(en) - Is forest fecundity resistant to drought? Results from an 18-yr rainfall-reduction experiment,Is forest fecundity resistant to drought? Results from an 18-yr rainfall-reduction experiment. New Phytologist. 4: 1073-
Resprouting ability differs among plant functional groups along a soil acidification gradient in a meadow: A rhizosphere perspective,(en) - Resprouting ability differs among plant functional groups along a soil acidification gradient in a meadow: A rhizosphere perspective. Journal of Ecology. 3: 631-
(ca) - Drivers of longevity of wild-caught Aedes albopictus populations,Drivers of longevity of wild-caught Aedes albopictus populations,(en) - Drivers of longevity of wild-caught Aedes albopictus populations. Parasites and Vectors. 1: 0-
Newspaper Coverage and Framing of Bats, and Their Impact on Readership Engagement,(ca) - Newspaper Coverage and Framing of Bats, and Their Impact on Readership Engagement. EcoHealth. 1: 18-
On the recent passing away of Jeff de La Beaujardière: A necessary tribute / Sobre el reciente fallecimiento de Jeff de La Beaujardière: un homenaje necesario. GeoFocus. International Review of Geographical Information Science and Technology. 32: 1-
Taxonomic revision of the genus Messor (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in the Maghreb and description of Messor hodnii sp. n. a new ant species found in Algeria [Revision taxonomique du genre Messor (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) au Maghreb et description de Messor hodnii sp. n., une nouvelle espece de fourmi trouvee en AlgSrie]. Revue Suisse de Zoologie. 1: 9-
High trophic niche overlap between a native and invasive mink does not drive trophic displacement of the native mink during an invasion process,High Trophic Niche Overlap between a Native and Invasive Mink Does Not Drive Trophic Displacement of the Native Mink during an Invasion Process,(en) - High trophic niche overlap between a native and invasive mink does not drive trophic displacement of the native mink during an invasion process. Animals. 8: 1387-
(ca) - Influences of sea level changes and volcanic eruptions on Holocene vegetation in Tonga,Influences of sea level changes and volcanic eruptions on Holocene vegetation in Tonga. Biotropica. 4: 816-
G-reqs, a New Model Proposal for Capturing and Managing In Situ Data Requirements: First Results in the Context of the Group on Earth Observations,(ca) - G-reqs, a New Model Proposal for Capturing and Managing In Situ Data Requirements,(en) - G-reqs, a New Model Proposal for Capturing and Managing In Situ Data Requirements: First Results in the Context of the Group on Earth Observations. Remote Sensing. 6: -
Functional traits of a plant species fingerprint ecosystem productivity along broad elevational gradients in the Himalayas,(en) - Functional traits of a plant species fingerprint ecosystem productivity along broad elevational gradients in the Himalayas. Functional Ecology. 2: 383-
The Neglected Reverse Water Pathway: Atmosphere–Plant–Soil Continuum. Trends in Plant Science. 11: 1073-
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(en) - Substantial increase in P release following conversion of coastal wetlands to aquaculture ponds from altered kinetic exchange and resupply capacity,Substantial increase in P release following conversion of coastal wetlands to aquaculture ponds from altered kinetic exchange and resupply capacity. Water Research. : -
(en) - Climatic and fire determinants of early life-history stages in the Mediterranean shrub Cistus albidus,Climatic and fire determinants of early life-history stages in the Mediterranean shrub Cistus albidus. Journal of Plant Ecology. 1: 3-
Use of a Managed Solitary Bee to Pollinate Almonds: Population Sustainability and Increased Fruit Set. Insects. 1: 56-
Stream chemistry response to changing nitrogen and sulfur deposition in two mountain areas in the Iberian Peninsula,(en) - Stream chemistry response to changing nitrogen and sulfur deposition in two mountain areas in the Iberian Peninsula. Science of the Total Environment. : 134697-