Nature-Based Solutions

Al CREAF, investiguem com les solucions basades en la natura poden ser efectives per afrontar problemes ambientals concrets.  També explorem com aquestes solucions poden adaptar-se a les condicions locals i complementar les mesures tecnològiques existents. La nostra recerca demostra que les estratègies naturals no només són beneficioses per al medi ambient, sinó que també poden ser més econòmiques i sostenibles a llarg termini. 

Nature Based Solutions

What are Nature-Based Solutions?

Nature-based solutions are strategies that use natural processes to address human challenges and restore ecosystems. This approach differs from traditional solutions, which are based on technology or concrete, by leveraging nature as an ally. For example, instead of installing concrete infrastructure to control flooding, we can restore wetlands and forests, which act as natural sponges to absorb water.

Implementing these solutions involves several steps: first, it is necessary to assess the specific environmental problem, such as soil degradation or water pollution. Then, strategies need to be designed that use nature to address these problems, such as restoring natural ecosystems, using plants to filter contaminants, or creating green spaces in urban areas.


Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation


Nature-based solutions are crucial for both climate change adaptation and mitigation. For instance, restoring forests and wetlands can increase the soil’s ability to retain water, reducing the risk of flooding and drought. Additionally, forests act as carbon sinks, absorbing CO₂ from the atmosphere and helping to mitigate global warming. Restored ecosystems can also be more resilient to extreme climatic conditions, enhancing our resilience to climate change. 


What have we done?

Aigua i canvi global
Research group
Regional projects

Water and Global Change

Research group
Regional projects

Research and development of mountain systems