Science to policy and management

At CREAF, we are dedicated to making the knowledge generated by our applied research truly useful for society. Through research, monitoring and observation, we create valuable environmental information that helps address critical issues such as fire prevention, water pollution and environmental risks.

Cultiu d'agricultura regenerativa

We use environmental change models and scenario development to understand how forest management can improve ecosystem resilience, as well as to analyze the impact of extensive livestock farming and promote urban greening in cities. With this information, we support decision-making processes, helping to design effective and sustainable policies that benefit our environment and society.

In the framework of science for policy, we lead the transfer of knowledge about biodiversity towards policies, with examples at the regional level that inspire international initiatives. We provide policy recommendations based on our research on Mediterranean ecosystems and the impacts of climate change, thus contributing to more informed and efficient governance.

Discover how science can transform environmental policies!

Related projects


Network for monitoring the state of forests in Catalonia. Detected episodes of forest decline linked to drought and other extreme climatic episodes are recorded in a georeferenced manner every year. This initiative helps sustainable forest management and promotes environmental restoration in Mediterranean ecosystems.


MEDACC wants to test innovative solutions to adapt our agroforestry and urban systems to climate change in Mediterranean ecosystems. The project promotes forest management strategies and nature-based solutions to face the impacts of climate change, improving ecosystems' resilience and capacity to sequester carbon.


PROGRESS seeks to initiate political change by improving the implementation of political instruments under the Structural Funds programs and other regional strategies dedicated to biodiversity conservation. This includes improving sustainable forest management, implementing adaptation strategies and protecting ecosystem services.

Success stories


Ecosystem services are the benefits humanity derives from natural capital, and are fundamental to biodiversity, economic prosperity and quality of life. The loss of these services due to the alteration of natural capital increases dependence on imported goods and increases the risk of disease and natural disasters. This creates an urgent need to optimize regional policies for the protection and sustainable use of natural capital.

Thanks to several collaborative projects, CREAF has contributed to the development of the Territorial Information System SITxell in Barcelona. This tool provides geolocated information about the potential ecosystem services of a specific area. This information is essential for valuing ecosystem services in territorial planning.

SITxell is currently used in the territorial plans of many municipalities in Catalonia and some areas of Europe, contributing to a change in mentality in the management of the territory and facilitating the protection of new areas.



The Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda is preparing the Intersectoral Plan for the Conservation of Wild Pollinators of Catalonia (PIPOL), a document with strategic actions to slow the decline of these insects essential for biodiversity. The plan addresses the situations and threats identified thanks to CREAF, the Museum of Natural Sciences of Granollers and IRTA, within the framework of the Natural Heritage and Biodiversity Observatory.

The knowledge accumulated by CREAF researchers on the importance of the diversity of pollinators to maintain populations and their complexities of interaction have been fundamental for the elaboration of the plan. In addition, CREAF has implemented innovative public awareness practices to facilitate the implementation of appropriate measures.