
Xavier Pons


Ha participat en:

Satèl·lit sobre la terra
Grup de recerca

Mètodes i aplicacions en teledetecció i sistemes d'informació geogràfica

Projecte / Iniciativa
Contractes i convenis

Iniciativa de Canvi Climàtic de l'ESA. Variables Climàtiques Essencials: Cobertes del Sol d'elevada resolució espacial

Últimes publicacions:

2022 | Article

Colom, Pau;Ninyerola Casals, Miquel;Pons Fernandez, Xavier;Traveset, Anna;Stefanescu, Constantí

(ca) - Phenological sensitivity and seasonal variability explain climate-driven trends in Mediterranean butterflies,(en) - Phenological sensitivity and seasonal variability explain climate-driven trends in Mediterranean butterflies,Phenological sensitivity and seasonal variability explain climate-driven trends in Mediterranean butterflies. 1-9

2022 | Article

Padial Iglesias, Mario;Ninyerola Casals, Miquel;Serra Ruiz, Pere;Espelta Morral, Josep Maria;Pino Vilalta, Joan;Pons Fernandez, Xavier

Driving Forces of Forest Expansion Dynamics across the Iberian Peninsula (1987–2017): A Spatio-Temporal Transect,(en) - Driving Forces of Forest Expansion Dynamics across the Iberian Peninsula (1987–2017): A Spatio-Temporal Transect,(ca) - Driving Forces of Forest Expansion Dynamics across the Iberian Peninsula 1987–2017. 475-

2021 | Article

Palmero Iniesta, Marina;Espelta, Josep Maria;Padial‐iglesias, Mario;Gonzàlez‐guerrero, Òscar;Pesquer Mayos, Lluis;Domingo Marimon, Cristina;Ninyerola Casals, Miquel; Pons i Fernández;Pons Fernandez, Xavier;Pino, Joan

The Role of Recent (1985–2014) Patterns of Land Abandonment and Environmental Factors in the Establishment and Growth of Secondary Forests in the Iberian Peninsula,(ca) - The role of recent 1985–2014 patterns of land abandonment and environmental factors in the establishment and growth of secondary forests in the iberian peninsula,(en) - The role of recent (1985–2014) patterns of land abandonment and environmental factors in the establishment and growth of secondary forests in the iberian peninsula. 817-817

2021 | Article

Zabala Torres, Alaitz;Maso, Joan;Bastin, Lucy;Giuliani, Gregory;Pons Fernandez, Xavier

(en) - Geospatial user feedback: How to raise users’ voices and collectively build knowledge at the same time,(ca) - Geospatial user feedback,Geospatial User Feedback: How to Raise Users’ Voices and Collectively Build Knowledge at the Same Time. 141-141