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Demonstration and validation of innovative methodology for regional climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean area

MEDACC aims at testing innovative solutions in order to adapt agro-forest and urban systems to climate change in the Mediterranean basin. 

MEDACC project (LIFE12 ENV/ES/000536 Demonstration and validation of innovative methodology for regional climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean area) is a 5-year multi-actor project which started in the summer of 2013. The project, supported by the EU LIFE+- Environmental Policy & Governance programme, has a budget of 2.548.841€, being the European Commission contribution of 1.266.208€.

MEDACC aims at testing innovative solutions in order to adapt agro-forest and urban systems to climate change in the Mediterranean basin. Thus, MEDACC contributes to the design and implementation of adaptive strategies and policies which are being developed at national and regional level in the Euro-Mediterranean area. In Catalonia, MEDACC will be a key tool in the implementation of the Catalan Strategy for Climate Change Adaptation (ESCACC 2013-2020).

In order to achieve these objectives, MEDACC will implement pilot actions to test adaptation measures in the agriculture, forestry and water management sectors. These measures will be designed and assessed by local stakeholders. Expected results will contribute to quantify how adaptation measures can reduce the vulnerability of natural systems and human activities to climate change. In addition, the project will assess the environmental and economic costs related to the application or not application of adaptation measures.
The project will focus on three specific watersheds in Catalonia (Muga, Ter and Segre), chosen to represent the Mediterranean diversity at a local scale. MEDACC attempts to provide a methodological approach extendable to other Mediterranean watersheds.


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