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2023 | Article

Tavares, J.V.; Oliveira, R.S.; Mencuccini, M.; Signori-Müller, C.; Pereira, L.; Diniz, F.C.; Gilpin, M.; Marca Zevallos, M.J.; Salas Yupayccana, C.A.; Acosta, M.; Pérez Mullisaca, F.M.; Barros, F.V.; Bittencourt, P.; Jancoski, H.; Scalon, M.C.; Marimon, B.S.; Oliveras Menor, I.; Marimon, Jr., B.H.; Fancourt, M.; Chambers-Ostler, A.; Esquivel-Muelbert, A.; Rowland, L.; Meir, P.; Lola da Costa, A.C.; Nina, A.; Sanchez, J.M.B.; Tintaya, J.S.; Chino, R.S.C.; Baca, J.; Fernandes, L.; Cumapa, E.R.M.; Santos, J.A.R.; Teixeira, R.; Tello, L.; Ugarteche, M.T.M.; Cuellar, G.A.; Martinez, F.; Araujo-Murakami, A.; Almeida, E.; da Cruz, W.J.A.; del Aguila Pasquel, J.; Aragāo, L.; Baker, T.R.; de Camargo, P.B.; Brienen, R.; Castro, W.; Ribeiro, S.C.; Coelho de Souza, F.; Cosio, E.G.; Davila Cardozo, N.; da Costa Silva, R.; Disney, M.; Espejo, J.S.; Feldpausch, T.R.; Ferreira, L.; Giacomin, L.; Higuchi, N.; Hirota, M.; Honorio, E.; Huaraca Huasco, W.; Lewis, S.; Flores Llampazo, G.; Malhi, Y.; Monteagudo Mendoza, A.; Morandi, P.; Chama Moscoso, V.; Muscarella, R.; Penha, D.; Rocha, M.C.; Rodrigues, G.; Ruschel, A.R.; Salinas, N.; Schlickmann, M.; Silveira, M.; Talbot, J.; Vásquez, R.; Vedovato, L.; Vieira, S.A.; Phillips, O.L.; Gloor, E.; Galbraith, D.R.

Basin-wide variation in tree hydraulic safety margins predicts the carbon balance of Amazon forests. 111-117

2023 | Article

Silvestro, R.; Zeng, Q.; Buttò, V.; Sylvain, J.-D.; Drolet, G.; Mencuccini, M.; Thiffault, N.; Yuan, S.; Rossi, S.

A longer wood growing season does not lead to higher carbon sequestration. -

2023 | Article

Silvestro, R.; Mura, C.; Alano Bonacini, D.; de Lafontaine, G.; Faubert, P.; Mencuccini, M.; Rossi, S.

Local adaptation shapes functional traits and resource allocation in black spruce. -

2023 | Article

Petit, G.; Mencuccini, M.; Carrer, M.; Prendin, A.L.; Hölttä, T.

Axial conduit widening, tree height, and height growth rate set the hydraulic transition of sapwood into heartwood. 5072-5087

2023 | Article

Rowland, Lucy; Ramírez-Valiente, Jose-Alberto; Hartley, Iain P.; Mencuccini, Maurizio

How woody plants adjust above- and below-ground traits in response to sustained drought. 1173-1189

2023 | Article

Binks, O.; Cernusak, L.A.; Liddell, M.; Bradford, M.; Coughlin, I.; Bryant, C.; Palma, A.C.; Hoffmann, L.; Alam, I.; Carle, H.J.; Rowland, L.; Oliveira, R.S.; Laurance, S.G.W.; Mencuccini, M.; Meir, P.

Vapour pressure deficit modulates hydraulic function and structure of tropical rainforests under nonlimiting soil water supply. 1405-1420

2023 | Article

Zheng, T.; Mencuccini, M.; Abdul-Hamid, H.

No evidence of age-related decline in propagated Acer pseudoplatanus and Fraxinus excelsior plants. e13915-

2023 | Article

Duan, B.; Xiao, R.; Cai, T.; Man, X.; Ge, Z.; Gao, M.; Mencuccini, M.

