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2020 | Article

Casiraghi A., Espadaler X., Hidalgo N.P., Gómez K.

Two additions to the Iberian myrmecofauna: Crematogaster inermis Mayr, 1862, a newly established, treenesting species, and Trichomyrmex mayri (Forel, 1902), an emerging exotic species temporarily nesting in Spain (Hymenoptera, Formicidae). 57-68

2020 | Article

Garrido-Sanz L., Senar M.À., Piñol J

Estimation of the relative abundance of species in artificial mixtures of insects using low-coverage shotgun metagenomics. e48281-

2020 | Article

Unzeta, M., Martin T.E., Sol D

Daily nest predation rates decrease with body size in passerine birds. -

2020 | Article

Jones S., Rowland L., Cox P., Hemming D., Wiltshire A., Williams K., Parazoo N.C., Liu J., Da Costa A.C.L., Meir P., Mencuccini M., Harper A.B..

The impact of a simple representation of non-structural carbohydrates on the simulated response of tropical forests to drought. 3589-3612

2020 | Article

Stocker B.D., Wang H., Smith N.G., Harrison S.P., Keenan T.F., Sandoval D., Davis T., Prentice I.C..

P-model v1.0: An optimality-based light use efficiency model for simulating ecosystem gross primary production. 1545-1581

2020 | Article

Terradas, J.

The planetary crisis of the Anthropocene: cultural evolution and planetary change. -

2020 | Article

Chen, Jie; Liu, Yujie; Pan, Tao; Ciais, Philippe; Ma, Ting; Liu, Yanhua; Yamazaki, Dai; Ge, Quansheng; Peñuelas, Josep

Global socioeconomic exposure of heat extremes under climate change,(en) - Global socioeconomic exposure of heat extremes under climate change. 123275-

2020 | Article

Cristin Redondo, Javier;Bartumeus Jené, Federico;Mendez Lopez, Vicente;Campos Moreno, Daniel

(ca) - Occupancy patterns in superorganisms,Occupancy patterns in superorganisms: A spin-glass approach to ant exploration: Occupancy patterns in superorganisms. -

2020 | Article

Wang, Songhan; Zhang, Yongguang; Ju, Weimin; Chen, Jing M.; Ciais, Philippe; Cescatti, Alessandro; Sardans, Jordi; Janssens, Ivan A.; Wu, Mousong; Berry, Joseph A.; Campbell, Elliott; Fernández-Martínez, Marcos; Alkama, Ramdane; Sitch, Stephen; Friedlingstein, Pierre; Smith, William K.; Yuan, Wenping; He, Wei; Lombardozzi, Danica; Kautz, Markus; Zhu, Dan; Lienert, Sebastian; Kato, Etsushi; Poulter, Benjamin; Sanders, Tanja G.M.; Krüger, Inken; Wang, Rong; Zeng, Ning; Tian, Hanqin; Vuichard, Nicolas; Jain, Atul K.; Wiltshire, Andy; Haverd, Vanessa; Goll, Daniel S.; Peñuelas, Josep

Recent global decline of CO2 fertilization effects on vegetation photosynthesis,(en) - Recent global decline of CO2 fertilization effects on vegetation photosynthesis. 1295-1300

2020 | Article

Zhang, Qi; Zhang, Zhenyan; Lu, Tao; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M.; Gillings, Michael; Yang, Xiaoru; Chen, Jianmeng; Penuelas, Josep; Zhu, Yong-Guan; Zhou, Ning-Yi; Su, Jianqiang; Qian, Haifeng

Cyanobacterial blooms contribute to the diversity of antibioticresistance genes in aquatic ecosystems,(en) - Cyanobacterial blooms contribute to the diversity of antibiotic-resistance genes in aquatic ecosystems. 737-

2020 | Article

Gamboa-Badilla, Nancy; Segura, Alfonso; Bagaria, Guillem; Basnou, Corina; Pino, Joan

(en) - Contrasting time-scale effects of land-use legacy on species richness, diversity and composition in Mediterranean scrubland communities,Contrasting time-scale effects of land-use legacy on species richness, diversity and composition in Mediterranean scrubland communities. 2745-2757

