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2017 | Capítol de llibre

Lloret Maya, Francisco;

Trade-offs in High Mountain Conservation. 37-59

2017 | Capítol de llibre

Robert, Elisabeth Maria Rogier; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;

The Anatomy and Functioning of the Xylem in Oaks. 261-302

2017 | Article

Sebastiana, Monica; Martins, Joana; Figueiredo, Andreia; Monteiro, Filipa; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Bernardes da Silva, Anabela; Roepstorff, Peter; Pais, Maria Salome; Coelho, Ana;

Oak protein profile alterations upon root colonization by an ectomycorrhizal fungus,(en) - Oak protein profile alterations upon root colonization by an ectomycorrhizal fungus. 109-128

2017 | Article

Vila-Cabrera, Albert; Espelta, Josep Maria; Vayreda, Jordi; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

(en) - “New Forests” from the Twentieth Century are a Relevant Contribution for C Storage in the Iberian Peninsula,(ca) - “New Forests” from the Twentieth Century are a Relevant Contribution for C Storage in the Iberian Peninsula,New Forests\ from the Twentieth Century are a Relevant Contribution for C Storage in the Iberian Peninsula". 130-143

2017 | Article

Julio Camarero, J.; Carlos Linares, Juan; Garcia-Cervigon, Ana I.; Batllori, Enric; Martinez, Isabel; Gutiérrez Merino, Emilia;

Back to the Future: The responses of alpine treelines to climate warming are constrained by the current ecotone structure.,Back to the Future: The Responses of Alpine Treelines to Climate Warming are Constrained by the Current Ecotone Structure. 683-700

2017 | Article

Semerci, Akkin; Semerci, Hacer; Caliskan, Belma; Cicek, Nuran; Ekmekci, Yasemin; Mencuccini, Maurizio;

Morphological and physiological responses to drought stress of European provenances of Scots pine. 91-104

2017 | Article

Tapia, L.; Regos, Adrian; Gil-Carrera, A.; Domínguez Conde, Jesús;

Unravelling the response of diurnal raptors to land use change in a highly dynamic landscape in northwestern Spain: an approach based on satellite earth observation data. -

2017 | Article

Gonzalez-Moreno, Pablo; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Cozar Cabanas, Andres; Garcia-de-Lomas, Juan; Vila Planella, Montserrat;

The effects of landscape history and time-lags on plant invasion in Mediterranean coastal habitats,(en) - The effects of landscape history and time-lags on plant invasion in Mediterranean coastal habitats,(ca) - The effects of landscape history and time-lags on plant invasion in Mediterranean coastal habitats. 549-561

2017 | Article

Villero, Dani; Pla, Magda; Camps, David; Ruiz-Olmo, Jordi; Brotons Alabau, Lluís;

Integrating species distribution modelling into decision-making to inform conservation actions. 251-271

2017 | Article

Melero, Yolanda;

Communication of flagship species in conservation: lessons from invasive management projects. 2973-2978

2017 | Article

Rivera Rondon, Carlos; Catalán Aguilà, Jordi;

The ratio between chrysophycean cysts and diatoms in temperate, mountain lakes: some recommendations for its use in paleolimnology,(en) - The ratio between chrysophycean cysts and diatoms in temperate, mountain lakes: some recommendations for its use in paleolimnology. 273-285

2017 | Article

Matias, Luis; Castro Gutiérrez, Jorge; Villar-Salvador, Pedro; Luis Quero, Jose; Jump, Alistair S.;

Differential impact of hotter drought on seedling performance of five ecologically distinct pine species. 201-212

2017 | Article

Tiwari, Achyut; Fan, Ze-Xin; Jump, Alistair S.; Zhou, Zhe-Kun;

Warming induced growth decline of Himalayan birch at its lower range edge in a semi-arid region of Trans-Himalaya, central Nepal. 621-633

2017 | Article

Aguillaume, Laura; Avila, Anna; Pinho, Pedro; Matos, Paula; Llop, Esteve; Branquinho, Cristina;

(en) - The Critical Levels of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mediterranean Holm-Oak Forest in North-Eastern Spain,The Critical Levels of Atmospheric Ammonia in a Mediterranean Holm-Oak Forest in North-Eastern Spain. -

2017 | Article

Avila, Anna; Aguillaume, Laura; Izquieta Rojano, Sheila; Garcia-Gomez, Hector; Elustondo, David; Miguel Santamaria, Jesus; Alonso, Rocio;

