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2023 | Article

Zhang, Yihe; Huang, Mengyuan; Yu, Kai; Xie, Yuxin; Wang, Yuxin; Wu, Jie; Zheng, Fengwei; Wu, Shuang; Li, Shuqing; Sardans, Jordi; Peñuelas, Josep; Zou, Jianwen

Decreased CH4 emissions associated with methanogenic and methanotrophic communities and their interactions following Fe(III) fertiliser application in rice paddies,(en) - Decreased CH<sub>4</sub> emissions associated with methanogenic and methanotrophic communities and their interactions following Fe(III) fertiliser application in rice paddies. -

2023 | Article

Marull, Joan; Padró, Roc; La Rota-Aguilera, María José; Pino, Joan; Giocoli, Annalisa; Cirera, Jacob; Ruiz-Forés, Núria; Coll, Francesc; Serrano-Tovar, Tarik; Velasco-Fernández, Raúl

(en) - Modelling land use planning: Socioecological integrated analysis of metropolitan green infrastructures,(ca) - Modelling land use planning,Modelling land use planning: Socioecological integrated analysis of metropolitan green infrastructures. -

2023 | Article

Qi, Mengting; Qian, Wei; Sardans, Jordi; Li, Ye; Peñuelas, Josep; Liu, Min; Hou, Lijun; Li, Xiaofei

(en) - Spatial and Seasonal Variability of Hydroxylamine Concentrations in a Human-Impacted Estuary Off Southeast China,Spatial and Seasonal Variability of Hydroxylamine Concentrations in a Human-Impacted Estuary Off Southeast China. -

2023 | Article

Bittencourt, Paulo;Rowland, Lucy;Sitch, Stephen;Poyatos Lopez, Rafael;Miralles, Diego G.;Mencuccini, Maurizio

(en) - Bridging Scales: An Approach to Evaluate the Temporal Patterns of Global Transpiration Products Using Tree-Scale Sap Flow Data,Bridging Scales: An Approach to Evaluate the Temporal Patterns of Global Transpiration Products Using Tree-Scale Sap Flow Data,(ca) - Bridging Scales. e2022JG007308-

2023 | Article

Fu, Yongshuo H.; Geng, Xiaojun; Chen, Shouzhi; Wu, Hao; Hao, Fanghua; Zhang, Xuan; Wu, Zhaofei; Zhang, Jing; Tang, Jing; Vitasse, Yann; Zohner, Constantin M.; Janssens, Ivan; Stenseth, Nils Chr.; Peñuelas, Josep

Global warming is increasing the discrepancy between green (actual) and thermal (potential) seasons of temperate trees,(en) - Global warming is increasing the discrepancy between green (actual) and thermal (potential) seasons of temperate trees. 1377-1389

2023 | Article

Wang, Xiaoyue; Wu, Chaoyang; Liu, Ying; Peñuelas, Josep; Peng, Jie

(en) - Earlier leaf senescence dates are constrained by soil moisture,Earlier leaf senescence dates are constrained by soil moisture. 1557-1573

2023 | Article

Maso, Joan;Brobia, Alba;Voidrot, Marie Francoise;Zabala Torres, Alaitz;Serral, Ivette

G-reqs, a New Model Proposal for Capturing and Managing In Situ Data Requirements: First Results in the Context of the Group on Earth Observations,(ca) - G-reqs, a New Model Proposal for Capturing and Managing In Situ Data Requirements,(en) - G-reqs, a New Model Proposal for Capturing and Managing In Situ Data Requirements: First Results in the Context of the Group on Earth Observations. -

2023 | Article

Lecina-Diaz, Judit; Campos, João C.; Pais, Silvana; Carvalho-Santos, Claudia; Azevedo, João C.; Fernandes, Paulo; Gonçalves, João F.; Aquilué, Núria; Roces-Díaz, José V.; Agrelo de la Torre, María; Brotons, Lluis; Chas-Amil, María-Luisa; Lomba, Angela; Duane, Andrea; Moreira, Francisco; Touza, Julia M.; Hermoso, Virgilio; Sil, Ângelo; Vicente, Joana R.; Honrado, Joao; Regos, Adrián

