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2022 | Article

Colom, Pau;Ninyerola Casals, Miquel;Pons Fernandez, Xavier;Traveset, Anna;Stefanescu, Constantí

(ca) - Phenological sensitivity and seasonal variability explain climate-driven trends in Mediterranean butterflies,(en) - Phenological sensitivity and seasonal variability explain climate-driven trends in Mediterranean butterflies,Phenological sensitivity and seasonal variability explain climate-driven trends in Mediterranean butterflies. 1-9

2022 | Article

Padial Iglesias, Mario;Ninyerola Casals, Miquel;Serra Ruiz, Pere;Espelta Morral, Josep Maria;Pino Vilalta, Joan;Pons Fernandez, Xavier

Driving Forces of Forest Expansion Dynamics across the Iberian Peninsula (1987–2017): A Spatio-Temporal Transect,(en) - Driving Forces of Forest Expansion Dynamics across the Iberian Peninsula (1987–2017): A Spatio-Temporal Transect,(ca) - Driving Forces of Forest Expansion Dynamics across the Iberian Peninsula 1987–2017. 475-

2021 | Article

Palmero Iniesta, Marina;Espelta, Josep Maria;Padial‐iglesias, Mario;Gonzàlez‐guerrero, Òscar;Pesquer Mayos, Lluis;Domingo Marimon, Cristina;Ninyerola Casals, Miquel; Pons i Fernández;Pons Fernandez, Xavier;Pino, Joan

The Role of Recent (1985–2014) Patterns of Land Abandonment and Environmental Factors in the Establishment and Growth of Secondary Forests in the Iberian Peninsula,(ca) - The role of recent 1985–2014 patterns of land abandonment and environmental factors in the establishment and growth of secondary forests in the iberian peninsula,(en) - The role of recent (1985–2014) patterns of land abandonment and environmental factors in the establishment and growth of secondary forests in the iberian peninsula. 817-817

2021 | Article

Zabala Torres, Alaitz;Maso, Joan;Bastin, Lucy;Giuliani, Gregory;Pons Fernandez, Xavier

(en) - Geospatial user feedback: How to raise users’ voices and collectively build knowledge at the same time,(ca) - Geospatial user feedback,Geospatial User Feedback: How to Raise Users’ Voices and Collectively Build Knowledge at the Same Time. 141-141

2021 | Article

Closa, Guillem; Masó, Joan; Julià, Núria; Pons, Xavier

Geospatial Queries on Data Collection Using a Common Provenance Model,(en) - Geospatial queries on data collection using a common provenance model,(ca) - Geospatial queries on data collection using a common provenance model. 139-139

2021 | Article

Casademunt Monfort, Alexandre;Jordana Vidal, Jordi;Lloret Maya, Francisco;Melero Cavero, Yolanda;Nel·lo Colom, Oriol;Pons Fernandez, Xavier;Terradas Serra, Jaume;Germain, Josep;Álvarez, Enrique;Aparicio, Enric;Arús i Gorina, Pere;Basnou, Corina;Blanché, Cèsar;Bonada, Núria;Canals, Puri;Capodiferro, Marco;Carceller, Xavier;Casals Missio, Joan;Casals, Pere;Casañas, Francesc;Catalán, Jordi;Checa Rius, Joan;Cordero, Pedro J.;Corominas, Joaquim,;de Sostoa, Adolf;Espelta Morral, Josep Maria;Estrada Miyares, Marta;Folch, Ramon;Franquesa, Teresa;Garcia-Lozano, Carla;Garí, Mercè;Geli de Ciurana, Anna Maria;González Guerrero, Óscar;Gordillo, Javier;Gosálbez i Noguera, Joaquim;Grimalt, Joan;Guàrdia, Anna;Isern, Rosó;Junqué, Eva;Lascurain, Josep;Lleonart, Jordi;Llorente, Gustavo A.;Lloret, Josep;Mallarach, Josep Maria;Martín Vide, Javier;Medir, Rosa Maria;Montasell, Josep;Montori, Albert;Munné, Antoni;Palazón, Santiago;Palmero-Iniesta, Marina;Parés, Margarita;Pino Vilalta, Joan;Pintó, Josep;Planagumà, Llorenç;Prat, Narcís;Puig i Civera, Carme;Puig Ventosa, Ignasi;Puigdomènech, Pere;Pujol-Buxó, Eudald;Roca Trench, Núria;Jofre, Rodrigo;Rodríguez-Teijeiro, José Domingo;Roig-Munar, Francesc Xavier;Romanyà, Joan;Rovira Castellà, Pere;Sàez, Llorenç;Sauras-Yera, Teresa;Serrat, David;Simó, Joan;Soler, Jordi;Vallejo, Ramon;Vicente, Paloma;Vilaplana, Joan Manuel;Vinyoles, Dolors