(en) - Quantitative study on nitrogen deposition and canopy retention in Mediterranean evergreen forests,Quantitative study on nitrogen deposition and canopy retention in Mediterranean evergreen forests. 26213-26226

2017 | Article

Soler Martin, Marc; Bonet Lledós, José Antonio; Martinez De Aragon, Juan; Voltas Velasco, Jordi; Coll Mir, Lluis; Resco de Dios, Victor;

Crown bulk density and fuel moisture dynamics in Pinus pinaster stands are neither modified by thinning nor captured by the Forest Fire Weather Index. 1-11

2017 | Article

Seco, Roger; Karl, Thomas; Turnipseed, Andrew; Greenberg, Jim; Guenther, Alex; Llusià Benet, Joan; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Dicken, Uri; Rotenberg, Eyal; Kim, Saewung; Yakir, Dan;

(en) - Springtime ecosystem-scale monoterpene fluxes from Mediterranean pine forests across a precipitation gradient,Springtime ecosystem-scale monoterpene fluxes from Mediterranean pine forests across a precipitation gradient. 150-159

2017 | Article

Perals, Daniel; Griffin, Andrea S.; Bartomeus Roig, Ignasi; Sol Rueda, Daniel;

(ca) - Revisiting the open-field test: what does it really tell us about animal personality?,(en) - Revisiting the open-field test: what does it really tell us about animal personality?,Revisiting the open-field test: what does it really tell us about animal personality?. 69-79

2017 | Article

Aguillaume, L.; Izquieta Rojano, Sheila; Garcia-Gomez, Hector; Elustondo, David; Miguel Santamaria, Jesus; Alonso, Rocio; Avila, Anna;

(en) - Dry deposition and canopy uptake in Mediterranean holm-oak forests estimated with a canopy budget model: A focus on N estimations,Dry deposition and canopy uptake in Mediterranean holm-oak forests estimated with a canopy budget model: A focus on N estimations. 191-200

2017 | Article

Wang, Weiqi; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Wang, Chun; Zeng, Congsheng; Tong, Chuan; Asensio Abella, Dolores; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Relationships between the potential production of the greenhouse gases CO2, CH4 and N2O and soil concentrations of C, N and P across 26 paddy fields in southeastern China,(en) - Relationships between the potential production of the greenhouse gases CO, CH and NO and soil concentrations of C, N and P across 26 paddy fields in southeastern China. 458-467

2017 | Article

Catarina Luz, Ana; Paneque-Galvez, Jaime; Gueze, Maximilien; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Macia, Manuel J.; Orta-Martinez, Marti; Reyes Garcia, Victoria;

Continuity and change in hunting behaviour among contemporary indigenous peoples,(ca) - Continuity and change in hunting behaviour among contemporary indigenous peoples,(en) - Continuity and change in hunting behaviour among contemporary indigenous peoples. 17-26

2017 | Article

Vicente-Serrano, Sergio M.; Zabalza-Martinez, J.; Borras, G.; Ignacio Lopez-Morenob, Juan; Pla, Eduard; Pascual, Diana; Savé Monserrat, Robert; Biel, Carmen; Funes, I.; Martin-Hernandez, N.; Pena-Gallardo, M.; Begueria, Santiago; Tomas-Burguera, Miquel;

(en) - Effect of reservoirs on streamflow and river regimes in a heavily regulated river basin of Northeast Spain,Effect of reservoirs on streamflow and river regimes in a heavily regulated river basin of Northeast Spain. 727-741

2017 | Article

Closa, Guillem; Maso, Joan; Pross, Benjamin; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(ca) - W3C PROV to describe provenance at the dataset, feature and attribute levels in a distributed environment,W3C PROV to describe provenance at the dataset, feature and attribute levels in a distributed environment,(en) - W3C PROV to describe provenance at the dataset, feature and attribute levels in a distributed environment. 103-117

2017 | Article

Tiwari, Achyut; Fan, Ze-Xin; Jump, Alistair S.; Li, Shu Feng; Zhou, Zhe Kun;

Gradual expansion of moisture sensitive Abies spectabilis forest in the Trans-Himalayan zone of central Nepal associated with climate change. 34-43

