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2022 | Article

Blanco-Rodríguez, Miguel Ángel; Espelta, Josep Maria

(en) - Tree species composition and management influence short-term resilience to defoliation by Lymantria dispar L. in oak forests,Tree species composition and management influence short-term resilience to defoliation by Lymantria dispar L. in oak forests. 120399-

2022 | Article

Colaço, J.R.; Araújo, H.A.; Da Luz, M.G.E.; Viswanathan, G.M.; Bartumeus, F.; Raposo, E.P.

Effect of the search space dimensionality for finding close and faraway targets in random searches,(en) - Effect of the search space dimensionality for finding close and faraway targets in random searches. 34124-

2022 | Article

Zufiaurre, Aitziber; Felip, Marisol; Camarero, Lluís; Sala-Faig, Marc; Juhanson, Jaanis; Bonilla-Rosso, German; Hallin, Sara; Catalan, Jordi

Bacterioplankton seasonality in deep high-mountain lakes,(en) - Bacterioplankton seasonality in deep high-mountain lakes. 935378-

2022 | Article

Batuecas, I.; Alomar, O.; Castañé, C.; Piñol, J.; Gallardo-Montoya, L.; Agustí, N.

(en) - Disentangling arthropod and plant resources consumed by Orius spp. in peach and alfalfa crops by metagenomic analysis,Disentangling arthropod and plant resources consumed by Orius spp. in peach and alfalfa crops by metagenomic analysis. 1543-1556

2022 | Article

Xu, Siqing; Wang, Rong; Gasser, Thomas; Ciais, Philippe; Peñuelas, Josep; Balkanski, Yves; Boucher, Olivier; Janssens, Ivan A.; Sardans, Jordi; Clark, James H.; Cao, Junji; Xing, Xiaofan; Chen, Jianmin; Wang, Lin; Tang, Xu; Zhang, Renhe

(en) - Delayed use of bioenergy crops might threaten climate and food security,Delayed use of bioenergy crops might threaten climate and food security. 299-+

2022 | Article

Janssens, Ivan A.; Roobroeck, Dries; Sardans, Jordi; Obersteiner, Michael; Peñuelas, Josep; Richter, Andreas; Smith, Pete; Verbruggen, Erik; Vicca, Sara

(en) - Negative erosion and negative emissions: Combining multiple land-based carbon dioxide removal techniques to rebuild fertile topsoils and enhance food production,Negative erosion and negative emissions: Combining multiple land-based carbon dioxide removal techniques to rebuild fertile topsoils and enhance food production. 928403-

2022 | Article

Agathokleous, Evgenios; Peñuelas, Josep; Azevedo, Ricardo A.; Rillig, Matthias C.; Sun, Haoyu; Calabrese, Edward J.

Low Levels of Contaminants Stimulate Harmful Algal Organisms and Enrich Their Toxins,(en) - Low Levels of Contaminants Stimulate Harmful Algal Organisms and Enrich Their Toxins. 11991-12002

2022 | Article

Miezïte, L.E.; Ameztegui, A.; De Cáceres, M.; Coll, L.; Morán-Ordóñez, A.; Vega-García, C.; Rodrigues, M.

Trajectories of wildfire behavior under climate change. Can forest management mitigate the increasing hazard?. 116134-11

2022 | Article

Templer, P.H.; Harrison, J.L.; Pilotto, F.; Flores-Díaz, A.; Haase, P.; McDowell, W.H.; Sharif, R.; Shibata, H.; Blankman, D.; Avila, A.; Baatar, U.; Bogena, H.R.; Bourgeois, I.; Campbell, J.; Dirnböck, T.; Dodds, W.K.; Hauken, M.; Kokorite, I.; Lajtha, K.; Lai, I.-L.; Laudon, H.; Lin, T.C.; Lins, S.R.M.; Meesenburg, H.; Pinho, P.; Robison, A.; Rogora, M.; Scheler, B.; Schleppi, P.; Sommaruga, R.; Staszewski, T.; Taka, M.

