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2013 | Article

Armenteras, Dolors; Cabrera, Edersson; Rodriguez Eraso, Nelly; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

National and regional determinants of tropical deforestation in Colombia,(ca) - National and regional determinants of tropical deforestation in Colombia,(en) - National and regional determinants of tropical deforestation in Colombia. 1181-1193

2013 | Article

Del Cacho, Montse; Estiarte Garrofé, Marc; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Lloret Maya, Francisco;

(en) - Inter-annual variability of seed rain and seedling establishment of two woody Mediterranean species under field-induced drought and warming,(ca) - Inter-annual variability of seed rain and seedling establishment of two woody Mediterranean species under field-induced drought and warming,Inter-annual variability of seed rain and seedling establishment of two woody Mediterranean species under field-induced drought and warming. 277-289

2013 | Article

Gil-Tena, Assu; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Fortin, Marie-Josee; Burel, Francoise; Saura, Santiago;

Assessing the role of landscape connectivity in recent woodpecker range expansion in Mediterranean Europe: forest management implications,(en) - Assessing the role of landscape connectivity in recent woodpecker range expansion in Mediterranean Europe: Forest management implications. 181-194

2013 | Article

Gonzalez-Moreno, Pablo; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Gasso, Nuria; Vila Planella, Montserrat;

Landscape context modulates alien plant invasion in Mediterranean forest edges,(en) - Landscape context modulates alien plant invasion in Mediterranean forest edges,(ca) - Landscape context modulates alien plant invasion in Mediterranean forest edges. 547-557

2013 | Article

Lloret Maya, Francisco; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi; Serra Díaz, Josep M.; Ninyerola, M.;

(ca) - Relationship between projected changes in future climatic suitability and demographic and functional traits of forest tree species in Spain,Relationship between projected changes in future climatic suitability and demographic and functional traits of forest tree species in Spain,(en) - Relationship between projected changes in future climatic suitability and demographic and functional traits of forest tree species in Spain. 449-462

2013 | Article

Achotegui-Castells, Ander; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Ribas Artola, Àngela; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

(ca) - Identifying the origin of atmospheric inputs of trace elements in the Prades Mountains Catalonia with bryophytes, lichens, and soil monitoring,Identifying the origin of atmospheric inputs of trace elements in the Prades Mountains (Catalonia) with bryophytes, lichens, and soil monitoring. 615-629

2013 | Article

Laird, Kathleen R.; Das, Biplob; Kingsbury, Melanie; Moos, Melissa T.; Pla-Rabes, Sergi; Ahad, Jason M. E.; Wiltse, Brendan; Cumming, Brian F.;

(en) - Paleolimnological assessment of limnological change in 10 lakes from northwest Saskatchewan downwind of the Athabasca oils sands based on analysis of siliceous algae and trace metals in sediment cores,Paleolimnological assessment of limnological change in 10 lakes from northwest Saskatchewan downwind of the Athabasca oils sands based on analysis of siliceous algae and trace metals in sediment cores. 55-73

2013 | Article

Catalán Aguilà, Jordi; Pla-Rabes, Sergi; Wolfe, Alexander P.; Smol, John P.; Ruehland, Kathleen M.; Anderson, N. John; Kopacek, Jiri; Stuchlik, Evzen; Schmidt, Reinhold; Koinig, Karin; Camarero Galindo, Luís; Flower, Roger J.; Heiri, Oliver; Kamenik, Christian; Korhola, Atte; Leavitt, Peter R.; Psenner, Roland; Renberg, Ingemar;

(en) - Global change revealed by palaeolimnological records from remote lakes: A review,Global change revealed by palaeolimnological records from remote lakes: a review. 513-535

2013 | Article

Gonzalez-Moreno, Pablo; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Carreras, David; Basnou, Corina; Fernandez-Rebollar, Ivan; Vila Planella, Montserrat;

(ca) - Quantifying the landscape influence on plant invasions in Mediterranean coastal habitats,(en) - Quantifying the landscape influence on plant invasions in Mediterranean coastal habitats,Quantifying the landscape influence on plant invasions in Mediterranean coastal habitats. 891-903

2013 | Article

Lopez-Bustins, Joan A.; Pascual, Diana; Pla, Eduard; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