2017 | Article

Ameztegui, Aitor; Cabon, Antoine; De Cáceres Ainsa, Miquel; Coll Mir, Lluis;

Managing stand density to enhance the adaptability of Scots pine stands to climate change: A modelling approach,Managing stand density to enhance the adaptability of Scots pine stands to climate change: a modelling approach. 141-150

2017 | Article

Marisol Gonzalez, Tania; David Gonzalez-Trujillo, Juan; Palmer, John R. B.; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Armenteras, Dolors;

(ca) - Movement behavior of a tropical mammal: The case of Tapirus terrestris,(en) - Movement behavior of a tropical mammal: The case of Tapirus terrestris,Movement behavior of a tropical mammal: The case of Tapirus terrestris. 223-229

2017 | Article

Schwarz, Nina; Moretti, Marco; Bugalho, Miguel N.; Davies, Zoe G.; Haase, Dagmar; Hack, Jochen; Hof, Angela; Melero, Yolanda; Pett, Tristan J.; Knapp, Sonja;

Understanding biodiversity-ecosystem service relationships in urban areas: A comprehensive literature review. 161-171

2017 | Article

Vicente-Serrano, Sergio M.; Zabalza-Martinez, J.; Borras, G.; Ignacio Lopez-Morenob, Juan; Pla, Eduard; Pascual, Diana; Savé Monserrat, Robert; Biel, Carmen; Funes, I.; Azorin-Molina, Cesar; Sánchez Lorenzo, Arturo; Martin-Hernandez, N.; Pena-Gallardo, M.; Alonso-Gonzalez, Esteban; Tomas-Burguera, Miquel; El Kenawy, A.;

Extreme hydrological events and the influence of reservoirsin a highly regulated river basin of northeastern Spain,(en) - Extreme hydrological events and the influence of reservoirs in a highly regulated river basin of northeastern Spain,(en) - Extreme hydrological events and the influence of reservoirsin a highly regulated river basin of northeastern Spain. 13-32

2017 | Article

Ochoa Hueso, Raúl; Munzi, Silvana; Alonso, Rocio; Arroniz-Crespo, Maria; Avila, Anna; Bermejo, Victoria; Bobbink, Roland; Branquinho, Cristina; Concostrina-Zubiri, Laura; Cruz, Cristina; De Carvalho, Ricardo Cruz; De Marco, Alessandra; Dias, Teresa; Elustondo, David; Elvira, Susana; Estebanez, Belen; Fusaro, Lina; Gerosa, Giacomo; Izquieta Rojano, Sheila; Lo Cascio, Mauro; Marzuoli, Riccardo; Matos, Paula; Mereu, Simone; Merino Ortega, Jose Angel; Morillas, Lourdes; Nunes, Alice; Paoletti, Elena; Paoli, Luca; Pinho, Pedro; Rogers, Isabel B.; Santos, Arthur; Sicard, Pierre; Stevens, Carly J.; Theobald, Mark R.;

Ecological impacts of atmospheric pollution and interactions with climate change in terrestrial ecosystems of the Mediterranean Basin: Current research and future directions. 194-206

2017 | Article

Fan, Peilei; Ouyang, Zutao; Basnou, Corina; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Park, Hogeun; Chen, Jiquan;

Nature-based solutions for urban landscapes under post-industrialization and globalization: Barcelona versus Shanghai,(ca) - Nature-based solutions for urban landscapes under post-industrialization and globalization: Barcelona versus Shanghai,(en) - Nature-based solutions for urban landscapes under post-industrialization and globalization: Barcelona versus Shanghai. 272-283

2017 | Article

Nadal-Sala, Daniel; Sabate, Santiago; Sanchez-Costa, Elisenda; Poblador, Silvia; Sabater, Francesc; Gracia, Carlos;

Growth and water use performance of four co-occurring riparian tree species in a Mediterranean riparian forest,(en) - Growth and water use performance of four co-occurring riparian tree species in a Mediterranean riparian forest. 132-142

2017 | Article

Gonzalez-Diaz, Patricia; Jump, Alistair S.; Perry, Annika; Wachowiak, Witold; Lapshina, Elena; Cavers, Stephen;

Ecology and management history drive spatial genetic structure in Scots pine. 68-76

2017 | Article

Soler, Rosina; Espelta, Josep Maria; Lencinas, Maria Vanessa; Peri, Pablo L.; Martinez Pastur, Guillermo Jose;

