Transversal Topics

What is ecology? It is a science that studies the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment. A science that is difficult to categorize, holistic, which at CREAF we treat with very different approaches. Here we are updating the views we give it, in different transversal topics.



At CREAF, we specialize in the study of Mediterranean forests, but our research also covers forests in regions as diverse as the Amazon, Tibet and many other parts of the world. The results of our research must serve to improve sustainable forest management strategies, which ensure the conservation of the natural, social and economic values ​​they provide us.

Ecosystem services

Ecosystem services

At CREAF, we are dedicated to preserving ecosystem services, which are essential to our life. Without these services, such as clean water production and pollination, our existence would be compromised. We analyze how threats, such as climate change and pollution, may affect them and use advanced techniques to integrate these services into environmental policies. Our goal is to value nature in all spheres of society.

Nature Based Solutions

Solutions based on nature

At CREAF, we investigate how nature-based solutions can be effective in tackling specific environmental problems. We also explore how these solutions can adapt to local conditions and complement existing technological measures. Our research shows that natural strategies are not only beneficial for the environment, but can also be more economical and sustainable in the long term.

Citizen science

Citizen science

At CREAF, we investigate how to transform conventional agriculture into an effective regenerative model. We study the impact of regenerative practices on soil health, biodiversity and crop sustainability. We use advanced techniques to measure the benefits of this model in the fight against climate change and in improving agricultural production. Our goal is to contribute to a healthier and more sustainable agriculture that benefits both the environment and rural communities.


Mediterranean basin

The Mediterranean forests are our natural laboratory to discover the secrets of the world. We analyze these ecosystems both in their overall structure and in the subtle interactions between species and their environment. Our research seeks to perfect conservation and management techniques to ensure the resilience of Mediterranean forests in the face of climate change and human pressures.

Big data


Big Data, classically understood, is characterized by its volume and variety of data and the speed with which it is managed; and in our conception we will add an additional property: quality. It is necessary to analyze the quality of the alphanumeric and spatial information of the available data. In the same way, it is necessary to see if the access, maintenance and propagation of the metadata is adequate and consistent with the processes of generation, editing and transformation of the databases from which they come.

Agricultura Regenerativa

Regenerative Agriculture

At CREAF, we investigate how to transform conventional agriculture into an effective regenerative model. We study the impact of regenerative practices on soil health, biodiversity and crop sustainability. We use advanced techniques to measure the benefits of this model in the fight against climate change and in improving agricultural production. Our goal is to contribute to a healthier and more sustainable agriculture that benefits both the environment and rural communities.