Stakeholder perceptions of wildfire management strategies as nature-based solutions in two Iberian biosphere reserves,(en) - Stakeholder perceptions of wildfire management strategies as nature-based solutions in two Iberian biosphere reserves. 1-40

2023 | Article

Matthews, Thomas J.; Wayman, Joseph P.; Whittaker, Robert J.; Cardoso, Pedro; Hume, Julian P.; Sayol, Ferran; Proios, Konstantinos; Martin, Thomas E.; Baiser, Benjamin; Borges, Paulo A. V.; Kubota, Yasuhiro; dos Anjos, Luiz; Tobias, Joseph A.; Soares, Filipa C.; Si, Xingfeng; Ding, Ping; Mendenhall, Chase D.; Sin, Yong Chee Keita; Rheindt, Frank E.; Triantis, Kostas A.; Guilhaumon, François; Watson, David M.; Brotons, Lluís; Battisti, Corrado; Chu, Osanna; Rigal, François

A global analysis of avian island diversity–area relationships in the Anthropocene,(en) - A global analysis of avian island diversity–area relationships in the Anthropocene,A global analysis of avian island diversity-area relationships in the Anthropocene. 965-982

2023 | Article

Strandberg, Nichola;Sear, D.A.;Langdon, Peter;Cronin, Simon;Langdon, Cristobal;Maloney, William A.;Bateman, Samantha;Bishop, Tom R.;Croudace, I. W.;Leng, Melanie J.;Sachs, Julian P.;Prebble, Matthew;Gosling, William D.;Edwards, Mary;Nogue Bosch, Sandra

(ca) - Island ecosystem responses to the Kuwae eruption and precipitation change over the last 1600 years, Efate, Vanuatu,Island ecosystem responses to the Kuwae eruption and precipitation change over the last 1600 years, Efate, Vanuatu. -

2023 | Article

Zhang, Wenmin; Schurgers, Guy; Peñuelas, Josep; Fensholt, Rasmus; Yang, Hui; Tang, Jing; Tong, Xiaowei; Ciais, Philippe; Brandt, Martin

Recent decrease of the impact of tropical temperature on the carbon cycle linked to increased precipitation,(en) - Recent decrease of the impact of tropical temperature on the carbon cycle linked to increased precipitation. 965-

2023 | Article

Strada, S.; Fernández-Martínez, M.; Peñuelas, J.; Bauwens, M.; Stavrakou, T.; Verger, A.; Giorgi, F.

(en) - Disentangling temperature and water stress contributions to trends in isoprene emissions using satellite observations of formaldehyde, 2005–2016,Disentangling temperature and water stress contributions to trends in isoprene emissions using satellite observations of formaldehyde, 2005–2016. -

2023 | Article

Hu, Minjie; Sardans, Jordi; Yan, Ruibing; Wu, Hui; Ni, Ranxu; Peñuelas, Josep; Tong, Chuan

(en) - Substantial increase in P release following conversion of coastal wetlands to aquaculture ponds from altered kinetic exchange and resupply capacity,Substantial increase in P release following conversion of coastal wetlands to aquaculture ponds from altered kinetic exchange and resupply capacity. -

2023 | Article

Herrera-Sánchez, F. Javier;López, Omar;Rodríguez-Siles, Javier;Díaz-Portero, Miguel Ángel;Arredondo, Ángel;Sáez, Juan Manuel;Álvarez, Begoña;Cancio, Inmaculada;Marco de Lucas, Jesús;Pérez Martín, Joaquín Daniel;Valenzuela, Gerardo;Martínez-Valderrama, Jaime;Sánchez-Cerdá, Mariola;Qninba, Abdeljebbar;Virgós, Emilio;Calleja, Juan Antonio;Bartolome Filella, Jordi;Albanell Trullas, Elena;Serrano Ferron, Emmanuel Antonio;Abáigar, Teresa;Gil-Sánchez, Jose María

