Ecological shifts, internet-of-things and functional responses of forests under increasing global warming pressures
The EcoFun project implements automated sensor networks to monitor key functions of Mediterranean ecosystems and their relationship with microclimatic variability. Using real-time IoT technologies, it characterizes functional responses to global warming pressures and extreme events. It also establishes a real-time monitoring and early warning system to assess forest vulnerability.
The design and implementation of networks of automated sensors monitoring key ecosystemic functions and their relationships with microclimatic variability stands as an open research frontier. Using innovative internet-of-things (IoT) technologies, the project EcoFun will allow an improved assessment of the functional responses of Mediterranean forests to increased global warming pressures and novel regimes of extreme events.
More specifically, the project will implement parallel measures of multiple ecosystem functions at the tree level, applying real-time IoT approaches in unique long-term ecological research sites. These measurements will allow the characterization and modelling of threshold responses linking ecosystemic functions with increasing soil drought and heat stress. Finally, the network of automated sensors will establish a real-time monitoring and early warning system for the assessment of forest vulnerability.
Proyecto PID2023-151488OB-I00 financiado por MICIU/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 y por FEDER, UE