2020 | Article

Wang, Ruzhen; Wu, Hui; Sardans, Jordi; Li, Tianpeng; Liu, Heyong; Peñuelas, Josep; Dijkstra, Feike A.; Jiang, Yong

Carbon storage and plant-soil linkages among soil aggregates as affected by nitrogen enrichment and mowing management in a meadow grassland,(en) - Carbon storage and plant-soil linkages among soil aggregates as affected by nitrogen enrichment and mowing management in a meadow grassland. 407-420

2020 | Article

Wang, Chun; Fang, Yunying; An, Wanli; Zeng, Congsheng; Wang, Weiqi; Sardans, Jordi; Fernández-Martínez, Marcos; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Acid rain mediated nitrogen and sulfur deposition alters soil nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon fractions in a subtropical paddy,Acid rain mediated nitrogen and sulfur deposition alters soil nitrogen, phosphorus and carbon fractions in a subtropical paddy. 104876-

2020 | Article

Tie, Liehua; Zhang, Shibin; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Zhou, Shixing; Hu, Junxi; Huang, Congde

Responses of soil C, N, and P stoichiometric ratios to N and S additions in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest,(en) - Responses of soil C, N, and P stoichiometric ratios to N and S additions in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. 114633-

2020 | Article

Espelta, Josep Maria; Cruz-Alonso, Verónica; Alfaro-Sánchez, Raquel; Hampe, Arndt; Messier, Christian; Pino, Joan

(en) - Functional diversity enhances tree growth and reduces herbivory damage in secondary broadleaf forests, but does not influence resilience to drought,Functional diversity enhances tree growth and reduces herbivory damage in secondary broadleaf forests, but does not influence resilience to drought. 2362-2372

2020 | Article

Fernández-Martínez, Marcos; Sardans, Jordi; Musavi, Talie; Migliavacca, Mirco; Iturrate-Garcia, Maitane; Scholes, Robert J.; Peñuelas, Josep; Janssens, Ivan A.

The role of climate, foliar stoichiometry and plant diversity on ecosystem carbon balance,(en) - The role of climate, foliar stoichiometry and plant diversity on ecosystem carbon balance. 7067-7078

2020 | Article

Sperlich, Dominik; Nadal-Sala, Daniel; Gracia, Carlos; Kreuzwieser, Jürgen; Hanewinkel, Marc; Yousefpour, Rasoul

Gains or losses in forest productivity under climate change? The uncertainty of CO2 fertilization and climate effects,(en) - Gains or losses in forest productivity under climate change? The uncertainty of CO fertilization and climate effects. 141-22

2020 | Article

Tie, Liehua; Fu, Rao; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Zhang, Shibin; Zhou, Shixing; Hu, Junxi; Huang, Congde

The additions of nitrogen and sulfur synergistically decrease the release of carbon and nitrogen from litter in a subtropical forest,(en) - The additions of nitrogen and sulfur synergistically decrease the release of carbon and nitrogen from litter in a subtropical forest. 1280-16

2020 | Article

Wang, Rong; Xiong, Yuankang; Xing, Xiaofan; Yang, Ruipu; Li, Jiarong; Wang, Yijing; Cao, Junji; Balkanski, Yves; Peñuelas, Josep; Ciais, Philippe; Hauglustaine, Didier; Sardans, Jordi; Chen, Jianmin; Ma, Jianmin; Xu, Tang; Kan, Haidong; Zhang, Yan; Oda, Tomohiro; Morawska, Lidia; Zhang, Renhe; Tao, Shu

Daily CO2 Emission Reduction Indicates the Control of Activities to Contain COVID-19 in China,(en) - Daily CO Emission Reduction Indicates the Control of Activities to Contain COVID-19 in China. 100062-

2020 | Article

Yang, Ping; Yang, Hong; Sardans, Jordi; Tong, Chuan; Zhao, Guanghui; Peñuelas, Josep; Li, Ling; Zhang, Yifei; Tan, Lishan; Chun, Kwok Pan; Lai, Derrick Y. F.

