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2020 | Article

Brandt A., Hohnheiser B., Sgolastra F., Bosch J., Meixner M.D., Büchler R.

Immunosuppression response to the neonicotinoid insecticide thiacloprid in females and males of the red mason bee Osmia bicornis L.. 4670 -

2020 | Article

Pettit L., Ducatez S., DeVore J.L., Ward-Fear G., Shine R..

Diurnal activity in cane toads (Rhinella marina) is geographically widespread. 5723-

2020 | Article

Flores-Tolentino M., García-Valdés R., Saénz-Romero C., Ávila-Díaz I., Paz H., Lopez-Toledo L

Distribution and conservation of species is misestimated if biotic interactions are ignored: the case of the orchid Laelia speciosa. 9542 -

2020 | Article

Guerrieri R., Vanguelova E., Pitman R., Benham S., Perks M., Morison J.I.L., Mencuccini M.

Climate and atmospheric deposition effects on forest water-use efficiency and nitrogen availability across Britain. 12418-

2020 | Article

Penuelas J., Fernández-Martínez M., Vallicrosa H., Maspons J., Zuccarini P., Carnicer J., Sanders T.G.M., Krüger I., Obersteiner M., Janssens I.A., Ciais P., Sardans J.

Increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations correlate with declining nutritional status of European forests. 125-

2020 | Article

Tong Y., Wang M., Peñuelas J., Liu X., Paerl H.W., Elser J.J., Sardans J., Couture R.-M., Larssen T., Hu H., Dong X., He W., Zhang W., Wang X., Zhang Y., Liu Y., Zeng S., Kong X., Janssen A.B.G., Lin Y..

Improvement in municipal wastewater treatment alters lake nitrogen to phosphorus ratios in populated regions. 11566-11572

2020 | Article

Calleja J.A., Vigalondo B., Mazimpaka V., Draper I., Garilleti R., Lara F

Earliest herbarium evidence for the occurrence of Lewinskya acuminata (Orthotrichaceae) in East Africa. 186-188

2020 | Article

Washbourne C.-L., Dendoncker N., Jacobs S., Mascarenhas A., De Longueville F., van Oudenhoven A.P.E., Schröter M., Willemen L., Campagne S., Jones S.K., Garcia-Llorente M., Iniesta-Arandia I., Baró F., Fisher J., Förster J., Jericó-Daminelo C., Lecina-Diaz J., Lavorel S., Lliso B., Montealgre Talero C., Morán-Ordóñez A., Roces-Díaz J.V., Schlaepfer M.A., Van Dijk J.

Improving collaboration between ecosystem service communities and the IPBES science-policy platform. 165-174

2020 | Article

Rojas-Andrés B.M., Padilla-García N., De Pedro M., López-González N., Delgado L., Albach D.C., Castro M., Castro S., Loureiro J., Martínez-Ortega M.M

Environmental differences are correlated with the distribution pattern of cytotypes in Veronica subsection Pentasepalae at a broad scale. 471-484

2020 | Article

Ferrandiz-Rovira M., Zidat T., Dupont P., Berger V., Rézouki C., Cohas A

Neighborhood bully: No difference in territorial response toward neighbors or strangers in marmots. -

2020 | Article

Lara F., Draper I., Flagmeier M., Calleja J.A., Mazimpaka V., Garilleti R

Let’s make Pulvigera great again: Recircumscription of a misunderstood group of Orthotrichaceae that diversified in North America. 180-206

2020 | Article

Gonzalez I.R.R., Raposo E.P., Carreno S.J., Macedo A.M.S., Maldonado M., De S. Menezes L., Gomes A.S.L., De Araujo C.B..

Influence of fifth-order nonlinearities on the statistical fluctuations in emission intensities in a photonic open-cavity complex System. -

2020 | Article

Rusch F., Wosniack M.E., Raposo E.P., Viswanathan G.M., Da Luz M.G.E

Transient dynamics in a nonequilibrium superdiffusive reaction-diffusion process: Nonequilibrium random search as a case study. 12126-

2020 | Article

Yu W., Li J., Liu Q., Yin G., Zeng Y., Lin S., Zhao J

A Simulation-Based Analysis of Topographic Effects on LAI Inversion over Sloped Terrain. 794-806

2020 | Article

DeVore J.L., Shine R., Ducatez S

Urbanization and translocation disrupt the relationship between host density and parasite abundance. 1122-1133

2020 | Article

García C., Espelta J.M., Hampe A

Managing forest regeneration and expansion at a time of unprecedented global change. 2310-2315

2020 | Article

Elizalde L., Arbetman M., Arnan X., Eggleton P., Leal I.R., Lescano M.N., Saez A., Werenkraut V., Pirk G.I.

The ecosystem services provided by social insects: traits, management tools and knowledge gaps. 1418-1441

2020 | Article

Verryckt L.T., Van Langenhove L., Ciais P., Courtois E.A., Vicca S., Peñuelas J., Stahl C., Coste S., Ellsworth D.S., Posada J.M., Obersteiner M., Chave J., Janssens I.A.

