
Al CREAF, ens especialitzem en l'estudi dels boscos mediterranis, però la nostra recerca abasta també boscos de regions tan diverses com l'Amazones, el Tibet i moltes altres parts del món. Els resultats de la nostra recerca han de servir per millorar estratègies de gestió forestal sostenibles, que vetllin per la conservació dels valors naturals, socials i econòmics que ens proporcionen. 


Why are forests so important?

Forests are the predominant terrestrial ecosystems on Earth, they cover approximately 30% of the Earth's surface and extend across all continents. They contain 80% of plant biomass and represent 75% of the gross primary productivity of terrestrial ecosystems.

Forests provide many vital ecosystem services for people:

  • Carbon absorption and fixation: Forests act as carbon sinks, helping to mitigate climate change.
  • Regulation of water resources: They play a crucial role in the water cycle, maintaining the quality and availability of this resource.
  • Prevention of erosion and desertification: Tree roots help stabilize the soil, preventing erosion and desertification.
  • Regulation of gas exchange: They contribute to the exchange of gases such as oxygen and carbon dioxide.
  • Wood production: They provide renewable raw materials for multiple uses.
  • Conservation of biodiversity: They favor the conservation of a wide variety of species and habitats.


Forest threats

Global change has significantly altered the structure, composition and functioning of forest ecosystems. Forests face various natural and human disturbances, such as forest fires, droughts, pests, unsustainable forest management.

What have we done?

Project / Initiative
National Projects

Sentinels of the Forest

Project / Initiative
Projectes nacional

Custody of the territory as a tool for the conservation of multifunctional forest biodiversity and generator of bioeconomy

Project / Initiative
Regional projects

Forests and climate change mitigation