(en) - Impacts of Use and abuse of nature in catalonia with proposals for sustainable management,Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management,(ca) - Impacts of use and abuse of nature in Catalonia with proposals for sustainable management,(ca) - Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management,Impacts of Use and abuse of nature in catalonia with proposals for sustainable management. 1-53

2020 | Article

Masó, Joan;Zabala Torres, Alaitz;Pons Fernandez, Xavier

(ca) - Protected areas from space map browser with fast visualization and analytical operations on the fly. Characterizing statistical uncertainties and balancing them with visual perception,Protected areas from space map browser with fast visualization and analytical operations on the fly. Characterizing statistical uncertainties and balancing them with visual perception,(en) - Protected areas from space map browser with fast visualization and analytical operations on the fly. Characterizing statistical uncertainties and balancing them with visual perception. 300-

2020 | Article

Carabassa, Vicenç;Montero, Pau;Crespo, Marc;Pons Fernandez, Xavier;Balagué, Jaume;Brotons Alabau, Lluís;Alcañiz Baldellou, Josep Maria;Padró Garcia, Joan Cristian

Unmanned aerial system protocol for quarry restoration and mineral extraction monitoring,(en) - Unmanned aerial system protocol for quarry restoration and mineral extraction monitoring,(ca) - Unmanned aerial system protocol for quarry restoration and mineral extraction monitoring. 110717-

2019 | Article

Closa, Guillem;Masó, Joan;Zabala Torres, Alaitz;Pesquer Mayos, Lluis;Pons Fernandez, Xavier

(ca) - A provenance metadata model integrating ISO geospatial lineage and the OGC WPS: Conceptual model and implementation,(en) - A provenance metadata model integrating ISO geospatial lineage and the OGC WPS: Conceptual model and implementation,A provenance metadata model integrating ISO geospatial lineage and the OGC WPS: Conceptual model and implementation. 1102-1124

2018 | Article

Jose Vidal-Macua, Juan; Ninyerola, Miquel; Zabala Torres, Alaitz; Domingo-Marimon, Cristina; Gonzalez Guerrero, Oscar; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

Environmental and socioeconomic factors of abandonment of rainfed and irrigated crops in northeast Spain,(en) - Environmental and socioeconomic factors of abandonment of rainfed and irrigated crops in northeast Spain,(ca) - Environmental and socioeconomic factors of abandonment of rainfed and irrigated crops in northeast Spain. 155-174

2018 | Article

Padro, Joan-Cristian; Munoz, Francisco-Javier; Angel Avila, Luis; Pesquer Mayos, Lluis; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(en) - Radiometric correction of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A scenes using drone imagery in synergy with field spectroradiometry,Radiometric Correction of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Scenes Using Drone Imagery in Synergy with Field Spectroradiometry,(ca) - Radiometric Correction of Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Scenes Using Drone Imagery in Synergy with Field Spectroradiometry. -

