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2017 | Article

Armenteras, Dolors; Espelta, Josep Maria; Rodriguez Eraso, Nelly; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(en) - Deforestation dynamics and drivers in different forest types in Latin America: Three decades of studies (1980–2010),(ca) - Deforestation dynamics and drivers in different forest types in Latin America: Three decades of studies 1980–2010,Deforestation dynamics and drivers in different forest types in Latin America: Three decades of studies (1980-2010). 139-147

2017 | Article

Velez, Juliana; Espelta, Josep Maria; Rivera, Orlando; Armenteras, Dolors;

(en) - Effects of seasonality and habitat on the browsing and frugivory preferences of Tapirus terrestris in north-western Amazonia,Effects of seasonality and habitat on the browsing and frugivory preferences of Tapirus terrestris in north-western Amazonia. 395-406

2017 | Article

Bogdziewicz, Michal; Fernandez-Martinez, Marcos; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Belmonte, Jordina; Espelta, Josep Maria;

(ca) - The Moran effect and environmental vetoes: Phenological synchrony and drought drive seed production in a Mediterranean oak,The Moran effect and environmental vetoes: phenological synchrony and drought drive seed production in a Mediterranean oak,(en) - The Moran effect and environmental vetoes: Phenological synchrony and drought drive seed production in a Mediterranean oak. -

2017 | Article

Fernandez-Martinez, Marcos; Vicca, Sara; Janssens, Ivan A.; Espelta, Josep Maria; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

The North Atlantic Oscillation synchronises fruit production in western European forests,(en) - The North Atlantic Oscillation synchronises fruit production in western European forests. 864-874

2017 | Article

Ruiz-Carbayo, Helena; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Espelta, Josep Maria; Hernandez, Marisa; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

(en) - Community assembly in time and space: the case of Lepidoptera in a Quercus ilex L. savannah-like landscape,Community assembly in time and space: the case of Lepidoptera in a Quercus ilex L. savannah-like landscape. 21-31

2017 | Article

Fernandez-Martinez, Marcos; Vicca, Sara; Janssens, Ivan A.; Espelta, Josep Maria; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

The role of nutrients, productivity and climate in determining tree fruit production in European forests,(en) - The role of nutrients, productivity and climate in determining tree fruit production in European forests. 669-679

2017 | Article

Fernandez-Martinez, Marcos; Bogdziewicz, Michal; Espelta, Josep Maria; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

(en) - Nature beyond linearity: Meteorological variability and Jensen's Inequality can explain mast seeding behavior,Nature beyond Linearity: Meteorological Variability and Jensen's Inequality Can Explain Mast Seeding Behavior. -

2017 | Article

Garcia-Jimenez, Ruth; Palmero-Iniesta, Marina; Espelta, Josep Maria;

Contrasting Effects of Fire Severity on the Regeneration of Pinus halepensis Mill. and Resprouter Species in Recently Thinned Thickets,(en) - Contrasting effects of fire severity on the regeneration of pinus halepensis mill. And resprouter species in recently thinned thickets. -

2017 | Article

Calama, Rafael; Manso, Ruben; Lucas Borja, Manuel Esteban; Espelta, Josep Maria; Pique, Miriam; Bravo, Felipe; Del Peso, Carlos; Pardos, Marta;

Natural regeneration in Iberian pines: A review of dynamic processes and proposals for management. -

2016 | Article

Cotillas, Miriam; Espelta, Josep Maria; Sanchez-Costa, Elisenda; Sabate, Santiago;

(en) - Aboveground and belowground biomass allocation patterns in two Mediterranean oaks with contrasting leaf habit: an insight into carbon stock in young oak coppices,Aboveground and belowground biomass allocation patterns in two Mediterranean oaks with contrasting leaf habit: an insight into carbon stock in young oak coppices. 243-252

2016 | Article

Sunyer, Pau; Muñoz Muñoz, Alberto_2; Mazerolle, Marc; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Espelta, Josep Maria;