Understory species composition mediates soil greenhouse gas fluxes by affecting bacterial community diversity in boreal forests. -

2023 | Article

Laughlin, Daniel C.; Siefert, Andrew; Fleri, Jesse R.; Tumber-Dávila, Shersingh Joseph; Hammond, William M.; Sabatini, Francesco Maria; Damasceno, Gabriella; Aubin, Isabelle; Field, Richard; Hatim, Mohamed Z.; Jansen, Steven; Lenoir, Jonathan; Lens, Frederic; McCarthy, James K.; Niinemets, Ülo; Phillips, Oliver L.; Attorre, Fabio; Bergeron, Yves; Bruun, Hans Henrik; Byun, Chaeho; Ćušterevska, Renata; Dengler, Jürgen; De Sanctis, Michele; Dolezal, Jiri; Jiménez-Alfaro, Borja; Hérault, Bruno; Homeier, Jürgen; Kattge, Jens; Meir, Patrick; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Noroozi, Jalil; Nowak, Arkadiusz; Peñuelas, Josep; Schmidt, Marco; Škvorc, Željko; Sultana, Fahmida; Ugarte, Rosina Magaña; Bruelheide, Helge

Rooting depth and xylem vulnerability are independent woody plant traits jointly selected by aridity, seasonality, and water table depth,(en) - Rooting depth and xylem vulnerability are independent woody plant traits jointly selected by aridity, seasonality, and water table depth. 1774-1787

2023 | Article

Sanchez-Martinez, Pablo;Mencuccini, Maurizio;Garcia Valdes, Raul;Hammond, William M.;Guo, Wen-Yong;Segovia, Ricardo A.;Dexter, Kyle G.;Svenning, Jens Christian;Allen, Craig D.;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi

(ca) - Increased hydraulic risk in assemblages of woody plant species predicts spatial patterns of drought-induced mortality,Increased hydraulic risk in assemblages of woody plant species predicts spatial patterns of drought-induced mortality. 1620-1632

2023 | Article

Martínez-Vilalta, Jordi; García-Valdés, Raúl; Jump, Alistair; Vilà-Cabrera, Albert; Mencuccini, Maurizio

Accounting for trait variability and coordination in predictions of drought-induced range shifts in woody plants,(ca) - Accounting for trait variability and coordination in predictions of drought-induced range shifts in woody plants. 23-40

2023 | Article

Fernández-de-Uña, Laura; Martínez-Vilalta, Jordi; Poyatos, Rafael; Mencuccini, Maurizio; McDowell, Nate G.

(ca) - The role of height‐driven constraints and compensations on tree vulnerability to drought,The role of height-driven constraints and compensations on tree vulnerability to drought. 2083-2098

2023 | Article

De Cáceres, Miquel; Molowny-Horas, Roberto; Cabon, Antoine; Martínez-Vilalta, Jordi; Mencuccini, Maurizio; García-Valdés, Raúl; Nadal-Sala, Daniel; Sabaté, Santiago; Martin-Stpaul, Nicolas; Morin, Xavier; D'adamo, Francesco; Batllori, Enric; Améztegui, Aitor

MEDFATE 2.9.3: a trait-enabled model to simulate Mediterranean forest function and dynamics at regional scales,(ca) - MEDFATE 2.9.3,(en) - MEDFATE 2.9.3: a trait-enabled model to simulate Mediterranean forest function and dynamics at regional scales. 3165-3201