Large Spatial Variations in Diffusive CH4Fluxes from a Subtropical Coastal Reservoir Affected by Sewage Discharge in Southeast China,(en) - Large Spatial Variations in Diffusive CHFluxes from a Subtropical Coastal Reservoir Affected by Sewage Discharge in Southeast China. 14192-14203

2020 | Article

Bogdziewicz, M.; Szymkowiak, J.; Bonal, R.; Hacket-Pain, A.; Espelta, J.M.; Pesendorfer, M.; Grewling, L.; Kasprzyk, I.; Belmonte, J.; Kluska, K.; De Linares, C.; Penuelas, J.; Fernandez-Martinez, M.

(ca) - What drives phenological synchrony? Warm springs advance and desynchronize flowering in oaks,(en) - What drives phenological synchrony? Warm springs advance and desynchronize flowering in oaks,What drives phenological synchrony? Warm springs advance and desynchronize flowering in oaks. 108140-

2020 | Article

Nikolakopoulou, Myrto; Argerich, Alba; Bernal, Susana; Gacia, Esperança; Ribot, Miquel; Martí, Eugènia; Sorolla, Albert; Sabater, Francesc

Effect of Three Emergent Macrophyte Species on Nutrient Retention in Aquatic Environments under Excess Nutrient Loading,(en) - Effect of Three Emergent Macrophyte Species on Nutrient Retention in Aquatic Environments under Excess Nutrient Loading. 15376-15384

2020 | Article

Descals, Adrià; Verger, Aleixandre; Filella, Iolanda; Baldocchi, Dennis; Janssens, Ivan A.; Fu, Yongshuo H.; Piao, Shilong; Peaucelle, Marc; Ciais, Philippe; Peñuelas, Josep

Soil thawing regulates the spring growth onset in tundra and alpine biomes,(en) - Soil thawing regulates the spring growth onset in tundra and alpine biomes. 140637-

2020 | Article

Descals, Adrià; Verger, Aleixandre; Yin, Gaofei; Peñuelas, Josep

Improved estimates of arctic land surface phenology using sentinel-2 time series,(en) - Improved estimates of arctic land surface phenology using sentinel-2 time series. 3738-13

2020 | Article

Fraisl, Dilek; Campbell, Jillian; See, Linda; Wehn, Uta; Wardlaw, Jessica; Gold, Margaret; Moorthy, Inian; Arias, Rosa; Piera, Jaume; Oliver, Jessica L.; Masó, Joan; Penker, Marianne; Fritz, Steffen

(en) - Mapping citizen science contributions to the UN sustainable development goals,Mapping citizen science contributions to the UN sustainable development goals. 1735-1751

2020 | Article

Evans, Luke Christopher; Oliver, Tom Henry; Sims, Ian; Greenwell, Matthew Peter; Melero, Yolanda; Watson, Arron; Townsend, Felix; Walters, Richard John

Behavioural modes in butterflies: their implications for movement and searching behaviour.,Behavioural modes in butterflies: their implications for movement and searching behaviour,(en) - Behavioural modes in butterflies: their implications for movement and searching behaviour. 23-33

2020 | Article

Margalef-Marti, Rosanna; Llovet, Alba; Carrey, Raúl; Ribas, Angela; Domene, Xavier; Mattana, Stefania; Chin-Pampillo, Juan; Mondini, Claudio; Alcañiz, Josep Ma; Soler, Albert; Otero, Neus

(ca) - Impact of fertilization with pig slurry on the isotopic composition of nitrate retained in soil and leached to groundwater in agricultural areas,Impact of fertilization with pig slurry on the isotopic composition of nitrate retained in soil and leached to groundwater in agricultural areas,(en) - Impact of fertilization with pig slurry on the isotopic composition of nitrate retained in soil and leached to groundwater in agricultural areas. 104832-104832

2020 | Article

Tramblay, Yves; Koutroulis, Aristeidis; Samaniego, Luis; Vicente-Serrano, Sergio M.; Volaire, Florence; Boone, Aaron; Le Page, Michel; Carmen Llasat, Maria; Albergel, Clement; Burak, Selmin; Cailleret, Maxime; Kalin, Ksenija Cindric; Davi, Hendrik; Dupuy, Jean-Luc; Greve, Peter; Grillakis, Manolis; Hanich, Lahoucine; Jarlan, Lionel; Martin-StPaul, Nicolas; Martinez-Vilalta, Jordi; Mouillot, Florent; Pulido-Velazquez, David; Quintana-Segui, Pere; Renard, Delphine; Turco, Marco; Turkes, Murat; Trigo, Ricardo; Vidal, Jean-Philippe; Vilagrosa, Alberto; Zribi, Mehrez; Polcher, Jan