(en) - Masting has different effects on seed predation by insects and birds in antarctic beech forests with no influence of forest management,Masting has different effects on seed predation by insects and birds in antarctic beech forests with no influence of forest management. 173-180

2017 | Article

Palmero-Iniesta, Marina; Domenech, Rut; Molina-Terren, Domingo; Espelta, Josep Maria;

(en) - Fire behavior in Pinus halepensis thickets: Effects of thinning and woody debris decomposition in two rainfall scenarios,Fire behavior in Pinus halepensis thickets: Effects of thinning and woody debris decomposition in two rainfall scenarios. 230-240

2017 | Article

Jose Vidal-Macua, Juan; Ninyerola, Miquel; Zabala Torres, Alaitz; Domingo-Marimon, Cristina; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(ca) - Factors affecting forest dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula from 1987 to 2012. The role of topography and drought,(en) - Factors affecting forest dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula from 1987 to 2012. The role of topography and drought,Factors affecting forest dynamics in the Iberian Peninsula from 1987 to 2012. The role of topography and drought. 290-306

2017 | Article

Armenteras, Dolors; Espelta, Josep Maria; Rodriguez Eraso, Nelly; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(en) - Deforestation dynamics and drivers in different forest types in Latin America: Three decades of studies (1980–2010),(ca) - Deforestation dynamics and drivers in different forest types in Latin America: Three decades of studies 1980–2010,Deforestation dynamics and drivers in different forest types in Latin America: Three decades of studies (1980-2010). 139-147

2017 | Article

Doblas-Miranda, Enrique; Alonso, Rocio; Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Bermejo, V.; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; De Las Heras, J.; Estiarte Garrofé, Marc; Hodar, Jose A.; Llorens Garcia, Pilar; Lloret Maya, Francisco; LOPEZ-SERRANO, FRANCISCO; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi; Moya, Daniel; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Rodrigo, Anselm; Roura-Pascual, Nuria; Valladares, F.; Vila Planella, Montserrat; Zamora, R.; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(ca) - A review of the combination among global change factors in forests, shrublands and pastures of the Mediterranean Region: Beyond drought effects,A review of the combination among global change factors in forests, shrublands and pastures of the Mediterranean Region: Beyond drought effects. 42-54

2017 | Article

Raya-Moreno, Irene; Canizares, Rosa; Domene, Xavier; Carabassa, Vicenç; Alcaniz, Josep M.;

(ca) - Comparing current chemical methods to assess biochar organic carbon in a Mediterranean agricultural soil amended with two different biochars,(en) - Comparing current chemical methods to assess biochar organic carbon in a Mediterranean agricultural soil amended with two different biochars,Comparing current chemical methods to assess biochar organic carbon in a Mediterranean agricultural soil amended with two different biochars. 604-618

2017 | Article

Andres, Pilar; Moore, John C.; Cotrufo, Francesca; Denef, Karolien; Haddix, Michelle; Molowny Horas, Roberto; Riba, Miquel; Wall, Diana H.;

(ca) - Grazing and edaphic properties mediate soil biotic response to altered precipitation patterns in a semiarid prairie,Grazing and edaphic properties mediate soil biotic response to altered precipitation patterns in a semiarid prairie,(en) - Grazing and edaphic properties mediate soil biotic response to altered precipitation patterns in a semiarid prairie. 263-274

2017 | Article

Bartrons Vilamala, Mireia; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Pharmaceuticals and Personal-Care Products in Plants,(ca) - Pharmaceuticals and personal-care products in plants. 194-203

2017 | Article

Garnatje, Teresa; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Valles Xirau, Joan;

Ethnobotany, Phylogeny and 'Omics' for Human Health and Fooc Security,Ethnobotany, Phylogeny, and 'Omics' for Human Health and Food Security.. 187-191

2017 | Article

Garnatje, Teresa; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Valles Xirau, Joan;

Reaffirming 'ethnobotanical convergence'.,Reaffirming 'Ethnobotanical Convergence'. 640-641

2017 | Article

Mencuccini, Maurizio; Munné Bosch, Sergi;

Physiological and biochemical processes related to ageing and senescence in plants. 257-283

2017 | Article

Velez, Juliana; Espelta, Josep Maria; Rivera, Orlando; Armenteras, Dolors;

