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2021 | Article

Alberto Maceda‐Veiga; Sergio Albacete; Miguel Carles‐Tolrá; Juli Pujade‐Villar; Jan Máca; Ralph Mac Nally

Streams and rural abandonment are related to the summer activity of the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii in protected European forests,Streams and rural abandonment are related to the summer activity of the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii in European protected forests. 118942-118942

2021 | Article

Jin, Qiang; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Romero, Estela; Chen, Sicong; Liu, Xuyang; Lin, Shaoying; Wang, Weiqi

Changes in soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus contents, storages, and stoichiometry during land degradation in jasmine croplands in subtropical China,(en) - Changes in soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus contents, storages, and stoichiometry during land degradation in jasmine croplands in subtropical China. 113-125

2021 | Article

Zufiaurre, Aitziber; Felip, Marisol; Giménez-Grau, Pau; Pla-Rabès, Sergi; Camarero, Lluís; Catalan, Jordi

(en) - Episodic nutrient enrichments stabilise protist coexistence in planktonic oligotrophic conditions,Episodic nutrient enrichments stabilise protist coexistence in planktonic oligotrophic conditions,Episodic nutrient enrichments stabilise protists coexistence in planktonic oligotrophic conditions. 1717-1729

2021 | Article

He, Yue; Wang, Xuhui; Wang, Kai; Tang, Shuchang; Xu, Hao; Chen, Anping; Ciais, Philippe; Li, Xiangyi; Peñuelas, Josep; Piao, Shilong

(en) - Data-driven estimates of global litter production imply slower vegetation carbon turnover,Data‐driven estimates of global litter production imply slower vegetation carbon turnover. 1678-1688

2021 | Article

Celeste Azpiazu; Jordi Bosch; Laura Bortolotti; Piotr Mędrzycki; Dariusz Teper; Roberto Molowny‐Horas; Fabio Sgolastra

Toxicity of the insecticide sulfoxaflor alone and in combination with the fungicide fluxapyroxad in three bee species,(en) - Toxicity of the insecticide sulfoxaflor alone and in combination with the fungicide fluxapyroxad in three bee species. -

2021 | Article

Schweiger, Rabea;Sois, Luca Da;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Müller, Caroline;Castells Caballe, Eva

(ca) - Highly Species-Specific Foliar Metabolomes of Diverse Woody Species and Relationships with the Leaf Economics Spectrum,Highly Species-Specific Foliar Metabolomes of Diverse Woody Species and Relationships with the Leaf Economics Spectrum. 1-19

2021 | Article

Pedro, Manuel;Riba Rovira, Miquel;González-Martínez, Santiago C.;Seoane, Pedro;Bautista, Rocío;Claros, Manuel Gonzalo;Mayol Martínez, Maria

Demography, genetic diversity and expansion load in the colonizing species Leontodon longirostris (Asteraceae) throughout its native range,(ca) - Demography, genetic diversity and expansion load in the colonizing species Leontodon longirostris Asteraceae throughout its native range. 1190-1205

2021 | Article

Nadal-Sala, Daniel; Medlyn, Belinda E.; Ruehr, Nadine K.; Barton, Craig V. M.; Ellsworth, David S.; Gracia, Carles; Tissue, David T.; Tjoelker, Mark G.; Sabaté, Santi

Increasing aridity will not offset CO<sub>2</sub> fertilization in fast‐growing eucalypts with access to deep soil water,Increasing aridity will not offset CO2 fertilization in fast-growing eucalypts with access to deep soil water,(en) - Increasing aridity will not offset CO<sub>2</sub> fertilization in fast-growing eucalypts with access to deep soil water. 2970-2990

2021 | Article

Serra-Maluquer, Xavier; Granda, Elena; Camarero, Jesús J.; Vilà-Cabrera, Albert; Jump, Alistair S.; Sánchez-Salguero, Raúl; Sangüesa-Barreda, Gabriel; Imbert, Juan B.; Gazol, Antonio

Impacts of recurrent dry and wet years alter long‐term tree growth trajectories,(en) - Impacts of recurrent dry and wet years alter long-term tree growth trajectories. 1561-1574

2021 | Article

Saldaña-López, Asunción; Vilà, Montserrat; Lloret, Francisco; Manuel Herrera, José; González-Moreno, Pablo

