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2023 | Article

Evans, Luke Christopher; Melero, Yolanda; Schmucki, Reto; Boersch-Supan, Philipp H.; Brotons, Lluís; Fontaine, Colin; Jiguet, Frédéric; Kuussaari, Mikko; Massimino, Dario; Robinson, Robert A.; Roy, David B.; Schweiger, Oliver; Settele, Josef; Stefanescu, Constanti; van Turnhout, Chris A. M.; Oliver, Tom Henry

(en) - Mechanisms underpinning community stability along a latitudinal gradient: Insights from a niche-based approach,Mechanisms underpinning community stability along a latitudinal gradient: Insights from a niche-based approach. 3271-3284

2023 | Article

Marull, Joan; Pino, Joan; Melero, Yolanda; Tello, Enric

Using thermodynamics to understand the links between energy, information, structure and biodiversity in a human-transformed landscape,(en) - Using thermodynamics to understand the links between energy, information, structure and biodiversity in a human-transformed landscape. -

2022 | Article

Evans, Luke Christopher; Melero, Yolanda; Schmucki, Reto; Boersch-Supan, Philipp H.; Brotons, Lluís; Fontaine, Colin; Jiguet, Frédéric; Kuussaari, Mikko; Massimino, Dario; Robinson, Robert A.; Roy, David B.; Schweiger, Oliver; Settele, Josef; Stefanescu, Constanti; van Turnhout, Chris A. M.; Oliver, Tom Henry

Bioclimatic context of species' populations determines community stability,(en) - Bioclimatic context of species' populations determines community stability. 1542-1555

2022 | Article

Melero, Yolanda; Evans, Luke C.; Kuussaari, Mikko; Schmucki, Reto; Stefanescu, Constantí; Roy, David B.; Oliver, Tom H.

Local adaptation to climate anomalies relates to species phylogeny,(en) - Local adaptation to climate anomalies relates to species phylogeny. 1-9

2021 | Article

Samantha K. Dawson; Carlos P. Carmona; Manuela González‐Suárez; Mari Jönsson; Filipe Chichorro; Max Mallen‐Cooper; Yolanda Melero; Helen Moor; John P. Simaika; A. Bradley Duthie

The traits of “trait ecologists”: An analysis of the use of trait and functional trait terminology. 16434-16445

2021 | Article

Pla Narbona i Leon, Claudia;Stefanescu, Constantí;Pino Vilalta, Joan;Cabrero-Sañudo, Francisco J.;García-Barros, Enrique;Munguira, Miguel L.;Melero Cavero, Yolanda

(en) - Butterfly biodiversity in the city is driven by the interaction of the urban landscape and species traits: a call for contextualised management,Butterfly biodiversity in the city is driven by the interaction of the urban landscape and species traits: a call for contextualised management,(ca) - Butterfly biodiversity in the city is driven by the interaction of the urban landscape and species traits: a call for contextualised management. 81-92

2021 | Article

Riera, Marc; Pino, Joan; Melero, Yolanda

Impact of introduction pathways on the spread and geographical distribution of alien species: Implications for preventive management in mediterranean ecosystems,(en) - Impact of introduction pathways on the spread and geographical distribution of alien species: Implications for preventive management in mediterranean ecosystems. 1019-1034