(en) - Wood mouse population dynamics: Interplay among seed abundance seasonality, shrub cover and wild boar interference,Wood mouse population dynamics: Interplay among seed abundance seasonality, shrub cover and wild boar interference. 372-379

2016 | Article

Bonal Andrés, Raul; Espelta, Josep Maria; Muñoz Muñoz, Alberto_2; Ortego, Joaquin; Aparicio, Jose Miguel; Gaddis, Keith; Sork, Victoria L.;

(en) - Diversity in insect seed parasite guilds at large geographical scale: the roles of host specificity and spatial distance,Diversity in insect seed parasite guilds at large geographical scale: the roles of host specificity and spatial distance. 1620-1630

2016 | Article

Basnou, Corina; Vicente, Paloma; Espelta, Josep Maria; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

(en) - Of niche differentiation, dispersal ability and historical legacies: What drives woody community assembly in recent Mediterranean forests?,Of niche differentiation, dispersal ability and historical legacies: what drives woody community assembly in recent Mediterranean forests?,(ca) - Of niche differentiation, dispersal ability and historical legacies: What drives woody community assembly in recent Mediterranean forests?. 107-116

2016 | Article

Chang, Chao-Ting; Sperlich, Dominik; Sabate, Santiago; Sanchez-Costa, Elisenda; Cotillas, Miriam; Espelta, Josep Maria; Gracia, Carlos;

Mitigating the Stress of Drought on Soil Respiration by Selective Thinning: Contrasting Effects of Drought on Soil Respiration of Two Oak Species in a Mediterranean Forest,(en) - Mitigating the stress of drought on soil respiration by selective thinning: Contrasting effects of drought on soil respiration of two oak species in a mediterranean forest,(en) - Mitigating the Stress of Drought on Soil Respiration by Selective Thinning: Contrasting Effects of Drought on Soil Respiration of Two Oak Species in a Mediterranean Forest. 263-

2015 | Article

Fernandez-Martinez, Marcos; GARBULSKY, MARTIN; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Peguero, Guille; Espelta, Josep Maria;

Temporal trends in the enhanced vegetation index and spring weather predict seed production in Mediterranean oaks,Temporal dynamics of the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) in oak forests suggest masting is driven by a short-term accumulation of resources,(en) - Temporal trends in the enhanced vegetation index and spring weather predict seed production in Mediterranean oaks. 1061-1072

2015 | Article

Benavides, Raquel; Escudero Alcántara, Adrián; Coll Mir, Lluis; ferrandis gotor, pablo; Gouriveau, Fabrice; Hodar, Jose A.; Ogaya Inurrigarro, Romà; Rabasa, Sonia G.; Granda, Elena; Santamaria, Blanca P.; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi; Zamora Rodríguez, Regino; Espelta, Josep Maria; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Valladares Ros, Fernando;

Survival vs. growth trade-off in early recruitment challenges global warming impacts on Mediterranean mountain trees,(en) - Survival vs. growth trade-off in early recruitment challenges global warming impacts on Mediterranean mountain trees,(ca) - Survival vs. growth trade-off in early recruitment challenges global warming impacts on Mediterranean mountain trees. 369-378

2015 | Article

Ravera, Federica; Tarrason, David; Espelta, Josep Maria;

Land use change trajectories, conservation status and social importance of dry forests in Nicaragua,(ca) - Land use change trajectories conservation status and social value of dry forests in Nicaragua,(en) - Land use change trajectories, conservation status and social importance of dry forests in Nicaragua. 1-11

2015 | Article

Bonal Andrés, Raul; Hernandez, Marisa; Espelta, Josep Maria; Muñoz Muñoz, Alberto_2; Aparicio, Jose Miguel;

Unexpected consequences of a drier world: evidence that delay in late summer rains biases the population sex ratio of an insect,(en) - Unexpected consequences of a drier world: Evidence that delay in late summer rains biases the population sex ratio of an insect. -