Challenges for drought assessment in the Mediterranean region under future climate scenarios,(ca) - Challenges for drought assessment in the Mediterranean region under future climate scenarios. 103348-

2020 | Article

Li, Xiaofei; Sardans, Jordi; Hou, Lijun; Liu, Min; Xu, Chaobin; Peñuelas, Josep

Climatic temperature controls the geographical patterns of coastal marshes greenhouse gases emissions over China,(en) - Climatic temperature controls the geographical patterns of coastal marshes greenhouse gases emissions over China. 125378-

2020 | Article

Wang, Xuhui; Zhao, Chuang; Müller, Christoph; Wang, Chenzhi; Ciais, Philippe; Janssens, Ivan; Peñuelas, Josep; Asseng, Senthold; Li, Tao; Elliott, Joshua; Huang, Yao; Li, Laurent; Piao, Shilong

(en) - Emergent constraint on crop yield response to warmer temperature from field experiments,Emergent constraint on crop yield response to warmer temperature from field experiments. 908-916

2020 | Article

Verryckt, Lore T.; Ellsworth, David S.; Vicca, Sara; Van Langenhove, Leandro; Peñuelas, Josep; Ciais, Philippe; Posada, Juan M.; Stahl, Clément; Coste, Sabrina; Courtois, Elodie A.; Obersteiner, Michael; Chave, Jérôme; Janssens, Ivan A.

Can light-saturated photosynthesis in lowland tropical forests be estimated by one light level?,(en) - Can light-saturated photosynthesis in lowland tropical forests be estimated by one light level?. 1183-1193

2020 | Article

Sanchez-Martinez, Pablo;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Dexter, Kyle G.;Segovia, Ricardo A.;Mencuccini, Maurizio

Adaptation and coordinated evolution of plant hydraulic traïts,(ca) - Adaptation and coordinated evolution of plant hydraulic traits. 1599-1610

2020 | Article

Park, Hoonyoung; Jeong, Sujong; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Accelerated rate of vegetation green-up related to warming at northern high latitudes,Accelerated rate of vegetation green-up related to warming at northern high latitudes. 6190-6202

2020 | Article

Penuelas, Josep; Gargallo-Garriga, Albert; Janssens, Ivan A.; Ciais, Philippe; Obersteiner, Michael; Klem, Karel; Urban, Otmar; Zhu, Yong-Guan; Sardans, Jordi

(en) - Could Global Intensification of Nitrogen Fertilisation Increase Immunogenic Proteins and Favour the Spread of Coeliac Pathology?,Could Global Intensification of Nitrogen Fertilisation Increase Immunogenic Proteins and Favour the Spread of Coeliac Pathology?. 1602-

2020 | Article

Wang, Miaoying; Lan, Xingfu; Xu, Xuping; Fang, Yunying; Singh, Bhupinder Pal; Sardans, Jordi; Romero, Estela; Peñuelas, Josep; Wang, Weiqi

(en) - Steel slag and biochar amendments decreased CO emissions by altering soil chemical properties and bacterial community structure over two-year in a subtropical paddy field,Steel slag and biochar amendments decreased CO2 emissions by altering soil chemical properties and bacterial community structure over two-year in a subtropical paddy field. 140403-

2020 | Article

Nelson, Jacob A.; Pérez-Priego, Oscar; Zhou, Sha; Poyatos, Rafael; Zhang, Yao; Blanken, Peter D.; Gimeno, Teresa E.; Wohlfahrt, Georg; Desai, Ankur R.; Gioli, Beniamino; Limousin, Jean-Marc; Bonal, Damien; Paul-Limoges, Eugénie; Scott, Russell L.; Varlagin, Andrej; Fuchs, Kathrin; Montagnani, Leonardo; Wolf, Sebastian; Delpierre, Nicolas; Berveiller, Daniel; Gharun, Mana; Belelli Marchesini, Luca; Gianelle, Damiano; Šigut, Ladislav; Mammarella, Ivan; Siebicke, Lukas; Andrew Black, T.; Knohl, Alexander; Hörtnagl, Lukas; Magliulo, Vincenzo; Besnard, Simon; Weber, Ulrich; Carvalhais, Nuno; Migliavacca, Mirco; Reichstein, Markus; Jung, Martin

