
CREAF will host the next GEO European Projects' Workshop (GEPW7)


GEPW7 is planned to take place in Barcelona on 15 and 16 April 2013.  All Coordinators of EC projects are informed and encouraged to notify members of their teams or colleagues who may be interested in participating.


The event will be hosted by CREAF (Centre for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications) and the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona, through the European project GeoViQua, coordinated by this organization.

It is intended to bring all those interested in and actively contributing to the GEOSS from all over Europe together in order to present their work and actively discuss how Europe can contribute to GEO and GEOSS.

The proposed venue is the famous Catalan art nouveau building owned by the university: “La Casa de la Convalescència” (Convalescence House) located in the centre of the city of Barcelona.

All Coordinators of EC projects are informed and encouraged to notify members of their teams or colleagues who may be interested in participating.

More details will be available at a later stage when we will announce details of the draft agenda and of the practical arrangements, registration, possible contributions etc.

Please note that all presentations from the Sixth GEO European Projects' Workshop as well as the final report are available on the GEO website:

GEPW7 website:

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