2023 | Article

Xu, Wu-Bing; Guo, Wen-Yong; Serra-Diaz, Josep M.; Schrodt, Franziska; Eiserhardt, Wolf L.; Enquist, Brian J.; Maitner, Brian S.; Merow, Cory; Violle, Cyrille; Anand, Madhur; Belluau, Michaël; Bruun, Hans Henrik; Byun, Chaeho; Catford, Jane A.; Cerabolini, Bruno E L; Chacón-Madrigal, Eduardo; Ciccarelli, Daniela; Cornelissen, J Hans C; Dang-Le, Anh Tuan; de Frutos, Angel; Dias, Arildo S.; Giroldo, Aelton B.; Gutiérrez, Alvaro G.; Hattingh, Wesley; He, Tianhua; Hietz, Peter; Hough-Snee, Nate; Jansen, Steven; Kattge, Jens; Komac, Benjamin; Kraft, Nathan J B; Kramer, Koen; Lavorel, Sandra; Lusk, Christopher H.; Martin, Adam R.; Ma, Ke-Ping; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Michaletz, Sean T.; Minden, Vanessa; Mori, Akira S.; Niinemets, Ülo; Onoda, Yusuke; Onstein, Renske E.; Peñuelas, Josep; Pillar, Valério D; Pisek, Jan; Pound, Matthew J.; Robroek, Bjorn J M; Schamp, Brandon; Slot, Martijn; Sun, Miao; Sosinski, Ênio E; Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda A.; Thiffault, Nelson; van Bodegom, Peter M.; van der Plas, Fons; Zheng, Jingming; Svenning, Jens-Christian; Ordonez, Alejandro

Global beta-diversity of angiosperm trees is shaped by Quaternary climate change,(en) - Global beta-diversity of angiosperm trees is shaped by Quaternary climate change. eadd8553-

2023 | Article

Bachofen, Christoph;Poyatos Lopez, Rafael;Flo Sierra, Victor;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Mencuccini, Maurizio;Granda, Víctor;Grossiord, Charlotte

(en) - Stand structure of Central European forests matters more than climate for transpiration sensitivity to VPD,Stand structure of Central European forests matters more than climate for transpiration sensitivity to VPD,(ca) - Stand structure of Central European forests matters more than climate for transpiration sensitivity to VPD. 886-897

2023 | Article

Bittencourt, Paulo;Rowland, Lucy;Sitch, Stephen;Poyatos Lopez, Rafael;Miralles, Diego G.;Mencuccini, Maurizio

(en) - Bridging Scales: An Approach to Evaluate the Temporal Patterns of Global Transpiration Products Using Tree-Scale Sap Flow Data,Bridging Scales: An Approach to Evaluate the Temporal Patterns of Global Transpiration Products Using Tree-Scale Sap Flow Data,(ca) - Bridging Scales. e2022JG007308-

2023 | Article

Zheng, Tong;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Garcia Valdes, Raul;Gazol, Antonio;Camarero, Julio;Mu, Changcheng;Mencuccini, Maurizio

(ca) - Growth plasticity of conifers did not avoid declining resilience to soil and atmospheric droughts during the 20th century,Growth plasticity of conifers did not avoid declining resilience to soil and atmospheric droughts during the 20th century. -

2022 | Article

Ovenden, T.S.; Perks, M.P.; Forrester, D.I.; Mencuccini, M.; Rhoades, J.; Thompson, D.L.; Stokes, V.J.; Jump, A.S.

Intimate mixtures of Scots pine and Sitka spruce do not increase resilience to spring drought. 120448-

2022 | Article

Duan, B.; Cai, T.; Man, X.; Xiao, R.; Gao, M.; Ge, Z.; Mencuccini, M.

Different variations in soil CO2, CH4, and N2O fluxes and their responses to edaphic factors along a boreal secondary forest successional trajectory. 155983-

2022 | Article

Silvestro, R.; Sylvain, J.-D.; Drolet, G.; Buttò, V.; Auger, I.; Mencuccini, M.; Rossi, S.

Upscaling xylem phenology: sample size matters. 811-824

2022 | Article

Ferraretto, D.; Nair, R.; Shah, N.W.; Reay, D.; Mencuccini, M.; Spencer, M.; Heal, K.V.

Forest canopy nitrogen uptake can supply entire foliar demand. 933-949

2022 | Article

McDowell, N.G.; Ball, M.; Bond-Lamberty, B.; Kirwan, M.L.; Krauss, K.W.; Megonigal, J.P.; Mencuccini, M.; Ward, N.D.; Weintraub, M.N.; Bailey, V.

