(ca) - Dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates in three mediterranean woody species following long-term experimental drought,(en) - Dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates in three mediterranean woody species following long-term experimental drought,Dynamics of non-structural carbohydrates in three Mediterranean woody species following long-term experimental drought. 400-
Contrasting trait syndromes in angiosperms and conifers are associated with different responses of tree growth to temperature on a large scale,(en) - Contrasting trait syndromes in angiosperms and conifers are associated with different responses of tree growth to temperature on a large scale. 409-
Volatile organic compounds in the western Mediterranean basin: urban and rural winter measurements during the DAURE campaign,(en) - Volatile organic compounds in the western Mediterranean basin: Urban and rural winter measurements during the DAURE campaign. 4291-4306
Comparative study of diurnal and nocturnal sap flow of Quercus ilex and Phillyrea latifolia in a Mediterranean holm oak forest in Prades (Catalonia, NE Spain),(en) - Comparative study of diurnal and nocturnal sap flow of Quercus ilex and Phillyrea latifolia in a Mediterranean holm oak forest in Prades (Catalonia, NE Spain). 1651-1659
Higher plasticity in ecophysiological traits enhances the performance and invasion success of Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) in alpine environments. 21-33
The elemental stoichiometry of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and its relationships with organismic lifestyle and ecosystem structure and function: a review and perspectives. 1-39
Seasonal changes in the daily emission rates of terpenes by Quercus ilex and the atmospheric concentrations of terpenes in the natural park of Montseny, NE Spain. 215-230
Litter VOCs induce changes in soil microbial biomass C and N and largely increase soil CO2 efflux,(ca) - Litter VOCs induce changes in soil microbial biomass C and N and largely increase soil CO <inf>2</inf> efflux. 163-174
Kefauver, Shawn C.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Ustin, Susan L.;
Improving assessments of tropospheric ozone injury to Mediterranean montane conifer forests in California (USA) and Catalonia (Spain) with GIS models related to plant water relations,(en) - Improving assessments of tropospheric ozone injury to Mediterranean montane conifer forests in California (USA) and Catalonia (Spain) with GIS models related to plant water relations. 41-49
Effects of climate change on leaf litter decomposition across post-fire plant regenerative groups,(ca) - Effects of climate change on leaf litter decomposition across post-fire plant regenerative groups,(en) - Effects of climate change on leaf litter decomposition across post-fire plant regenerative groups. 274-282
A choice modelling case study on climate change involving two-way interactions,(en) - A choice modelling case study on climate change involving two-way interactions. 345-354
AM fungi root colonization increases the production of essential isoprenoids vs. nonessential isoprenoids especially under drought stress conditions or after jasmonic acid application. 149-161
Biomass burning contributions to urban aerosols in a coastal Mediterranean City,(en) - Biomass burning contributions to urban aerosols in a coastal Mediterranean City. 175-190
(en) - Wide variation in spatial genetic structure between natural populations of the European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and its implications for SGS comparability,Wide variation in spatial genetic structure between natural populations of the European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and its implications for SGS comparability. 633-639
Strong relationship between elemental stoichiometry and metabolome in plants,(en) - Strong relationship between elemental stoichiometry and metabolome in plants,(ca) - Strong relationship between elemental stoichiometry and metabolome in plants. 4181-4186
The Role of Plants in the Effects of Global Change on Nutrient Availability and Stoichiometry in the Plant-Soil System,(en) - The role of plants in the effects of global change on nutrient availability and stoichiometry in the plant-soil system. 1741-1761
Stoichiometry of potassium is largely determined by water availability and growth in Catalonian forests,(en) - Stoichiometry of potassium is largely determined by water availability and growth in Catalonian forests. 1077-1089
Effects of phosphorus availability and genetic variation of leaf terpene content and emission rate in Pinus pinaster seedlings susceptible and resistant to the pine weevil, Hylobius abietis. 66-72
