globalization: Barcelona versus Shanghai. 272-283

2017 | Article

Doblas-Miranda, Enrique; Alonso, Rocio; Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Bermejo, V.; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; De Las Heras, J.; Estiarte Garrofé, Marc; Hodar, Jose A.; Llorens Garcia, Pilar; Lloret Maya, Francisco; LOPEZ-SERRANO, FRANCISCO; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi; Moya, Daniel; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Rodrigo, Anselm; Roura-Pascual, Nuria; Valladares, F.; Vila Planella, Montserrat; Zamora, R.; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(ca) - A review of the combination among global change factors in forests, shrublands and pastures of the Mediterranean Region: Beyond drought effects,A review of the combination among global change factors in forests, shrublands and pastures of the Mediterranean Region: Beyond drought effects. 42-54

2017 | Article

Ruiz-Carbayo, Helena; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Espelta, Josep Maria; Hernandez, Marisa; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

(en) - Community assembly in time and space: the case of Lepidoptera in a Quercus ilex L. savannah-like landscape,Community assembly in time and space: the case of Lepidoptera in a Quercus ilex L. savannah-like landscape. 21-31

2016 | Article

Clotet, Maria; Basnou, Corina; Bagaria, Guillem; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

(ca) - Contrasting historical and current land-use correlation with diverse components of current alien plant invasions in Mediterranean habitats,(en) - Contrasting historical and current land-use correlation with diverse components of current alien plant invasions in Mediterranean habitats,Contrasting historical and current land-use correlation with diverse components of current alien plant invasions in Mediterranean habitats. 2897-2909

2016 | Article

Melero, Yolanda; Stefanescu, Constanti; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

General declines in Mediterranean butterflies over the last two decades are modulated by species traits,(ca) - General declines in Mediterranean butterflies over the last two decades are modulated by species traits,(en) - General declines in Mediterranean butterflies over the last two decades are modulated by species traits. 336-342

2016 | Article

Bela, Gyorgyi; Peltola, Taru; Young, Juliette C.; Balazs, Balint; Arpin, Isabelle; Pataki, Gyorgy; Hauck, Jennifer; Kelemen, Eszter; Kopperoinen, Leena; Van Herzele, Ann; Keune, Hans; Hecker, Susanne; Suskevics, Monika; Roy, Helen E.; Itkonen, Pekka; Kulvik, Mart; Laszlo, Miklos; Basnou, Corina; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Bonn, Aletta;

Learning and the transformative potential of citizen science,(ca) - Learning and the transformative potential of citizen science. 990-999

2016 | Article

Basnou, Corina; Vicente, Paloma; Espelta, Josep Maria; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

(en) - Of niche differentiation, dispersal ability and historical legacies: What drives woody community assembly in recent Mediterranean forests?,Of niche differentiation, dispersal ability and historical legacies: what drives woody community assembly in recent Mediterranean forests?,(ca) - Of niche differentiation, dispersal ability and historical legacies: What drives woody community assembly in recent Mediterranean forests?. 107-116

2015 | Article

Bagaria Morato, Guillem;Helm, Aveliina;Rodà de Llanza, Ferran;Pino Vilalta, Joan

(ca) - Assessing coexisting plant extinction debt and colonization credit in a grassland–forest change gradient,Assessing coexisting plant extinction debt and colonization credit in a grassland-forest change gradient,(en) - Assessing coexisting plant extinction debt and colonization credit in a grassland–forest change gradient. 823-834

2015 | Article

Girado-Beltran, Paola; Andreu, Jara; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

Exploring changes in the invasion pattern of alien flora in Catalonia (NE of Spain) from large datasets,(ca) - Exploring changes in the invasion pattern of alien flora in Catalonia NE of Spain from large datasets,(en) - Exploring changes in the invasion pattern of alien flora in Catalonia (NE of Spain) from large datasets. 3015-3028

2015 | Article

Batriu, Efrem; Ninot, Josep M.; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

Interactions between transplants of Phragmites australis and Juncus acutus in Mediterranean coastal marshes: The modulating role of environmental gradients,(ca) - Interactions between transplants of Phragmites australis and Juncus acutus in Mediterranean coastal marshes: The modulating role of environmental gradients,(en) - Interactions between transplants of Phragmites australis and Juncus acutus in Mediterranean coastal marshes: The modulating role of environmental gradients. 29-38