Feeding Ecology of the Cuvier’s Gazelle (Gazella cuvieri, Ogilby, 1841) in the Sahara Desert,(ca) - Feeding Ecology of the Cuvier’s Gazelle (Gazella cuvieri, Ogilby, 1841) in the Sahara Desert. -

2023 | Article

Bruno Agudo, A.; Xavier Picó, F.; Mateo, Rubén G.; Marcer, Arnald; Torices, Rubén; Álvarez, Inés

Unravelling plant diversification: Intraspecific genetic differentiation in hybridizing Anacyclus species in the western Mediterranean Basin,(en) - Unravelling plant diversification: Intraspecific genetic differentiation in hybridizing Anacyclus species in the western Mediterranean Basin. -

2023 | Article

Peng, Yan; Vesterdal, Lars; Peñuelas, Josep; Peguero, Guille; Wu, Qiqian; Heděnec, Petr; Yue, Kai; Wu, Fuzhong

Soil fauna effects on litter decomposition are better predicted by fauna communities within litterbags than by ambient soil fauna communities,(en) - Soil fauna effects on litter decomposition are better predicted by fauna communities within litterbags than by ambient soil fauna communities. 49-59

2023 | Article

Marull, Joan; Pino, Joan; Melero, Yolanda; Tello, Enric

Using thermodynamics to understand the links between energy, information, structure and biodiversity in a human-transformed landscape,(en) - Using thermodynamics to understand the links between energy, information, structure and biodiversity in a human-transformed landscape. -

2023 | Article

Zuccarini, Paolo; Asensio, Dolores; Sardans, Jordi; Ogaya, Romà; Liu, Lei; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Effects of nitrogen deposition on soil enzymatic activity and soil microbial community in a Mediterranean holm oak forest,Effects of nitrogen deposition on soil enzymatic activity and soil microbial community in a Mediterranean holm oak forest. -

2023 | Article

Villalba Mendez, Gara;Mendoza Beltran, Maria Angelica;Padró Caminal, Roc;la Rota Aguilera, Maria Jose;Marull, Joan;Eckelman, Matthew J.;Cirera, Jacob;Giocoli, Annalisa

Displaying geographic variability of peri-urban agriculture environmental impacts in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona: A regionalized life cycle assessment,(ca) - Displaying geographic variability of peri-urban agriculture environmental impacts in the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona. -

2023 | Article

Reitalu, Triin;Nogue Bosch, Sandra

(ca) - Functional vegetation change over millennia,Functional vegetation change over millennia. 174–175-175

2023 | Article

Wang, Yu; Huang, Yuanyuan; Song, Lian; Yuan, Jiahui; Li, Wei; Zhu, Yongguan; Chang, Scott X.; Luo, Yiqi; Ciais, Philippe; Peñuelas, Josep; Wolf, Julie; Cade-Menun, Barbara J.; Hu, Shuijin; Wang, Lei; Wang, Dengjun; Yuan, Zengwei; Wang, Yujun; Zhang, Jishuang; Tao, Ye; Wang, Shenqiang; Liu, Gang; Yan, Xiaoyuan; Zhu, Chunwu

(en) - Reduced phosphorus availability in paddy soils under atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> enrichment,Reduced phosphorus availability in paddy soils under atmospheric CO2 enrichment. 162-+

2023 | Article

Padulles Cubino, Josep

(ca) - Environmental drivers of taxonomic and functional turnover of tree assemblages in Europe,Environmental drivers of taxonomic and functional turnover of tree assemblages in Europe. -

2023 | Article

Padró Garcia, Joan Cristian;Domingo Marimon, Cristina;Russell Malpica, Erick;Montero, Pau;Carabassa, Vicenç

(en) - Relief Modeling in the Restoration of Extractive Activities Using Drone Imagery,Relief Modeling in the Restoration of Extractive Activities Using Drone Imagery,(ca) - Relief Modeling in the Restoration of Extractive Activities Using Drone Imagery. -