Processes and mechanisms of coastal woody-plant mortality. 5881-5900

2022 | Article

Duan, B.; Xiao, R.; Cai, T.; Man, X.; Ge, Z.; Gao, M.; Mencuccini, M.

Strong Responses of Soil Greenhouse Gas Fluxes to Litter Manipulation in a Boreal Larch Forest, Northeastern China. 1985-

2022 | Article

Díaz, Sandra; Kattge, Jens; Cornelissen, Johannes H. C.; Wright, Ian J.; Lavorel, Sandra; Dray, Stéphane; Reu, Björn; Kleyer, Michael; Wirth, Christian; Prentice, I. Colin; Garnier, Eric; Bönisch, Gerhard; Westoby, Mark; Poorter, Hendrik; Reich, Peter B.; Moles, Angela T.; Dickie, John; Zanne, Amy E.; Chave, Jérôme; Wright, S. Joseph; Sheremetiev, Serge N.; Jactel, Hervé; Baraloto, Christopher; Cerabolini, Bruno E. L.; Pierce, Simon; Shipley, Bill; Casanoves, Fernando; Joswig, Julia S.; Günther, Angela; Falczuk, Valeria; Rüger, Nadja; Mahecha, Miguel D.; Gorné, Lucas D.; Amiaud, Bernard; Atkin, Owen K.; Bahn, Michael; Baldocchi, Dennis; Beckmann, Michael; Blonder, Benjamin; Bond, William; Bond-Lamberty, Ben; Brown, Kerry; Burrascano, Sabina; Byun, Chaeho; Campetella, Giandiego; Cavender-Bares, Jeannine; Chapin, F. Stuart; Choat, Brendan; Coomes, David Anthony; Cornwell, William K.; Craine, Joseph; Craven, Dylan; Dainese, Matteo; de Araujo, Alessandro Carioca; de Vries, Franciska T.; Domingues, Tomas Ferreira; Enquist, Brian J.; Fagúndez, Jaime; Fang, Jingyun; Fernández-Méndez, Fernando; Fernandez-Piedade, Maria T.; Ford, Henry; Forey, Estelle; Freschet, Gregoire T.; Gachet, Sophie; Gallagher, Rachael; Green, Walton; Guerin, Greg R.; Gutiérrez, Alvaro G.; Harrison, Sandy P.; Hattingh, Wesley Neil; He, Tianhua; Hickler, Thomas; Higgins, Steven I.; Higuchi, Pedro; Ilic, Jugo; Jackson, Robert B.; Jalili, Adel; Jansen, Steven; Koike, Fumito; König, Christian; Kraft, Nathan; Kramer, Koen; Kreft, Holger; Kühn, Ingolf; Kurokawa, Hiroko; Lamb, Eric G.; Laughlin, Daniel C.; Leishman, Michelle; Lewis, Simon; Louault, Frédérique; Malhado, Ana C. M.; Manning, Peter; Meir, Patrick; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Messier, Julie; Miller, Regis; Minden, Vanessa; Molofsky, Jane; Montgomery, Rebecca; Montserrat-Martí, Gabriel; Moretti, Marco; Müller, Sandra; Niinemets, Ülo; Ogaya, Romà; Öllerer, Kinga; Onipchenko, Vladimir; Onoda, Yusuke; Ozinga, Wim A.; Pausas, Juli G.; Peco, Begoña; Penuelas, Josep; Pillar, Valério D.; Pladevall, Clara; Römermann, Christine; Sack, Lawren; Salinas, Norma; Sandel, Brody; Sardans, Jordi; Schamp, Brandon; Scherer-Lorenzen, Michael; Schulze, Ernst-Detlef; Schweingruber, Fritz; Shiodera, Satomi; Sosinski, Ênio; Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda; Spasojevic, Marko J.; Swaine, Emily; Swenson, Nathan; Tautenhahn, Susanne; Thompson, Ken; Totte, Alexia; Urrutia-Jalabert, Rocío; Valladares, Fernando; van Bodegom, Peter; Vasseur, François; Verheyen, Kris; Vile, Denis; Violle, Cyrille; von Holle, Betsy; Weigelt, Patrick; Weiher, Evan; Wiemann, Michael C.; Williams, Mathew; Wright, Justin; Zotz, Gerhard

