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2015 | Article

Aguade, David; Poyatos López, Rafael; Rosas, Teresa; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;

(en) - Comparative drought responses of Quercus ilex L. and Pinus sylvestris L. In a montane forest undergoing a vegetation shift,(ca) - Comparative drought responses of Quercus ilex L. and Pinus sylvestris L. In a montane forest undergoing a vegetation shift,Comparative Drought Responses of Quercus ilex L. and Pinus sylvestris L. in a Montane Forest Undergoing a Vegetation Shift. 2505-2529

2015 | Article

Blower, Jon D.; Maso, Joan; Diaz, Daniel; Roberts, Charles J.; Griffiths, Guy H.; Lewis, Jane P.; Yang, Xiaoyu; Pons Fernández, Xavier;

(ca) - Communicating thematic data quality with web map services,Communicating Thematic Data Quality with Web Map Services,(en) - Communicating thematic data quality with web map services. 1965-1981

2015 | Article

Diouf, Abdoul Aziz; Brandt, Martin; Verger Ten, Aleixandre; EL JARROUDI, Moussa; Djaby, Bakary; Fensholt, Rasmus; Ndione, Jacques Andre; Tychon, Bernard;

Fodder Biomass Monitoring in Sahelian Rangelands Using Phenological Metrics from FAPAR Time Series. 9122-9148

2015 | Article

Benejam, Lluís; Saura-Mas, Sandra; Montserrat, Joan; Torres, Fina; Macies, Miquel;

Could electric fish barriers help to manage native populations of European crayfish threatened by crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci)?,(ca) - Could electric fish barriers help to manage native populations of European crayfish threatened by crayfish plague Aphanomyces astaci?. 307-310

2015 | Article

Lonsdale, Jack; Xenakis, Georgios; Mencuccini, Maurizio; Perks, Mike;

A comparison of models for quantifying growth and standing carbon in UK Scots pine forests. 596-605

2015 | Article

Luz, Ana Catarina; Gueze, Maximilien; Paneque-Galvez, Jaime; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Macia, Manuel J.; Orta-Martinez, Marti; Reyes Garcia, Victoria;

(en) - How Does Cultural Change Affect Indigenous Peoples' Hunting Activity? An Empirical Study among the Tsimane' in the Bolivian Amazon,(ca) - How Does Cultural Change Affect Indigenous Peoples' Hunting Activity? An Empirical Study among the Tsimane' in the Bolivian Amazon,How Does Cultural Change Affect Indigenous Peoples' Hunting Activity? An Empirical Study Among the Tsimane' in the Bolivian Amazon,How Does Cultural Change Affect Indigenous Peoples' Hunting Activity An Empirical Study Among the Tsimane' in the Bolivian Amazon. 382-394

2015 | Article

Farre-Armengol, Gerard; Filella Cubells, Iolanda; Llusià Benet, Joan; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Relationships among floral VOC emissions, floral rewards and visits of pollinators in five plant species of a Mediterranean shrubland,(en) - Relationships among floral VOC emissions, floral rewards and visits of pollinators in five plant species of a Mediterranean shrubland. 90-99

2015 | Article

Arellano, L.; Fernández Ruiz, Pedro Luis; Fonts, R.; Rose, N. L.; Nickus, U.; Thies, H.; Stuchlik, E.; Camarero Galindo, Luís; Catalán Aguilà, Jordi; Grimalt Obrador, Joan O.;

(en) - Increasing and decreasing trends of the atmospheric deposition of organochlorine compounds in European remote areas during the last decade,Increasing and decreasing trends of the atmospheric deposition of organochlorine compounds in European remote areas during the last decade. 6069-6085

2015 | Article

Wang, R.; Balkanski, Yves; Boucher, O.; bopp, laurent; Chappell, A.; Ciais, Philippe; Hauglustaine, D.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Tao, Shu;

(en) - Sources, transport and deposition of iron in the global atmosphere,Sources, transport and deposition of iron in the global atmosphere. 6247-6270

2015 | Article

Naudts, K.; Ryder, J.; Mcgrath, M. J.; Otto, J.; Chen, Yi-Ying; Valade, Aude; Bellasen, V.; Berhongaray, Gonzalo; Boenisch, G.; Campioli, Matteo; Ghattas, J.; De Groote, Toon; haverd, vanessa; Kattge, Jens; MacBean, Natasha; Maignan, Fabienne; Merila, P.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Peylin, Philippe; Pinty, B.; Pretzsch, Hans; Schulze, Ernest-Detlef; Solyga, D.; Vuichard, Nicolas; Yan, Y.; Luyssaert, Sebastiaan;