2023 | Article

Wu, Lianzuan; Yang, Ping; Zhang, Linhai; Luo, Liangjuan; Hong, Yan; Zhu, Wanyi; Zheng, Lidi; Zhao, Guanghui; Tong, Chuan; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Sediment sulfate content determines assembly processes and network stability of bacteria communities of coastal land-based shrimp aquaculture ponds,Sediment sulfate content determines assembly processes and network stability of bacteria communities of coastal land-based shrimp aquaculture ponds. -

2023 | Article

Fang, Jianbo; Tan, Xiangping; Yang, Ziyin; Shen, Weijun; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Contrasting terpene emissions from canopy and understory vegetation in response to increases in nitrogen deposition and seasonal changes in precipitation,Contrasting terpene emissions from canopy and understory vegetation in response to increases in nitrogen deposition and seasonal changes in precipitation. -

2023 | Article

Margalef-Marrase, Jordi; Molowny-Horas, Roberto; Jaime, Luciana; Lloret, Francisco

(en) - Modelling the dynamics of Pinus sylvestris forests after a die-off event under climate change scenarios,Modelling the dynamics of Pinus sylvestris forests after a die-off event under climate change scenarios. -

2023 | Article

Gimenez-Grau, Pau; Camarero, Lluís; Palacín-Lizarbe, Carlos; Sala-Faig, Marc; Zufiaurre, Aitziber; Pla-Rabes, Sergi; Felip, Marisol; Catalan, Jordi

(en) - Self-filling enclosures to experimentally assess plankton response to pulse nutrient enrichments,Self-filling enclosures to experimentally assess plankton response to pulse nutrient enrichments. 266-277

2023 | Article

Verdu, Miguel; Garrido, Jose L.; Alcantara, Julio M.; Montesinos-Navarro, Alicia; Aguilar, Salomon; Aizen, Marcelo A.; Al-Namazi, Ali A.; Alifriqui, Mohamed; Allen, David; Anderson-Teixeira, Kristina J.; Armas, Cristina; Bastida, Jesus M.; Bellido, Tono; Bonanomi, Giuliano; Paterno, Gustavo B.; Briceno, Herbert; de Oliveira, Ricardo A. C.; Campoy, Josefina G.; Chaieb, Ghassen; Chu, Chengjin; Collins, Sarah E.; Condit, Richard; Constantinou, Elena; Degirmenci, Cihan U.; Delalandre, Leo; Duarte, Milen; Faife, Michel; Fazlioglu, Fatih; Fernando, Edwino S.; Flores, Joel; Flores-Olvera, Hilda; Fodor, Ecaterina; Ganade, Gislene; Garcia, Maria Begona; Garcia-Fayos, Patricio; Gavini, Sabrina S.; Goberna, Marta; Gomez-Aparicio, Lorena; Gonzalez-Pendas, Enrique; Gonzalez-Robles, Ana; Hubbell, Stephen P.; Ipekdal, Kahraman; Jorquera, Maria J.; Kikvidze, Zaal; Kutkut, Pinar; Ledo, Alicia; Lendinez, Sandra; Li, Buhang; Liu, Hanlun; Lloret, Francisco; Lopez, Ramiro P.; Lopez-Garcia, Alvaro; Lortie, Christopher J.; Losapio, Gianalberto; Lutz, James A.; Luzuriaga, Arantzazu L.; Malis, Frantisek; Manrique, Esteban; Manzaneda, Antonio J.; Marcilio-Silva, Vinicius; Michalet, Richard; Molina-Venegas, Rafael; Navarro-Cano, Jose Antonio; Novotny, Vojtech; Olesen, Jens M.; Ortiz-Brunel, Juan P.; Pajares-Murgo, Maria; Parissis, Nikolas; Parker, Geoffrey; Perea, Antonio J.; Perez-Hernandez, Vidal; Perez-Navarro, Maria Angeles; Piston, Nuria; Pizarro-Carbonell, Elisa; Prieto, Ivan; Prieto-Rubio, Jorge; Pugnaire, Francisco, I; Ramirez, Nelson; Retuerto, Ruben; Rey, Pedro J.; Rodriguez Ginart, Daniel A.; Rodriguez-Sanchez, Mariana; Sanchez-Martin, Ricardo; Schob, Christian; Tavsanoglu, Cagatay; Tedoradze, Giorgi; Tercero-Araque, Amanda; Tielboerger, Katja; Touzard, Blaise; Tufekcioglu, Irem; Turkis, Sevda; Usero, Francisco M.; Usta, Nurbahar; Valiente-Banuet, Alfonso; Vargas-Colin, Alexia; Vogiatzakis, Ioannis; Zamora, Regino