Coping with branch excision when measuring leaf net photosynthetic rates in a lowland tropical forest. 608-615

2020 | Article

Paniw M., Childs D.Z., Armitage K.B., Blumstein D.T., Martin J.G.A., Oli M.K., Ozgul A.

Assessing seasonal demographic covariation to understand environmental-change impacts on a hibernating mammal. 588-597

2020 | Article

Kevin Van Sundert, Dajana Radujković, Nathalie Cools, Bruno De Vos, Sophia Etzold, Marcos Fernández-Martínez, Ivan A. Janssens, Päivi Merilä, Josep Peñuelas, Jordi Sardans, Johan Stendahl, César Terrer, Sara Vicca

Towards comparable assessment of the soil nutrient status across scales—Review and development of nutrient metrics,Towards comparable assessment of the soil nutrient status across scales—Review and development of nutrient mètrics. 392-409

2020 | Article

Thackeray S.J., Robinson S.A., Smith P., Bruno R., Kirschbaum M.U.F., Bernacchi C., Byrne M., Cheung W., Cotrufo M.F., Gienapp P., Hartley S., Janssens I., Hefin Jones T., Kobayashi K., Luo Y., Penuelas J., Sage R., Suggett D.J., Way D., Long S..

Civil disobedience movements such as School Strike for the Climate are raising public awareness of the climate change emergency. 1042-1044

2020 | Article

Penuelas J., Janssens I.A., Ciais P., Obersteiner M., Sardans J..

Anthropogenic global shifts in biospheric N and P concentrations and ratios and their impacts on biodiversity, ecosystem productivity, food security, and human Health. 1962-1985

2020 | Article

Bittencourt P.R.L., Oliveira R.S., da Costa A.C.L., Giles A.L., Coughlin I., Costa P.B., Bartholomew D.C., Ferreira L.V., Vasconcelos S.S., Barros F.V., Junior J.A.S., Oliveira A.A.R., Mencuccini M., Meir P., Rowland L

Amazonia trees have limited capacity to acclimate plant hydraulic properties in response to long-term drought.. 3569-3584

2020 | Article

Zhu Y.-G., Penuelas J.

Changes in the environmental microbiome in the Anthropocene. 3175-3177

2020 | Article

Yáñez-Serrano A.M., Bourtsoukidis E., Alves E.G., Bauwens M., Stavrakou T., Llusià J., Filella I., Guenther A., Williams J., Artaxo P., Sindelarova K., Doubalova J., Kesselmeier J., Peñuelas J.

Amazonian biogenic volatile organic compounds under global change. 4722-4751

2020 | Article

Astigarraga J., Andivia E., Zavala M.A., Gazol A., Cruz-Alonso V., Vicente-Serrano S.M., Ruiz-Benito P

Evidence of nonstationary relationships between climate and forest responses: Increased sensitivity to climate change in Iberian forests.. 5063-5076

2020 | Article

Collins C.G., Spasojevic M.J., Alados C.L., Aronson E.L.,Benavides J.C., Cannone N., Caviezel C., Grau O., Guo H., Kudo G., Kuhn N.J., Müllerová J., Phillips M.L., Pombubpa N., Reverchon F., Shulman H.B., Stajich J.E., Stokes A., Weber S.E., Diez J.M

Belowground impacts of alpine woody encroachment are determined by plant traits, local climate, and soil conditions. 7112-7127

2020 | Article

Yuan, Ye; Li, Yue; Mou, Zhijian; Kuang, Luhui; Wu, Wenjia; Zhang, Jing; Wang, Faming; Hui, Dafeng; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Lambers, Hans; Wang, Jun; Kuang, Yuanwen; Li, Zhi’an; Liu, Zhanfeng

(en) - Phosphorus addition decreases microbial residual contribution to soil organic carbon pool in a tropical coastal forest,Phosphorus addition decreases microbial residual contribution to soil organic carbon pool in a tropical coastal forest. 454-466

2020 | Article

García-Valdés R., Estrada A., Early R., Lehsten V., Morin X

Climate change impacts on long-term forest productivity might be driven by species turnover rather than by changes in tree growth. 1360-1372

2020 | Article

Cardador, L., Blackburn, T.M.

A global assessment of human influence on niche shifts and risk predictions of bird invasions. 1956-1966

2020 | Article

Andreu Ubach, Ferran Páramo, Cèsar Gutiérrez, Constantí Stefanescu

Vegetation encroachment drives changes in the composition of butterfly assemblages and species loss in Mediterranean ecosystems. 151-161

2020 | Article

Meir P., Mencuccini M., Coughlin S.I.

Respiration in wood: integrating across tissues, functions and scales. 1824-1827

2020 | Article

Zweifel R., Etzold S., Sterck F., Gessler A., Anfodillo T., Mencuccini M., von Arx G., Lazzarin M., Haeni M., Feichtinger L., Meusburger K., Knuesel S., Walthert L., Salmon Y., Bose A.K., Schoenbeck L., Hug C., De Girardi N., Giuggiola A., Schaub M., Rigling A.