(en) - Atmospheric deposition and precipitation are important predictors of inorganic nitrogen export to streams from forest and grassland watersheds: a large-scale data synthesis,Atmospheric deposition and precipitation are important predictors of inorganic nitrogen export to streams from forest and grassland watersheds: a large-scale data synthesis. 219-241

2022 | Article

Geng, Xiaojun; Zhang, Yaru; Fu, Yongshuo H.; Hao, Fanghua; Janssens, Ivan A.; Peñuelas, Josep; Piao, Shilong; Tang, Jing; Wu, Zhaofei; Zhang, Jing; Zhang, Xuan; Stenseth, Nils Chr.

(en) - Contrasting phenology responses to climate warming across the northern extra-tropics,Contrasting phenology responses to climate warming across the northern extra-tropics. 708-715

2022 | Article

Wu, Lianzuan; Yang, Ping; Luo, Liangjuan; Zhu, Wanyi; Hong, Yan; Tong, Chuan; Peñuelas, Josep

Conversion of mangrove forests to shrimp ponds in southeastern China destabilizes sediment microbial networks,(en) - Conversion of mangrove forests to shrimp ponds in southeastern China destabilizes sediment microbial networks. 115907-

2022 | Article

Sol, Daniel; Olkowicz, Seweryn; Sayol, Ferran; Kocourek, Martin; Zhang, Yicheng; Marhounová, Lucie; Osadnik, Christin; Corssmit, Eva; Garcia-Porta, Joan; Martin, Thomas E.; Lefebvre, Louis; Němec, Pavel

(ca) - Neuron numbers link innovativeness with both absolute and relative brain size,Neuron numbers link innovativeness with both absolute and relative brain size in birds,(en) - Neuron numbers link innovativeness with both absolute and relative brain size in birds. 1381-1389

2022 | Article

Marcer, Arnald; Chapman, Arthur D.; Wieczorek, John R.; Xavier Picó, F.; Uribe, Francesc; Waller, John; Ariño, Arturo H.

(en) - Uncertainty matters: ascertaining where specimens in natural history collections come from and its implications for predicting species distributions,Uncertainty matters: ascertaining where specimens in natural history collections come from and its implications for predicting species distributions. e06025-

2022 | Article

Nogué, Sandra; de Nascimento, Lea; Graham, Laura; Brown, Luke A.; González, Luís Antonio Gómez; Castilla-Beltrán, Alvaro; Peñuelas, Josep; Fernández-Palacios, José María; Willis, Kathy J.

The spatiotemporal distribution of pollen traits related to dispersal and desiccation tolerance in Canarian laurel forest,(en) - The spatiotemporal distribution of pollen traits related to dispersal and desiccation tolerance in Canarian laurel forest,(ca) - The spatiotemporal distribution of pollen traits related to dispersal and desiccation tolerance in Canarian laurel forest. e13147-