2021 | Article

Casademunt Monfort, Alexandre;Jordana Vidal, Jordi;Lloret Maya, Francisco;Melero Cavero, Yolanda;Nel·lo Colom, Oriol;Pons Fernandez, Xavier;Terradas Serra, Jaume;Germain, Josep;Álvarez, Enrique;Aparicio, Enric;Arús i Gorina, Pere;Basnou, Corina;Blanché, Cèsar;Bonada, Núria;Canals, Puri;Capodiferro, Marco;Carceller, Xavier;Casals Missio, Joan;Casals, Pere;Casañas, Francesc;Catalán, Jordi;Checa Rius, Joan;Cordero, Pedro J.;Corominas, Joaquim,;de Sostoa, Adolf;Espelta Morral, Josep Maria;Estrada Miyares, Marta;Folch, Ramon;Franquesa, Teresa;Garcia-Lozano, Carla;Garí, Mercè;Geli de Ciurana, Anna Maria;González Guerrero, Óscar;Gordillo, Javier;Gosálbez i Noguera, Joaquim;Grimalt, Joan;Guàrdia, Anna;Isern, Rosó;Junqué, Eva;Lascurain, Josep;Lleonart, Jordi;Llorente, Gustavo A.;Lloret, Josep;Mallarach, Josep Maria;Martín Vide, Javier;Medir, Rosa Maria;Montasell, Josep;Montori, Albert;Munné, Antoni;Palazón, Santiago;Palmero-Iniesta, Marina;Parés, Margarita;Pino Vilalta, Joan;Pintó, Josep;Planagumà, Llorenç;Prat, Narcís;Puig i Civera, Carme;Puig Ventosa, Ignasi;Puigdomènech, Pere;Pujol-Buxó, Eudald;Roca Trench, Núria;Jofre, Rodrigo;Rodríguez-Teijeiro, José Domingo;Roig-Munar, Francesc Xavier;Romanyà, Joan;Rovira Castellà, Pere;Sàez, Llorenç;Sauras-Yera, Teresa;Serrat, David;Simó, Joan;Soler, Jordi;Vallejo, Ramon;Vicente, Paloma;Vilaplana, Joan Manuel;Vinyoles, Dolors

(en) - Impacts of Use and abuse of nature in catalonia with proposals for sustainable management,Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management,(ca) - Impacts of use and abuse of nature in Catalonia with proposals for sustainable management,(ca) - Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management,Impacts of Use and abuse of nature in catalonia with proposals for sustainable management. 1-53

2020 | Article

Evans, Luke Christopher; Oliver, Tom Henry; Sims, Ian; Greenwell, Matthew Peter; Melero, Yolanda; Watson, Arron; Townsend, Felix; Walters, Richard John

Behavioural modes in butterflies: their implications for movement and searching behaviour.,Behavioural modes in butterflies: their implications for movement and searching behaviour,(en) - Behavioural modes in butterflies: their implications for movement and searching behaviour. 23-33

2020 | Article

García, Karla; Sanpera, Carola; Jover, Lluís; Palazón, Santiago; Gosálbez, Joaquim; Górski, Konrad; Melero, Yolanda

High trophic niche overlap between a native and invasive mink does not drive trophic displacement of the native mink during an invasion process,High Trophic Niche Overlap between a Native and Invasive Mink Does Not Drive Trophic Displacement of the Native Mink during an Invasion Process,(en) - High trophic niche overlap between a native and invasive mink does not drive trophic displacement of the native mink during an invasion process. 1387-14

2020 | Article

García, Karla; Palazón, Santiago; Gosálbez, Joaquim; Melero, Yolanda

(en) - Detection probabilities of the native Eurasian otter and the invasive American mink are independent of their co-occurrence,Detection probabilities of the native Eurasian otter and the invasive American mink are independent of their co-occurrence,Detection probabilities of the native Eurasian otter and the invasive American mink are independent of their cooccurrence. 459-467

2020 | Article

Arts, Koen; Melero, Yolanda; Webster, Gemma; Sharma, Nirwan; Tintarev, Nava; Tait, Elizabeth; Mellish, Christopher; Sripada, Somayajulu; MacMaster, Ann-Marie; Sutherland, Hollie; Horrill, Chris; Lambin, Xavier; van der Wal, René

(en) - On the merits and pitfalls of introducing a digital platform to aid conservation management: Volunteer data submission and the mediating role of volunteer coordinators,On the merits and pitfalls of introducing a digital platform to aid conservation management: Volunteer data submission and the mediating role of volunteer coordinators. 110497-