Assembly of species’ climatic niches of coastal communities does not shift after invasion,(en) - Assembly of species’ climatic niches of coastal communities does not shift after invasion. -

2021 | Article

Ogaya, Romà; Peñuelas, Josep

Climate Change Effects in a Mediterranean Forest Following 21 Consecutive Years of Experimental Drought,(en) - Climate change effects in a mediterranean forest following 21 consecutive years of experimental drought. 306-306

2021 | Article

Zabala Torres, Alaitz;Maso, Joan;Bastin, Lucy;Giuliani, Gregory;Pons Fernandez, Xavier

(en) - Geospatial user feedback: How to raise users’ voices and collectively build knowledge at the same time,(ca) - Geospatial user feedback,Geospatial User Feedback: How to Raise Users’ Voices and Collectively Build Knowledge at the Same Time. 141-141

2021 | Article

Peguero, Guille; Gargallo-Garriga, Albert; Maspons, Joan; Klem, Karel; Urban, Otmar; Sardans, Jordi; Peñuelas, Josep

Metabolome-wide phylogenetically controlled comparison indicates higher phenolic diversity in tropical tree species,(en) - Metabolome-wide, phylogenetically controlled comparison indicates higher phenolic diversity in tropical tree species,Metabolome-Wide, Phylogenetically Controlled Comparison Indicates Higher Phenolic Diversity in Tropical Tree Species. 554-9

2021 | Article

Pataki, Balint Armin; Garriga, Joan; Eritja, Roger; Palmer, John R. B.; Bartumeus, Frederic; Csabai, Istvan

(en) - Deep learning identification for citizen science surveillance of tiger mosquitoes,Deep learning identification for citizen science surveillance of tiger mosquitoes,(ca) - Deep learning identification for citizen science surveillance of tiger mosquitoes. 0-0

2021 | Article

Garcia Valdes, Raul;Vayreda, Jordi;Retana Alumbreros, Javier;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi

(ca) - Low forest productivity associated with increasing drought-tolerant species is compensated by an increase in drought-tolerance richness,Low forest productivity associated with increasing drought‐tolerant species is compensated by an increase in drought‐tolerance richness,(en) - Low forest productivity associated with increasing drought-tolerant species is compensated by an increase in drought-tolerance richness. 2113-2127

2021 | Article

Francesco Maroso; Manuel Vera; Juan Bosco Ferreiro; María Mayol; Miquel Riba; Pablo Ramil Rego; Paulino Martı́nez; Carmen Bouza

(ca) - Genetic diversity and structure of Taxus baccata from the Cantabrian-Atlantic area in northern Spain,Genetic diversity and structure of Taxus baccata from the Cantabrian-Atlantic area in northern Spain: A guide for conservation and management actions. 118844-118844

2021 | Article

Wang, Chun; Sardans, Jordi; Tong, Chuan; Peñuelas, Josep; Wang, Weiqi

Typhoon-induced increases in porewater nutrient concentrations and CO2 and CH4 emissions associated with salinity and carbon intrusion in a subtropical tidal wetland in China: A mesocosm study,(en) - Typhoon-induced increases in porewater nutrient concentrations and CO<sub>2</sub> and CH<sub>4</sub> emissions associated with salinity and carbon intrusion in a subtropical tidal wetland in China: A mesocosm study. 114800-114800

2021 | Article

Lian, Xu; Piao, Shilong; Chen, Anping; Wang, Kai; Li, Xiangyi; Buermann, Wolfgang; Huntingford, Chris; Peñuelas, Josep; Xu, Hao; Myneni, Ranga B.

(en) - Seasonal biological carryover dominates northern vegetation growth,Seasonal biological carryover dominates northern vegetation growth. -

2021 | Article

Andrés Pastor, Pilar;Doblas Miranda, Enrique;Mattana, Stefania;Molowny-Horas, Roberto;Vayreda, Jordi;Guardiola Bufí, Moisès;Pino, Joan;Mayorga Gordillo, Javier Andrés

(en) - A battery of soil and plant indicators of nbs environmental performance in the context of global change,A Battery of Soil and Plant Indicators of NBS Environmental Performance in the Context of Global Change,(ca) - A battery of soil and plant indicators of nbs environmental performance in the context of global change. 1-18

