Seminars and internal activities

CREAF is a dynamic and proactive center with numerous scientific activities for sharing and learning. Don’t miss the CREAFTalks, Thematic Vermuts, or Journal Clubs! 

Seminaris i activitats internes
Creaftalks 2024-25

At CREAF, we organize an annual program of biweekly, short seminars showcasing global Ecology research and enhancing the relationship between research centers. Seminars take place on Thursdays at 12:00 pm and last 45 minutes, with ample time for questions and discussion afterward.

The seminars combine online and onsite formats (CREAF, Sala Graus II, Autonomous University of Barcelona, Spain), but in all cases, the talks are streamed live (not recorded), so they can be followed online.

CREAFTalks of 2024  

Gerard Rocamora

Gérard Rocamora

Island Biodiversity and Conservation center, University of Seychelles (Africa)

Restoring islands to save species and recreate native wildlife sanctuaries: the Seychelles experience

25 Apr 2024 - Onsite and online

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Carlos Sierra

Carlos Sierra

Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (Germany)

The transit time of carbon through the terrestrial biosphere.

26 Apr 2024 - Onsite and online

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Viviana Florencia Bondaruk

Viviana Florencia Bondaruk

Institute for Agricultural Plant Physiology and Ecology, Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Services crops to promote multifunctionality in agosystem in Argentina.

09 May 2024 - Onsite and online

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Rachel Lowe

Rachel Lowe

Barcelona Supercomputing Center (Spain)

Decision-support tools for climate-sensitive infectious diseases.

23 May 2024 - Onsite and online

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Marc Freestone

Marc Freestone

Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria, Australian National University (Australia)

Orchid conservation in Australia: global lessons for plant conservation from the world’s largest threatened orchid rewilding program.

06 Jun 2024 - Onsite and online

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Check out our previous CREAFTalks! 


Arjen de Groot & Marcel Polling

Wageningen Environmental Research (Netherlands)

Integrating eDNA analysis into innovative biomonitoring approaches for nature and agriculture.

14 Mar 2024

Ana M. C Santos

Centre for Biodiversity and Global Change CIBC-UAM (Spain)

Shit happens! Dung beetle diversity and ecosystem functions in a changing world.

12 Mar 2024

Álvaro Fernández-Llamazares

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)

Global efforts to characterize biodiversity patterns in Indigenous Peoples' lands.

29 Feb 2024

Forrest Fleischman

University of Minnesota (USA)

Restoration Social Science: A new Research Agenda on Ecological Restoration.

1 Feb 2024


Alicia Montesinos
Centro de Investigaciones sobre Desertificación (CIDE-CSIC)
Nitrogen transfer between plant species in natural and agro-ecosystems.
14 Des 2023

Mark Kéry
Swiss Ornithological Institute (Switzerland)
The dynamic occupancy (dynocc) model: one of the most under-utilised statistical models in ecology.
30 Nov 2023

Marta Goberna
Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA)
High phylogenetic turnover magnifies evolutionary relatedness along microbial primary succession.
16 Nov 2023


Anna Traveset
Instituto Mediterráneo de Estudios Avanzados-IMEDEA (CSIC-UIB)
How can island studies help us understanding the effects of global change on Earth biodiversity?.
2 Nov 2023

Sally Aitken
University of British Columbia (Canada)
Understanding and managing adaptation of widespread conifers to climate change.
24 Oct 2023

Elise Gronish
University of Arizona (USA)
Making aridland restoration better: Learning from (many) mistakes.
11 Oct 2023

Nicolas Martin St-Paul
INRAE (France)
A plant hydraulic perspective on the impact of climate change on forests and strategies for adaptation.
5 Oct 2023

Narcís Prat
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (Spain)
Drought in Catalonia: climate change or poor water management.
2 June 2023

Giuliano Maselli Locosselli
University of São Paulo (Brazil)
Tree-ring analyses for evidence-based decision-making.
19 May 2023

Arturo Pacheco
Columbia University (USA)
Quantitative wood anatomy: a window into the intrannual dynamics of tree growth.
05 May 2023

Elizabeth Callaway
University of Utah (USA)
Biodiversity and narrative: the ecosystems of science fiction.
20 Apr 2023

Karine Princé
CESCO - Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle,France
Biodiversity conservation in a changing world: the contribution from citizen science
31st March 2023

Kjell Overvåg
University of Agder, Norway
Towards more sustainable spatial planning in rural areas: insights from Norway
17th March 2023

Louis Lefebvre
McGill University, Canada
Comparing animal brains and intelligence
3rd March 2023

Darrel Jenerette
University of California, USA
Ecological components of urbanization in the context of a changing climate
17th February 2023

Adrià López Baucells
Museu de Ciències Naturals de Granollers
Bats and bugs: how to connect bat conservation with farmers and conservationist.
20th January 2023

Meet the scientific advisory board! 

Other activities

CREAF’s Themed Vermuts:

These are internal symposiums where CREAF staff share their research in brief presentations followed by a Q&A session with colleagues. Each presentation lasts 5 minutes, followed by 5 minutes of discussion. Vermuts provide an opportunity to meet in person, stay updated on CREAF's research, and discuss a specific topic over a casual gathering. 

Vermut forestal
Vermut biodivers
Vermut ecosistèmic

The Journal Club

Logo Journal Club

The Journal Club is a regular gathering where members come together to discuss recently published academic papers, articles, or research findings. It provides a platform for intellectual exchange, collaboration, and professional development within the research community. Before each meeting, members select a research article related to their area of interest. During the session, one member presents a summary of the chosen paper, highlighting its key findings, methodology, and implications. 

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