Regenerative Agriculture

Al CREAF, investiguem com transformar l’agricultura convencional en un model regeneratiu efectiu. Estudiem l'impacte de les pràctiques regeneratives sobre la salut del sòl, la biodiversitat i la sostenibilitat dels cultius. Utilitzem tècniques avançades per mesurar els beneficis d’aquest model en la lluita contra el canvi climàtic i en la millora de la producció agrícola. El nostre objectiu és contribuir a una agricultura més saludable i sostenible que beneficiï tant l’entorn com les comunitats rurals. 

Agricultura Regenerativa
Agricultura Regenerativa

What is Regenerative Agriculture?

Regenerative agriculture is an innovative model aimed not only at maintaining but also improving soil health and biodiversity. Unlike conventional agriculture, which often degrades the land, this approach promotes techniques that revitalize agricultural ecosystems, such as eliminating tillage, maintaining plant cover, and integrating farming with livestock.

Transitioning from conventional to regenerative farming also involves avoiding chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and opting for natural and sustainable solutions.


Climate Benefits and Adaptation to Climate Change

Regenerative agriculture enhances soil health and offers significant climate benefits by increasing the soil’s ability to retain CO₂. Additionally, regenerative practices can make crops more resilient to extreme conditions like droughts. By increasing the organic matter content in the soil, more water is stored, reducing the impacts of flooding and erosion during heavy rains. This makes regenerative agriculture a valuable tool in the fight against climate change.