2022 | Article

Amy E. Zanne; Habacuc Flores-Moreno; Jeff R. Powell; William K. Cornwell; James W. Dalling; Amy T. Austin; Aimée T. Classen; Paul Eggleton; Kei-ichi Okada; Catherine L. Parr; E. Carol Adair; Stephen Adu-Bredu; Md Azharul Alam; Carolina Alvarez-Garzón; Deborah Apgaua; Roxana Aragón; Marcelo Ardon; Stefan K. Arndt; Louise A. Ashton; Nicholas A. Barber; Jacques Beauchêne; Matty P. Berg; Jason Beringer; Matthias M. Boer; José Antonio Bonet; Katherine Bunney; Tynan J. Burkhardt; Dulcinéia Carvalho; Dennis Castillo-Figueroa; Lucas A. Cernusak; Alexander W. Cheesman; Tainá M. Cirne-Silva; Jamie R. Cleverly; Johannes H. C. Cornelissen; Timothy J. Curran; André M. D'Angioli; Caroline Dallstream; Nico Eisenhauer; Fidele Evouna Ondo; Alex Fajardo; Romina D. Fernandez; Astrid Ferrer; Marco A. L. Fontes; Mark L. Galatowitsch; Grizelle González; Felix Gottschall; Peter R. Grace; Elena Granda; Hannah M. Griffiths; Mariana Guerra-Lara; Motohiro Hasegawa; Mariet M. Hefting; Nina Hinko-Najera; Lindsay B. Hutley; Jennifer Jones; Anja Kahl; Mirko Karan;; Joost A. Keuskamp;; Tim Lardner; Michael Liddell; Craig Macfarlane; Cate Macinnis-Ng; Ravi F. Mariano; M. Soledad Méndez; Wayne S. Meyer; Akira S. Mori; Aloysio S. Moura; Matthew Northwood; Romà Ogaya; Rafael S. Oliveira; Alberto Orgiazzi; Juliana Pardo; Guille Peguero; Josep Penuelas; Luis I. Perez; Juan M. Posada; Cecilia M. Prada; Tomá¿ Prˇíveˇtivý; Suzanne M. Prober; Jonathan Prunier; Gabriel W. Quansah; Víctor Resco de Dios; Ronny Richter; Mark P. Robertson; Lucas F. Rocha; Megan A. Rúa; Carolina Sarmiento; Richard P. Silberstein; Mateus C. Silva; Flávia Freire-Siqueira; Matthew Glenn Stillwagon; Jacqui Stol; Melanie K. Taylor; François P. Teste; David Y. P. Tng; David Tucker; Manfred Türke; Michael D. Ulyshen; Oscar J. Valverde-Barrantes; Eduardo van den Berg; Richard S. P. van Logtestijn; G. F. (Ciska) Veen; Jason G. Vogel; Timothy J. Wardlaw; Georg Wiehl; Christian Wirth;; Michaela J. Woods; Paul-Camilo Zalamea

Termite sensitivity to temperature affects global wood decay rates. 1440-1444

2022 | Article

He, Mingzhu; Chen, Shaoyuan; Lian, Xu; Wang, Xuhui; Peñuelas, Josep; Piao, Shilong

(en) - Global Spectrum of Vegetation Light-Use Efficiency,Global Spectrum of Vegetation Light-Use Efficiency. e2022GL099550-

2022 | Article

Yin, Gaofei; Verger, Aleixandre; Descals, Adrià; Filella, Iolanda; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Nonlinear Thermal Responses Outweigh Water Limitation in the Attenuated Effect of Climatic Warming on Photosynthesis in Northern Ecosystems,Nonlinear Thermal Responses Outweigh Water Limitation in the Attenuated Effect of Climatic Warming on Photosynthesis in Northern Ecosystems. e2022GL100096-

2022 | Article

Ruiz-Carbayo, Helena; Espelta, Josep Maria; Pino, Joan; Hampe, Arndt; Bonal, Raul

(en) - Contrasting genetic population structures in acorn weevils (Curculio spp.) in expanding forests: The effects of differences in resource-tracking strategies,Contrasting genetic population structures in acorn weevils (Curculio spp.) in expanding forests: The effects of differences in resource-tracking strategies. 77-87

2022 | Article

Agathokleous, Evgenios; Barceló, Damià; Aschner, Michael; Azevedo, Ricardo Antunes; Bhattacharya, Prosun; Costantini, David; Cutler, G. Christopher; De Marco, Alessandra; Docea, Anca Oana; Dórea, José G.; Duke, Stephen O.; Efferth, Thomas; Fatta-Kassinos, Despo; Fotopoulos, Vasileios; Ginebreda, Antonio; Guedes, Raul Narciso C.; Hayes, A. Wallace; Iavicoli, Ivo; Kalantzi, Olga-Ioanna; Koike, Takayoshi; Kouretas, Demetrios; Kumar, Manish; Manautou, José E.; Moore, Michael N.; Paoletti, Elena; Peñuelas, Josep; Picó, Yolanda; Reiter, Russel J.; Rezaee, Ramin; Rinklebe, Jörg; Rocha-Santos, Teresa; Sicard, Pierre; Sonne, Christian; Teaf, Christopher; Tsatsakis, Aristidis; Vardavas, Alexander I.; Wang, Wenjie; Zeng, Eddy Y.; Calabrese, Edward J.