(en) - A vertically discretised canopy description for ORCHIDEE (SVN r2290) and the modifications to the energy, water and carbon fluxes,A vertically discretised canopy description for ORCHIDEE (SVN r2290) and the modifications to the energy, water and carbon fluxes. 2035-2065

2015 | Article

Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Cerdá Sureda, xim; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(en) - Partitioning the impact of environment and spatial structure on alpha and beta components of taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity in European ants,(ca) - Partitioning the impact of environment and spatial structure on alpha and beta components of taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity in European ants,Partitioning the impact of environment and spatial structure on alpha and beta components of taxonomic, functional, and phylogenetic diversity in European ants. -

2014 | Article

Domenech, M.; Komac, B.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Conesa, J. A.;

Site-specific factors influence the richness and phenology of snowbed plants in the Pyrenees,(en) - Site-specific factors influence the richness and phenology of snowbed plants in the Pyrenees. 741-749

2014 | Article

Pandolfi, Marco; Querol Carceller, Xavier; Alastuey Urós, José Andrés; Jimenez, Jose L.; Jorba Casellas, Oriol; Day, Douglas A.; Ortega, A.; Cubison, M. J.; Comeron, Adolfo; Sicard, Michael; Mohr, Claudia; Prevot, Andre; Minguillon, Maria Cruz; Pey, Jorge; Baldasano Recio, José María; Burkhart, John; Seco, Roger; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; van Drooge, Barend L.; ARTINANO, BEGONA; Di Marco, C.; Nemitz, E. G.; Schallhart, S.; Metzger, A.; Hansel, A.; Lorente, J.; Ng, S.; Jayne, J.; Szidat, S.;

Effects of sources and meteorology on particulate matter in the Western Mediterranean Basin: An overview of the DAURE campaign,(en) - Effects of sources and meteorology on particulate matter in the Western Mediterranean Basin: An overview of the DAURE campaign,(ca) - Effects of sources and meteorology on particulate matter in the Western Mediterranean Basin: An overview of the DAURE campaign. 4978-5010

2014 | Article

Longo, Amelia F.; Ingall, Ellery D.; Diaz, Julia M.; Oakes, Michelle; King, Laura E.; Nenes, Athanasios; Mihalopoulos, Nikolaos; Violaki, Kaliopi; Avila, Anna; Benitez-Nelson, Claudia; Brandes, Jay; Mcnulty, Ian; Vine, David J.;

(en) - P-NEXFS analysis of aerosol phosphorus delivered to the Mediterranean Sea,P-NEXFS analysis of aerosol phosphorus delivered to the Mediterranean Sea. 4043-4049

2014 | Article

Caut, Stephane; Jowers, Michael J.; Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Pearce-Duvet, Jessica; Rodrigo, Anselm; Cerdá Sureda, xim; Boulay, Raphael R.;

The effects of fire on ant trophic assemblage and sex allocation,(ca) - The effects of fire on ant trophic assemblage and sex allocation. 35-49

2014 | Article

Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Hydraulic redistribution by plants and nutrient stoichiometry: Shifts under global change. 1-20

2014 | Article

Rapparini, Francesca; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Mycorrhizal fungi to alleviate drought stress on plant growth. 21-42

2014 | Article

Brewitt, K.; Piñol Pascual, Josep; Werner, Christiane; Beyschlag, W.; Espadaler, Xavier; Perez Hidalgo, N.; Platner, C.;

Evaluating the importance of trophobiosis in a Mediterranean ant community: a stable isotope analysis. 81-95

2014 | Article

Vila, Maria Carme; Bartrons Vilamala, Mireia; Catalán Aguilà, Jordi; Ortega Casamayor, Emilio;

(ca) - Nitrogen-Cycling Genes in Epilithic Biofilms of Oligotrophic High-Altitude Lakes (Central Pyrenees Spain),(en) - Nitrogen-Cycling Genes in Epilithic Biofilms of Oligotrophic High-Altitude Lakes (Central Pyrenees, Spain),Nitrogen-Cycling Genes in Epilithic Biofilms of Oligotrophic High-Altitude Lakes (Central Pyrenees, Spain). 60-69