Ecosystem transpiration and evaporation: Insights from three water flux partitioning methods across FLUXNET sites,(ca) - Ecosystem transpiration and evaporation,(en) - Ecosystem transpiration and evaporation: Insights from three water flux partitioning methods across FLUXNET sites. 6916-6930

2020 | Article

Wang, Huanjiong; Wu, Chaoyang; Ciais, Philippe; Peñuelas, Josep; Dai, Junhu; Fu, Yongshuo; Ge, Quansheng

(en) - Overestimation of the effect of climatic warming on spring phenology due to misrepresentation of chilling,Overestimation of the effect of climatic warming on spring phenology due to misrepresentation of chilling. 4945-

2020 | Article

Geng, Xiaojun; Fu, Yongshuo H.; Hao, Fanghua; Zhou, Xuancheng; Zhang, Xuan; Yin, Guodong; Vitasse, Yann; Piao, Shilong; Niu, Kechang; De Boeck, Hans J.; Menzel, Annette; Peñuelas, Josep

Climate warming increases spring phenological differences among temperate trees,(en) - Climate warming increases spring phenological differences among temperate trees. 5979-5987

2020 | Article

Ogaya, Romà; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Wood vs. Canopy allocation of aboveground net primary productivity in a mediterranean forest during 21 years of experimental rainfall exclusion,Wood vs. Canopy allocation of aboveground net primary productivity in a mediterranean forest during 21 years of experimental rainfall exclusion. 1-12

2020 | Article

Penuelas, Josep; Krisztin, Tamás; Obersteiner, Michael; Huber, Florian; Winner, Hannes; Janssens, Ivan A.; Ciais, Philippe; Sardans, Jordi

Country-level relationships of the human intake of N and P, animal and vegetable food, and alcoholic beverages with cancer and life expectancy,(en) - Country-level relationships of the human intake of N and P, animal and vegetable food, and alcoholic beverages with cancer and life expectancy. 7240-15

2020 | Article

Sayol, Ferran; Collado, Miguel Á.; Garcia-Porta, Joan; Seid, Marc A.; Gibbs, Jason; Agorreta, Ainhoa; Mauro, Diego San; Raemakers, Ivo; Sol, Daniel; Bartomeus, Ignasi

(en) - Feeding specialization and longer generation time are associated with relatively larger brains in bees: Brain evolution bees,Feeding specialization and longer generation time are associated with relatively larger brains in bees: Brain evolution bees. 20200762-

2020 | Article

Valencia, Enrique; de Bello, Francesco; Galland, Thomas; Adler, Peter B.; Lepš, Jan; E-Vojtkó, Anna; van Klink, Roel; Carmona, Carlos P.; Danihelka, Jiří; Dengler, Jürgen; Eldridge, David J.; Estiarte, Marc; García-González, Ricardo; Garnier, Eric; Gómez‐García, Daniel; Harrison, Susan P.; Herben, Tomáš; Ibáñez, Ricardo; Jentsch, Anke; Juergens, Norbert; Kertész, Miklós; Klumpp, Katja; Louault, Frédérique; Marrs, Rob H.; Ogaya, Romà; Ónodi, Gábor; Pakeman, Robin J.; Pardo, Iker; Pärtel, Meelis; Peco, Begoña; Peñuelas, Josep; Pywell, Richard F.; Rueda, Marta; Schmidt, Wolfgang; Schmiedel, Ute; Schuetz, Martin; Skálová, Hana; Šmilauer, Petr; Šmilauerová, Marie; Smit, Christian; Song, MingHua; Stock, Martin; Val, James; Vandvik, Vigdis; Ward, David; Wesche, Karsten; Wiser, Susan K.; Woodcock, Ben A.; Young, Truman P.; Yu, Fei-Hai; Zobel, Martin; Götzenberger, Lars