(en) - Rethinking Subthreshold Effects in Regulatory Chemical Risk Assessments,Rethinking Subthreshold Effects in Regulatory Chemical Risk Assessments. 11095-11099

2022 | Article

Song, Xin; Fang, Chao; Lal, Rattan; Yuan, Zi-Qiang; Ke, Wen-Bin; Huang, Fu-Qiang; Wei, Yong-Xian; Li, Feng-Min; Sardans, Jordi; Penuelas, Josep

(en) - Identifying a suitable revegetation method for soil organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus sequestration: A 16-year in situ experiment on abandoned farmland in a semiarid area of the Loess Plateau, China,Identifying a suitable revegetation method for soil organic carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus sequestration: A 16-year in situ experiment on abandoned farmland in a semiarid area of the Loess Plateau, China. 2366-2378

2022 | Article

Tang, Songbo; Dawson, Hilary Rose; Silva, Lucas C.R.; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Lambers, Hans; Zeng, Feiyan; Lai, Yuan; Jia, Yanlong; Zhou, Guoyi; Fang, Yunting; Tu, Ying; Xi, Dan; Zhang, Dianxiang; Kuang, Yuanwen

(en) - Atmospheric factors outweigh species traits and soil properties in explaining spatiotemporal variation in water-use efficiency of tropical and subtropical forest species,Atmospheric factors outweigh species traits and soil properties in explaining spatiotemporal variation in water-use efficiency of tropical and subtropical forest species. 109056-

2022 | Article

Xu, Nuohan; Kang, Jian; Ye, Yangqing; Zhang, Qi; Ke, Mingjing; Wang, Yufei; Zhang, Zhenyan; Lu, Tao; Peijnenburg, W.J.G.M.; Josep Penuelas; Bao, Guanjun; Qian, Haifeng

(en) - Machine learning predicts ecological risks of nanoparticles to soil microbial communities,Machine learning predicts ecological risks of nanoparticles to soil microbial communities. 119528-

2022 | Article

Zhang, Jing; Kuang, Luhui; Mou, Zhijian; Kondo, Toshiaki; Koarashi, Jun; Atarashi-Andoh, Mariko; Li, Yue; Tang, Xuli; Wang, Ying-Ping; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Hui, Dafeng; Lambers, Hans; Wu, Wenjia; Kaal, Joeri; Li, Jian; Liang, Naishen; Liu, Zhanfeng

(en) - Ten years of warming increased plant-derived carbon accumulation in an East Asian monsoon forest,Ten years of warming increased plant-derived carbon accumulation in an East Asian monsoon forest. 349-365

2022 | Article

Tie, Liehua; Hu, Junxi; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Wei, Shengzhao; Liu, Xing; Zhou, Shixing; Huang, Congde

(en) - The amounts and ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus addition drive the rate of litter decomposition in a subtropical forest,The amounts and ratio of nitrogen and phosphorus addition drive the rate of litter decomposition in a subtropical forest. 155163-

2022 | Article

Descals, Adrià; Verger, Aleixandre; Yin, Gaofei; Filella, Iolanda; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Widespread drought-induced leaf shedding and legacy effects on productivity in European deciduous forests,Widespread drought-induced leaf shedding and legacy effects on productivity in European deciduous forests. 76-89

2022 | Article

De La Casa, Javier; Barbeta, Adrià; Rodríguez-Uña, Asun; Wingate, Lisa; Ogée, Jérôme; Gimeno, Teresa E.