(en) - RecruitNet: A global database of plant recruitment networks,(ca) - RecruitNet:,RecruitNet: A global database of plant recruitment networks. o-o

2023 | Article

Hu, Minjie; Sardans, Jordi; Le, Yixun; Yan, Ruibing; Peñuelas, Josep

Coastal wetland conversion to aquaculture pond reduced soil P availability by altering P fractions, phosphatase activity, and associated microbial properties,(en) - Coastal wetland conversion to aquaculture pond reduced soil P availability by altering P fractions, phosphatase activity, and associated microbial properties. -

2023 | Article

Ferrín, Miquel; Peñuelas, Josep; Gargallo-Garriga, Albert; Iribar, Amaia; Janssens, Ivan A.; Marañón-Jiménez, Sara; Murienne, Jérôme; Richter, Andreas; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Peguero, Guille

(en) - Responses of soil hexapod communities to warming are mediated by microbial carbon and nitrogen in a subarctic grassland,Responses of soil hexapod communities to warming are mediated by microbial carbon and nitrogen in a subarctic grassland,(ca) - Responses of soil hexapod communities to warming are mediated by microbial carbon and nitrogen in a subarctic grassland. -

2023 | Article

Zheng, Tong;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Garcia Valdes, Raul;Gazol, Antonio;Camarero, Julio;Mu, Changcheng;Mencuccini, Maurizio

(ca) - Growth plasticity of conifers did not avoid declining resilience to soil and atmospheric droughts during the 20th century,Growth plasticity of conifers did not avoid declining resilience to soil and atmospheric droughts during the 20th century. -

2023 | Article

Lu, Senbao; Chen, Yunming; Sardans, Jordi; Peñuelas, Josep

Ecological stoichiometric comparison of plant-litter-soil system in mixed-species and monoculture plantations of Robinia pseudoacacia, Amygdalus davidiana, and Armeniaca sibirica in the Loess Hilly Region of China,(en) - Ecological stoichiometric comparison of plant-litter-soil system in mixed-species and monoculture plantations of Robinia pseudoacacia, Amygdalus davidiana, and Armeniaca sibirica in the Loess Hilly Region of China. -

2023 | Article

Puig-Gironès, Roger; Brotons, Lluís; Pons, Pere; Franch, Marc

Examining the temporal effects of wildfires on forest birds: Should I stay or should I go?,(en) - Examining the temporal effects of wildfires on forest birds: Should I stay or should I go?,Examining the temporal effects of wildfires on forest birds: should I stay or should I go?. 121439-14

2023 | Article

Vidal, Alba; Cardador, Laura; Garcia-Barcelona, Salvador; Macias, David; Druon, Jean-Noel; Coll, Marta; Navarro, Joan

The relative importance of biological and environmental factors on the trophodynamics of a pelagic marine predator, the blue shark (Prionace glauca),(en) - The relative importance of biological and environmental factors on the trophodynamics of a pelagic marine predator, the blue shark (Prionace glauca). -

2023 | Article

Nizamani, Mir Muhammad;Padulles Cubino, Josep;Harris, A. J.;Guo, Lin Yuan;Wang, Hua Feng