2014 | Article

Sunyer, Pau; Espelta, Josep Maria; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Muñoz Terol, Alberto;

Seeding phenology influences wood mouse seed choices: the overlooked role of timing in the foraging decisions by seed-dispersing rodents,(en) - Seeding phenology influences wood mouse seed choices: The overlooked role of timing in the foraging decisions by seed-dispersing rodents. 1205-1213

2014 | Article

Laforest-Lapointe, Isabelle; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(ca) - Intraspecific variability in functional traits matters: Case study of Scots pine,(en) - Intraspecific variability in functional traits matters: Case study of Scots pine,Intraspecific variability in functional traits matters: case study of Scots pine. 1337-1348

2014 | Article

Fernandez-Martinez, Marcos; Vicca, Sara; Janssens, Ivan A.; Luyssaert, Sebastiaan; Campioli, Matteo; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Estiarte Garrofé, Marc; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Spatial variability and controls over biomass stocks, carbon fluxes, and resource-use efficiencies across forest ecosystems,(en) - Spatial variability and controls over biomass stocks, carbon fluxes, and resource-use efficiencies across forest ecosystems. 597-611

2014 | Article

Heres, Ana-Maria; Camarero Martínez, Jesús Julio; Claramunt López, Bernat; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;

Declining hydraulic performances and low carbon investments in tree rings predate Scots pine drought-induced mortality,(ca) - Declining hydraulic performances and low carbon investments in tree rings predate Scots pine drought-induced mortality. 1737-1750

2014 | Article

Poyatos López, Rafael; Heinemeyer, Andreas; Ineson, Phil; Evans, Jonathan G.; Ward, Helen C.; Huntley, Brian; Baxter, Robert;

(ca) - Environmental and Vegetation Drivers of Seasonal CO<sub>2</sub> Fluxes in a Sub-arctic Forest-Mire Ecotone,(en) - Environmental and Vegetation Drivers of Seasonal CO Fluxes in a Sub-arctic Forest-Mire Ecotone,Environmental and Vegetation Drivers of Seasonal CO2 Fluxes in a Sub-arctic Forest-Mire Ecotone. 377-393

2014 | Article

Loepfe, Lasse; Rodrigo, Anselm; Lloret Maya, Francisco;

(ca) - Two thresholds determine climatic control of forest fire size in Europe and northern Africa,Two thresholds determine climatic control of forest fire size in Europe and northern Africa,(en) - Two thresholds determine climatic control of forest fire size in Europe and northern Africa. 1395-1404

2014 | Article

Moran-Lopez, T.; Poyatos López, Rafael; Llorens Garcia, Pilar; Sabate, Santiago;

(en) - Effects of past growth trends and current water use strategies on scots pine and pubescent oak drought sensitivity,(ca) - Effects of past growth trends and current water use strategies on scots pine and pubescent oak drought sensitivity,Effects of past growth trends and current water use strategies on Scots pine and pubescent oak drought sensitivity. 369-382

2014 | Article

Doblas-Miranda, Enrique; Paquette, Alain; Work, Timothy T.;

Intercropping trees' effect on soil oribatid diversity in agro-ecosystems,(en) - Intercropping trees' effect on soil oribatid diversity in agro-ecosystems. 671-678

2014 | Article

Audsley, Eric; Trnka, Mirek; Sabate, Santiago; Maspons, Joan; Sanchez-Plaza, Anabel; Sandars, Daniel L.; Balek, Jan; Pearn, Kerry;

Interactively modelling land profitability to estimate European agricultural and forest land use under future scenarios of climate, socio-economics and adaptation,(en) - Interactively modelling land profitability to estimate European agricultural and forest land use under future scenarios of climate, socio-economics and adaptation. 215-227

2014 | Article

Aragon, Roxana; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Soil enzymes associated with carbon and nitrogen cycling in invaded and native secondary forests of northwestern Argentina,(en) - Soil enzymes associated with carbon and nitrogen cycling in invaded and native secondary forests of northwestern Argentina. 169-183

2014 | Article

Marks, Evan A.N.;Alcañiz Baldellou, Josep Maria;Domene Casadesús, Xavier

Unintended effects of biochars on short-term plant growth in a calcareous soil,(ca) - Unintended effects of biochars on short-term plant growth in a calcareous soil,(en) - Unintended effects of biochars on short-term plant growth in a calcareous soil. 87-105