The global spectrum of plant form and function: enhanced species-level trait dataset,(en) - The global spectrum of plant form and function: enhanced species-level trait dataset. 755-

2022 | Article

Flo Sierra, Victor;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Granda, Víctor;Mencuccini, Maurizio;Poyatos Lopez, Rafael

(en) - Vapour pressure deficit is the main driver of tree canopy conductance across biomes,Vapour pressure deficit is the main driver of tree canopy conductance across biomes,(ca) - Vapour pressure deficit is the main driver of tree canopy conductance across biomes. 109029-

2022 | Article

Guo, Wen-Yong; Serra-Diaz, Josep M.; Schrodt, Franziska; Eiserhardt, Wolf L.; Maitner, Brian S.; Merow, Cory; Violle, Cyrille; Anand, Madhur; Belluau, Michaël; Bruun, Hans Henrik; Byun, Chaeho; Catford, Jane A.; Cerabolini, Bruno E L; Chacón-Madrigal, Eduardo; Ciccarelli, Daniela; Cornelissen, J Hans C; Dang-Le, Anh Tuan; de Frutos, Angel; Dias, Arildo S.; Giroldo, Aelton B.; Guo, Kun; Gutiérrez, Alvaro G.; Hattingh, Wesley; He, Tianhua; Hietz, Peter; Hough-Snee, Nate; Jansen, Steven; Kattge, Jens; Klein, Tamir; Komac, Benjamin; Kraft, Nathan J B; Kramer, Koen; Lavorel, Sandra; Lusk, Christopher H.; Martin, Adam R.; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Michaletz, Sean T.; Minden, Vanessa; Mori, Akira S.; Niinemets, Ülo; Onoda, Yusuke; Peñuelas, Josep; Pillar, Valério D; Pisek, Jan; Robroek, Bjorn J M; Schamp, Brandon; Slot, Martijn; Sosinski, Ênio Egon; Soudzilovskaia, Nadejda A.; Thiffault, Nelson; van Bodegom, Peter; van der Plas, Fons; Wright, Ian J.; Xu, Wu-Bing; Zheng, Jingming; Enquist, Brian J.; Svenning, Jens-Christian

(en) - High exposure of global tree diversity to human pressure,High exposure of global tree diversity to human pressure. e2026733119-

2022 | Article

Serra-Maluquer, Xavier;Gazol, Antonio;Anderegg, William R. L.;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Mencuccini, Maurizio;Camarero, Jesús Julio

(ca) - Wood density and hydraulic traits influence species’ growth response to drought across biomes,Wood density and hydraulic traits influence species’ growth response to drought across biomes. 3871-3882

2022 | Article

McDowell, Nate G.;Sapes, Gerard;Pivovaroff, Alexandria;Adams, Henry D.;Allen, Craig D.;Anderegg, William R. L.;Arend, Matthias;Breshears, David D.;Brodribb, Tim J.;Choat, Brendan;Cochard, Hervé;Cáceres, Miquel De;De Kauwe, Martin G.;Grossiord, Charlotte;Hammond, William M.;Hartmann, Henrik;Hoch, Günter;Kahmen, Ansgar;Klein, Tamir;Mackay, D. Scott;Mantova, Marylou;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Medlyn, Belinda E.;Mencuccini, Maurizio;Nardini, Andrea;Oliveira, Rafael S.;Sala, Anna;Tissue, David T.;Torres-Ruiz, José M.;Trowbridge, Amy M.;Trugman, Anna;Wiley, Erin;Xu, Chonggang

Mechanisms of woody-plant mortality under rising drought, CO2 and vapour pressure deficit,(ca) - Mechanisms of woody-plant mortality under rising drought, CO<sub>2</sub> and vapour pressure deficit. 294-308

