Master's and PhD programmes

CREAF offers a quality training programme for students, scientific, technical and management staff and interested persons who wish to obtain a solid and up-to-date grounding in the field of terrestrial ecology, biodiversity management, fire, climate change, water resource management and GIS and remote sensing technologies.

Programa de masters i doctorat

PhD in Terrestrial Ecology

CREAF coordinates the PhD in Terrestrial Ecology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. These studies consist of the preparation, presentation and defence of an original research project, the doctoral thesis, in the general field of terrestrial ecology. The main objective of this doctoral programme is to train professionals with a solid and up-to-date basis in the field of terrestrial ecology.

These studies lead to the official title of Doctor by the UAB and are fully adapted to the new framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The PhD programme began in 2009 and has already been taken by more than 40 students.

Mention of Excellence

The PhD in Terrestrial Ecology has been awarded the Mention of Excellence by the Spanish Ministry of Education. This mention recognises the teaching and research quality of the PhD and awards additional points for applications for different types of grants (FPU, FI, La Caixa grants).

Career opportunities

The main professional opportunities for this doctoral programme are:

  • Research or teaching in public research bodies and universities.
  • Management of public and private institutions in charge of managing the territory in general and natural systems in particular.
  • Specialists in the private sector.

Coordinator and contact person

Official Master in Terrestrial Ecology and Biodiversity Management

CREAF is a collaborating institution in the master's degree in Terrestrial Ecology and Biodiversity Management. This master is addressed to students interested in the processes involved in the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems and the options for mitigating their future deterioration in a context of global environmental change, and also to students interested in the management and conservation of biological natural resources (flora and fauna).

The master's degree lasts one academic year (60 ECTS) and is organised into two specialisations: Terrestrial Ecology and Management and Diversity of Fauna and Flora (marine and terrestrial). CREAF's research staff offer a variety of courses in these master's degrees and opportunities for students to carry out their compulsory Master's Thesis at CREAF.

These studies lead to the award of the official Master's degree by the UAB and are fully adapted to the new framework of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

Màster Oficial d’Ecologia Terrestre i Gestió de la Biodiversitat

Coordinator and contact person

Official Master in Remote Sensing and GIS

CREAF is a collaborating institution in this master.  The aim of the master is to provide sound scientific training in techniques for observing the Earth and for generating and analyzing information in order to be able to study a given territory and manage its resources using GIS.

The master's degree has a scientific-technical orientation focused on in-depth knowledge of the contents, and on establishing solid foundations for the natural continuity of the students' training.

The master's degree lasts one academic year (60 ECTS) and is structured in 7 modules: 4 modules of compulsory core subjects and 2 specialisation modules. In addition, the course is complemented with practical tutoring sessions and the completion of a Master's Final Project as the last compulsory module of the course.

If you have any questions or require further information, please contact the Coordination via email:

Màster Oficial en Teledetecció i SIG