(ca) - Future variability of droughts in three Mediterranean catchments,Future variability of droughts in three Mediterranean catchments,(en) - Future variability of droughts in three Mediterranean catchments. 1405-1421

2013 | Article

Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Plant-soil interactions in Mediterranean forest and shrublands: impacts of climatic change. 1-33

2013 | Article

Schuerings, Jan; Beierkuhnlein, Carl; Grant, Kerstin; Jentsch, Anke; Malyshev, Andrey; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Kreyling, Juergen;

Absence of soil frost affects plant-soil interactions in temperate grasslands,(en) - Absence of soil frost affects plant-soil interactions in temperate grasslands. 559-572

2013 | Article

Achotegui-Castells, Ander; Llusià Benet, Joan; Hodar, Jose A.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Needle terpene concentrations and emissions of two coexisting subspecies of Scots pine attacked by the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa),(en) - Needle terpene concentrations and emissions of two coexisting subspecies of Scots pine attacked by the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa). 3047-3058

2013 | Article

Owen, Susan Margaret; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

(en) - Volatile isoprenoid emission potentials are correlated with essential isoprenoid concentrations in five plant species,Volatile isoprenoid emission potentials are correlated with essential isoprenoid concentrations in five plant species. 3109-3125

2013 | Article

Mulder, Christian; Ahrestani, Farshid; Bahn, Michael; Bohan, David A.; Bonkowski, Michael; Griffiths, Bryan S.; Guicharnaud, Rannveig Anna; Kattge, Jens; Krogh, Paul Henning; Lavorel, Sandra; Lewis, Owen T.; Mancinelli, Giorgio; Naeem, Shahid; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Poorter, Hendrik; Reich, Peter B.; Rossi, Loreto; Rusch, Graciela; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Wright, Ian; Woodward, G; Bohan, Da;

Connecting the Green and Brown Worlds: Allometric and Stoichiometric Predictability of Above- and Below-Ground Networks. 69-175

2013 | Article

Mestre, L.; Garcia, N.; Barrientos, J. A.; Espadaler, Xavier; Piñol Pascual, Josep;

(en) - Bird predation affects diurnal and nocturnal web-building spiders in a Mediterranean citrus grove,Bird predation affects diurnal and nocturnal web-building spiders in a Mediterranean citrus grove. 74-80

2013 | Article

Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Rivas Ubach, Albert; Estiarte Garrofé, Marc; Ogaya Inurrigarro, Romà; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Field-simulated droughts affect elemental leaf stoichiometry in Mediterranean forests and shrublands,(en) - Field-simulated droughts affect elemental leaf stoichiometry in Mediterranean forests and shrublands. 20-31

2013 | Article

Sol Rueda, Daniel; Lapiedra González, Oriol; González Lagos, César;

(ca) - Behavioural adjustments for a life in the city,Behavioural adjustments for a life in the city,(en) - Behavioural adjustments for a life in the city. 1101-1112

2013 | Article

Rojas Quezada, Carolina; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Basnou, Corina; Vivanco, Mauricio;

(ca) - Assessing land-use and -cover changes in relation to geographic factors and urban planning in the metropolitan area of Concepción Chile. Implications for biodiversity conservation,Assessing land-use and -cover changes in relation to geographic factors and urban planning in the metropolitan area of Concepcion (Chile). Implications for biodiversity conservation,(en) - Assessing land-use and -cover changes in relation to geographic factors and urban planning in the metropolitan area of Concepción (Chile). Implications for biodiversity conservation. 93-103

2013 | Article

Paneque-Galvez, Jaime; Mas, Jean-Francois; Gueze, Maximilien; Catarina-Luz, Ana; Macia, Manuel J.; Orta-Martinez, Marti; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Reyes Garcia, Victoria;

(ca) - Land tenure and forest cover change. The case of southwestern Beni, Bolivian Amazon, 1986-2009,Land tenure and forest cover change. The case of southwestern Beni, Bolivian Amazon, 1986-2009,(en) - Land tenure and forest cover change. The case of southwestern Beni, Bolivian Amazon, 1986-2009. 113-126