2022 | Article

Salomón, Roberto L.; Peters, Richard L.; Zweifel, Roman; Sass-Klaassen, Ute G. W.; Stegehuis, Annemiek I.; Smiljanic, Marko; Poyatos, Rafael; Babst, Flurin; Cienciala, Emil; Fonti, Patrick; Lerink, Bas J. W.; Lindner, Marcus; Martinez-Vilalta, Jordi; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Nabuurs, Gert-Jan; van der Maaten, Ernst; von Arx, Georg; Bär, Andreas; Akhmetzyanov, Linar; Balanzategui, Daniel; Bellan, Michal; Bendix, Jörg; Berveiller, Daniel; Blaženec, Miroslav; Čada, Vojtěch; Carraro, Vinicio; Cecchini, Sébastien; Chan, Tommy; Conedera, Marco; Delpierre, Nicolas; Delzon, Sylvain; Ditmarová, Ľubica; Dolezal, Jiri; Dufrêne, Eric; Edvardsson, Johannes; Ehekircher, Stefan; Forner, Alicia; Frouz, Jan; Ganthaler, Andrea; Gryc, Vladimír; Güney, Aylin; Heinrich, Ingo; Hentschel, Rainer; Janda, Pavel; Ježík, Marek; Kahle, Hans-Peter; Knüsel, Simon; Krejza, Jan; Kuberski, Łukasz; Kučera, Jiří; Lebourgeois, François; Mikoláš, Martin; Matula, Radim; Mayr, Stefan; Oberhuber, Walter; Obojes, Nikolaus; Osborne, Bruce; Paljakka, Teemu; Plichta, Roman; Rabbel, Inken; Rathgeber, Cyrille B. K.; Salmon, Yann; Saunders, Matthew; Scharnweber, Tobias; Sitková, Zuzana; Stangler, Dominik Florian; Stereńczak, Krzysztof; Stojanović, Marko; Střelcová, Katarína; Světlík, Jan; Svoboda, Miroslav; Tobin, Brian; Trotsiuk, Volodymyr; Urban, Josef; Valladares, Fernando; Vavrčík, Hanuš; Vejpustková, Monika; Walthert, Lorenz; Wilmking, Martin; Zin, Ewa; Zou, Junliang; Steppe, Kathy

(en) - The 2018 European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests,(ca) - The 2018 European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests,The 2018 European heatwave led to stem dehydration but not to consistent growth reductions in forests. 28-

2021 | Article

Oliver Binks; John Finnigan; Ingrid Coughlin; Mathias Disney; Kim Calders; Andrew Burt; Matheus Boni Vicari; Antonio Lola da Costa; Maurizio Mencuccini; Patrick Meir

Canopy wetness in the Eastern Amazon. 108250-108250

2021 | Article

Caroline Signori‐Müller; Rafael S. Oliveira; Fernanda de V. Barros; Julia Valentim Tavares; Martin Gilpin; Francisco Carvalho Diniz; Manuel J Marca Zevallos; Carlos A Salas Yupayccana; Martin Acosta; Jean Bacca; Rudi Cruz; Gina M Aramayo Cuellar; Edwin R M Cumapa; Franklin Martinez; Flor M Pérez Mullisaca; Alex Nina; Jesús M. Bañon Sanchez; Letícia Fernandes; Ligia Tello; José Sanchez Tintaya; Maira Tatiana Martinez Ugarteche; Timothy R. Baker; Paulo R. L. Bittencourt; Laura S. Borma; Mauro Brum; Wendeson Castro; Eurídice N. Honorio Coronado; Eric G. Cosio; Ted R. Feldpausch; Letícia d’Agosto Miguel Fonseca; Emanuel Gloor; Gerardo Flores Llampazo; Yadvinder Malhi; Abel Monteagudo Mendoza; Víctor Chama Moscoso; Alejandro Araujo‐Murakami; Oliver L. Phillips; Norma Salinas; Marcos Silveira; Joey Talbot; R. Vásquez; Maurizio Mencuccini; David Galbraith

Non-structural carbohydrates mediate seasonal water stress across Amazon forests. -