Isotopic offsets between bulk plant water and its sources are larger in cool and wet environments,(en) - Isotopic offsets between bulk plant water and its sources are larger in cool and wet environments. 4125-4146

2022 | Article

Gomez, Aitor; de Leon, Manuel; Sanchez-Plaza, Anabel; Soler-Gallart, Marta;

(en) - Social Impact Ex-Post Evaluation Protocol,Social Impact Ex-Post Evaluation Protocol. -

2022 | Article

Tudose, Nicu Constantin; Cheval, Sorin; Ungurean, Cezar; Broekman, Annelies; Sanchez-Plaza, Anabel; Cremades, Roger; Mitter, Hermine; Kropf, Bernadette; Davidescu, Serban Octavian; Dinca, Lucian; Cacovean, Horia; Marin, Mirabela; Miksa, Katarzyna; Pereira, Paulo

Climate services for sustainable resource management: The water—energy—land nexus in the Tărlung river basin (Romania),(en) - Climate services for sustainable resource management: The water—energy—land nexus in the Tărlung river basin (Romania). 106221-

2022 | Article

Liu, Yujie; Tan, Qinghua; Chen, Jie; Pan, Tao; Penuelas, Josep; Zhang, Jie; Ge, Quansheng

(en) - Dietary Transition Determining the Tradeoff Between Global Food Security and Sustainable Development Goals Varied in Regions,Dietary Transition Determining the Tradeoff Between Global Food Security and Sustainable Development Goals Varied in Regions. e2021EF002354-

2022 | Article

Peaucelle, Marc; Peñuelas, Josep; Verbeeck, Hans

Accurate phenology analyses require bud traits and energy budgets,(en) - Accurate phenology analyses require bud traits and energy budgets. 915-922

2022 | Article

Domingo Marimon, Cristina;Maso, Joan;Prat, Ester;Zabala Torres, Alaitz;Serral, Ivette;Batalla, Meritxell;Ninyerola Casals, Miquel;Cristobal Rosselló, Jordi

(en) - Aligning citizen science and remote sensing phenology observations to characterize climate change impact on vegetation,(ca) - Aligning citizen science and remote sensing phenology observations to characterize climate change impact on vegetation,Aligning citizen science and remote sensing phenology observations to characterize climate change impact on vegetation. 85007-

2022 | Article

Zhang, Zhenyan; Zhang, Qi; Cui, Hengzheng; Li, Yan; Xu, Nuohan; Lu, Tao; Chen, Jian; Penuelas, Josep; Hu, Baolan; Qian, Haifeng

(en) - Composition identification and functional verification of bacterial community in disease-suppressive soils by machine learning,Composition identification and functional verification of bacterial community in disease-suppressive soils by machine learning. 3405-3419

2022 | Article

Batuecas, I.; Alomar, O.; Castañe, C.; Piñol, J.; Boyer, S.; Gallardo-Montoya, L.; Agustí, N.

(en) - Development of a multiprimer metabarcoding approach to understanding trophic interactions in agroecosystems,Development of a multiprimer metabarcoding approach to understanding trophic interactions in agroecosystems. 1195-1210

2022 | Article

Zhu, Xiaomin; Zhang, Ziliang; Wang, Qitong; Peñuelas, Josep; Sardans, Jordi; Lambers, Hans; Li, Na; Liu, Qing; Yin, Huajun; Liu, Zhanfeng

More soil organic carbon is sequestered through the mycelium pathway than through the root pathway under nitrogen enrichment in an alpine forest,(en) - More soil organic carbon is sequestered through the mycelium pathway than through the root pathway under nitrogen enrichment in an alpine forest. 4947-4961

2022 | Article

Carney, Ryan M.; Mapes, Connor; Low, Russanne D.; Long, Alex; Bowser, Anne; Durieux, David; Rivera, Karlene; Dekramanjian, Berj; Bartumeus, Frederic; Guerrero, Daniel; Seltzer, Carrie E.; Azam, Farhat; Chellappan, Sriram; Palmer, John R. B.