2020 | Article

Parres, Aida; Palazón, Santiago; Afonso, Ivan; Quenette, Pierre-Yves; Batet, Antoni; Camarra, Jean-Jacques; Garreta, Xavier; Gonçalves, Salvador; Guillén, Jordi; Mir, Sergio; Jato, Ramón; Rodríguez, Joan; Sentilles, Jerome; Xicola, Laura; Melero, Yolanda

Applying thermodynamics to understand the links between energy, information, structure and biodiversity in human-transformed landscapes,Activity patterns in the reintroduced Pyrenean brown bear population,(en) - Activity patterns in the reintroduced Pyrenean brown bear population. 435-444

2020 | Article

Melero, Yolanda; Stefanescu, Constantí; Palmer, Stephen C.F.; Travis, Justin M.J.; Pino, Joan

(en) - The role of the urban landscape on species with contrasting dispersal ability: Insights from greening plans for Barcelona,The role of the urban landscape on species with contrasting dispersal ability: Insights from greening plans for Barcelona,The role of the urban landscape on species with 74 Annual Report 2020 | Scientific output contrasting dispersal ability: Insights from greening plans for Barcelona. 103707-

2018 | Article

Melero, Yolanda; Cornulier, Thomas; Oliver, Matthew K.; Lambin, Xavier;

Ecological traps for large-scale invasive species control: Predicting settling rules by recolonising American mink post-culling,(en) - Ecological traps for large-scale invasive species control: Predicting settling rules by recolonising American mink post-culling. 1769-1779

2017 | Article

Melero, Yolanda;

Communication of flagship species in conservation: lessons from invasive management projects. 2973-2978

2017 | Article

Schwarz, Nina; Moretti, Marco; Bugalho, Miguel N.; Davies, Zoe G.; Haase, Dagmar; Hack, Jochen; Hof, Angela; Melero, Yolanda; Pett, Tristan J.; Knapp, Sonja;

Understanding biodiversity-ecosystem service relationships in urban areas: A comprehensive literature review. 161-171

2017 | Article

Melero, Yolanda; Oliver, M. K.; Lambin, Xavier;

Relationship type affects the reliability of dispersal distance estimated using pedigree inferences in partially sampled populations: A case study involving invasive American mink in Scotland,(en) - Relationship type affects the reliability of dispersal distance estimated using pedigree inferences in partially sampled populations: A case study involving invasive American mink in Scotland. 4059-4071

2016 | Article

Oliver, M. K.; Piertney, Stuart; Zalewski, Andrzej; Melero, Yolanda; Lambin, Xavier;

The compensatory potential of increased immigration following intensive American mink population control is diluted by male-biased dispersal,(en) - The compensatory potential of increased immigration following intensive American mink population control is diluted by male-biased dispersal. 3047-3061

2016 | Article

Melero, Yolanda; Stefanescu, Constanti; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

General declines in Mediterranean butterflies over the last two decades are modulated by species traits,(ca) - General declines in Mediterranean butterflies over the last two decades are modulated by species traits,(en) - General declines in Mediterranean butterflies over the last two decades are modulated by species traits. 336-342

2016 | Article

Ruiz-Suarez, Norberto; Melero, Yolanda; Giela, Anna; Henríquez Hernández, Luis Alberto; Sharp, Elizabeth; Boada, Luis D.; Taylor, Michael J.; Camacho Rodriguez, Maria de los Angeles; Lambin, Xavier; P. Luzardo, Octavio; Hartley, Gill;

Rate of exposure of a sentinel species, invasive American mink (Neovison vison) in Scotland, to anticoagulant rodenticides,(en) - Rate of exposure of a sentinel species, invasive American mink (Neovison vison) in Scotland, to anticoagulant rodenticides. 1013-1021

2015 | Article

Melero, Yolanda; Robinson, Ella; Lambin, Xavier;

Density- and age-dependent reproduction partially compensates culling efforts of invasive non-native American mink,(en) - Density- and age-dependent reproduction partially compensates culling efforts of invasive non-native American mink. 2645-2657