Spatial patterns and drivers of plant diversity in the tropical city of Sanya, China,(ca) - Spatial patterns and drivers of plant diversity in the tropical city of Sanya, China. -

2023 | Article

Lührsen, Daniela Sofie; Zavitsanou, Evangelia; Cerecedo-Iglesias, Catuxa; Pardo-Araujo, Marta; Palmer, John R B; Bartumeus, Frederic; Montalvo, Tomás; Michaelakis, Antonios; Lowe, Rachel

Adult Aedes albopictus in winter: implications for mosquito surveillance in southern Europe,(ca) - Adult Aedes albopictus in winter: implications for mosquito surveillance in southern Europe. e729-e731

2023 | Article

Hong, Songbai; Cong, Nan; Ding, Jinzhi; Piao, Shilong; Liu, Lingli; Peñuelas, Josep; Chen, Anping; Quine, Timothy A.; Zeng, Hui; Houlton, Benjamin Z.

(en) - Effects of Afforestation on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Accumulation Depend on Initial Soil Nitrogen Status,Effects of Afforestation on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Accumulation Depend on Initial Soil Nitrogen Status. -

2023 | Article

Revelles, Jordi; Martí Molist, Joan; Burjachs, Francesc; Finsinger, Walter; Iriarte, Eneko; Mesquita-Joanes, Francesc; Pla-Rabés, Sergi; Planagumà, Llorenç; Rodrigo, Maria A.; Alcalde, Gabriel; Saña, Maria

(en) - Socio-ecological impact of monogenetic volcanism in the La Garrotxa Volcanic Field (NE Iberia),Socio-ecological impact of monogenetic volcanism in the La Garrotxa Volcanic Field (NE Iberia),(ca) - Socio-ecological impact of monogenetic volcanism in the La Garrotxa Volcanic Field NE Iberia. -

2023 | Article

Lloret Maya, Francisco;Paniw, Maria;García Callejas, David;Bassar, Ronald D.;Travis, Joseph;Godoy, Oscar

(ca) - Pathways to global-change effects on biodiversity :,Pathways to global-change effects on biodiversity: New opportunities for dynamically forecasting demography and species interactions. 20221494-

2023 | Article

Gu, Hongfan; Yin, Gaofei; Yang, Yajie; Verger, Aleixandre; Descals, Adria; Filella, Iolanda; Zeng, Yelu; Hao, Dalei; Xie, Qiaoyun; Li, Xing; Xiao, Jingfeng; Penuelas, Josep

Satellite-Detected Contrasting Responses of Canopy Structure and Leaf Physiology to Drought,(en) - Satellite-detected Contrasting Responses of Canopy Structure and Leaf Physiology to Drought. 2427-2436

2023 | Article

Bricca, Alessandro;Bonari, Gianmaria;Padulles Cubino, Josep;Cutini, Maurizio

Effect of forest structure and management on the functional diversity and composition of understorey plant communities,(ca) - Effect of forest structure and management on the functional diversity and composition of understorey plant communities. -

2023 | Article

Hu, Minjie; Le, Yixun; Sardans, Jordi; Yan, Ruibing; Zhong, Yi; Sun, Dongyao; Tong, Chuan; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Moderate salinity improves the availability of soil P by regulating P-cycling microbial communities in coastal wetlands,Moderate salinity improves the availability of soil P by regulating P-cycling microbial communities in coastal wetlands. 276-288

2023 | Article

Li, Tengteng; Yuan, Ye; Mou, Zhijian; Li, Yue; Kuang, Luhui; Zhang, Jing; Wu, Wenjia; Wang, Faming; Wang, Jun; Lambers, Hans; Sardans, Jordi; Peñuelas, Josep; Ren, Hai; Liu, Zhanfeng

(en) - Faster accumulation and greater contribution of glomalin to the soil organic carbon pool than amino sugars do under tropical coastal forest restoration,Faster accumulation and greater contribution of glomalin to the soil organic carbon pool than amino sugars do under tropical coastal forest restoration. 533-546

