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Suitability of the management of habitat complexity, acorn burial depth, and a chemical repellent for post-fire reforestation of oaks. ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING. : 15-
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(en) - Increasing carbon discrimination rates and depth of water uptake favor the growth of Mediterranean evergreen trees in the ecotone with temperate deciduous forests,Increasing carbon discrimination rates and depth of water uptake favor the growth of Mediterranean evergreen trees inthe ecotone with temperate deciduous forests. Global Change Biology. 12: 5054-
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Using research networks to create the comprehensive datasets needed to assess nutrient availability as a key determinant of terrestrial carbon cycling,(en) - Using research networks to create the comprehensive datasets needed to assess nutrient availability as a key determinant of terrestrial carbon cycling. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH LETTERS. 12: -
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Extreme hydrological events and the influence of reservoirsin a highly regulated river basin of northeastern Spain,(en) - Extreme hydrological events and the influence of reservoirs in a highly regulated river basin of northeastern Spain,(en) - Extreme hydrological events and the influence of reservoirsin a highly regulated river basin of northeastern Spain. JOURNAL OF HYDROLOGY-REGIONAL STUDIES. : 13-
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Competition, niche opportunities and the successful invasion of natural habitats,(en) - Competition, niche opportunities and the successful invasion of natural habitats. BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS. 12: 3535-
Variability in individual activity bursts improves ant foraging success,(ca) - Variability in individual activity bursts improves ant foraging success,(en) - Variability in individual activity bursts improves ant foraging success. JOURNAL OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY INTERFACE. 125: -