(en) - Effects of seasonality and habitat on the browsing and frugivory preferences of Tapirus terrestris in north-western Amazonia,Effects of seasonality and habitat on the browsing and frugivory preferences of Tapirus terrestris in north-western Amazonia. 395-406

2017 | Article

Piao, Shilong; Liu, Zhuo; Wang, Tao; Peng, Shushi; Ciais, Philippe; Huang, Mengtian; Ahlstrom, Anders; Burkhart, John; Chevallier, Frederic; Janssens, Ivan A.; Jeong, Su-Jong; Lin, Xin; Mao, Jiafu; Miller, John; Mohammat, Anwar; Myneni, Ranga B.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Shi, Xiaoying; Stohl, Andreas; Yao, Yitong; Zhu, Zaichun; Tans, Pieter P.;

(en) - Weakening temperature control on the interannual variations of spring carbon uptake across northern lands,Weakening temperature control on the interannual variations of spring carbon uptake across northern lands. 359-+

2017 | Article

Walsh, Brian; Ciais, Philippe; Janssens, Ivan A.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Riahi, Keywan; Rydzak, Felicjan; Van Vuuren, Detlef P.; Obersteiner, Michael;

Pathways for balancing CO2 emissions and sinks,(en) - Pathways for balancing CO2 emissions and sinks. -

2017 | Article

Palmer, John R. B.; Oltra, Aitana; Collantes, Francisco; Antonio Delgado, Juan; Lucientes, Javier; Delacour, Sarah; Bengoa, Mikel; Eritja, Roger; Bartumeus, Frederic;

(ca) - Citizen science provides a reliable and scalable tool to track disease-carrying mosquitoes,Citizen science provides a reliable and scalable tool to track disease-carrying mosquitoes,(en) - Citizen science provides a reliable and scalable tool to track disease-carrying mosquitoes. 0-0

2017 | Article

Ryan, Michael G.; Robert, Elisabeth Maria Rogier;

Zero-calorie sugar delivery to roots. 922-923

2017 | Article

Brandt, Martin; Rasmussen, Kjeld; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Tian, Feng; Schurgers, Guy; Verger Ten, Aleixandre; Mertz, Ole; Palmer, John R. B.; Fensholt, Rasmus;

Human population growth offsets climate-driven increase in woody vegetation in sub-Saharan Africa,(ca) - Human Population Growth Offsets Climate-Driven Woody Vegetation Increase in Sub-Saharan Africa,(en) - Human population growth offsets climate-driven increase in woody vegetation in sub-Saharan Africa. 0-0

2017 | Article

Adams, Henry D.; Zeppel, Melanie J. B.; Anderegg, William R. L.; Hartmann, Henrik; Landhaeusser, Simon M.; Tissue, David T.; Huxman, Travis E.; Hudson, Patrick J.; Franz, Trenton E.; Allen, Craig D.; Anderegg, Leander D. L.; Barron-Gafford, Greg A.; Beerling, David; Breshears, David D.; Brodribb, Tim; Bugmann, Harald; Cobb, Richard C.; Collins, Adam D.; Dickman, L. Turin; Duan, Honglang; Ewers, Brent; Galiano, Lucia; Galvez, David A.; Garcia-Forner, Nuria; Gaylord, Monica L.; Germino, Matthew J.; Gessler, Arthur; Hacke, Uwe G.; Hakamada, Rodrigo; Hector, Andy; Jenkins, Michael W.; Kane, Jeffrey M.; Kolb, Thomas E.; Law, Darin J.; Lewis, James D.; Limousin, Jean-Marc; Love, David M.; Macalady, Alison K.; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Mitchell, Patrick J.; Muss, Jordan D.; O'Brien, Michael J.; O'Grady, Anthony P.; Pangle, Robert E.; Pinkard, Elizabeth A.; Piper, Frida I.; Plaut, Jennifer A.; Pockman, William T.; Quirk, Joe; Reinhardt, Keith; Ripullone, Francesco; Ryan, Michael G.; Sala, Anna; Sevanto, Sanna; Sperry, John S.; Vargas, Rodrigo; Vennetier, Michel; Way, Danielle A.; Xu, Chonggang; Yepez, Enrico A.; Mcdowell, Nate G.;

(ca) - A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality,(en) - A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality,A multi-species synthesis of physiological mechanisms in drought-induced tree mortality. 1285-1291