(en) - Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale,Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale. 24345-24351

2020 | Article

Yin, Gaofei; Verger, Aleixandre; Filella, Iolanda; Descals, Adrià; Peñuelas, Josep

Divergent Estimates of Forest Photosynthetic Phenology Using Structural and Physiological Vegetation Indices,(en) - Divergent Estimates of Forest Photosynthetic Phenology Using Structural and Physiological Vegetation Indices. e2020GL089167-

2020 | Article

Preece, Catherine; Farre-Armengol, Gerard; Penuelas, Josep;

(en) - Drought is a stronger driver of soil respiration and microbial communities than nitrogen or phosphorus addition in two Mediterranean tree species,Drought is a stronger driver of soil respiration and microbial communities than nitrogen or phosphorus addition in two Mediterranean tree species. 139554-

2020 | Article

Llovet, Alba; Mattana, Stefania; Chin-Pampillo, Juan; Otero, Neus; Carrey, Raúl; Mondini, Claudio; Gascó, Gabriel; Martí, Esther; Margalef, Rosanna; Alcañiz, Josep Maria; Domene, Xavier; Ribas, Angela

Fresh biochar application provokes a reduction of nitrate which is unexplained by conventional mechanisms,(ca) - Fresh biochar application provokes a reduction of nitrate which is unexplained by conventional mechanisms,(en) - Fresh biochar application provokes a reduction of nitrate which is unexplained by conventional mechanisms. 142430-142430

2020 | Article

Hernández, Armand; Sánchez-López, Guiomar; Pla-Rabes, Sergi; Comas-Bru, Laia; Parnell, Andrew; Cahill, Niamh; Geyer, Adelina; Trigo, Ricardo M.; Giralt, Santiago

(en) - A 2,000-year Bayesian NAO reconstruction from the Iberian Peninsula,A 2,000-year Bayesian NAO reconstruction from the Iberian Peninsula. 14961-

2020 | Article

Deckmyn G., Flores O., Mayer M., Domene X., Schnepf A., Kuka K., van Looy K., Rasse D.P., Briones M.J.I., Barot S., Berg M., Vanguelova E., Ostonen I., Vereecken H., Suz L.M., Frey B., Frossard A., Tiunov A., Frouz J., Grebenc T., Öpik M., Javaux M., Uvarov A., Vindušková O., Krogh P.H., Franklin O., Jiménez J., Yuste J.C

KEYLINK: Towards a more integrative soil representation for inclusion in ecosystem scale models. I. review and model concept,(ca) - KEYLINK: towards a more integrative soil representation for inclusion in ecosystem scale models. I. review and model concept. e9750-

2020 | Article

Giménez-Grau, Pau; Felip, Marisol; Zufiaurre, Aitziber; Pla-Rabès, Sergi; Camarero, Lluís; Catalan, Jordi

(en) - Homeostasis and non-linear shift in the stoichiometry of P-limited planktonic communities,Homeostasis and non-linear shift in the stoichiometry of P-limited planktonic communities,Homeostasis and non-linear shift in the stoichiometry of P-limited planktonic communities.. e03249-

2020 | Article

Hu, Minjie; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Yang, Xianyu; Tong, Chuan; Zou, Shuangquan; Cao, Wenzhi

(en) - Shifts in Microbial Biomass C/N/P Stoichiometry and Bacterial Community Composition in Subtropical Estuarine Tidal Marshes Along a Gradient of Freshwater–Oligohaline Water,Shifts in Microbial Biomass C/N/P Stoichiometry and Bacterial Community Composition in Subtropical Estuarine Tidal Marshes Along a Gradient of Freshwater–Oligohaline Water. 1265-1280

2020 | Article

Sardans, Jordi; Urbina, Ifigenia; Grau, Oriol; Asensio, Dolores; Ogaya, Romà; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Long-term drought decreases ecosystem C and nutrient storage in a Mediterranean holm oak forest,Long-term drought decreases ecosystem C and nutrient storage in a Mediterranean holm oak forest. 104135-