2023 | Article

Selwyn, Miriam;Pino Vilalta, Joan;Espelta Morral, Josep Maria

(ca) - Disentangling the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic seed dispersal factors in forest restoration success :,Disentangling the importance of intrinsic and extrinsic seed dispersal factors in forest restoration success: a global review. e13868-

2023 | Article

Albó Timor, Andreu; Lucati, Federica; Bartumeus, Frederic; Caner, Jenny; Escartin, Santi; Mariani, Simone; Palmer, John R. B.; Ventura, Marc

A fast and inexpensive genotyping system for the simultaneous analysis of human and Aedes albopictus short tandem repeats,(en) - A fast and inexpensive genotyping system for the simultaneous analysis of human and Aedes albopictus short tandem repeats,(ca) - A fast and inexpensive genotyping system for the simultaneous analysis of human and Aedes albopictus short tandem repeats. 0-0

2023 | Article

Saura Mas, Sandra;Daiyoub, Angham;Gelabert Vadillo, Pere Joan;Vega-Garcia, Cristina

(ca) - War and Deforestation :,War and Deforestation: Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning to Identify the War-Induced Deforestation in Syria 2010–2019. -

2023 | Article

Carney, Ryan M.; Long, Alex; Low, Russanne D.; Zohdy, Sarah; Palmer, John R.B.; Elias, Peter; Bartumeus, Frederic; Njoroge, Laban; Muniafu, Maina; Uelmen, Johnny A.; Rahola, Nil; Chellappan, Sriram

(ca) - Citizen Science as an Approach for Responding to the Threat of Anopheles stephensi in Africa,Citizen Science as an Approach for Responding to the Threat of Anopheles stephensi in Africa,(en) - Citizen Science as an Approach for Responding to the Threat of Anopheles stephensi in Africa. 0-0

2022 | Article

de Pedro, M.; Mayol, M.; González-Martínez, S.C.; Regalado, I.; Riba, M.

Environmental patterns of adaptation after range expansion in Leontodon longirostris: The effect of phenological events on fitness-related traits. 602-615

2022 | Article

Haider, S.; Lembrechts, J.J.; McDougall, K.; Pauchard, A.; Alexander, J.M.; Barros, A.; Cavieres, L.A.; Rashid, I.; Rew, L.J.; Aleksanyan, A.; Arévalo, J.R.; Aschero, V.; Chisholm, C.; Clark, V.R.; Clavel, J.; Daehler, C.; Dar, P.A.; Dietz, H.; Dimarco, R.D.; Edwards, P.; Essl, F.; Fuentes-Lillo, E.; Guisan, A.; Gwate, O.; Hargreaves, A.L.; Jakobs, G.; Jiménez, A.; Kardol, P.; Kueffer, C.; Larson, C.; Lenoir, J.; Lenzner, B.; Padrón Mederos, M.A.; Mihoc, M.; Milbau, A.; Morgan, J.W.; Müllerová, J.; Naylor, B.J.; Nijs, I.; Nuñez, M.A.; Otto, R.; Preuk, N.; Ratier Backes, A.; Reshi, Z.A.; Rumpf, S.B.; Sandoya, V.; Schroder, M.; Speziale, K.L.; Urbach, D.; Valencia, G.; Vandvik, V.; Vitková, M.; Vorstenbosch, T.; Walker, T.W.N.; Walsh, N.; Wright, G.; Zong, S.; Seipel, T.

Think globally, measure locally: The MIREN standardized protocol for monitoring plant species distributions along elevation gradients. e8590-

2022 | Article

Sturbois, A.; Cucherousset, J.; De Cáceres, M.; Desroy, N.; Riera, P.; Carpentier, A.; Quillien, N.; Grall, J.; Espinasse, B.; Cherel, Y.; Schaal, G.

Stable Isotope Trajectory Analysis (SITA): A new approach to quantify and visualize dynamics in stable isotope studies. e1501-