2014 | Article

Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

(en) - Climate and taxonomy underlie different elemental concentrations and stoichiometries of forest species: The optimum \biogeochemical niche\",Climate and taxonomy underlie different elemental concentrations and stoichiometries of forest species: the optimum \"biogeochemical niche\"". 441-455

2014 | Article

Chelinho, Sonia; Domene, Xavier; Campana, Paolo; Andres, Pilar; Roembke, Joerg; Sousa, Jose Paulo;

(en) - Toxicity of phenmedipham and carbendazim to Enchytraeus crypticus and Eisenia andrei (Oligochaeta) in Mediterranean soils,(ca) - Toxicity of phenmedipham and carbendazim to Enchytraeus crypticus and Eisenia andrei Oligochaeta in Mediterranean soils,Toxicity of phenmedipham and carbendazim to Enchytraeus crypticus and Eisenia andrei (Oligochaeta) in Mediterranean soils. 584-599

2014 | Article

Gueze, Maximilien; Catarina Luz, Ana; Paneque-Galvez, Jaime; Macia, Manuel J.; Orta-Martinez, Marti; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Reyes Garcia, Victoria;

Are Ecologically Important Tree Species the Most Useful? A Case Study from Indigenous People in the Bolivian Amazon,(en) - Are Ecologically Important Tree Species the Most Useful? A Case Study from Indigenous People in the Bolivian Amazon Las especies de árboles de mayor importancia ecológica ¿son también las más útiles? Estudio de caso en un pueblo indígena de la Amazonia boliviana,(ca) - Are Ecologically Important Tree Species the Most Useful? A Case Study from Indigenous People in the Bolivian Amazon. 1-15

2014 | Article

Tapia, L.; Domínguez Conde, Jesús; Regos, Adrian; Vidal, M.;

Using remote sensing data to model European wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) occurrence in a highly fragmented landscape in northwestern Spain. 289-298

2014 | Article

Quevedo, Lidia; Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Boet, Olga; Rodrigo, Anselm;

Post-fire selective thinning of Arbutus unedo L. coppices keeps animal diversity unchanged: the case of ants,(ca) - Post-fire selective thinning of Arbutus unedo L. coppices keeps animal diversity unchanged: The case of ants. 897-905

2014 | Article

Sus, Oliver; Poyatos López, Rafael; Barba, Josep; Carvalhais, Nuno; Llorens Garcia, Pilar; Williams, Mathew; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;

Time variable hydraulic parameters improve the performance of a mechanistic stand transpiration model. A case study of Mediterranean Scots pine sap flow data assimilation,(ca) - Time variable hydraulic parameters improve the performance of a mechanistic stand transpiration model. A case study of Mediterranean Scots pine sap flow data assimilation,(en) - Time variable hydraulic parameters improve the performance of a mechanistic stand transpiration model. A case study of Mediterranean Scots pine sap flow data assimilation. 168-180

2014 | Article

Chelinho, Sonia; Domene, Xavier; Andres, Pilar; Natal da Luz, Tiago; Norte, Claudia; Rufino, Cristina; Lopes, Isabel; Cachada, Anabela; Espindola, Evaldo; Ribeiro, Rui; Duarte, Armando; Sousa, Jose Paulo;

(en) - Soil microarthropod community testing: A new approach to increase the ecological relevance of effect data for pesticide risk assessment,Soil microarthropod community testing: A new approach to increase the ecological relevance of effect data for pesticide risk assessment,(ca) - Soil microarthropod community testing: A new approach to increase the ecological relevance of effect data for pesticide risk assessment. 200-209

2014 | Article

Mattana, Stefania; Petrovicova, B.; Landi, L.; Gelsomino, A.; Pilar Cortes, Maria; Ortiz Perpina, Josep Oriol; Renella, G.;

Sewage sludge processing determines its impact on soil microbial community structure and function,(en) - Sewage sludge processing determines its impact on soil microbial community structure and function,(ca) - Sewage sludge processing determines its impact on soil microbial community structure and function. 150-161

2014 | Article

Izquierdo, Rebeca; Alarcon, Marta; Aguillaume, Laura; Avila, Anna;

(en) - Effects of teleconnection patterns on the atmospheric routes, precipitation and deposition amounts in the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula,(ca) - Effects of teleconnection patterns on the atmospheric routes, precipitation and deposition amounts in the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula,Effects of teleconnection patterns on the atmospheric routes, precipitation and deposition amounts in the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula. 482-490