2015 | Article

Ortego, Joaquin; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Muñoz Muñoz, Alberto_2; Espelta, Josep Maria;

Living on the edge: the role of geography and environment in structuring genetic variation in the southernmost populations of a tropical oak,(en) - Living on the edge: The role of geography and environment in structuring genetic variation in the southernmost populations of a tropical oak. 676-683

2015 | Article

Sunyer, Pau; Boixadera, Ester; Muñoz Muñoz, Alberto_2; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Espelta, Josep Maria;

(en) - The interplay among acorn abundance and rodent behavior drives the spatial pattern of seedling recruitment in mature Mediterranean oak forests,The Interplay among Acorn Abundance and Rodent Behavior Drives the Spatial Pattern of Seedling Recruitment in Mature Mediterranean Oak Forests. -

2014 | Article

Sunyer, Pau; Espelta, Josep Maria; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Muñoz Terol, Alberto;

Seeding phenology influences wood mouse seed choices: the overlooked role of timing in the foraging decisions by seed-dispersing rodents,(en) - Seeding phenology influences wood mouse seed choices: The overlooked role of timing in the foraging decisions by seed-dispersing rodents. 1205-1213

2014 | Article

Peguero, Guille; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Espelta, Josep Maria;

Variation of predator satiation and seed abortion as seed defenses across an altitudinal distribution range,(en) - Variation of predator satiation and seed abortion as seed defense mechanisms across an altitudinal range,Variation of predator satiation and seed abortion as seed defense mechanisms across an altitudinal range. 269-276

2014 | Article

Muñoz Terol, Alberto; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Espelta, Josep Maria;

(en) - Acorn - weevil interactions in a mixed-oak forest: Outcomes for larval growth and plant recruitment,Acorn - weevil interactions in a mixed-oak forest: Outcomes for larval growth and plant recruitment. 98-105

2013 | Article

Peguero, Guille; Espelta, Josep Maria;

Endozoochory and Fire as Germination Triggers in Neotropical Dry Forests: an Experimental Test,(en) - Endozoochory and Fire as Germination Triggers in Neotropical Dry Forests: An Experimental Test,Endozoochory and fire as germination triggers in Neotropical dry forests: an experimental test. 83-89

2013 | Article

Sunyer, Pau; Muñoz Terol, Alberto; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Espelta, Josep Maria;

The ecology of seed dispersal by small rodents: a role for predator and conspecific scents,(en) - The ecology of seed dispersal by small rodents: A role for predator and conspecific scents. 1313-1321

2013 | Article

Rabasa, Sonia G.; Granda, Elena; Benavides, Raquel; Kunstler, Georges; Espelta, Josep Maria; Ogaya Inurrigarro, Romà; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Gil, Wojciech; Grodzki, Wojciech; Ambrozy, Slawomir; Bergh, Johan; Hodar, Jose A.; Zamora Rodríguez, Regino; Valladares Ros, Fernando;

(en) - Disparity in elevational shifts of European trees in response to recent climate warming,Disparity in elevational shifts of European trees in response to recent climate warming. 2490-2499

2013 | Article

Peguero, Guille; Espelta, Josep Maria;

(en) - Evidence for insect seed predator dynamics mediated by vertebrate frugivores,Evidence for insect seed predator dynamics mediated by vertebrate frugivores. 161-167

2012 | Capítol de llibre

Espelta, Josep Maria; Barbati, Anna; Quevedo, Lidia; Tarrega, Reyes; Navascues, Pablo; Bonfil, Consuelo; Peguero, Guille; Fernandez-Martinez, Marcos; Rodrigo, Anselm;

Post-Fire Management of Mediterranean Broadleaved Forests. 171-194

2012 | Article

Ortiz Perpina, Josep Oriol; Ojeda, Gerardo; Espelta, Josep Maria; Alcaniz, J. M.;

(en) - Improving substrate fertility to enhance growth and reproductive ability of a Pinus halepensis Mill. afforestation in a restored limestone quarry,Improving substrate fertility to enhance growth and reproductive ability of a Pinus halepensis Mill. afforestation in a restored limestone quarry. 365-381