Integrating Global Citizen Science Platforms to Enable Next-Generation Surveillance of Invasive and Vector Mosquitoes,(ca) - Integrating Global Citizen Science Platforms to Enable Next-Generation Surveillance of Invasive and Vector Mosquitoes,(en) - Integrating Global Citizen Science Platforms to Enable Next-Generation Surveillance of Invasive and Vector Mosquitoes. 675-0

2022 | Article

Junttila, Samuli; Hölttä, Teemu; Salmon, Yann; Filella, Iolanda; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - A Novel Method to Simultaneously Measure Leaf Gas Exchange and Water Content,A Novel Method to Simultaneously Measure Leaf Gas Exchange and Water Content. 3693-

2022 | Article

Peng, Yan; Peñuelas, Josep; Vesterdal, Lars; Yue, Kai; Peguero, Guille; Fornara, Dario A.; Heděnec, Petr; Steffens, Christina; Wu, Fuzhong

(en) - Responses of soil fauna communities to the individual and combined effects of multiple global change factors,Responses of soil fauna communities to the individual and combined effects of multiple global change factors. 1961-1973

2022 | Article

Verbrigghe, Niel; Leblans, Niki I. W.; Sigurdsson, Bjarni D.; Vicca, Sara; Fang, Chao; Fuchslueger, Lucia; Soong, Jennifer L.; Weedon, James T.; Poeplau, Christopher; Ariza-Carricondo, Cristina; Bahn, Michael; Guenet, Bertrand; Gundersen, Per; Gunnarsdóttir, Gunnhildur E.; Kätterer, Thomas; Liu, Zhanfeng; Maljanen, Marja; Marañón-Jiménez, Sara; Meeran, Kathiravan; Oddsdóttir, Edda S.; Ostonen, Ivika; Peñuelas, Josep; Richter, Andreas; Sardans, Jordi; Sigurðsson, Páll; Torn, Margaret S.; Van Bodegom, Peter M.; Verbruggen, Erik; Walker, Tom W. N.; Wallander, Håkan; Janssens, Ivan A.

Soil carbon loss in warmed subarctic grasslands is rapid and restricted to topsoil,(en) - Soil carbon loss in warmed subarctic grasslands is rapid and restricted to topsoil,(ca) - Soil carbon loss in warmed subarctic grasslands is rapid and restricted to topsoil. 3381-3393

2022 | Article

Jolles, Jolle Wolter; Sosna, Matthew MG; Mazué, Geoffrey PF; Twomey, Colin R.; Bak-Coleman, Joseph; Rubenstein, Daniel I.; Couzin, Iain D.

Both prey and predator features predict the individual predation risk and survival of schooling prey,(en) - Both prey and predator features predict the individual predation risk and survival of schooling prey. e76344-

2022 | Article

Wieneke, Sebastian; Balzarolo, Manuela; Asard, Han; Abd Elgawad, Hamada; Peñuelas, Josep; Rascher, Uwe; Ven, Arne; Verlinden, Melanie S.; Janssens, Ivan A.; Vicca, Sara

Fluorescence ratio and photochemical reflectance index as a proxy for photosynthetic quantum efficiency of photosystem II along a phosphorus gradient,(en) - Fluorescence ratio and photochemical reflectance index as a proxy for photosynthetic quantum efficiency of photosystem II along a phosphorus gradient. 109019-

2022 | Article

Flo Sierra, Victor;Martinez Vilalta, Jordi;Granda, Víctor;Mencuccini, Maurizio;Poyatos Lopez, Rafael