2014 | Article

Peguero, Guille; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Espelta, Josep Maria;

Variation of predator satiation and seed abortion as seed defenses across an altitudinal distribution range,(en) - Variation of predator satiation and seed abortion as seed defense mechanisms across an altitudinal range,Variation of predator satiation and seed abortion as seed defense mechanisms across an altitudinal range. 269-276

2014 | Article

Kefauver, Shawn C.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Ribas Artola, Àngela; Diaz-De-Quijano, Maria; Ustin, Susan;

Using Pinus uncinata to monitor tropospheric ozone in the Pyrenees,(ca) - Using Pinus uncinata to monitor tropospheric ozone in the Pyrenees,(en) - Using Pinus uncinata to monitor tropospheric ozone in the Pyrenees. 262-271

2014 | Article

Bachand, Marianne; Pellerin, Stephanie; Cote, Steeve D.; Moretti, Marco; De Cáceres Ainsa, Miquel; Brousseau, Pierre-Marc; Cloutier, Conrad; Hebert, Christian; Cardinal, Etienne; Martin, Jean-Louis; Poulin, Monique;

Species indicators of ecosystem recovery after reducing large herbivore density: Comparing taxa and testing species combinations. 12-19

2014 | Article

Herrando, Sergi; Anton, Marc; Sardá Palomera, Francesc; Bota Cabau, Gerard; Gregory, Richard D.; Brotons Alabau, Lluís;

(en) - Indicators of the impact of land use changes using large-scale bird surveys: Land abandonment in a Mediterranean region,Indicators of the impact of land use changes using large-scale bird surveys: Land abandonment in a Mediterranean region. 235-244

2014 | Article

Marks, Evan A.N.;Mattana, Stefania;Alcañiz Baldellou, Josep Maria;Domene Casadesús, Xavier

(en) - Biochars provoke diverse soil mesofauna reproductive responses inlaboratory bioassays,Biochars provoke diverse soil mesofauna reproductive responses in laboratory bioassays,(ca) - Biochars provoke diverse soil mesofauna reproductive responses inlaboratory bioassays. 104-111

2014 | Article

GARBULSKY, MARTIN; Filella Cubells, Iolanda; Verger Ten, Aleixandre; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

(en) - Photosynthetic light use efficiency from satellite sensors: From global to Mediterranean vegetation,Photosynthetic light use efficiency from satellite sensors: From global to Mediterranean vegetation. 3-11

2014 | Article

Llusià Benet, Joan; Bermejo-Bermejo, Victoria; Calvete-Sogo, Hector; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Decreased rates of terpene emissions in Ornithopus compressus L. and Trifolium striatum L. by ozone exposure and nitrogen fertilization,(en) - Decreased rates of terpene emissions in Ornithopus compressus L. and Trifolium striatum L. by ozone exposure and nitrogen fertilization. 69-77

2014 | Article

Gonzalez De Andres, Ester; Camarero Martínez, Jesús Julio; Martinez, Isabel; Coll Mir, Lluis;

Uncoupled spatiotemporal patterns of seed dispersal and regeneration in Pyrenean silver fir populations. 18-28

2014 | Article

Muñoz Terol, Alberto; Bonal Andrés, Raul; Espelta, Josep Maria;

(en) - Acorn - weevil interactions in a mixed-oak forest: Outcomes for larval growth and plant recruitment,Acorn - weevil interactions in a mixed-oak forest: Outcomes for larval growth and plant recruitment. 98-105

2014 | Article

Catalán Aguilà, Jordi; Pla-Rabes, Sergi; García Serrano, Joan; Camarero Galindo, Luís;

Air temperature-driven CO2 consumption by rock weathering at short timescales: Evidence from a Holocene lake sediment record,(ca) - Air temperature-driven CO2 consumption by rock weathering at short timescales: evidence from a Holocene lake sediment record,(en) - Air temperature-driven CO2 consumption by rock weathering at short timescales: Evidence from a Holocene lake sediment record. 67-79

2014 | Article

Wang, W.; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Zeng, C.; Zhong, C.; Li, Y.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Responses of soil nutrient concentrations and stoichiometry to different human land uses in a subtropical tidal wetland,(en) - Responses of soil nutrient concentrations and stoichiometry to different human land uses in a subtropical tidal wetland. 459-470