2021 | Article

Tello-García, Elena; Gamboa-Badilla, Nancy; Álvarez, Enrique; Fuentes, Laura; Basnou, Corina; Espelta, Josep Maria; Pino, Joan

(en) - Plant species surplus in recent peri-urban forests: the role of forest connectivity, species’ habitat requirements and dispersal types,Plant species surplus in recent peri-urban forests: the role of forest connectivity, species’ habitat requirements and dispersal types. 365-384

2021 | Article

Domene, Xavier; Mattana, Stefania; Sánchez-Moreno, Sara

Biochar addition rate determines contrasting shifts in soil nematode trophic groups in outdoor mesocosms: An appraisal of underlying mechanisms,(en) - Biochar addition rate determines contrasting shifts in soil nematode trophic groups in outdoor mesocosms: An appraisal of underlying mechanisms,(ca) - Biochar addition rate determines contrasting shifts in soil nematode trophic groups in outdoor mesocosms: An appraisal of underlying mechanisms. 103788-103788

2021 | Article

Juscélia da Silva Ferreira; Ernesto P. Raposo; H. A. Araújo; M. G. E. da Luz; G. M. Viswanathan; Frederic Bartumeus; Daniel Campos

(en) - Landscape-scaled strategies can outperform Lévy random searches,Landscape-scaled strategies can outperform Lévy random searches,(ca) - Landscape-scaled strategies can outperform Lévy random searches. -

2021 | Article

Tie, Liehua; Feng, Maosong; Huang, Congde; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Bai, Wenyu; Han, Dongmiao; Wu, Tao; Li, Wenbing

(en) - Soil cover improves soil quality in a young walnut forest in the Sichuan Basin, China,Soil Cover Improves Soil Quality in a Young Walnut Forest in the Sichuan Basin, China. 1-13

2021 | Article

Sardans, Jordi; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Potassium control of plant functions: Ecological and agricultural implications,Potassium Control of Plant Functions: Ecological and Agricultural Implications. 1-31

2021 | Article

Peguero, Guille; Folch, Estela; Liu, Lei; Ogaya, Romà; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Divergent effects of drought and nitrogen deposition on microbial and arthropod soil communities in a Mediterranean forest,Divergent effects of drought and nitrogen deposition on microbial and arthropod soil communities in a Mediterranean forest. 103275-103275

2021 | Article

María Quintela; Àlex Richter‐Boix; Dorte Bekkevold; Cecilie Kvamme; Florian Berg; Eva Jansson; Geir Dahle; François Besnier; Richard Nash; Kevin A. Glover

Genetic response to human‐induced habitat changes in the marine environment: A century of evolution of European sprat in Landvikvannet, Norway,(ca) - Genetic response to human-induced habitat changes in the marine environment: A century of evolution of European sprat in Landvikvannet, Norway. 1691-1718

2021 | Article

Canelles, Quim; Bassols, Emili; Vayreda, Jordi; Brotons, Lluís

Predicting the potential distribution and forest impact of the invasive species Cydalima perspectalis in Europe,Predicting the potential distribution and forest impact of the invasive species <i>Cydalima perspectalis</i> in Europe,(en) - Predicting the potential distribution and forest impact of the invasive species Cydalima perspectalis in Europe. 5713-5727

2021 | Article

Armenteras, Dolors; Meza, María Constanza; González, Tania Marisol; Oliveras, Immaculada; Balch, Jennifer K.; Retana, Javier

Fire threatens the diversity and structure of tropical gallery forests,(en) - Fire threatens the diversity and structure of tropical gallery forests. -

2021 | Article

Duane, Andrea; Castellnou, Marc; Brotons, Lluís

(en) - Towards a comprehensive look at global drivers of novel extreme wildfire events,Towards a comprehensive look at global drivers of novel extreme wildfire events. -

2021 | Article

Quim Canelles; Núria Aquilué; Patrick M. A. James; Joshua J. Lawler; Lluı́s Brotons

Global review on interactions between insect pests and other forest disturbances. 945-972

2021 | Article

Ramsauer, Julia; Brotons, Lluís; Herrando, Sergi; Morán-Ordóñez, Alejandra

A multi-scale landscape approach to understand dispersal of the mistletoe by birds in Mediterranean pine forests,(en) - A multi-scale landscape approach to understand dispersal of the mistletoe by birds in Mediterranean pine forests. 516-528