2017 | Article

Closa, Guillem; Maso, Joan; Pross, Benjamin; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(ca) - W3C PROV to describe provenance at the dataset, feature and attribute levels in a distributed environment,W3C PROV to describe provenance at the dataset, feature and attribute levels in a distributed environment,(en) - W3C PROV to describe provenance at the dataset, feature and attribute levels in a distributed environment. 103-117

2017 | Article

Jose Vidal-Macua, Juan; Ninyerola, Miquel; Zabala Torres, Alaitz; Domingo-Marimon, Cristina; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(ca) - Factors affecting forest dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula from 1987 to 2012. The role of topography and drought,(en) - Factors affecting forest dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula from 1987 to 2012. The role of topography and drought,Factors affecting forest dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula from 1987 to 2012. The role of topography and drought. 290-306

2017 | Article

Mira, Maria; Ninyerola, Miquel; Batalla, Meritxell; Pesquer Mayos, Lluis; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(en) - Improving mean minimum and maximum month-to-month air temperature surfaces using satellite-derived land surface temperature,(ca) - Improving Mean Minimum and Maximum Month-to-Month Air Temperature Surfaces Using Satellite-Derived Land Surface Temperature,Improving Mean Minimum and Maximum Month-to-Month Air Temperature Surfaces Using Satellite-Derived Land Surface Temperature. -

2017 | Article

Padro, Joan-Cristian; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Aragones, David; Diaz-Delgadoa, Ricardo; Garcia, Diego; Bustamante Díaz, Javier maría; Pesquer Mayos, Lluis; Domingo-Marimon, Cristina; Gonzalez Guerrero, Oscar; Cristobal Rossello, Jordi; Doktor, Daniel; Lange, Maximilian;

(en) - Radiometric correction of simultaneously acquired Landsat-7/Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A imagery using Pseudoinvariant Areas (PIA): Contributing to the Landsat time series legacy,Radiometric Correction of Simultaneously Acquired Landsat-7/Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A Imagery Using Pseudoinvariant Areas (PIA): Contributing to the Landsat Time Series Legacy,(ca) - Radiometric correction of simultaneously acquired Landsat-7/Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A imagery using Pseudoinvariant Areas PIA: Contributing to the Landsat time series legacy. -

2016 | Article

Regos, Adrian; Domínguez Conde, Jesús; Gil-Tena, Asuncion; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Ninyerola, Miquel; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

Rural abandoned landscapes and bird assemblages: winners and losers in the rewilding of a marginal mountain area (NW Spain),(ca) - Rural abandoned landscapes and bird assemblages: winners and losers in the rewilding of a marginal mountain area NW Spain,(en) - Rural abandoned landscapes and bird assemblages: winners and losers in the rewilding of a marginal mountain area (NW Spain). 199-211

2016 | Article

Pons Fernández, Xavier; Maso, Joan;

(en) - A comprehensive open package format for preservation and distribution of geospatial data and metadata,(ca) - A comprehensive open package format for preservation and distribution of geospatial data and metadata,A comprehensive open package format for preservation and distribution of geospatial data and metadata. 89-97

2015 | Article

Doblas-Miranda, Enrique; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi; Lloret Maya, Francisco; Alvarez, A.; Avila, A.; Bonet, F. J.; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Castro Gutiérrez, Jorge; Curiel Yuste, J.; Diaz, M.; ferrandis gotor, pablo; Garcia-Hurtado, E.; Iriondo Alegría, José María; Keenan, Trevor F.; Latron, Jerome; Llusià Benet, Joan; Loepfe, L.; Mayol Martinez, Maria; More, G.; Moya, Daniel; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Poyatos López, Rafael; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Sus, O.; Vallejo Calzada, V. Ramón; Vayreda, J.; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

Reassessing global change research priorities in mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems: how far have we come and where do we go from here?,(ca) - Reassessing global change research priorities in mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems. 25-43

2015 | Article

Blower, Jon D.; Maso, Joan; Diaz, Daniel; Roberts, Charles J.; Griffiths, Guy H.; Lewis, Jane P.; Yang, Xiaoyu; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(ca) - Communicating thematic data quality with web map services,Communicating Thematic Data Quality with Web Map Services,(en) - Communicating thematic data quality with web map services. 1965-1981

