24/05/2012 Notícia

SEMINARI CREAF: Predicting the past from the present: Making inferences about historical biodiversity patterns from phylogenies of extant species

El proper dimecres tenim un nou seminari al CREAF. En aquest cas el ponent Rampal Etienne, Professor d'Ecologia al CEES ens parlarà de filogènia molecular.

Arbre filogenètic  de http://itol.embl.de/
Arbre filogenètic de http://itol.embl.de/



In the last decade we have seen the rapid accumulation of molecular phylogenies. But what can these phylogenies, based on extant species only, tell us about historical diversity and diversification patterns, and particularly about extinction, because extinct species are by definition not present in the molecular phylogeny? I will try to answer these questions using various models of diversification.


Rampal Etienne. Professor of ecology at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands)


Sala Polivalent c5/1066 , Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Cerdanyola del Vallès


Dimecres 30 a les 12 h