2021 | Article

De Cáceres, Miquel; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Martin-StPaul, Nicolas; Limousin, Jean-Marc; Coll, Lluís; Poyatos, Rafael; Cabon, Antoine; Granda, Víctor; Forner, Alicia; Valladares, Fernando; Martínez-Vilalta, Jordi

Unravelling the effect of species mixing on water use and drought stress in Mediterranean forests: A modelling approach,(ca) - Unravelling the effect of species mixing on water use and drought stress in Mediterranean forests,(en) - Unravelling the effect of species mixing on water use and drought stress in Mediterranean forests: A modelling approach. 108233-108233

2021 | Article

Morera, A.; Martínez De Aragón, J.; De Caceres, M.; Bonet, J.A.; De-Miguel, S.

Historical and future spatially-explicit climate change impacts on mycorrhizal and saprotrophic macrofungal productivity in mediterranean pine forests,Historical and future spatially-explicit climate change impacts on mycorrhizal and saprotrophic macrofungal productivity in Mediterranean pine forests. 108918-

2021 | Article

Ana María Yáñez‐Serrano; Iolanda Filella; Joan Llusià; Albert Gargallo‐Garriga; Víctor Granda; Efstratios Bourtsoukidis; Jonathan Williams; Roger Seco; Luca Cappellin; Christiane Werner; J. A. de Gouw; Josep Peñuelas

(en) - GLOVOCS - Master compound assignment guide for proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry users,GLOVOCS - Master compound assignment guide for proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry users. 117929-117929

2021 | Article

Lanzas, Mónica; Hermoso, Virgilio; Morán-Ordoñez, Alejandra; Regos, Adrian; Bota, Gerard; Brotons, Lluis

The value of unprotected land for future conservation efforts under dynamic conditions,(en) - The value of unprotected land for future conservation efforts under dynamic conditions. 109232-109232

2021 | Article

Callaghan, Corey T.; Sayol, Ferran; Benedetti, Yanina; Morelli, Federico; Sol, Daniel

(en) - Validation of a globally-applicable method to measure urban tolerance of birds using citizen science data,Validation of a globally-applicable method to measure urban tolerance of birds using citizen science data. 106905-106905

2021 | Article

O'Reilly, Enya; Gregory, Richard D.; Aunins, Ainars; Brotons, Lluís; Chodkiewicz, Tomasz; Escandell, Virginia; Foppen, Ruud P.B.; Gamero, Anna; Herrando, Sergi; Jiguet, Frédéric; Kålås, John A.; Kamp, Johannes; Klvaňová, Alena; Lehikoinen, Aleksi; Lindström, Åke; Massimino, Dario; Jostein Øien, Ingar; Reif, Jiří; Šilarová, Eva; Teufelbauer, Norbert; Trautmann, Sven; van Turnhout, Chris; Vikstrøm, Thomas; Voříšek, Petr; Butler, Simon J.

An assessment of relative habitat use as a metric for species' habitat association and degree of specialization,An assessment of relative habitat use as a metric for species’ habitat association and degree of specialization,(en) - An assessment of relative habitat use as a metric for species’ habitat association and degree of specialization. 108521-

2021 | Article

Ceaușu, Silvia; Apaza-Quevedo, Amira; Schmid, Marlen; Martín-López, Berta; Cortés-Avizanda, Ainara; Maes, Joachim; Brotons, Lluís; Queiroz, Cibele; Pereira, Henrique M.

(en) - Ecosystem service mapping needs to capture more effectively the biodiversity important for service supply,Ecosystem service mapping needs to capture more effectively the biodiversity important for service supply. 101259-101259

2021 | Article

Mercedes Ibáñez; Núria Altimir; Àngela Ribas; Werner Eugster; Maria‐Teresa Sebastià

Cereal-legume mixtures increase net CO2 uptake in a forage crop system in the Eastern Pyrenees. 108262-108262

2021 | Article

Sandoya, Verónica; Saura-Mas, Sandra; Granzow-de la Cerda, Iñigo; Arellano, Gabriel; Macía, Manuel J.; Tello, J. Sebastián; Lloret, Francisco

(en) - Contribution of species abundance and frequency to aboveground forest biomass along an Andean elevation gradient,Contribution of species abundance and frequency to aboveground forest biomass along an Andean elevation gradient. 118549-118549