2014 | Article

Pons Fernández, Xavier; Pesquer Mayos, Lluis; Cristobal Rossello, Jordi; Gonzalez-Guerrero, O.;

Automatic and improved radiometric correction of Landsat imagery using reference values from MODIS surface reflectance images,(ca) - Automatic and improved radiometric correction of landsat imageryusing reference values from MODIS surface reflectance images,(en) - Automatic and improved radiometric correction of landsat imageryusing reference values from MODIS surface reflectance images. 243-254

2014 | Article

Maso, Joan; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Zabala Torres, Alaitz;

Building the World Wide Hypermap (WWH) with a RESTful architecture,(ca) - Building the World Wide Hypermap WWH with a RESTful architecture,(en) - Building the World Wide Hypermap (WWH) with a RESTful architecture. 175-193

2014 | Article

Carnicer Cols, Jofre; Coll Brunet, Marta; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Ninyerola, Miquel; Vayreda, Jordi; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Large-scale recruitment limitation in Mediterranean pines: the role of Quercus ilex and forest successional advance as key regional drivers,(ca) - Large-scale recruitment limitation in Mediterranean pines: The role of Quercus ilex and forest successional advance as key regional drivers,(en) - Large-scale recruitment limitation in Mediterranean pines: The role of Quercus ilex and forest successional advance as key regional drivers. 371-384

2013 | Article

Marcer, Arnald; Saez, Llorenc; Molowny Horas, Roberto; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

(ca) - Using species distribution modelling to disentangle realised versus potential distributions for rare species conservation,Using species distribution modelling to disentangle realised versus potential distributions for rare species conservation,(en) - Using species distribution modelling to disentangle realised versus potential distributions for rare species conservation. 221-230

2013 | Article

Coll Brunet, Marta; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Ninyerola, Miquel; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Carnicer Cols, Jofre;

Multivariate effect gradients driving forest demographic responses in the Iberian Peninsula,(ca) - Multivariate effect gradients driving forest demographic responses in the Iberian Peninsula,(en) - Multivariate effect gradients driving forest demographic responses in the Iberian Peninsula. 195-209

2013 | Article

Garcia Millan, Virginia E.; Azofeifa, G. Arturo Sanchez; Malvarez, Gonzalo; More, Gerard; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Yamanaka-Ocampo, Mauricio;

Effects of Topography on the Radiometry of CHRIS/PROBA Images of Successional Stages Within Tropical Dry Forests,(ca) - Effects of topography on the radiometry of CHRIS/PROBA images of successional stages within tropical dry forests,(en) - Effects of topography on the radiometry of CHRIS/PROBA images of successional stages within tropical dry forests. 1584-1595

2013 | Article

Zabala Torres, Alaitz; Riverola, Anna; Serral, Ivette; Diaz, Paula; Lush, Victoria; Maso, Joan; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Habermann, Ted;

(ca) - Rubric-Q: adding quality-related elements to the GEOSS Clearinghouse Datasets,Rubric-Q: Adding Quality-Related Elements to the GEOSS Clearinghouse Datasets,(en) - Rubric-Q: Adding quality-related elements to the GEOSS clearinghouse datasets. 1676-1687

2013 | Article

Pesquer Mayos, Lluis; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Cortés Fité, Anna; Serral, Ivette;

Spatial pattern alterations from JPEG2000 lossy compression of remote sensing images: massive variogram analysis in high performance computing,(en) - Spatial pattern alterations from JPEG2000 lossy compression of remote sensing images: Massive variogram analysis in high performance computing,(ca) - Spatial pattern alterations from JPEG2000 lossy compression of remote sensing images: Massive variogram analysis in high performance computing. -

2012 | Article

Maso, Joan; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Zabala Torres, Alaitz;

