
Ofertas de trabajo


El CREAF tiene abiertas 3 ofertas para contratar personal predoctoral. Puede consultar aquí las ofertas.

Vine a investigar al CREAF
Ven a investigar al CREAF

Contrato Predoctoral: Dinámica espaciotemporal de cubiertas del suelo y clima con Teledetección y SIG

El Grupo de Investigación Métodos y Aplicaciones en Teledetección y Sistemas de Información Geográfica (GRUMETS), ubicado principalmente en el campus de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, busca candidato/a interesado/a en solicitar una beca-contrato Pre-Doctoral de 4 años de duración.

Más detalles en PreDocAnnouncement_FPI_spa.pdf

y en


Contrato Predoctoral: Efectos del biochar sobre el secuestro de carbono y la biodiversidad edáfica en suelos mediterráneos

Se ofrece beca/contrato predoctoral para realizar una tesis en el marco del proyecto “Efectos del biochar sobre el secuestro de carbono y la biodiversidad edáfica en suelos mediterráneos (MEDICHAR) ref. AGL2012-40037-C02-01”. El contrato corresponde a la actual convocatoria del MIMECO dentro del Programa para la formación de doctores (FPI) cuyo plazo de presentación de solicitudes finaliza el 10 de septiembre.

Se buscan candidatos motivados para la investigación, con buen expediente académico y buena formación en Ciencia del Suelo. Se requieren conocimientos de análisis de suelos, ecología del suelo, estadística,  buen nivel de inglés hablado y escrito.

La persona seleccionada desarrollarà su proyecto de tesis en el grupo de Protección y Restauración de Suelos del CREAF (

Los candidatos interesados pueden enviar su curriculum y una carta de motivación a

Información adicional: Las bases de la convocatoria se pueden consultar en el BOE de 24 de julio, Orden ECC/1402/2013 de 22 de julio. La convocatoria fue publicada en el BOE del día 14 de agosto. Pueden encontrar toda la información relativa a la convocatoria y a la presentación de solicitudes en la página Web del Ministerio.

PhD thesis contract on Community assembly and plant-animal interactions

We offer a PhD thesis contract on Community assembly and plant-animal interactions associated to the project CGL2012-33398 Implications of climate, landscape and biological interactions in the formation of novel Iberian forests (NOVFORESTS). The project is being developed at the Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF) of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB).

This contract is offered within the call for 4-year pre-doctoral contracts (the former FPI grants) recently launched by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competiveness. The application period of this call is from August 26 until September 10. See the full call, including terms and conditions, at

The PhD student will be supervised by Joan Pino and Josep Maria Espelta from CREAF. Brief scientific profiles of these researchers are available at

Apart from the requirements specified in the call, the candidates should be very motivated and interested in research. Good English level (both oral and written) is a must. A good academic record will also help you as well as a completed Master which, ideally, should have produced an international publication (previous publishing experience will be very welcome). Experience and willingness to learn statistical analyses, modelling and GIS techniques will also be appreciated. If you are interested please contact Joan Pino

More info about the NOVFORESTS project were the PhD work will be integrated:

In the last century, land abandonment in the Iberian Peninsula has led to a significant expansion of new forests in rural landscapes. Despite the relevance of these changes, knowledge about the community assembly in these novel forests is scarce. This project aims to increase this knowledge by analysing at various scales (population, community, landscape, and region) the major patterns and processes of this assembly (changes in species richness and composition, changes in key biological interactions) for vascular plants and invertebrates.

The project objectives are:

1. To determine the climatic, topographic, geographic, and landscape variables that explain the spatial distribution of new forests in the study region.

2. To study the assembly of plant and invertebrate communities in these forests, under different climatic and landscape scenarios, analysing the variations in species richness (especially immigration and of invasion credits) and composition (beta diversity, floristic homogenization) of vascular plants and invertebrates, and the relationship with the biological and ecological attributes of species.

3. To determine the influence of plant-animal interactions, both antagonistic and mutualistic, in the formation and expansion of new forests, analysing the effects of isolation on herbivory, fruit/seed predation and dispersal patterns, and their effects on seedling recruitment.

4. To explore the assembly process of new holm oak (Q. ilex) forests, with special emphasis on population dynamics, diversity and gene flow and kinship in new oaks, assessing the effect of some key biological interactions such as insect herbivory and acorn predation, and secondary acorn dispersal by vertebrates on forest dynamics.

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