Determinants of legacy effects in pine trees – implications from an irrigation-stop experiment. 1081-1096

2020 | Article

Binks O., Coughlin I., Mencuccini M., Meir P

Equivalence of foliar water uptake and stomatal conductance?. 524-528

2020 | Article

Bartholomew D.C., Bittencourt P.R.L., da Costa A.C.L., Banin L.F., de Britto Costa P., Coughlin S.I., Domingues T.F., Ferreira L.V., Giles A., Mencuccini M., Mercado L., Miatto R.C., Oliveira A., Oliveira R., Meir P., Rowland L

Small tropical forest trees have a greater capacity to adjust carbon metabolism to long-term drought than large canopy trees. 2380-2393

2020 | Article

Agathokleous E., Feng Z.,Doi Oksanen E., Sicard P., Wang Q., Saitanis C.J., Araminiene V., Blande J.D., Hayes F., Calatayud V., Domingos M., Veresoglou S.D., Peñuelas J., Wardle D.A., de Marco A., Li Z., Harmens H., Yuan X., Vitale M., Paoletti E..

Ozone affects plant, insect, and soil microbial communities: A threat to terrestrial ecosystems and biodiversity. eabc1176-

2020 | Article

Lin S., Wang Z., Araújo H.A., Raposo E.P., Gomes A.S.L., Wu H., Fan M., Rao Y..

Ultrafast convergent power-balance model for Raman random fiber laser with half-open cavity. 22500-

2020 | Article

Zuccarini P., Galindo A., Torrecillas A., Pardossi A., Clothier B

Hydraulic Relations and Water Use of Mediterranean Ornamental Shrubs in Containers. 49-56

2020 | Article

Ducatez S., Lefebvre L., Sayol F., Audet J.-N., Sol D.

Host Cognition and Parasitism in Birds: A Review of the Main Mechanisms. -

2020 | Article

Werner C., Fasbender L., Romek K.M., Yáñez-Serrano A.M., Kreuzwieser J.

Heat Waves Change Plant Carbon Allocation Among Primary and Secondary Metabolism Altering CO2 Assimilation, Respiration, and VOC Emissions. -

2020 | Article

Farré-Armengol G., Fernández-Martínez M., Filella I., Junker R.R., Peñuelas J

Deciphering the Biotic and Climatic Factors That Influence Floral Scents: A Systematic Review of Floral Volatile Emissions. -

2020 | Article

Basnou C, Pino J, Davies C, Winkel G, De Vreese R

Co-design Processes to Address Nature-Based Solutions and Ecosystem Services Demands: The Long and Winding Road Towards Inclusive Urban Planning. -

2020 | Article

Zhuang L., Liu Q., Liang Z., You C., Tan B., Zhang L., Yin R., Yang K., Bol R., Xu Z.

Nitrogen additions retard nutrient release from two contrasting foliar litters in a subtropical forest, southwest China. 377-

2020 | Article

Gómez-González S., Paniw M., Durán M., Picó S., Martín-Rodríguez I., Ojeda F.

Mediterranean heathland as a key habitat for fire adaptations: Evidence from an experimental approach.. -

2020 | Article

Sardans J., Gargallo-Garriga A., Urban O., Klem K.,Walker T.W.N., Holub P., Janssens I.A., Peñuelas J.

Ecometabolomics for a better understanding of plant responses and acclimation to abiotic factors linked to global change. 239-

2020 | Article

Hu Q., Yang J., Xu B., Huang J., Memon M.S., Yin G., Zeng Y., Zhao J., Liu K.

Evaluation of global decametric-resolution LAI, FAPAR and FVC estimates derived from sentinel-2 imagery. 912-

2020 | Article

Fuster B., Sánchez-Zapero J., Camacho F., García-Santos V., Verger A., Lacaze R., Weiss M., Baret F., Smets B

Quality assessment of PROBA-V LAI, fAPAR and fCOVER collection 300 m products of copernicus global land service. 1017-

2020 | Article

Chen R., Yin G., Liu G., Li J., Verger A.

Evaluation and normalization of topographic effects on vegetation indices. 2290-

2020 | Article

Barech G., Khaldi M., Espadaler X., Cagniant H.

Taxonomic revision of the genus Messor (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the Maghreb and description of Messor hodnii sp. n. a new ant species found in Algeria [Revision taxonomique du genre Messor (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) au Maghreb et description de Messor hodnii sp. n., une nouvelle espece de fourmi trouvee en AlgSrie]. 9-19

2020 | Article

Bogusch P., Hlaváčková L., Petr L., Bosch J..

Nest structure, pollen preference and parasites associated with two common west-mediterranean bees (Hymenoptera: Apiformes: Megachilidae) nesting in empty gastropod shells. 113-125