2013 | Article

Ojeda, Gerardo; Patricio, Joana; Navajas, H.; Comellas, Lluis R.; Alcaniz, J. M.; Ortiz Perpina, Josep Oriol; Marks, E.; Natal da Luz, Tiago; Sousa, Jose Paulo;

Effects of nonylphenols on soil microbial activity and water retention,(en) - Effects of nonylphenols on soil microbial activity and water retention. 77-83

2013 | Article

Llusià Benet, Joan; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Guenther, Alex; Rapparini, Francesca;

Seasonal variations in terpene emission factors of dominant species in four ecosystems in NE Spain,(en) - Seasonal variations in terpene emission factors of dominant species in four ecosystems in NE Spain. 149-158

2013 | Article

Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Guenther, Alex; Rapparini, Francesca; Llusià Benet, Joan; Filella Cubells, Iolanda; Seco, Roger; Estiarte Garrofé, Marc; Mejia-Chang, M.; Ogaya Inurrigarro, Romà; Ibanez, J.; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Castano, L. M.; Turnipseed, A.; Duhl, T.; Harley, Peter; Vila, J.; Maria Estavillo, Jose; Menendez, Sergio; FACINI, OSVALDO; Baraldi, R.; Geron, C.; Mak, J.; Patton, Edward; Jiang, X.; Greenberg, J.;

(en) - Intensive measurements of gas, water, and energy exchange between vegetation and troposphere during the MONTES campaign in a vegetation gradient from short semi-desertic shrublands to tall wet temperate forests in the NW Mediterranean Basin,Intensive measurements of gas, water, and energy exchange between vegetation and troposphere during the MONTES campaign in a vegetation gradient from short semi-desertic shrublands to tall wet temperate forests in the NW Mediterranean Basin. 348-364

2013 | Article

Herrera, José Maria; Doblas-Miranda, Enrique;

Land-cover change effects on trophic interactions: Current knowledge and future challenges in research and conservation. 1-11

2013 | Article

Mestre, Laia; Piñol Pascual, Josep; Antonio Barrientos, Jose; Espadaler, Xavier; Brewitt, Katrin; Werner, Christiane; Platner, Christian;

Trophic structure of the spider community of a Mediterranean citrus grove: A stable isotope analysis. 413-422

2013 | Article

Rost, Josep; Hutto, Richard L.; Brotons Alabau, Lluís; Pons, Pere;

Comparing the effect of salvage logging on birds in the Mediterranean Basin and the Rocky Mountains: Common patterns, different conservation implications,Comparing the effect of salvage logging on birds in the Mediterranean Basin and the Rocky Mountains: common patterns, different conservation implications,(en) - Comparing the effect of salvage logging on birds in the Mediterranean Basin and the Rocky Mountains: Common patterns, different conservation implications,(ca) - Comparing the effect of salvage logging on birds in the Mediterranean Basin and the Rocky Mountains: Common patterns, different conservation implications. 7-13

2013 | Article

Armenteras, Dolors; Marisol Gonzalez, Tania; Retana Alumbreros, Javier;

Forest fragmentation and edge influence on fire occurrence and intensity under different management types in Amazon forests,(en) - Forest fragmentation and edge influence on fire occurrence and intensity under different management types in Amazon forests,(ca) - Forest fragmentation and edge influence on fire occurrence and intensity under different management types in Amazon forests. 73-79

2013 | Article

Marcer, Arnald; Saez, Llorenc; Molowny Horas, Roberto; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

(ca) - Using species distribution modelling to disentangle realised versus potential distributions for rare species conservation,Using species distribution modelling to disentangle realised versus potential distributions for rare species conservation,(en) - Using species distribution modelling to disentangle realised versus potential distributions for rare species conservation. 221-230

2013 | Article

Leverkus, A. B.; Castro Gutiérrez, Jorge; Puerta Pinero, Carolina; Rey Benayas, J. M.;

Suitability of the management of habitat complexity, acorn burial depth, and a chemical repellent for post-fire reforestation of oaks. 15-22

2013 | Capítol de llibre

Diaz, Paula; Maso, Joan;

Evolution of production and the efficient location of renewable energies. The case of China. 15-24

2013 | Article

Gutiérrez, Fernando; Garriz, Miguel; Peri, Josep M.; Ferraz, Liliana; Sol Rueda, Daniel; Blas Navarro, Jose; Barbadilla Prados, Antonio; Valdes, Manuel;