Summer season and long-term drought increase the richness of bacteria and fungi in the foliar phyllosphere of Quercus ilex in a mixed Mediterranean forest,(ca) - Summer season and long-term drought increase the richness of bacteria and fungi in the foliar phyllosphere of Quercus ilex in a mixed Mediterranean forest. 565-575
(ca) - Effect of experimentally induced climate change on the seed bank of a Mediterranean shrubland,Effect of experimentally induced climate change on the seed bank of a Mediterranean shrubland,(en) - Effect of experimentally induced climate change on the seed bank of a Mediterranean shrubland. 280-291
Mohr, Claudia; DeCarlo, Peter F.; Heringa, Maarten; Chirico, R.; Slowik, Jay; Richter, R.; Reche, Cristina; Alastuey Urós, José Andrés; Querol Carceller, Xavier; Seco, Roger; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Jimenez, Jose L.; Crippa, M.; Zimmermann, R.; Baltensperger, U.; Prevot, Andre;
(en) - Identification and quantification of organic aerosol from cooking and other sources in Barcelona using aerosol mass spectrometer data,Identification and quantification of organic aerosol from cooking and other sources in Barcelona using aerosol mass spectrometer data. 1649-1665
Carter, M. S.; Larsen, K. S.; Emmett, Bridget; Estiarte Garrofé, Marc; Field, C.; Leith, I. D.; Lund, Magnus; Meijide, Ana; Mills, R. T. E.; Niinemets, Ue.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Portillo-Estrada, Miguel; Schmidt, I. K.; Selsted, M. B.; Sheppard, L. J.; Sowerby, A.; Tietema, A.; Beier, C.;
Synthesizing greenhouse gas fluxes across nine European peatlands and shrublands - responses to climatic and environmental changes,(en) - Synthesizing greenhouse gas fluxes across nine European peatlands and shrublands-responses to climatic and environmental changes. 3739-3755
(ca) - Trends of AOT40 at three sites in the Catalan Pyrenees over the last 16 years,Trends of AOT40 at three sites in the Catalan Pyrenees over the last 16 years. 317-330
Inclan Cuartas, Rosa Maria; Gimeno, Benjamin S.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Gerant, Dominique; Quejido, Alberto;
Carbon Isotope Composition, Macronutrient Concentrations, and Carboxylating Enzymes in Relation to the Growth of Pinus halepensis Mill. When Subject to Ozone Stress,(en) - Carbon isotope composition, macronutrient concentrations, and carboxylating enzymes in relation to the growth of Pinus halepensis Mill. when subject to ozone stress. 587-598
(en) - Methanol as a signal triggering isoprenoid emissions and photosynthetic performance in Quercus ilex,Methanol as a signal triggering isoprenoid emissions and photosynthetic performance in Quercus ilex. 2413-2422
Effects of UV radiation and water limitation on the volatile terpene emission rates, photosynthesis rates, and stomatal conductance in four Mediterranean species,Effects of UV radiation and water limitation on the volatile terpene emission rates, photosynthesis rates, and stomatal conductance infour Mediterranean species.. 757-769
Chemical cues involved in the attraction of the oligolectic bee Hoplitis adunca to its host plant Echium vulgare,(en) - Chemical cues involved in the attraction of the oligolectic bee Hoplitis adunca to its host plant Echium vulgare. 498-508
Chlorophyll fluorescence responses to temperature and water availability in two co-dominant Mediterranean shrub and tree species in a long-term field experiment simulating climate change. 123-127
Chlorophyll fluorescence responses to temperature and water availability in two co-dominant Mediterranean shrub and tree species in a long-term field experiment simulating climate change. 89-93
Reduced tree health and seedling production in fragmented Fagus sylvatica forest patches in the Montseny Mountains (NE Spain),(en) - Reduced tree health and seedling production in fragmented Fagus sylvatica forest patches in the Montseny Mountains (NE Spain). 2029-2037
The photochemical reflectance index (PRI) and the remote sensing of leaf, canopy and ecosystem radiation use efficiencies A review and meta-analysis. 281-297
Effectiveness of the photochemical reflectance index to track photosynthetic activity over a range of forest tree species and plant water statuses. 177-186
(ca) - Widespread crown condition decline, food web disruption, and amplified tree mortality with increased climate change-type drought,Widespread crown condition decline, food web disruption, and amplified tree mortality with increased climate change-type drought,(en) - Widespread crown condition decline, food web disruption, and amplified tree mortality with increased climate change-type drought. 1474-1478