11/04/2016 Noticia

Putting mountains on the agenda in Horizon 2020


On April 25th Bernat Claramunt will attend the event, Mountains for Europe’s Future, in Brussels. The event promotes the inclusion of mountain-related topics in the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program.

Muntanya dels Pirineus. Autor: Lluís Comas
Muntanya dels Pirineus. Autor: Lluís Comas

CREAF researcher Bernat Claramunt is part of the group promoting of the initiative, the Mountain Research Advocacy Network, which is affiliated with MRI-Europe. According to this group, it will be key to explain the special characteristics and features of mountains and the need to include them in the political agenda of the European Union. Over the past few months a document including key points on the importance of research on mountains and related themes has been written, all of which will be explained at the event in the Belgian capital. A Strategic Research Strategy defining the next steps to be taken will also be presented.

The Mountains for Europe’s Future event will consist of two different parts: The first will be a guided tour through Brussels in order to contextualize the importance of mountains. Following this will be a work session and analysis involving researchers, authors, and national and regional representatives, as well as H2020 program managers who are the target audience of the initiative.

You can read the publication of this meeting here:


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