Physical, Chemical, and Biological Indicators of Soil Quality in Mediterranean Vineyards under Contrasting Farming Schemes,(en) - Physical, Chemical, and Biological Indicators of Soil Quality in Mediterranean Vineyards under Contrasting Farming Schemes. 2643-
Seasonal drought in Mediterranean soils mainly changes microbial C and N contents whereas chronic drought mainly impairs the capacity of microbes to retain P,(en) - Seasonal drought in Mediterranean soils mainly changes microbial C and N contents whereas chronic drought mainly impairs the capacity of microbes to retain P. 108515-
Llovet, Alba;Mattana, Stefania;Chin-Pampillo, Juan S.;Gascó, Gabriel;Sánchez, Sara;Mondini, Claudio;Briones, María Jesús Iglesias;Márquez, Laura;Alcañiz Baldellou, Josep Maria;Ribas Artola, Angela;Domene Casadesús, Xavier
Long-term effects of gasification biochar application on soil functions in a Mediterranean agroecosystem: Higher addition rates sequester more carbon but pose a risk to soil faunal communities,(ca) - Long-term effects of gasification biochar application on soil functions in a Mediterranean agroecosystem,(en) - Long-term effects of gasification biochar application on soil functions in a Mediterranean agroecosystem: Higher addition rates sequester more carbon but pose a risk to soil faunal communities. 149580-149580
(en) - A battery of soil and plant indicators of nbs environmental performance in the context of global change,A Battery of Soil and Plant Indicators of NBS Environmental Performance in the Context of Global Change,(ca) - A battery of soil and plant indicators of nbs environmental performance in the context of global change. 1-18
Domene, Xavier; Mattana, Stefania; Sánchez-Moreno, Sara
Biochar addition rate determines contrasting shifts in soil nematode trophic groups in outdoor mesocosms: An appraisal of underlying mechanisms,(en) - Biochar addition rate determines contrasting shifts in soil nematode trophic groups in outdoor mesocosms: An appraisal of underlying mechanisms,(ca) - Biochar addition rate determines contrasting shifts in soil nematode trophic groups in outdoor mesocosms: An appraisal of underlying mechanisms. 103788-103788
(ca) - Impact of fertilization with pig slurry on the isotopic composition of nitrate retained in soil and leached to groundwater in agricultural areas,Impact of fertilization with pig slurry on the isotopic composition of nitrate retained in soil and leached to groundwater in agricultural areas,(en) - Impact of fertilization with pig slurry on the isotopic composition of nitrate retained in soil and leached to groundwater in agricultural areas. 104832-104832
Fresh biochar application provokes a reduction of nitrate which is unexplained by conventional mechanisms,(ca) - Fresh biochar application provokes a reduction of nitrate which is unexplained by conventional mechanisms,(en) - Fresh biochar application provokes a reduction of nitrate which is unexplained by conventional mechanisms. 142430-142430
Partitioning between atmospheric deposition and canopy microbial nitrification into throughfall nitrate fluxes in a Mediterranean forest.,(en) - Partitioning between atmospheric deposition and canopy microbial nitrification into throughfall nitrate fluxes in a Mediterranean forest. 626-640
Biochar application as a win-win strategy to mitigate soil nitrate pollution without compromising crop yields: a case study in a Mediterranean calcareous soil,(ca) - Biochar application as a win-win strategy to mitigate soil nitrate pollution without compromising crop yields: a case study in a Mediterranean calcareous soil,(en) - Biochar application as a win-win strategy to mitigate soil nitrate pollution without compromising crop yields: a case study in a Mediterranean calcareous soil. 220-233
Marks, Evan Alexander Netherton; Mattana, Stefania; Alcaniz, Josep M.; Perez-Herrero, Emilio; Domene, Xavier;
(ca) - Gasifier biochar effects on nutrient availability, organic matter mineralization, and soil fauna activity in a multi-year Mediterranean trial,(en) - Gasifier biochar effects on nutrient availability, organic matter mineralization, and soil fauna activity in a multi-year Mediterranean trial,Gasifier biochar effects on nutrient availability, organic matter mineralization, and soil fauna activity in a multi-year Mediterranean trial. 30-39
Sewage sludge processing determines its impact on soil microbial community structure and function,(en) - Sewage sludge processing determines its impact on soil microbial community structure and function,(ca) - Sewage sludge processing determines its impact on soil microbial community structure and function. 150-161
Medium-term effects of corn biochar addition on soil biota activities and functions in a temperate soil cropped to corn,(en) - Medium-term effects of corn biochar addition on soil biota activities and functions in a temperate soil cropped to corn,(ca) - Medium-term effects of corn biochar addition on soil biota activities and functions in a temperate soil cropped to corn. 152-162
(ca) - Changes in soil bacterial community triggered by drought-induced gap succession preceded changes in soil C stocks and quality,(en) - Changes in soil bacterial community triggered by drought-induced gap succession preceded changes in soil C stocks and quality,Changes in soil bacterial community triggered by drought-induced gap succession preceded changes in soil C stocks and quality. 3016-3031
Litter VOCs induce changes in soil microbial biomass C and N and largely increase soil CO2 efflux,(ca) - Litter VOCs induce changes in soil microbial biomass C and N and largely increase soil CO <inf>2</inf> efflux. 163-174
Ojeda, Gerardo; Mattana, Stefania; Bonmati, M; Woche, Sk; Bachmann, J;
(en) - Soil wetting-drying and water-retention properties in a mine-soil treated with composted and thermally-dried sludges,Soil wetting-drying and water-retention properties in a mine-soil treated with composted and thermally-dried sludges. 696-708
(en) - Drought-resistant fungi control soil organic matter decomposition and its response to temperature,Drought-resistant fungi control soil organic matter decomposition and its response to temperature. 1475-1486
Wetting process and soil water retention of a minesoil amended with composted and thermally dried sludges,(en) - Wetting process and soil water retention of a minesoil amended with composted and thermally dried sludges. 399-409
Substrate-Induced Respiration of a Sandy Soil Treated with Different Types of Organic Waste,(en) - Substrate-induced respiration of a sandy soil treated with different types of organic waste. 408-423
(ca) - Bioassays prove the suitability of mining debris mixed with sewage sludge for land reclamation purposes,(en) - Bioassays prove the suitability of mining debris mixed with sewage sludge for land reclamation purposes,Bioassays prove the suitability of mining debris mixed with sewage sludge for land reclamation purposes. 30-44