(en) - Vapour pressure deficit is the main driver of tree canopy conductance across biomes,Vapour pressure deficit is the main driver of tree canopy conductance across biomes,(ca) - Vapour pressure deficit is the main driver of tree canopy conductance across biomes. 109029-

2022 | Article

Hu, Minjie; Sardans, Jordi; Le, Yixun; Yan, Ruibing; Zhong, Yi; Peñuelas, Josep

(en) - Effects of wetland types on dynamics and couplings of labile phosphorus, iron and sulfur in coastal wetlands during growing season,Effects of wetland types on dynamics and couplings of labile phosphorus, iron and sulfur in coastal wetlands during growing season. 154460-

2022 | Article

Puig-Gironès, Roger; Brotons, Lluís; Pons, Pere

Aridity, fire severity and proximity of populations affect the temporal responses of open-habitat birds to wildfires,(en) - Aridity, fire severity and proximity of populations affect the temporal responses of open-habitat birds to wildfires. 109661-12

2022 | Article

Kováč, Daniel; Ač, Alexander; Šigut, Ladislav; Peñuelas, Josep; Grace, John; Urban, Otmar

Combining NDVI, PRI and the quantum yield of solar-induced fluorescence improves estimations of carbon fluxes in deciduous and evergreen forests,(en) - Combining NDVI, PRI and the quantum yield of solar-induced fluorescence improves estimations of carbon fluxes in deciduous and evergreen forests. 154681-

2022 | Article

Lian, Xu; Jeong, Sujong; Park, Chang-Eui; Xu, Hao; Li, Laurent Z. X.; Wang, Tao; Gentine, Pierre; Peñuelas, Josep; Piao, Shilong

(en) - Biophysical impacts of northern vegetation changes on seasonal warming patterns,Biophysical impacts of northern vegetation changes on seasonal warming patterns. 3925-

2022 | Article

Castellanos, Alejandro E.; Hinojo-Hinojo, César; Rodriguez, Julio C.; Romo-Leon, Jose Raul; Wilcox, Bradford P.; Biederman, Joel A.; Peñuelas, Josep

Plant functional diversity influences water and carbon fluxes and their use efficiencies in native and disturbed dryland ecosystems,(en) - Plant functional diversity influences water and carbon fluxes and their use efficiencies in native and disturbed dryland ecosystems. e2415-

2022 | Article

Mosquera, Pablo V.; Hampel, Henrietta; Vázquez, Raúl F.; Catalan, Jordi

(en) - Water chemistry variation in tropical high-mountain lakes on old volcanic bedrocks,Water chemistry variation in tropical high-mountain lakes on old volcanic bedrocks. 1522-1536

2022 | Article

Hu, Minjie; Sardans, Jordi; Le, Yixun; Yan, Ruibing; Zhong, Yi; Huang, Jiafang; Peñuelas, Josep; Tong, Chuan

Biogeochemical behavior of P in the soil and porewater of a low-salinity estuarine wetland: Availability, diffusion kinetics, and mobilization mechanism,(en) - Biogeochemical behavior of P in the soil and porewater of a low-salinity estuarine wetland: Availability, diffusion kinetics, and mobilization mechanism. 118617-

2022 | Article

Qian, Wei; Zhang, Shi; Tong, Chuan; Sardans, Jordi; Peñuelas, Josep; Li, Xiaofei

Long-Term Patterns of Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in the Pearl River Estuary,(en) - Long-Term Patterns of Dissolved Oxygen Dynamics in the Pearl River Estuary. e2022JG006967-

2022 | Article

Liu, Yongwen; Piao, Shilong; Makowski, David; Ciais, Philippe; Gasser, Thomas; Song, Jian; Wan, Shiqiang; Peñuelas, Josep; Janssens, Ivan A.

Data-driven quantification of nitrogen enrichment impact on Northern Hemisphere plant biomass,(en) - Data-driven quantification of nitrogen enrichment impact on Northern Hemisphere plant biomass. 74032-