(ca) - Fitness costs and benefits of personality disorder traits,Fitness costs and benefits of personality disorder traits,(en) - Fitness costs and benefits of personality disorder traits. 41-48

2013 | Article

Reyes Garcia, Victoria; Gueze, Maximilien; Luz, Ana C.; Paneque-Galvez, Jaime; Macia, Manuel J.; Orta-Martinez, Marti; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Rubio Campillo, Xavier;

(en) - Evidence of traditional knowledge loss among a contemporary indigenous society,(ca) - Evidence of traditional knowledge loss among a contemporary indigenous society,Evidence of traditional knowledge loss among a contemporary indigenous society. 249-257

2013 | Article

Quevedo, Lidia; Arnan Viadiu, Xavier; Rodrigo, Anselm;

Selective thinning of Arbutus unedo coppices following fire: Effects on growth at the individual and plot level,(ca) - Selective thinning of Arbutus unedo coppices following fire: Effects on growth at the individual and plot level. 56-63

2013 | Article

Coll Brunet, Marta; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Ninyerola, Miquel; Pons Fernández, Xavier; Carnicer Cols, Jofre;

Multivariate effect gradients driving forest demographic responses in the Iberian Peninsula,(ca) - Multivariate effect gradients driving forest demographic responses in the Iberian Peninsula,(en) - Multivariate effect gradients driving forest demographic responses in the Iberian Peninsula. 195-209

2013 | Article

Ameztegui, Aitor; Coll Mir, Lluis;

Unraveling the role of light and biotic interactions on seedling performance of four Pyrenean species along environmental gradients,Unraveling the role of light and biotic interactions on seedling performance of four Pyrenean species along environmental gradients.. 25-34

2013 | Article

Barba, Josep; Curiel Yuste, Jorge; Martinez Vilalta, Jordi; Lloret Maya, Francisco;

(ca) - Drought-induced tree species replacement is reflected in the spatial variability of soil respiration in a mixed Mediterranean forest,(en) - Drought-induced tree species replacement is reflected in the spatial variability of soil respiration in a mixed Mediterranean forest,Drought-induced tree species replacement is reflected in the spatial variability of soil respiration in a mixed Mediterranean forest. 79-87

2013 | Article

Margalef, Olga; Canellas-Bolta, Nuria; Pla-Rabes, Sergi; Giralt, Santiago; Jose Pueyo, Juan; Joosten, Hans; Rull, Valenti; Buchaca, Teresa; Hernandez, Armand; Valero Garces, Blas; Moreno, Ana; Saez, Alberto;

A 70,000 year multiproxy record of climatic and environmental change from Rano Aroi peatland (Easter Island),(en) - A 70,000 year multiproxy record of climatic and environmental change from Rano Aroi peatland (Easter Island). 72-84

2013 | Article

Rojas Quezada, Carolina; Pino Vilalta, Joan; Jaque, Edilia;

(en) - Strategic Environmental Assessment in Latin America: A methodological proposal for urban planning in the Metropolitan Area of Concepción (Chile),Strategic Environmental Assessment in Latin America: A methodological proposal for urban planning in the Metropolitan Area of Concepcion (Chile),(ca) - Strategic Environmental Assessment in Latin America: A methodological proposal for urban planning in the Metropolitan Area of Concepción Chile. 519-527

2013 | Article

Reyes Garcia, Victoria; Luz, Ana C.; Gueze, Maximilien; Paneque-Galvez, Jaime; Macia, Manuel J.; Orta-Martinez, Marti; Pino Vilalta, Joan;

(en) - Secular trends on traditional ecological knowledge: An analysis of changes in different domains of knowledge among Tsimane' men,(ca) - Secular trends on traditional ecological knowledge: An analysis of changes in different domains of knowledge among Tsimane' men,Secular trends on traditional ecological knowledge: An analysis of changes in different domains of knowledge among Tsimane' men. 206-212

2013 | Article

Farre-Armengol, Gerard; Filella Cubells, Iolanda; Llusià Benet, Joan; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Floral volatile organic compounds: Between attraction and deterrence of visitors under global change. 56-67