2021 | Article

André L. Giles; Lucy Rowland; Paulo R. L. Bittencourt; David C. Bartholomew; Ingrid Coughlin; Patrícia de Britto Costa; Tomas F. Domingues; Raquel Carolina Miatto; Fernanda V. Barros; Leandro Valle Ferreira; Peter Groenendijk; Alex Oliveira; Antonio Costa; Patrick Meir; Maurizio Mencuccini; Rafael S. Oliveira

Small understorey trees have greater capacity than canopy trees to adjust hydraulic traits following prolonged experimental drought in a tropical forest. 537-556

2021 | Article

Caroline Signori‐Müller; Rafael S. Oliveira; Julia Valentim Tavares; Francisco Carvalho Diniz; Martin Gilpin; Fernanda de V. Barros; Manuel J Marca Zevallos; Carlos A Salas Yupayccana; Alex Nina; Mauro Brum; Timothy R. Baker; Eric G. Cosio; Yadvinder Malhi; Abel Monteagudo Mendoza; Oliver L. Phillips; Lucy Rowland; Norma Salinas; R. Vásquez; Maurizio Mencuccini; David Galbraith

Variation of non‐structural carbohydrates across the fast–slow continuum in Amazon Forest canopy trees,Variation of non-structural carbohydrates across the fast–slow continuum in Amazon Forest canopy trees. 341-355

2021 | Article

Tom Ovenden; Mike Perks; Toni‐Kim Clarke; Maurizio Mencuccini; Alistair S. Jump

Life after recovery: Increased resolution of forest resilience assessment sheds new light on post‐drought compensatory growth and recovery dynamics. 3157-3170

2021 | Article

Rafael E. Coopman; Hoa Nguyen; Maurizio Mencuccini; Rafael S. Oliveira; Lawren Sack; Catherine E. Lovelock; Marilyn C. Ball

Harvesting water from unsaturated atmospheres: deliquescence of salt secreted onto leaf surfaces drives reverse sap flow in a dominant arid climate mangrove, <i>Avicennia marina</i>. 1401-1414

2021 | Article

Oliver Binks; Lucas A. Cernusak; Michael J. Liddell; Matt Bradford; Ingrid Coughlin; Hannah Carle; Callum Bryant; Elliot Dunn; Rafael S. Oliveira; Maurizio Mencuccini; Patrick Meir

Forest system hydraulic conductance: partitioning tree and soil components. 1667-1681

2021 | Article

Callum Bryant; Tomás I Fuenzalida; Nigel Brothers; Maurizio Mencuccini; Lawren Sack; Oliver Binks; Marilyn C. Ball

Shifting access to pools of shoot water sustains gas exchange and increases stem hydraulic safety during seasonal atmospheric drought. 2898-2911

2021 | Article

Tom Ovenden; Mike Perks; Toni‐Kim Clarke; Maurizio Mencuccini; Alistair S. Jump

Threshold Response to Extreme Drought Shifts Inter-Tree Growth Dominance in Pinus sylvestris. -

2021 | Article

Konings, Alexandra G.;Saatchi, Sassan S.;Frankenberg, Christian;Keller, Michael;Leshyk, Victor;Anderegg, William R.L.;Humphrey, Vincent;Matheny, Ashley M.;Trugman, Anna;Sack, Lawren;Agee, Elizabeth;Barnes, Mallory L.;Binks, Oliver J.;Cawse-Nicholson, Kerry;Christoffersen, Bradley O.;Entekhabi, Dara;Gentine, Pierre;Holtzman, Nataniel M.;Katul, Gabriel G.;Liu, Yanlan;Longo, Marcos;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;McDowell, Nate G.;Meir, Patrick;Mencuccini, Maurizio;Mrad, Assaad;Novick, Kimberly A.;Oliveira, Rafael S.;Siqueira, Paul;Steele-Dunne, Susan C.;Thompson, David R.;Wang, Yujie;Wehr, Richard;Wood, Jeffrey D.;Xu, Xiangtao;Zuidema, Pieter A.

