
Animacions en 3D per comprendre l’anatomia vegetal

Com es mou l'aigua a l'interior d'un arbre? Gràcies als estudis d'investigadors del CREAF, aquesta pregunta té resposta. Imatges en 3D que permeten reconstruir l'interior de branques i troncs d'arbres, i posteriorment aprofundir en com es transporten l'aigua i els nutrients.

3d Anatomia Arbres Canvi climàtic @es @ca Elisabeth mr robert @ca Jordi martínez vilalta Manglars Sequera

SEMINARI CREAF: Structure and Function of Wood in mangroves

Mangroves provide a range of ecosystem services, including coastal protection from waves, wind and weather events. The degree of coastal protection provided by mangroves and their survival partly depends on their wood density and mechanical strength. Wood maintains the structure of the trees by providing resistance to breakage and flexibility when strong winds and other environmental forces act upon trees.

Manglars Seminaris