2013 | Article

Del Cacho, Montserrat; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Lloret Maya, Francisco;

(ca) - Reproductive output in Mediterranean shrubs under climate change experimentally induced by drought and warming,(en) - Reproductive output in Mediterranean shrubs under climate change experimentally induced by drought and warming,Reproductive output in Mediterranean shrubs under climate change experimentally induced by drought and warming. 319-327

2013 | Article

Canellas-Bolta, Nuria; Rull, Valenti; Saez, Alberto; Margalef, Olga; Bao, Roberto; Pla-Rabes, Sergi; Blaauw, Maarten; Valero Garces, Blas; Giralt, Santiago;

(en) - Vegetation changes and human settlement of Easter Island during the last millennia: A multiproxy study of the Lake Raraku sediments,Vegetation changes and human settlement of Easter Island during the last millennia: a multiproxy study of the Lake Raraku sediments. 36-48

2013 | Article

Kefauver, Shawn C.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Ustin, Susan;

(en) - Using topographic and remotely sensed variables to assess ozone injury to conifers in the Sierra Nevada (USA) and Catalonia (Spain),Using topographic and remotely sensed variables to assess ozone injury to conifers in the Sierra Nevada (USA) and Catalonia (Spain). 138-148

2013 | Article

Bernal, Susana; Belillas, C.; Ibanez, J. J.; Avila, Anna;

Exploring the long-term response of undisturbed Mediterranean catchments to changes in atmospheric inputs through time series analysis,(en) - Exploring the long-term response of undisturbed Mediterranean catchments to changes in atmospheric inputs through time series analysis. 535-545

2013 | Article

Pla-Rabes, Sergi; Toro, Manuel; Van De Vijver, Bart; Rochera, Carlos; Antonio Villaescusa, Juan; Camacho González, Antonio; Quesada del Corral, Antonio;

Stability and endemicity of benthic diatom assemblages from different substrates in a maritime stream on Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctica: the role of climate variability,(en) - Stability and endemicity of benthic diatom assemblages from different substrates in a maritime stream on Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctica: The role of climate variability. 254-269

2013 | Article

Peng, Shushi; Piao, Shilong; Ciais, Philippe; Myneni, Ranga B.; Chen, Anping; Chevallier, Frederic; Dolman, A. Johannes; Janssens, Ivan A.; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Zhang, Gengxin; Vicca, Sara; Wan, Shiqiang; Wang, Shiping; Zeng, Hui;

Asymmetric effects of daytime and night-time warming on Northern Hemisphere vegetation,(en) - Asymmetric effects of daytime and night-time warming on Northern Hemisphere vegetation. 88-+

2013 | Article

Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Marino, Giovanni; Llusià Benet, Joan; Morfopoulos, Catherine; Farre-Armengol, Gerard; Filella Cubells, Iolanda;

Photochemical reflectance index as an indirect estimator of foliar isoprenoid emissions at the ecosystem level. 2604-

2013 | Article

Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Poulter, Benjamin; Sardans Galobart, Jordi; Ciais, Philippe; Van der Velde, Marijn; bopp, laurent; Boucher, Olivier; Godderis, Yves; Hinsinger, Philippe; Llusià Benet, Joan; Nardin, Elise; Vicca, Sara; Obersteiner, Michael; Janssens, Ivan A.;

Human-induced nitrogen-phosphorus imbalances alter natural and managed ecosystems across the globe,(en) - Human-induced nitrogen-phosphorus imbalances alter natural and managed ecosystems across the globe. 2934-

2013 | Article

Obersteiner, Michael; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep; Ciais, Philippe; Van der Velde, Marijn; Janssens, Ivan A.;

The phosphorus trilemma. 897-898

2013 | Article

Filella Cubells, Iolanda; Clara, Primante; Llusià Benet, Joan; Gonzalez, Ana M. Martin; Seco, Roger; Farre-Armengol, Gerard; Rodrigo, Anselm; Bosch Gras, Jordi; Peñuelas Reixach, Josep;

Floral advertisement scent in a changing plant-pollinators market,(ca) - Floral advertisement scent in a changing plant-pollinators market,(en) - Floral advertisement scent in a changing plant-pollinators market. -