
SEMINARI CTFC: Disturbance and resilience in mediterranean forest ecosystems


El proper 8 de junt el Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya organitza un seminari sobre pertorbacions i resiliència als ecosistemes forestals mediterranis.

There is a general consensus that the next generation of forest practices should be able to adapt and respond to the increasing variability and uncertainty in disturbance dynamics.
There is a general consensus that the next generation of forest practices should be able to adapt and respond to the increasing variability and uncertainty in disturbance dynamics.


Recent socio-economic changes together with predicted climate warming are inducing significant impacts on the functioning and dynamics of Mediterranean forests. In this context of change, the role of natural disturbances in the future evolution of these forests is expected to increase. There is a general consensus that the next generation of forest practices should be able to adapt and respond to the increasing variability and uncertainty in disturbance dynamics. Understanding how natural disturbances relate with human practices and identifying the key factors determining the response of forest to its occurrence constitutes a first step for this.


9h50   Welcome to the participants

10h00 Insect outbreaks, forest management and climate change: is the forest ready? (by Dr. Dan Kneeshaw, UQAM)

10h30 The link between historical land--‐use and root rot pathogens: their role in current forest dynamics (by Dr. Jonàs     Oliva, SLU)

11h00 Drought responses of Scots pine at the dry limit (by Dr Jordi Martínez Vilalta, CREAF)

11h30 How do Mediterranean forests resist and recover from forest fires? (by Dr. José Ramón González, CTFC)

12h00 Coffee break

12h20 – 14h Round table discussion (Moderator: Dr. Lluís Coll, CTFC)

  • How to increase the self-adaptive capacity and resilience of Mediterranean forest?
  • Which are the ecological bases? Which is the role of forest management?



 8th June 2012 (10h-14h)


Centre Tecnològic Forestal de Catalunya (, Solsona, Spain


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