2012 | Article

Fernandez Martinez, Marcos;Belmonte Soler, Jordina;Espelta Morral, Josep Maria

(en) - Masting in oaks: Disentangling the effect of flowering phenology, airborne pollen load and drought,Masting in oaks: Disentangling the effect of flowering phenology, airborne pollen load and drought,(ca) - Masting in oaks: Disentangling the effect of flowering phenology, airborne pollen load and drought. 51-59

2012 | Article

Muñoz Muñoz, Alberto; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Espelta, Josep Maria;

Responses of a scatter-hoarding rodent to seed morphology: links between seed choices and seed variability,(en) - Responses of a scatter-hoarding rodent to seed morphology: Links between seed choices and seed variability. 1435-1442

2012 | Article

Puerta Pinero, Carolina; Espelta, Josep Maria; Sanchez-Humanes, Belen; Rodrigo, Anselm; Coll Mir, Lluis; Brotons Alabau, Lluís;

History matters: Previous land use changes determine post-fire vegetation recovery in forested Mediterranean landscapes,History matters: previous land use changes determine post-fire vegetation recovery in forested Mediterranean landscapes,(en) - History matters: Previous land use changes determine post-fire vegetation recovery in forested Mediterranean landscapes,(ca) - History matters: Previous land use changes determine post-fire vegetation recovery in forested Mediterranean landscapes. 121-127

2012 | Article

Bonal Andrés, Raul; Hernandez, Marisa; Ortego, Joaquin; Muñoz Muñoz, Alberto_2; Espelta, Josep Maria;

Positive cascade effects of forest fragmentation on acorn weevils mediated by seed size enlargement,(en) - Positive cascade effects of forest fragmentation on acorn weevils mediated by seed size enlargement. 381-388

2011 | Article

Peguero, Guille; Lanuza, Oscar R.; Savé Monserrat, Robert; Espelta, Josep Maria;

(en) - Allelopathic potential of the neotropical dry-forest tree Acacia pennatula Benth.: Inhibition of seedling establishment exceeds facilitation under tree canopies,Allelopathic potential of the neotropical dry-forest tree Acacia pennatula Benth.: inhibition of seedling establishment exceeds facilitation under tree canopies,Allelopathic potential of the dry tropical tree Acacia pennatula Benth.: inhibition of seedling establishment exceeds facilitation under tree canopies. 1945-1953

2011 | Article

Maria Espelta, Josep; Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Rodrigo, Anselm;

Non-fire induced seed release ina weakly serotinous pine: climatic factors, maintenance costs or both?,(ca) - Non-fire induced seed release ina weakly serotinous pine: Climatic factors, maintenance costs or both?,(en) - Non-fire induced seed release ina weakly serotinous pine: Climatic factors, maintenance costs or both?. 1752-1760

2011 | Article

Zavala, Miguel A.;Espelta Morral, Josep Maria;Caspersen, John;Retana Alumbreros, Javier

(ca) - Interspecific differences in sapling performance with respect to light and aridity gradients in mediterranean pine-oak forests: Implications for species coexistence,(en) - Interspecific differences in sapling performance with respect to light and aridity gradients in mediterranean pine-oak forests: Implications for species coexistence,Interspecific differences in sapling performance with respect to light and aridity gradients in Mediterranean pine-oak forests: implications for species coexistence. 1432-1444

2010 | Article

Tarrasón, David; Urrutia, Josué T.; Ravera, Federica; Herrera, Ertilia; Andrés, Pilar; Espelta, Josep Maria

(en) - Conservation status of tropical dry forest remnants in Nicaragua: Do ecological indicators and social perception tally?,Conservation status of tropical dry forest remnants in Nicaragua: Do ecological indicators and social perception tally?,(ca) - Conservation status of tropical dry forest remnants in Nicaragua: Do ecological indicators and social perception tally?. 813-827