Mediterranean Basin

Els boscos mediterranis són el nostre laboratori natural per descobrir els secrets del món. Analitzem aquests ecosistemes tant en la seva estructura global com en les interaccions subtils entre les espècies i el seu entorn. La nostra recerca busca perfeccionar les tècniques de conservació i gestió per assegurar la resiliència dels boscos mediterranis davant els canvis climàtics i les pressions humanes. 

mar i bosc a un escenari mediterrani
Mediterranean basin

What Are the Values of Mediterranean Ecosystems?

Mediterranean ecosystems are extraordinary for several reasons. These ecosystems are biodiversity hotspots due to their unique biogeographic history. They are found in regions with a distinctive climate, characterized by a combination of dry periods with extreme temperatures, which give them a series of values to conserve:

  • Biodiversity: They host a wide variety of plant and animal species adapted to extreme climatic conditions.
  • Unique Adaptations: The species in these ecosystems have developed special adaptations to survive drought and intense heat.
  • Critical Ecological Functions: They provide essential environmental services for both nature's functioning and human well-being. They regulate biogeochemical cycles like carbon and water, offer vital services such as soil protection, erosion prevention, water conservation, and provide cultural and recreational values in one of the most densely populated areas of the planet.


Threats to Mediterranean Ecosystems

Mediterranean ecosystems face various threats, many of which are exacerbated by human activity:

  • Climate Change: They are situated at the transition between arid subtropical and temperate humid regions, and climate change projections indicate a trend towards increased aridity.
  • Wildfires: Wildfires are a natural part of these ecosystems, but their frequency and intensity have increased due to human intervention.
  • Land Use Changes: Urban expansion and intensive agriculture have profoundly altered the landscape and original ecosystems.
  • Alteration of Biogeochemical Cycles: Human activities have disrupted the natural cycles of nutrients and water. 

What have we done?

Project / Initiative
Fellowship Marie Curie

Investigating how intra-individual variability in embolism resistance helps plants to cope with increasing drought

Monimed 1
Project / Initiative
European Union Projects

Monitoring Mediterranean climate-smart forestry practices for climate resilience and ecosystem service provision

Project / Initiative
Contracts and agreements

Impacts of agricultural and forestry management on soil productivity improvement and its role as a carbon sink.