2021 | Article

Roces-Díaz, Jose V.; Vayreda, Jordi; De Cáceres, Miquel; García-Valdés, Raúl; Banqué-Casanovas, Mireia; Morán-Ordóñez, Alejandra; Brotons, Lluís; de-Miguel, Sergio; Martínez-Vilalta, Jordi

(en) - Temporal changes in Mediterranean forest ecosystem services are driven by stand development, rather than by climate-related disturbances,(ca) - Temporal changes in Mediterranean forest ecosystem services are driven by stand development, rather than by climate-related disturbances,Temporal changes in Mediterranean forest ecosystem services are driven by stand development, rather than by climate-related disturbances. 1-12

2021 | Article

Núria Aquilué; Christian Messier; Kyle T. Martins; Véronique Dumais-Lalonde; Marco Mina

A simple-to-use management approach to boost adaptive capacity of forests to global uncertainty. 118692-118692

2021 | Article

Duane, Andrea; Miranda, Marcelo D.; Brotons, Lluís

Forest connectivity percolation thresholds for fire spread under different weather conditions,(en) - Forest connectivity percolation thresholds for fire spread under different weather conditions. 119558-119558

2021 | Article

Jones, Glynis; Kluyver, Thomas; Preece, Catherine; Swarbrick, Jennifer; Forster, Emily; Wallace, Michael; Charles, Michael; Rees, Mark; Osborne, Colin P.;

(en) - The origins of agriculture: Intentions and consequences,The origins of agriculture: Intentions and consequences. 105290-105290

2021 | Article

Bach, Albert;Maneja Zaragoza, Roser;Zaldo Aubanell, Joaquim;Romanillos, Teresa;Llusià Benet, Joan;Eustaquio Ruiz, Maria Alba;Palacios, Oscar Germán;Peñuelas Reixach, Josep

Human absorption of monoterpenes after a 2-h forest exposure: A field experiment in a Mediterranean holm oak forest,(ca) - Human absorption of monoterpenes after a 2-h forest exposure: A field experiment in a Mediterranean holm oak forest,(en) - Human absorption of monoterpenes after a 2-h forest exposure: A field experiment in a Mediterranean holm oak forest. 114080-114080

2021 | Article

Aitor Améztegui; Alejandra Morán‐Ordóñez; Alba Márquez; Ángela Blázquez-Casado; Magda Pla; Dani Villero; Marı́a B. Garcı́a; Paz Errea; Lluís Coll

Forest expansion in mountain protected areas: Trends and consequences for the landscape,Forest expansion in mountain protected areas: trends and consequences for the landscape. 1-10

2021 | Article

Shan, Nan; Zhang, Yongguang; Chen, Jing M.; Ju, Weimin; Migliavacca, Mirco; Peñuelas, Josep; Yang, Xi; Zhang, Zhaoying; Nelson, Jacob A.; Goulas, Yves

A model for estimating transpiration from remotely sensed solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence,(en) - A model for estimating transpiration from remotely sensed solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence. 112134-112134

2021 | Article

Campos, João C.; Bernhardt, Julia; Aquilué, Núria; Brotons, Lluís; Domínguez, Jesús; Lomba, Ângela; Marcos, Bruno; Martínez-Freiría, Fernando; Moreira, Francisco; Pais, Silvana; Honrado, João P.; Regos, Adrián

(en) - Using fire to enhance rewilding when agricultural policies fail,Using fire to enhance rewilding when agricultural policies fail. 142897-142897

2021 | Article

Maceda-Veiga, Alberto; Albacete, Sergio; Flor-Arnau, Núria; Vieira, Cristiana; Bros, Vicenç; Domènech, Marc; Bayona, Josep M.; Pujade-Villar, Juli; Sabater, Francesc; Mac Nally, Ralph

Local and downstream cumulative effects of traditional meadow management on stream-water quality and multiple riparian taxa,(en) - Local and downstream cumulative effects of traditional meadow management on stream-water quality and multiple riparian taxa. 1-11

2021 | Article

Canelles, Quim; Aquilué, Núria; Brotons, Lluís

Anticipating B. sempervirens viability in front of C. perspectalis outbreaks, fire, and drought disturbances,(en) - Anticipating B. sempervirens viability in front of C. perspectalis outbreaks, fire, and drought disturbances. 151331-