(ca) - Detecting forest response to droughts with global observations of vegetation water content,Detecting forest response to droughts with global observations of vegetation water content. 6005-6024

2021 | Article

Rosas, Teresa; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Batlles, Carles; Regalado, Íngrid; Saura-Mas, Sandra; Sterck, Frank; Martínez-Vilalta, Jordi

(ca) - Are leaf, stem and hydraulic traits good predictors of individual tree growth?,Are leaf, stem and hydraulic traits good predictors of individual tree growth?,(en) - Are leaf, stem and hydraulic traits good predictors of individual tree growth?. 2435-2447

2021 | Article

Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Santiago, Louis S.;Poyatos Lopez, Rafael;Badiella Busquets, Llorenç;De Cáceres, Miquel;Aranda, Ismael;Delzon, Sylvain;Vilagrosa, Alberto;Mencuccini, Maurizio

(ca) - Towards a statistically robust determination of minimum water potential and hydraulic risk in plants,(en) - Towards a statistically robust determination of minimum water potential and hydraulic risk in plants,Towards a statistically robust determination of minimum water potential and hydraulic risk in plants. 404-417

2021 | Article

Flo Sierra, Victor;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Mencuccini, Maurizio;Granda, Víctor;Anderegg, William R.L.;Poyatos Lopez, Rafael

Climate and functional traits jointly mediate tree water‐use strategies,(ca) - Climate and functional traits jointly mediate tree water-use strategies,(en) - Climate and functional traits jointly mediate tree water-use strategies. 617-630

2021 | Article

Rowland, Lucy;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Mencuccini, Maurizio

(ca) - Hard times for high expectations from hydraulics: predicting drought‐induced forest mortality at landscape scales remains a challenge,Hard times for high expectations from hydraulics: predicting drought‐induced forest mortality at landscape scales remains a challenge. 1685-1687

2021 | Article

Tong Zheng; Jordi Martínez‐Vilalta; Raúl García‐Valdés; Antonio Gazol; J. Julio Camarero; Maurizio Mencuccini

(ca) - Disentangling biology from mathematical necessity in twentieth-century gymnosperm resilience trends,Disentangling biology from mathematical necessity in twentieth-century gymnosperm resilience trends. 733-735

2021 | Article

De Cáceres, Miquel; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Martin-StPaul, Nicolas; Limousin, Jean-Marc; Coll, Lluís; Poyatos, Rafael; Cabon, Antoine; Granda, Víctor; Forner, Alicia; Valladares, Fernando; Martínez-Vilalta, Jordi

Unravelling the effect of species mixing on water use and drought stress in Mediterranean forests: A modelling approach,(ca) - Unravelling the effect of species mixing on water use and drought stress in Mediterranean forests,(en) - Unravelling the effect of species mixing on water use and drought stress in Mediterranean forests: A modelling approach. 108233-108233

2020 | Article

Leslie A.D., Mencuccini M., Perks M.P., Wilson E.R.

A review of the suitability of eucalypts for short rotation forestry for energy in the UK. 1-19

2020 | Article

Silvestro R., Brasseur S., Klisz M., Mencuccini M., Rossi S..

Bioclimatic distance and performance of apical shoot extension: Disentangling the role of growth rate and duration in ecotypic differentiation. 118483-

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Guerrieri R., Vanguelova E., Pitman R., Benham S., Perks M., Morison J.I.L., Mencuccini M.

Climate and atmospheric deposition effects on forest water-use efficiency and nitrogen availability across Britain. 12418-

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Bittencourt P.R.L., Oliveira R.S., da Costa A.C.L., Giles A.L., Coughlin I., Costa P.B., Bartholomew D.C., Ferreira L.V., Vasconcelos S.S., Barros F.V., Junior J.A.S., Oliveira A.A.R., Mencuccini M., Meir P., Rowland L

Amazonia trees have limited capacity to acclimate plant hydraulic properties in response to long-term drought.. 3569-3584

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Meir P., Mencuccini M., Coughlin S.I.

Respiration in wood: integrating across tissues, functions and scales. 1824-1827