(en) - Tuning the second-generation sdi: Theoretical aspects and real use cases,Tuning the second-generation SDI: theoretical aspects and real use cases,(ca) - Tuning the second-generation sdi: Theoretical aspects and real use cases. 983-1014

2012 | Article

Marcer, Arnald; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Brotons Alabau, Lluís;

(ca) - Modelling invasive alien species distributions from digital biodiversity atlases. Model upscaling as a means of reconciling data at different scales,Modelling invasive alien species distributions from digital biodiversity atlases. Model upscaling as a means of reconciling data at different scales,(en) - Modelling invasive alien species distributions from digital biodiversity atlases. Model upscaling as a means of reconciling data at different scales. 1177-1189

2011 | Article

Pesquer Mayos, Lluis; Cortés Fité, Anna; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(ca) - Parallel ordinary kriging interpolation incorporating automatic variogram fitting,Parallel ordinary kriging interpolation incorporating automatic variogram fitting,(en) - Parallel ordinary kriging interpolation incorporating automatic variogram fitting. 464-473

2011 | Article

Zabala Torres, Alaitz; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(ca) - Effects of lossy compression on remote sensing image classification of forest areas,(en) - Effects of lossy compression on remote sensing image classification of forest areas,Effects of lossy compression on remote sensing image classification of forest areas. 43-51

2011 | Article

Carnicer Cols, Jofre; Coll Brunet, Marta; Ninyerola, Miquel; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Sanchez, Gerardo; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

(ca) - Widespread crown condition decline, food web disruption, and amplified tree mortality with increased climate change-type drought,Widespread crown condition decline, food web disruption, and amplified tree mortality with increased climate change-type drought,(en) - Widespread crown condition decline, food web disruption, and amplified tree mortality with increased climate change-type drought. 1474-1478

2011 | Article

More, G.; Serra, P.; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(ca) - Multitemporal flooding dynamics of rice fields by means of discriminant analysis of radiometrically corrected remote sensing imagery,(en) - Multitemporal flooding dynamics of rice fields by means of discriminant analysis of radiometrically corrected remote sensing imagery,Multitemporal flooding dynamics of rice fields by means of discriminant analysis of radiometrically corrected remote sensing imagery. 1983-2011

2011 | Article

Cristobal Rossello, Jordi; Poyatos López, Rafael; Ninyerola, M.; Llorens Garcia, Pilar; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

Combining remote sensing and GIS climate modelling to estimate daily forest evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean mountain area,(en) - Combining remote sensing and GIS climate modelling to estimate daily forest evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean mountain area,(ca) - Combining remote sensing and GIS climate modelling to estimate daily forest evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean mountain area. 1563-1575

2010 | Article

Marcer, Arnald; Garcia-Font, Victor; Escobar, Agusti; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

Handling historical information on protected-area systems and coverage. An information system for the Natura 2000 European context,(en) - Handling historical information on protected-area systems and coverage. An information system for the Natura 2000 European context,(ca) - Handling historical information on protected-area systems and coverage. An information system for the Natura 2000 European context. 956-964

2010 | Article

Zabala Torres, Alaitz; Cea, C.; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(ca) - Segmentation and thematic classification of color orthophotos over non-compressed and JPEG 2000 compressed images,Segmentation and thematic classification of color orthophotos over non-compressed and JPEG 2000 compressed images. 92-104

2010 | Article

Zabala Torres, Alaitz; Gonzalez-Conejero, Jorge; Serra Sagrista, Joan; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(ca) - JPEG2000 encoding of images with NODATA regions for remote sensing applications,(en) - JPEG2000 encoding of images with NODATA regions for remote sensing applications,JPEG2000 encoding of images with NODATA regions for remote sensing applications. -

2010 | Article

Pesquer Mayos, Lluis; Zabala Torres, Alaitz; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Serra, J.;

Quality analysis in N-dimensional lossy compression of multispectral remote sensing time series images. -