12/12/2016 Noticia

Last days to send your abstracts for the BeWater's last conference


December 31 is the last day to send the abstracts for the BeWater project conference, which will take place in Slovenia on 7 and 8 March 2017.

La ciutat de Nova Gorica, a Eslovènia, acollirà la conferència els dies 7 i 8 de març de 2017. Autor: Johann Jaritz (CC BY-SA 3.0 AT)
Nova Gorica, in Slovenia, the city where the conference will take place on 7 and 8 of March 2017. Author: Johann Jaritz (CC BY-SA 3.0 AT)

On 7 and 8 of March 2017, in the Slovenian city of Nova Gorica, the BeWater project will present its last conference: the River Basin Adaptation Conference. The aim of this conference is to share experiences and identify best-practices on science-society interactions for river basin management and climate change adaptation.

Abstract submissions are invited for short, targeted oral presentations (5-10 minutes) on either of two conference themes: best practice for adaptative management strategies and policy considerations for participatory river basin management.

You can send your abstracts here, and register to participate in the conference following this link.

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